 Command for ornaments in Adobe fonts]
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the 
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c 
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Elijah Z Granet
% Warning that you need
% fontspec 
\ifPDFTeX   {
      {You are using pdfTeX but this package only works 
      \MessageBreak with XeTeX or LuaTeX}{}
%obviously you need fontspec
% if structure to stop error if someone only has *some* of the fonts
\IfFontExistsTF{Arno Pro}%
\newfontfamily\arno[Scale=1.01]{Arno Pro}%%%%%
\IfFontExistsTF{Minion Pro}{%%%%
\newfontfamily\minion[Scale=1.01]{Minion Pro}%%%%
\IfFontExistsTF{Warnock Pro}%%%%%
\newfontfamily\warnock[Scale=1.01]{Warnock Pro}
\IfFontExistsTF{Brioso Pro}{%
\newfontfamily\brioso[Scale=1.01]{Brioso Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Adobe Caslon Pro}{%
\newfontfamily\caslon[Scale=1.01]{Adobe Caslon Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Adobe Jenson Pro}{%%%%
\newfontfamily\jenson[Scale=1.01]{Adobe Jenson Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Adobe Garamond Pro}{%%%%%
\newfontfamily\agp[Scale=1.01]{Adobe Garamond Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Kepler Std}{%%%%%
\newfontfamily\kepler[Scale=1.01]{Kepler Std}%%%%%
\IfFontExistsTF{Voluta Script Pro}{%%%%%
\newfontfamily\voluta[Scale=1.01]{Voluta Script Pro}%%%%%
\IfFontExistsTF{Garamond Premier Pro}{%
\newfontfamily\gpp[Scale=1.01]{Garamond Premier Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Cronos Pro}{%
\newfontfamily\cronos[Scale=1.01]{Cronos Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Bickham Script Pro}{%
\newfontfamily\bickham[Scale=1.01]{Bickham Script Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Chaparral Pro}{
[Scale=1.01]{Chaparral Pro}%
\IfFontExistsTF{Silentium Pro}{
[Scale=1.01]{Silentium Pro}%
% xstring is required in order to apply if cases
        % you can add more cases here as desired
    }[\PackageError{orn}{Undefined font: #1}{}]%