PubliC (e)TeX/METAFONT/MetaPost, and the Dos-TP implementations of the utilities (for MS Dos, in Turbo Pascal) 1. Files This distribution consists of quite a few .zip files grouped as follows: SRCxxx sources EXExxx precompiled programs RUNxxx documentation plus a few support files where xxx indicates the components (individual programs or groups of programs). You will always need the RUNxxx files for whatever components you select to install. In addition, if you have a Turbo Pascal compiler (Version 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, or 7.0) and want to compile the programs --- possibly with some parameter values modified --- you need the SRCxxx files. Otherwise, if you can't or don't want to compile the programs yourself, you need the EXExxx files. You can choose from the following components more or less independently (where yyy is SRC, EXE, or RUN): yyyDOSTP basic support, includes a utility program dostpqry that allows to interrogate the Dos-TP file search mechanism. Always required, SRCDOSTP required for all SRCxxx. SRCASM sources for various assembler subroutines (mainly for TeX, METAFONT, and MetaPost). In order to generate the .obj files from their sources you need a suitable assembler (preferably tasm, masm might work as well). All .obj files are contained in SRCDOSTP, thus SRCASM is optional! yyyWEB web system programs tangle and weave; yyyPATCH slightly modified version of tangle and weave plus patchtgl, patchweb, and patchwve. WEB or PATCH required for all SRCxxx, PATCH required for SRCETEX. yyyTEXWA TeXware programs dvitype, patgen, pltotf, pooltype, and tftopl. Required for (e)trip and (m)trap tests. yyyMFWAR MFware programs gftodvi, gftopk, gftype, mft, and pktype. Required in order to generate PK fonts and for trap test. yyyMPWAR MPware programs mptotex, dvitomp, and makempx. Required by MetaPost. yyyVFWAR programs related to virtual font (VF) files. yyyFONTU font conversion utilities (to and from PK format). yyyBIBTE BibTeX. yyyTEX TeX (virtex and initex). RUNTEX required for e-TeX, SRCTEX required for SRCETEX. yyyETEX e-TeX (evirtex and einitex). yyyMETAF METAFONT (virmf and inimf). yyyMETAP MetaPost (virmp and inimp). 2. Installation and the TeX Directory Structure (TDS) Let <texmf> denote the root of the TDS as described in the draft `A Directory Structure for TeX Files' --- typically 'c:\texmf' or similar. And let <zipdir> be the directory where the .zip files are located. Make <texmf> the current directory (on the current drive) and unpack all the .zip files, e.g., by the commands (from the command line, or replace '%i' by '%%i' in a .bat file): cd <texmf> for %i in (<zipdir>\*.zip) do unzip -o %i 3. Generating the Programs from their Sources All SRCxxx file are installed in the directory <texmf>\dostp\<src> (where <src> is 'src22' for Dos-TP Version 2.2) and its subdirectories. In order to generate any of the programs you should change to the source directory: cd <texmf>\dostp\<src> In that directory and its subdirectories there exists a system of MK.BAT batch files that provide a Unix make like functionality. You first have to configure them, in order to * tell them the location of your Turbo Pascal compiler TPC.EXE, * optionally tell them the name and location of your assembler, * select which among the installed components you want to generate and which tests you want to run on them. E.g., in order to generate e-TeX you must install SRCTEX and SRCETEX. It is, however, up to you whether you select to generate TeX and e-TeX or just e-TeX. Use: mk config and answer all questions. After that you can use: mk to generate all selected programs mk test to run all selected tests mk trip just the trip test for TeX mk etrip just the etrip test for e-TeX mk trap just the trap test for METAFONT mk mtrap just the mtrap test for MetaPost mk install to install the generated programs mx testx to run some additional tests (see below) mk clean to remove most temporary files mk realclean to remove all temporary files You can rerun 'mk config' at any time, you must rerun it after 'mk realclean'. All files created by 'mk' are in the <texmf>\dostp\tmp directory, they are moved to their destination by 'mk install' and most are deleted by 'mk clean'. All files created by 'mk test(x)' are in the <texmf>\dostp\tmp directory, most of them are deleted when a test has succeeded. Whereas most tests (those made by 'mk test') can be performed before or after the programs are installed (the executables are sought first in the <texmf>\dostp\tmp and then in the <texmf>\dostp\bin directory), some other tests (those made by 'testx') can only be performed successfully after the programs have been installed and the small executables 'tex' and 'mf' have been configured to invoke virtex/virmf with the plain format/base (see below) and are ready to be executed. 4. Configuring your System 4.1. The Dos-TP Configuration File You might wish to modify the Dos-TP configuration file <texmf>\dostp\texmf.cnf that contains the file search paths for various classes of input files. You may also want to keep a copy of that modified file, since the original file gets replaced by the standard one during the installation procedure. 4.2. (e)TeX, METAFONT, and MetaPost You should use the TeXMFcnf utility in the <texmf>\dostp directory to configure small executable files such as 'tex', 'plaintex', 'latex', etc. that invoke (e)virtex/virmf/virmp with a suitable default format/base/mem, e.g.: cd <texmf>\dostp texmfcnf tex - tex % use format from input file (or plain) texmfcnf tex plain plaintex % use `plain' format texmfcnf etex - e-tex % use format from input file (or plain) texmfcnf etex etex etex % use `etex' format texmfcnf mf - mf % use base from input file (or plain) texmfcnf mf plain plainmf % use `plain' base texmfcnf mf cm cmmf % use `cm' base texmfcnf mp - mp % use mem from input file (or plain) texmfcnf mp plain plainmp % use `plain' mem 5. Running the Programs All executables are in the <texmf>\dostp\bin directory, therefore you should add it to your Dos path. You SHOULD NOT, however, move all the executables from the <texmf>\dostp\bin directory to another directory already in the Dos path; this will most probably fail. All programs accept command line parameters, the <texmf>\dostp\doc directory contains detailed desriptions. In order to generate (e)TeX formats, METAFONT bases, and MetaPost mems run (e)INITEX, INIMF, or INIMP from the <texmf>\dostp\ini directory, e.g.: cd <texmf>\dostp\ini initex -cec850 plain.itx einitex -cec850 -fetex *etex.src \dump inimf -cec850 plain.imf inimf &plain cm.imf inimp -cec850 plain.imp You might have to get many (La)TeX, METAFONT and MetaPost source files and place them into the TDS tree, e.g., from one of the CTAN archives. If you wish to generate fonts, you can then, e.g., say: mf \mode=ibmtont; mag=1; scrollmode; input logo8 gftopk logo8 <texmf>\fonts\pk\ibmtont\public\mflogo\dpi100\ cmmf \mode=cx; mag=1.2; scrollmode; input cmss8 gftopk cmss8 <texmf>\fonts\pk\cx\public\cm\dpi360\ ***** Happy TeXing ***** --- Peter Breitenlohner ( ------------ 06 Sep 98 ---