EX05: An example in which Pascal program text is rearranged to form an ADT. This example demonstrates the use of additive macros. @!****************************** @O@<ex05.out@>==@{@- program adt(input,output); @<Types@> @<Variables@> @<Procedures@> begin startproc; end. @} @!****************************** @$@<Types@>+=@{@- type buffer_type = record length : integer; buf : array[1..100] of char; end; @} @$@<Variables@>+=@{@- bigbuf : buffer_type; @} @$@<Procedures@>+=@{@- procedure buf_init (var b : buffer_type ) {Body of buf_init} procedure buf_add (var b : buffer_type; ch : char) {Body of buf_add} procedure buf_get (var b : buffer_type; var ch : char) {Body of buf_get} @} @!****************************** @$@<Types@>+=@{@- type complex_type = record r,i : real; end; @} @$@<Procedures@>+=@{@- procedure cm_set (var c: complex_type; a,b: real) {Body of cm_set} procedure cm_add (a,b: complex_type; var c: complex_type) {Body of cm_add} {Other procedures and functions} @} @!****************************** {...more pieces of program...} @!******************************