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15 Other Programming Languages

While the presentation of gettext focuses mostly on C and implicitly applies to C++ as well, its scope is far broader than that: Many programming languages, scripting languages and other textual data like GUI resources or package descriptions can make use of the gettext approach.

15.1 The Language Implementor's View

All programming and scripting languages that have the notion of strings are eligible to supporting gettext. Supporting gettext means the following:

  1. You should add to the language a syntax for translatable strings. In principle, a function call of gettext would do, but a shorthand syntax helps keeping the legibility of internationalized programs. For example, in C we use the syntax _("string"), and in GNU awk we use the shorthand _"string".
  2. You should arrange that evaluation of such a translatable string at runtime calls the gettext function, or performs equivalent processing.
  3. Similarly, you should make the functions ngettext, dcgettext, dcngettext available from within the language. These functions are less often used, but are nevertheless necessary for particular purposes: ngettext for correct plural handling, and dcgettext and dcngettext for obeying other locale environment variables than LC_MESSAGES, such as LC_TIME or LC_MONETARY. For these latter functions, you need to make the LC_* constants, available in the C header <locale.h>, referenceable from within the language, usually either as enumeration values or as strings.
  4. You should allow the programmer to designate a message domain, either by making the textdomain function available from within the language, or by introducing a magic variable called TEXTDOMAIN. Similarly, you should allow the programmer to designate where to search for message catalogs, by providing access to the bindtextdomain function.
  5. You should either perform a setlocale (LC_ALL, "") call during the startup of your language runtime, or allow the programmer to do so. Remember that gettext will act as a no-op if the LC_MESSAGES and LC_CTYPE locale facets are not both set.
  6. A programmer should have a way to extract translatable strings from a program into a PO file. The GNU xgettext program is being extended to support very different programming languages. Please contact the GNU gettext maintainers to help them doing this. If the string extractor is best integrated into your language's parser, GNU xgettext can function as a front end to your string extractor.
  7. The language's library should have a string formatting facility where the arguments of a format string are denoted by a positional number or a name. This is needed because for some languages and some messages with more than one substitutable argument, the translation will need to output the substituted arguments in different order. See section 4.6 Special Comments preceding Keywords.
  8. If the language has more than one implementation, and not all of the implementations use gettext, but the programs should be portable across implementations, you should provide a no-i18n emulation, that makes the other implementations accept programs written for yours, without actually translating the strings.
  9. To help the programmer in the task of marking translatable strings, which is sometimes performed using the Emacs PO mode (see section 4.5 Marking Translatable Strings), you are welcome to contact the GNU gettext maintainers, so they can add support for your language to ‘po-mode.el’.

On the implementation side, three approaches are possible, with different effects on portability and copyright:

15.2 The Programmer's View

For the programmer, the general procedure is the same as for the C language. The Emacs PO mode marking supports other languages, and the GNU xgettext string extractor recognizes other languages based on the file extension or a command-line option. In some languages, setlocale is not needed because it is already performed by the underlying language runtime.

15.3 The Translator's View

The translator works exactly as in the C language case. The only difference is that when translating format strings, she has to be aware of the language's particular syntax for positional arguments in format strings.

15.3.1 C Format Strings

C format strings are described in POSIX (IEEE P1003.1 2001), section XSH 3 fprintf(), http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/functions/fprintf.html. See also the fprintf() manual page, http://www.linuxvalley.it/encyclopedia/ldp/manpage/man3/printf.3.php, http://informatik.fh-wuerzburg.de/student/i510/man/printf.html.

Although format strings with positions that reorder arguments, such as

"Only %2$d bytes free on '%1$s'."

which is semantically equivalent to

"'%s' has only %d bytes free."

are a POSIX/XSI feature and not specified by ISO C 99, translators can rely on this reordering ability: On the few platforms where printf(), fprintf() etc. don't support this feature natively, ‘libintl.a’ or ‘libintl.so’ provides replacement functions, and GNU <libintl.h> activates these replacement functions automatically.

As a special feature for Farsi (Persian) and maybe Arabic, translators can insert an ‘I’ flag into numeric format directives. For example, the translation of "%d" can be "%Id". The effect of this flag, on systems with GNU libc, is that in the output, the ASCII digits are replaced with the ‘outdigits’ defined in the LC_CTYPE locale facet. On other systems, the gettext function removes this flag, so that it has no effect.

Note that the programmer should not put this flag into the untranslated string. (Putting the ‘I’ format directive flag into an msgid string would lead to undefined behaviour on platforms without glibc when NLS is disabled.)

15.3.2 Objective C Format Strings

Objective C format strings are like C format strings. They support an additional format directive: "$@", which when executed consumes an argument of type Object *.

15.3.3 Shell Format Strings

Shell format strings, as supported by GNU gettext and the ‘envsubst’ program, are strings with references to shell variables in the form $variable or ${variable}. References of the form ${variable-default}, ${variable:-default}, ${variable=default}, ${variable:=default}, ${variable+replacement}, ${variable:+replacement}, ${variable?ignored}, ${variable:?ignored}, that would be valid inside shell scripts, are not supported. The variable names must consist solely of alphanumeric or underscore ASCII characters, not start with a digit and be nonempty; otherwise such a variable reference is ignored.

15.3.4 Python Format Strings

Python format strings are described in Python Library reference / 2. Built-in Types, Exceptions and Functions / 2.2. Built-in Types / 2.2.6. Sequence Types / String Formatting Operations. http://www.python.org/doc/2.2.1/lib/typesseq-strings.html.

15.3.5 Lisp Format Strings

Lisp format strings are described in the Common Lisp HyperSpec, chapter 22.3 Formatted Output, http://www.lisp.org/HyperSpec/Body/sec_22-3.html.

15.3.6 Emacs Lisp Format Strings

Emacs Lisp format strings are documented in the Emacs Lisp reference, section Formatting Strings, http://www.gnu.org/manual/elisp-manual-21-2.8/html_chapter/elisp_4.html#SEC75. Note that as of version 21, XEmacs supports numbered argument specifications in format strings while FSF Emacs doesn't.

15.3.7 librep Format Strings

librep format strings are documented in the librep manual, section Formatted Output, http://librep.sourceforge.net/librep-manual.html#Formatted%20Output, http://www.gwinnup.org/research/docs/librep.html#SEC122.

15.3.8 Scheme Format Strings

Scheme format strings are documented in the SLIB manual, section Format Specification.

15.3.9 Smalltalk Format Strings

Smalltalk format strings are described in the GNU Smalltalk documentation, class CharArray, methods ‘bindWith:’ and ‘bindWithArguments:’. http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/gst-manual/gst_68.html#SEC238. In summary, a directive starts with ‘%’ and is followed by ‘%’ or a nonzero digit (‘1’ to ‘9’).

15.3.10 Java Format Strings

Java format strings are described in the JDK documentation for class java.text.MessageFormat, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html. See also the ICU documentation http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/apiref/classMessageFormat.html.

15.3.11 C# Format Strings

C# format strings are described in the .NET documentation for class System.String and in http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpConFormattingOverview.asp.

15.3.12 awk Format Strings

awk format strings are described in the gawk documentation, section Printf, http://www.gnu.org/manual/gawk/html_node/Printf.html#Printf.

15.3.13 Object Pascal Format Strings

Where is this documented?

15.3.14 YCP Format Strings

YCP sformat strings are described in the libycp documentation file:/usr/share/doc/packages/libycp/YCP-builtins.html. In summary, a directive starts with ‘%’ and is followed by ‘%’ or a nonzero digit (‘1’ to ‘9’).

15.3.15 Tcl Format Strings

Tcl format strings are described in the ‘format.n’ manual page, http://www.scriptics.com/man/tcl8.3/TclCmd/format.htm.

15.3.16 Perl Format Strings

There are two kinds format strings in Perl: those acceptable to the Perl built-in function printf, labelled as ‘perl-format’, and those acceptable to the libintl-perl function __x, labelled as ‘perl-brace-format’.

Perl printf format strings are described in the sprintf section of ‘man perlfunc’.

Perl brace format strings are described in the ‘Locale::TextDomain(3pm)’ manual page of the CPAN package libintl-perl. In brief, Perl format uses placeholders put between braces (‘{’ and ‘}’). The placeholder must have the syntax of simple identifiers.

15.3.17 PHP Format Strings

PHP format strings are described in the documentation of the PHP function sprintf, in ‘phpdoc/manual/function.sprintf.html’ or http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.sprintf.php.

15.3.18 GCC internal Format Strings

These format strings are used inside the GCC sources. In such a format string, a directive starts with ‘%’, is optionally followed by a size specifier ‘l’, an optional flag ‘+’, another optional flag ‘#’, and is finished by a specifier: ‘%’ denotes a literal percent sign, ‘c’ denotes a character, ‘s’ denotes a string, ‘i’ and ‘d’ denote an integer, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘x’ denote an unsigned integer, ‘.*s’ denotes a string preceded by a width specification, ‘H’ denotes a ‘location_t *’ pointer, ‘D’ denotes a general declaration, ‘F’ denotes a function declaration, ‘T’ denotes a type, ‘A’ denotes a function argument, ‘C’ denotes a tree code, ‘E’ denotes an expression, ‘L’ denotes a programming language, ‘O’ denotes a binary operator, ‘P’ denotes a function parameter, ‘Q’ denotes an assignment operator, ‘V’ denotes a const/volatile qualifier.

15.3.19 Qt Format Strings

Qt format strings are described in the documentation of the QString class file:/usr/lib/qt-3.0.5/doc/html/qstring.html. In summary, a directive consists of a ‘%’ followed by a digit. The same directive cannot occur more than once in a format string.

15.3.20 Boost Format Strings

Boost format strings are described in the documentation of the boost::format class, at http://www.boost.org/libs/format/doc/format.html. In summary, a directive has either the same syntax as in a C format string, such as ‘%1$+5d’, or may be surrounded by vertical bars, such as ‘%|1$+5d|’ or ‘%|1$+5|’, or consists of just an argument number between percent signs, such as ‘%1%’.

15.4 The Maintainer's View

For the maintainer, the general procedure differs from the C language case in two ways.

15.5 Individual Programming Languages

15.5.1 C, C++, Objective C

gcc, gpp, gobjc, glibc, gettext
File extension
For C: c, h.
For C++: C, c++, cc, cxx, cpp, hpp.
For Objective C: m.
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext
textdomain function
bindtextdomain function
Programmer must call setlocale (LC_ALL, "")
#include <libintl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#define _(string) gettext (string)
Use or emulate GNU gettext
xgettext -k_
Formatting with positions
fprintf "%2$d %1$d"
In C++: autosprintf "%2$d %1$d" (see section ���Introduction��� in GNU autosprintf)
autoconf (gettext.m4) and #if ENABLE_NLS
po-mode marking

The following examples are available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-c, hello-c-gnome, hello-c++, hello-c++-qt, hello-c++-kde, hello-c++-gnome, hello-c++-wxwidgets, hello-objc, hello-objc-gnustep, hello-objc-gnome.

15.5.2 sh - Shell Script

bash, gettext
File extension
String syntax
"abc", 'abc', abc
gettext shorthand
"`gettext \"abc\"`"
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, ngettext programs
eval_gettext, eval_ngettext shell functions
environment variable TEXTDOMAIN
environment variable TEXTDOMAINDIR
. gettext.sh
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
fully portable
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-sh. Preparing Shell Scripts for Internationalization

Preparing a shell script for internationalization is conceptually similar to the steps described in section 4 Preparing Program Sources. The concrete steps for shell scripts are as follows.

  1. Insert the line
    . gettext.sh
    near the top of the script. gettext.sh is a shell function library that provides the functions eval_gettext (see section Invoking the eval_gettext function) and eval_ngettext (see section Invoking the eval_ngettext function). You have to ensure that gettext.sh can be found in the PATH.
  2. Set and export the TEXTDOMAIN and TEXTDOMAINDIR environment variables. Usually TEXTDOMAIN is the package or program name, and TEXTDOMAINDIR is the absolute pathname corresponding to $prefix/share/locale, where $prefix is the installation location.
    export TEXTDOMAIN
  3. Prepare the strings for translation, as described in section 4.3 Preparing Translatable Strings.
  4. Simplify translatable strings so that they don't contain command substitution ("`...`" or "$(...)"), variable access with defaulting (like ${variable-default}), access to positional arguments (like $0, $1, ...) or highly volatile shell variables (like $?). This can always be done through simple local code restructuring. For example,
    echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION] FILE..."
    echo "Usage: $program_name [OPTION] FILE..."
    echo "Remaining files: `ls | wc -l`"
    filecount="`ls | wc -l`"
    echo "Remaining files: $filecount"
  5. For each translatable string, change the output command ‘echo’ or ‘$echo’ to ‘gettext’ (if the string contains no references to shell variables) or to ‘eval_gettext’ (if it refers to shell variables), followed by a no-argument ‘echo’ command (to account for the terminating newline). Similarly, for cases with plural handling, replace a conditional ‘echo’ command with an invocation of ‘ngettext’ or ‘eval_ngettext’, followed by a no-argument ‘echo’ command. When doing this, you also need to add an extra backslash before the dollar sign in references to shell variables, so that the ‘eval_gettext’ function receives the translatable string before the variable values are substituted into it. For example,
    echo "Remaining files: $filecount"
    eval_gettext "Remaining files: \$filecount"; echo
    If the output command is not ‘echo’, you can make it use ‘echo’ nevertheless, through the use of backquotes. However, note that inside backquotes, backslashes must be doubled to be effective (because the backquoting eats one level of backslashes). For example, assuming that ‘error’ is a shell function that signals an error,
    error "file not found: $filename"
    is first transformed into
    error "`echo \"file not found: \$filename\"`"
    which then becomes
    error "`eval_gettext \"file not found: \\\$filename\"`" Contents of gettext.sh

gettext.sh, contained in the run-time package of GNU gettext, provides the following: Invoking the gettext program

gettext [option] [[textdomain] msgid]
gettext [option] -s [msgid]...

The gettext program displays the native language translation of a textual message.


‘-d textdomain
Retrieve translated messages from textdomain. Usually a textdomain corresponds to a package, a program, or a module of a program.
Enable expansion of some escape sequences. This option is for compatibility with the ‘echo’ program or shell built-in. The escape sequences ‘\a’, ‘\b’, ‘\c’, ‘\f’, ‘\n’, ‘\r’, ‘\t’, ‘\v’, ‘\\’, and ‘\’ followed by one to three octal digits, are interpreted like the System V ‘echo’ program did.
This option is only for compatibility with the ‘echo’ program or shell built-in. It has no effect.
Display this help and exit.
Suppress trailing newline. By default, gettext adds a newline to the output.
Output version information and exit.
‘[textdomain] msgid
Retrieve translated message corresponding to msgid from textdomain.

If the textdomain parameter is not given, the domain is determined from the environment variable TEXTDOMAIN. If the message catalog is not found in the regular directory, another location can be specified with the environment variable TEXTDOMAINDIR.

When used with the -s option the program behaves like the ‘echo’ command. But it does not simply copy its arguments to stdout. Instead those messages found in the selected catalog are translated. Invoking the ngettext program

ngettext [option] [textdomain] msgid msgid-plural count

The ngettext program displays the native language translation of a textual message whose grammatical form depends on a number.


‘-d textdomain
Retrieve translated messages from textdomain. Usually a textdomain corresponds to a package, a program, or a module of a program.
Enable expansion of some escape sequences. This option is for compatibility with the ‘gettext’ program. The escape sequences ‘\a’, ‘\b’, ‘\c’, ‘\f’, ‘\n’, ‘\r’, ‘\t’, ‘\v’, ‘\\’, and ‘\’ followed by one to three octal digits, are interpreted like the System V ‘echo’ program did.
This option is only for compatibility with the ‘gettext’ program. It has no effect.
Display this help and exit.
Output version information and exit.
Retrieve translated message from textdomain.
msgid msgid-plural
Translate msgid (English singular) / msgid-plural (English plural).
Choose singular/plural form based on this value.

If the textdomain parameter is not given, the domain is determined from the environment variable TEXTDOMAIN. If the message catalog is not found in the regular directory, another location can be specified with the environment variable TEXTDOMAINDIR. Invoking the envsubst program

envsubst [option] [shell-format]

The envsubst program substitutes the values of environment variables.

Operation mode

Output the variables occurring in shell-format.

Informative output

Display this help and exit.
Output version information and exit.

In normal operation mode, standard input is copied to standard output, with references to environment variables of the form $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE} being replaced with the corresponding values. If a shell-format is given, only those environment variables that are referenced in shell-format are substituted; otherwise all environment variables references occurring in standard input are substituted.

These substitutions are a subset of the substitutions that a shell performs on unquoted and double-quoted strings. Other kinds of substitutions done by a shell, such as ${variable-default} or $(command-list) or `command-list`, are not performed by the envsubst program, due to security reasons.

When --variables is used, standard input is ignored, and the output consists of the environment variables that are referenced in shell-format, one per line. Invoking the eval_gettext function

eval_gettext msgid

This function outputs the native language translation of a textual message, performing dollar-substitution on the result. Note that only shell variables mentioned in msgid will be dollar-substituted in the result. Invoking the eval_ngettext function

eval_ngettext msgid msgid-plural count

This function outputs the native language translation of a textual message whose grammatical form depends on a number, performing dollar-substitution on the result. Note that only shell variables mentioned in msgid or msgid-plural will be dollar-substituted in the result.

15.5.3 bash - Bourne-Again Shell Script

GNU bash 2.0 or newer has a special shorthand for translating a string and substituting variable values in it: $"msgid". But the use of this construct is discouraged, due to the security holes it opens and due to its portability problems.

The security holes of $"..." come from the fact that after looking up the translation of the string, bash processes it like it processes any double-quoted string: dollar and backquote processing, like ‘eval’ does.

  1. In a locale whose encoding is one of BIG5, BIG5-HKSCS, GBK, GB18030, SHIFT_JIS, JOHAB, some double-byte characters have a second byte whose value is 0x60. For example, the byte sequence \xe0\x60 is a single character in these locales. Many versions of bash (all versions up to bash-2.05, and newer versions on platforms without mbsrtowcs() function) don't know about character boundaries and see a backquote character where there is only a particular Chinese character. Thus it can start executing part of the translation as a command list. This situation can occur even without the translator being aware of it: if the translator provides translations in the UTF-8 encoding, it is the gettext() function which will, during its conversion from the translator's encoding to the user's locale's encoding, produce the dangerous \x60 bytes.
  2. A translator could - voluntarily or inadvertently - use backquotes "`...`" or dollar-parentheses "$(...)" in her translations. The enclosed strings would be executed as command lists by the shell.

The portability problem is that bash must be built with internationalization support; this is normally not the case on systems that don't have the gettext() function in libc.

15.5.4 Python

File extension
String syntax
'abc', u'abc', r'abc', ur'abc',
"abc", u"abc", r"abc", ur"abc",
���'abc���', u���'abc���', r���'abc���', ur���'abc���',
"""abc""", u"""abc""", r"""abc""", ur"""abc"""
gettext shorthand
_('abc') etc.
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext.gettext, gettext.dgettext, gettext.ngettext, gettext.dngettext, also ugettext, ungettext
gettext.textdomain function, or gettext.install(domain) function
gettext.bindtextdomain function, or gettext.install(domain,localedir) function
not used by the gettext emulation
import gettext
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
'...%(ident)d...' % { 'ident': value }
fully portable
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-python.

15.5.5 GNU clisp - Common Lisp

clisp 2.28 or newer
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
(_ "abc"), (ENGLISH "abc")
gettext/ngettext functions
i18n:gettext, i18n:ngettext
Use or emulate GNU gettext
xgettext -k_ -kENGLISH
Formatting with positions
format "~1@*~D ~0@*~D"
On platforms without gettext, no translation.
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-clisp.

15.5.6 GNU clisp C sources

File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
ENGLISH ? "abc" : ""
gettext/ngettext functions
clgettext, clgettextl
#include "lispbibl.c"
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
fprintf "%2$d %1$d"
On platforms without gettext, no translation.
po-mode marking

15.5.7 Emacs Lisp

emacs, xemacs
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, dgettext (xemacs only)
domain special form (xemacs only)
bind-text-domain function (xemacs only)
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
format "%2$d %1$d"
Only XEmacs. Without I18N3 defined at build time, no translation.
po-mode marking

15.5.8 librep

librep 0.15.3 or newer
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
textdomain function
bindtextdomain function
(require 'rep.i18n.gettext)
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
format "%2$d %1$d"
On platforms without gettext, no translation.
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-librep.

15.5.9 GNU guile - Scheme

File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
(_ "abc")
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, ngettext
(catch #t (lambda () (setlocale LC_ALL "")) (lambda args #f))
(use-modules (ice-9 format))
Use or emulate GNU gettext
xgettext -k_
Formatting with positions
On platforms without gettext, no translation.
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-guile.

15.5.10 GNU Smalltalk

File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
NLS ? 'abc'
gettext/ngettext functions
LcMessagesDomain>>#at:, LcMessagesDomain>>#at:plural:with:
LcMessages>>#domain:localeDirectory: (returns a LcMessagesDomain object).
Example: I18N Locale default messages domain: 'gettext' localeDirectory: /usr/local/share/locale'
LcMessages>>#domain:localeDirectory:, see above.
Automatic if you use I18N Locale default.
PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'I18N'!
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
'%1 %2' bindWith: 'Hello' with: 'world'
fully portable
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-smalltalk.

15.5.11 Java

java, java2
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
GettextResource.gettext, GettextResource.ngettext
---, use ResourceBundle.getResource instead
---, use CLASSPATH instead
Use or emulate GNU gettext
---, uses a Java specific message catalog format
xgettext -k_
Formatting with positions
MessageFormat.format "{1,number} {0,number}"
fully portable
po-mode marking

Before marking strings as internationalizable, uses of the string concatenation operator need to be converted to MessageFormat applications. For example, "file "+filename+" not found" becomes MessageFormat.format("file {0} not found", new Object[] { filename }). Only after this is done, can the strings be marked and extracted.

GNU gettext uses the native Java internationalization mechanism, namely ResourceBundles. There are two formats of ResourceBundles: .properties files and .class files. The .properties format is a text file which the translators can directly edit, like PO files, but which doesn't support plural forms. Whereas the .class format is compiled from .java source code and can support plural forms (provided it is accessed through an appropriate API, see below).

To convert a PO file to a .properties file, the msgcat program can be used with the option --properties-output. To convert a .properties file back to a PO file, the msgcat program can be used with the option --properties-input. All the tools that manipulate PO files can work with .properties files as well, if given the --properties-input and/or --properties-output option.

To convert a PO file to a ResourceBundle class, the msgfmt program can be used with the option --java or --java2. To convert a ResourceBundle back to a PO file, the msgunfmt program can be used with the option --java.

Two different programmatic APIs can be used to access ResourceBundles. Note that both APIs work with all kinds of ResourceBundles, whether GNU gettext generated classes, or other .class or .properties files.

  1. The java.util.ResourceBundle API. In particular, its getString function returns a string translation. Note that a missing translation yields a MissingResourceException. This has the advantage of being the standard API. And it does not require any additional libraries, only the msgcat generated .properties files or the msgfmt generated .class files. But it cannot do plural handling, even if the resource was generated by msgfmt from a PO file with plural handling.
  2. The gnu.gettext.GettextResource API. Reference documentation in Javadoc 1.1 style format is in the javadoc1 directory and in Javadoc 2 style format in the javadoc2 directory. Its gettext function returns a string translation. Note that when a translation is missing, the msgid argument is returned unchanged. This has the advantage of having the ngettext function for plural handling. To use this API, one needs the libintl.jar file which is part of the GNU gettext package and distributed under the LGPL.

Three examples, using the second API, are available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-java, hello-java-awt, hello-java-swing.

Now, to make use of the API and define a shorthand for ‘getString’, there are three idioms that you can choose from:

Which of the three idioms you choose, will depend on whether your project requires portability to Java versions prior to Java 1.5 and, if so, whether copying two lines of codes into every class is more acceptable in your project than a class with a single-letter name.

15.5.12 C#

pnet, pnetlib 0.6.2 or newer, or mono 0.29 or newer
File extension
String syntax
"abc", @"abc"
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
GettextResourceManager.GetString, GettextResourceManager.GetPluralString
new GettextResourceManager(domain)
---, compiled message catalogs are located in subdirectories of the directory containing the executable
Use or emulate GNU gettext
---, uses a C# specific message catalog format
xgettext -k_
Formatting with positions
String.Format "{1} {0}"
fully portable
po-mode marking

Before marking strings as internationalizable, uses of the string concatenation operator need to be converted to String.Format invocations. For example, "file "+filename+" not found" becomes String.Format("file {0} not found", filename). Only after this is done, can the strings be marked and extracted.

GNU gettext uses the native C#/.NET internationalization mechanism, namely the classes ResourceManager and ResourceSet. Applications use the ResourceManager methods to retrieve the native language translation of strings. An instance of ResourceSet is the in-memory representation of a message catalog file. The ResourceManager loads and accesses ResourceSet instances as needed to look up the translations.

There are two formats of ResourceSets that can be directly loaded by the C# runtime: .resources files and .dll files.

Note that these .NET .dll and .exe files are not tied to a particular platform; their file format and GNU gettext for C# can be used on any platform.

To convert a PO file to a .resources file, the msgfmt program can be used with the option ‘--csharp-resources’. To convert a .resources file back to a PO file, the msgunfmt program can be used with the option ‘--csharp-resources’. You can also, in some cases, use the resgen program (from the pnet package) or the monoresgen program (from the mono/mcs package). These programs can also convert a .resources file back to a PO file. But beware: as of this writing (January 2004), the monoresgen converter is quite buggy and the resgen converter ignores the encoding of the PO files.

To convert a PO file to a .dll file, the msgfmt program can be used with the option --csharp. The result will be a .dll file containing a subclass of GettextResourceSet, which itself is a subclass of ResourceSet. To convert a .dll file containing a GettextResourceSet subclass back to a PO file, the msgunfmt program can be used with the option --csharp.

The advantages of the .dll format over the .resources format are:

  1. Freedom to localize: Users can add their own translations to an application after it has been built and distributed. Whereas when the programmer uses a ResourceManager constructor provided by the system, the set of .resources files for an application must be specified when the application is built and cannot be extended afterwards.
  2. Plural handling: A message catalog in .dll format supports the plural handling function GetPluralString. Whereas .resources files can only contain data and only support lookups that depend on a single string.
  3. The GettextResourceManager that loads the message catalogs in .dll format also provides for inheritance on a per-message basis. For example, in Austrian (de_AT) locale, translations from the German (de) message catalog will be used for messages not found in the Austrian message catalog. This has the consequence that the Austrian translators need only translate those few messages for which the translation into Austrian differs from the German one. Whereas when working with .resources files, each message catalog must provide the translations of all messages by itself.
  4. The GettextResourceManager that loads the message catalogs in .dll format also provides for a fallback: The English msgid is returned when no translation can be found. Whereas when working with .resources files, a language-neutral .resources file must explicitly be provided as a fallback.

On the side of the programmatic APIs, the programmer can use either the standard ResourceManager API and the GNU GettextResourceManager API. The latter is an extension of the former, because GettextResourceManager is a subclass of ResourceManager.

  1. The System.Resources.ResourceManager API. This API works with resources in .resources format. The creation of the ResourceManager is done through
      new ResourceManager(domainname, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
    The GetString function returns a string's translation. Note that this function returns null when a translation is missing (i.e. not even found in the fallback resource file).
  2. The GNU.Gettext.GettextResourceManager API. This API works with resources in .dll format. Reference documentation is in the csharpdoc directory. The creation of the ResourceManager is done through
      new GettextResourceManager(domainname)
    The GetString function returns a string's translation. Note that when a translation is missing, the msgid argument is returned unchanged. The GetPluralString function returns a string translation with plural handling, like the ngettext function in C. To use this API, one needs the GNU.Gettext.dll file which is part of the GNU gettext package and distributed under the LGPL.

You can also mix both approaches: use the GNU.Gettext.GettextResourceManager constructor, but otherwise use only the ResourceManager type and only the GetString method. This is appropriate when you want to profit from the tools for PO files, but don't want to change an existing source code that uses ResourceManager and don't (yet) need the GetPluralString method.

Two examples, using the second API, are available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-csharp, hello-csharp-forms.

Now, to make use of the API and define a shorthand for ‘GetString’, there are two idioms that you can choose from:

Which of the two idioms you choose, will depend on whether copying two lines of codes into every class is more acceptable in your project than a class with a single-letter name.

15.5.13 GNU awk

gawk 3.1 or newer
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
dcgettext, missing dcngettext in gawk-3.1.0
bindtextdomain function
automatic, but missing setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "") in gawk-3.1.0
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
printf "%2$d %1$d" (GNU awk only)
On platforms without gettext, no translation. On non-GNU awks, you must define dcgettext, dcngettext and bindtextdomain yourself.
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-gawk.

15.5.14 Pascal - Free Pascal Compiler

File extension
pp, pas
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
---, use ResourceString data type instead
---, use TranslateResourceStrings function instead
---, use TranslateResourceStrings function instead
automatic, but uses only LANG, not LC_MESSAGES or LC_ALL
{$mode delphi} or {$mode objfpc}
uses gettext;
Use or emulate GNU gettext
emulate partially
ppc386 followed by xgettext or rstconv
Formatting with positions
uses sysutils;
format "%1:d %0:d"
po-mode marking

The Pascal compiler has special support for the ResourceString data type. It generates a .rst file. This is then converted to a .pot file by use of xgettext or rstconv. At runtime, a .mo file corresponding to translations of this .pot file can be loaded using the TranslateResourceStrings function in the gettext unit.

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-pascal.

15.5.15 wxWidgets library

wxGTK, gettext
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
wxLocale::GetString, wxGetTranslation
wxLocale::Init, wxSetLocale
#include <wx/intl.h>
Use or emulate GNU gettext
emulate, see include/wx/intl.h and src/common/intl.cpp
Formatting with positions
wxString::Format supports positions if and only if the system has wprintf(), vswprintf() functions and they support positions according to POSIX.
fully portable
po-mode marking

15.5.16 YCP - YaST2 scripting language

libycp, libycp-devel, yast2-core, yast2-core-devel
File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
_() with 1 or 3 arguments
textdomain statement
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
sformat "%2 %1"
fully portable
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-ycp.

15.5.17 Tcl - Tk's scripting language

File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
[_ "abc"]
gettext/ngettext functions
---, use ::msgcat::mcload instead
automatic, uses LANG, but ignores LC_MESSAGES and LC_ALL
package require msgcat
proc _ {s} {return [::msgcat::mc $s]}
Use or emulate GNU gettext
---, uses a Tcl specific message catalog format
xgettext -k_
Formatting with positions
format "%2\$d %1\$d"
fully portable
po-mode marking

Two examples are available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-tcl, hello-tcl-tk.

Before marking strings as internationalizable, substitutions of variables into the string need to be converted to format applications. For example, "file $filename not found" becomes [format "file %s not found" $filename]. Only after this is done, can the strings be marked and extracted. After marking, this example becomes [format [_ "file %s not found"] $filename] or [msgcat::mc "file %s not found" $filename]. Note that the msgcat::mc function implicitly calls format when more than one argument is given.

15.5.18 Perl

File extension
pl, PL, pm, cgi
String syntax
gettext shorthand
__ (double underscore)
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext
textdomain function
bindtextdomain function
bind_textdomain_codeset function
Use setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
use POSIX;
use Locale::TextDomain; (included in the package libintl-perl which is available on the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network CPAN, http://www.cpan.org/).
Use or emulate GNU gettext
platform dependent: gettext_pp emulates, gettext_xs uses GNU gettext
xgettext -k__ -k\$__ -k%__ -k__x -k__n:1,2 -k__nx:1,2 -k__xn:1,2 -kN__ -k
Formatting with positions
Both kinds of format strings support formatting with positions.
printf "%2\$d %1\$d", ... (requires Perl 5.8.0 or newer)
__expand("[new] replaces [old]", old => $oldvalue, new => $newvalue)
The libintl-perl package is platform independent but is not part of the Perl core. The programmer is responsible for providing a dummy implementation of the required functions if the package is not installed on the target system.
po-mode marking
Included in libintl-perl, available on CPAN (http://www.cpan.org/).

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-perl.

The xgettext parser backend for Perl differs significantly from the parser backends for other programming languages, just as Perl itself differs significantly from other programming languages. The Perl parser backend offers many more string marking facilities than the other backends but it also has some Perl specific limitations, the worst probably being its imperfectness. General Problems Parsing Perl Code

It is often heard that only Perl can parse Perl. This is not true. Perl cannot be parsed at all, it can only be executed. Perl has various built-in ambiguities that can only be resolved at runtime.

The following example may illustrate one common problem:

print gettext "Hello World!";

Although this example looks like a bullet-proof case of a function invocation, it is not:

open gettext, ">testfile" or die;
print gettext "Hello world!"

In this context, the string gettext looks more like a file handle. But not necessarily:

use Locale::Messages qw (:libintl_h);
open gettext ">testfile" or die;
print gettext "Hello world!";

Now, the file is probably syntactically incorrect, provided that the module Locale::Messages found first in the Perl include path exports a function gettext. But what if the module Locale::Messages really looks like this?

use vars qw (*gettext);


In this case, the string gettext will be interpreted as a file handle again, and the above example will create a file ‘testfile’ and write the string ���Hello world!��� into it. Even advanced control flow analysis will not really help:

if (0.5 < rand) {
   eval "use Sane";
} else {
   eval "use InSane";
print gettext "Hello world!";

If the module Sane exports a function gettext that does what we expect, and the module InSane opens a file for writing and associates the handle gettext with this output stream, we are clueless again about what will happen at runtime. It is completely unpredictable. The truth is that Perl has so many ways to fill its symbol table at runtime that it is impossible to interpret a particular piece of code without executing it.

Of course, xgettext will not execute your Perl sources while scanning for translatable strings, but rather use heuristics in order to guess what you meant.

Another problem is the ambiguity of the slash and the question mark. Their interpretation depends on the context:

# A pattern match.
print "OK\n" if /foobar/;

# A division.
print 1 / 2;

# Another pattern match.
print "OK\n" if ?foobar?;

# Conditional.
print $x ? "foo" : "bar";

The slash may either act as the division operator or introduce a pattern match, whereas the question mark may act as the ternary conditional operator or as a pattern match, too. Other programming languages like awk present similar problems, but the consequences of a misinterpretation are particularly nasty with Perl sources. In awk for instance, a statement can never exceed one line and the parser can recover from a parsing error at the next newline and interpret the rest of the input stream correctly. Perl is different, as a pattern match is terminated by the next appearance of the delimiter (the slash or the question mark) in the input stream, regardless of the semantic context. If a slash is really a division sign but mis-interpreted as a pattern match, the rest of the input file is most probably parsed incorrectly.

If you find that xgettext fails to extract strings from portions of your sources, you should therefore look out for slashes and/or question marks preceding these sections. You may have come across a bug in xgettext's Perl parser (and of course you should report that bug). In the meantime you should consider to reformulate your code in a manner less challenging to xgettext. Which keywords will xgettext look for?

Unless you instruct xgettext otherwise by invoking it with one of the options --keyword or -k, it will recognize the following keywords in your Perl sources: How to Extract Hash Keys

Translating messages at runtime is normally performed by looking up the original string in the translation database and returning the translated version. The ���natural��� Perl implementation is a hash lookup, and, of course, xgettext supports such practice.

print __"Hello world!";
print $__{"Hello world!"};
print $__->{"Hello world!"};
print $$__{"Hello world!"};

The above four lines all do the same thing. The Perl module Locale::TextDomain exports by default a hash %__ that is tied to the function __(). It also exports a reference $__ to %__.

If an argument to the xgettext option --keyword, resp. -k starts with a percent sign, the rest of the keyword is interpreted as the name of a hash. If it starts with a dollar sign, the rest of the keyword is interpreted as a reference to a hash.

Note that you can omit the quotation marks (single or double) around the hash key (almost) whenever Perl itself allows it:

print $gettext{Error};

The exact rule is: You can omit the surrounding quotes, when the hash key is a valid C (!) identifier, i.e. when it starts with an underscore or an ASCII letter and is followed by an arbitrary number of underscores, ASCII letters or digits. Other Unicode characters are not allowed, regardless of the use utf8 pragma. What are Strings And Quote-like Expressions?

Perl offers a plethora of different string constructs. Those that can be used either as arguments to functions or inside braces for hash lookups are generally supported by xgettext. Invalid Uses Of String Interpolation

Perl is capable of interpolating variables into strings. This offers some nice features in localized programs but can also lead to problems.

A common error is a construct like the following:

print gettext "This is the program $0!\n";

Perl will interpolate at runtime the value of the variable $0 into the argument of the gettext() function. Hence, this argument is not a string constant but a variable argument ($0 is a global variable that holds the name of the Perl script being executed). The interpolation is performed by Perl before the string argument is passed to gettext() and will therefore depend on the name of the script which can only be determined at runtime. Consequently, it is almost impossible that a translation can be looked up at runtime (except if, by accident, the interpolated string is found in the message catalog).

The xgettext program will therefore terminate parsing with a fatal error if it encounters a variable inside of an extracted string. In general, this will happen for all kinds of string interpolations that cannot be safely performed at compile time. If you absolutely know what you are doing, you can always circumvent this behavior:

my $know_what_i_am_doing = "This is program $0!\n";
print gettext $know_what_i_am_doing;

Since the parser only recognizes strings and quote-like expressions, but not variables or other terms, the above construct will be accepted. You will have to find another way, however, to let your original string make it into your message catalog.

If invoked with the option --extract-all, resp. -a, variable interpolation will be accepted. Rationale: You will generally use this option in order to prepare your sources for internationalization.

Please see the manual page ‘man perlop’ for details of strings and quote-like expressions that are subject to interpolation and those that are not. Safe interpolations (that will not lead to a fatal error) are:

The following escapes are considered partially safe:

These escapes are only considered safe if the string consists of ASCII characters only. Translation of characters outside the range defined by ASCII is locale-dependent and can actually only be performed at runtime; xgettext doesn't do these locale-dependent translations at extraction time.

Except for the modifier \Q, these translations, albeit valid, are generally useless and only obfuscate your sources. If a translation can be safely performed at compile time you can just as well write what you mean. Valid Uses Of String Interpolation

Perl is often used to generate sources for other programming languages or arbitrary file formats. Web applications that output HTML code make a prominent example for such usage.

You will often come across situations where you want to intersperse code written in the target (programming) language with translatable messages, like in the following HTML example:

print gettext <<EOF;
<h1>My Homepage</h1>
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    alert ("Thank you so much for visiting my homepage!");

The parser will extract the entire here document, and it will appear entirely in the resulting PO file, including the JavaScript snippet embedded in the HTML code. If you exaggerate with constructs like the above, you will run the risk that the translators of your package will look out for a less challenging project. You should consider an alternative expression here:

print <<EOF;
<h1>$gettext{"My Homepage"}</h1>
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    alert ("$gettext{'Thank you so much for visiting my homepage!'}");

Only the translatable portions of the code will be extracted here, and the resulting PO file will begrudgingly improve in terms of readability.

You can interpolate hash lookups in all strings or quote-like expressions that are subject to interpolation (see the manual page ‘man perlop’ for details). Double interpolation is invalid, however:

# TRANSLATORS: Replace "the earth" with the name of your planet.
print gettext qq{Welcome to $gettext->{"the earth"}};

The qq-quoted string is recognized as an argument to xgettext in the first place, and checked for invalid variable interpolation. The dollar sign of hash-dereferencing will therefore terminate the parser with an ���invalid interpolation��� error.

It is valid to interpolate hash lookups in regular expressions:

if ($var =~ /$gettext{"the earth"}/) {
   print gettext "Match!\n";
s/$gettext{"U. S. A."}/$gettext{"U. S. A."} $gettext{"(dial +0)"}/g; When To Use Parentheses

In Perl, parentheses around function arguments are mostly optional. xgettext will always assume that all recognized keywords (except for hashes and hash references) are names of properly prototyped functions, and will (hopefully) only require parentheses where Perl itself requires them. All constructs in the following example are therefore ok to use:

print gettext ("Hello World!\n");
print gettext "Hello World!\n";
print dgettext ($package => "Hello World!\n");
print dgettext $package, "Hello World!\n";

# The "fat comma" => turns the left-hand side argument into a
# single-quoted string!
print dgettext smellovision => "Hello World!\n";

# The following assignment only works with prototyped functions.
# Otherwise, the functions will act as "greedy" list operators and
# eat up all following arguments.
my $anonymous_hash = {
   planet => gettext "earth",
   cakes => ngettext "one cake", "several cakes", $n,
   still => $works,
# The same without fat comma:
my $other_hash = {
   'planet', gettext "earth",
   'cakes', ngettext "one cake", "several cakes", $n,
   'still', $works,

# Parentheses are only significant for the first argument.
print dngettext 'package', ("one cake", "several cakes", $n), $discarded; How To Grok with Long Lines

The necessity of long messages can often lead to a cumbersome or unreadable coding style. Perl has several options that may prevent you from writing unreadable code, and xgettext does its best to do likewise. This is where the dot operator (the string concatenation operator) may come in handy:

print gettext ("This is a very long"
               . " message that is still"
               . " readable, because"
               . " it is split into"
               . " multiple lines.\n");

Perl is smart enough to concatenate these constant string fragments into one long string at compile time, and so is xgettext. You will only find one long message in the resulting POT file.

Note that the future Perl 6 will probably use the underscore (‘_’) as the string concatenation operator, and the dot (‘.’) for dereferencing. This new syntax is not yet supported by xgettext.

If embedded newline characters are not an issue, or even desired, you may also insert newline characters inside quoted strings wherever you feel like it:

print gettext ("<em>In HTML output
embedded newlines are generally no
problem, since adjacent whitespace
is always rendered into a single
space character.</em>");

You may also consider to use here documents:

print gettext <<EOF;
<em>In HTML output
embedded newlines are generally no
problem, since adjacent whitespace
is always rendered into a single
space character.</em>

Please do not forget that the line breaks are real, i.e. they translate into newline characters that will consequently show up in the resulting POT file. Bugs, Pitfalls, And Things That Do Not Work

The foregoing sections should have proven that xgettext is quite smart in extracting translatable strings from Perl sources. Yet, some more or less exotic constructs that could be expected to work, actually do not work.

One of the more relevant limitations can be found in the implementation of variable interpolation inside quoted strings. Only simple hash lookups can be used there:

print <<EOF;
$gettext{"The dot operator"
          . " does not work"
          . "here!"}
Likewise, you cannot @{[ gettext ("interpolate function calls") ]}
inside quoted strings or quote-like expressions.

This is valid Perl code and will actually trigger invocations of the gettext function at runtime. Yet, the Perl parser in xgettext will fail to recognize the strings. A less obvious example can be found in the interpolation of regular expressions:

s/<!--START_OF_WEEK-->/gettext ("Sunday")/e;

The modifier e will cause the substitution to be interpreted as an evaluable statement. Consequently, at runtime the function gettext() is called, but again, the parser fails to extract the string ���Sunday���. Use a temporary variable as a simple workaround if you really happen to need this feature:

my $sunday = gettext "Sunday";

Hash slices would also be handy but are not recognized:

my @weekdays = @gettext{'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
                        'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'};
# Or even:
@weekdays = @gettext{qw (Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
                         Friday Saturday) };

This is perfectly valid usage of the tied hash %gettext but the strings are not recognized and therefore will not be extracted.

Another caveat of the current version is its rudimentary support for non-ASCII characters in identifiers. You may encounter serious problems if you use identifiers with characters outside the range of 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9' and the underscore '_'.

Maybe some of these missing features will be implemented in future versions, but since you can always make do without them at minimal effort, these todos have very low priority.

A nasty problem are brace format strings that already contain braces as part of the normal text, for example the usage strings typically encountered in programs:

die "usage: $0 {OPTIONS} FILENAME...\n";

If you want to internationalize this code with Perl brace format strings, you will run into a problem:

die __x ("usage: {program} {OPTIONS} FILENAME...\n", program => $0);

Whereas ‘{program}’ is a placeholder, ‘{OPTIONS}’ is not and should probably be translated. Yet, there is no way to teach the Perl parser in xgettext to recognize the first one, and leave the other one alone.

There are two possible work-arounds for this problem. If you are sure that your program will run under Perl 5.8.0 or newer (these Perl versions handle positional parameters in printf()) or if you are sure that the translator will not have to reorder the arguments in her translation -- for example if you have only one brace placeholder in your string, or if it describes a syntax, like in this one --, you can mark the string as no-perl-brace-format and use printf():

# xgettext: no-perl-brace-format
die sprintf ("usage: %s {OPTIONS} FILENAME...\n", $0);

If you want to use the more portable Perl brace format, you will have to do put placeholders in place of the literal braces:

die __x ("usage: {program} {[}OPTIONS{]} FILENAME...\n",
         program => $0, '[' => '{', ']' => '}');

Perl brace format strings know no escaping mechanism. No matter how this escaping mechanism looked like, it would either give the programmer a hard time, make translating Perl brace format strings heavy-going, or result in a performance penalty at runtime, when the format directives get executed. Most of the time you will happily get along with printf() for this special case.

15.5.19 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

mod_php4, mod_php4-core, phpdoc
File extension
php, php3, php4
String syntax
"abc", 'abc'
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext; starting with PHP 4.2.0 also ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext
textdomain function
bindtextdomain function
Programmer must call setlocale (LC_ALL, "")
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
printf "%2\$d %1\$d"
On platforms without gettext, the functions are not available.
po-mode marking

An example is available in the ‘examples’ directory: hello-php.

15.5.20 Pike

File extension
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext
textdomain function
bindtextdomain function
setlocale function
import Locale.Gettext;
Use or emulate GNU gettext
Formatting with positions
On platforms without gettext, the functions are not available.
po-mode marking

15.5.21 GNU Compiler Collection sources

File extension
c, h.
String syntax
gettext shorthand
gettext/ngettext functions
gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, ngettext, dngettext, dcngettext
textdomain function
bindtextdomain function
Programmer must call setlocale (LC_ALL, "")
#include "intl.h"
Use or emulate GNU gettext
xgettext -k_
Formatting with positions
Uses autoconf macros
po-mode marking

15.6 Internationalizable Data

Here is a list of other data formats which can be internationalized using GNU gettext.

15.6.1 POT - Portable Object Template

File extension
pot, po

15.6.2 Resource String Table

File extension
xgettext, rstconv

15.6.3 Glade - GNOME user interface description

glade, libglade, glade2, libglade2, intltool
File extension
glade, glade2
xgettext, libglade-xgettext, xml-i18n-extract, intltool-extract

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