INSTALL for 'lilyglyphs'

'lilyglyphs' is a package to make musical symbols and
notational elements of the LilyPond engraving software
( available to LaTeX documents.

There are several ways to obtain the package, with different
installation procedures.

If you have obtained the package through a TeX distribution
you should be able to use the package without further action.
For advanced options and usage please refer to the manual.

If you have downloaded from CTAN please extract the 
archive to a location in your TEXMFHOME tree, 
e.g. ~/texmf/tex/latex/lilyglyphs on Linux. 

If you want to use the Github repository you should clone it
(or your fork) to a directory in your local texmf tree, e.g.
~/texmf/tex/latex/lilyglyphs on Linux. 
It is advisable to first create a fork and additionally add 
the official repository as an 'upstream' remote.

With both options you should make sure the package directory is 
actually called 'lilyglyphs'.

With both downloaded options you have to make the enclosed 'Emmentaler' 
OpenType font visible to LaTeX.  
For this you can copy the fonts/ directory to your TEXMFHOME/fonts/opentype 
directory and rename it to lilyglyphs or emmentaler. Even better, create a 
link there to the original folder in the package. This way you won't be
affected by updates of the font files in the package.
It is important to note that you should not have the Emmentaler fonts 
installed as system fonts in parallel because this might irritate

Please note that the Github repository doesn't contain a precompiled
manual. If you want to compile the manual with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX 

you need the (free) fonts 'Linux Libertine O', 'Linux Biolinum O' and 
'DejaVu Sans Mono'. If you don't want or can't install them you can modify
'documentation/lilyglyphsManualFonts.sty' to use different fonts
or remove the reference to it from 'documentation/lilyglyphs.tex'
to use default fonts.