% \iffalse meta-comment
\input docstrip.tex

  The WIDETABLE bundle 
  Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Claudio Beccari 
  All rights reserved

  License information appended


Copyright 2009-2020 Claudio Beccari

Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License,
version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of
this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

This work is "author-maintained"

This work consists of this file widetable.dtx, a README file
the manifest.txt file, and the derived files: 
    widetable.sty and widetable.pdf.

By running pdflatex on widetable.dtx the user gets both
the sty file and the English documentation PDF file.




% \fi
% \iffalse
   [2020-01-13 v.2.1 Package for typesetting specified width tables]
\hfuzz 10pt
% local definitions
% end local definitions
\title{The \pack{widetable} package}
\date{Version number \fileversion; last revised on \filedate.}
\author{Claudio Beccari\thanks{\texttt{claudio dot beccari at gmail dot com}}}
% \fi
% \CheckSum{60}
% \begin{abstract}
% This package allows to typeset tables of specified width,
% provided they fit in one page. Instead of introducing an
% infinite stretching glue, which has an unsymmetrical effect
% in standard \LaTeX, here the |\tabcolsep| dimension is
% computed so as to have the table come out with the proper
% width.
% \end{abstract}
% \section{Legalese}
% This file is part of the |widetable| package.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status ``maintained''.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Claudio Beccari
% The list of all files belonging to the distribution is
% given in the file `README.txt'. 
% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution 
% and covered by the LPPL is contained in the README.txt file.
% It is well known that when the standard environment
% |tabular*| is opened with a specified width, it is
% necessary to introduce in the delimiter declaration
% |@{...}| (possibly) of the first item of the column
% descriptors argument something like
% \begin{verbatim}
% \extracolsep{\fill}
% \end{verbatim}
% in addition to other possible printable delimiters, such
% as vertical lines, and other fixed spacing commands. The
% effect is that the extra stretchable glue operates only
% on the left of each cell \emph{after} (i.e. to the \emph{right}
% of) the cell that received the declaration; the first cell
% will never get larger in spite of the presence of this glue.
% Another package, \pack{tabularX}, normally distributed by the
% \LaTeX\,3 Team with every version of the \TeX\ system
% distribution, allows to create expandable cells, provided they 
% contain only text and, possibly, in-line math. These expandable 
% cells are identified with the column descriptor |X|; this
% identifier defines a paragraph-like cell, the width of
% which gets determined after some runs of the typesetter
% on the same source tabular material, so as to find out the
% correct width of the textual columns.
% Also \pack{tabu} can build tables of specified 
% width; but it has so many functionalities that it appears
% to be  oversized for a simple task such as the one performed
% by \pack{widetable} and \pack{tabularx}.
% The approach here is a little bit different: the cell
% contents need not be textual and no cell width is determined
% in one or more runs of the typesetting program; instead the
% inter column glue is determined so as to fill every cell
% on both sides with the proper space. The macros contained
% in this package are insensitive to the particular kind
% of cell descriptors and to the presence of multiple
% |\multicolumn| commands. It proved to work properly also
% if the |array| package extensions are used.
% Nevertheless if multiple |\multicolumn| commands in different
% rows ���interlace��� the columns they work on, poor results
% would be obtained: in this case the table is typeset the same
% as with the environment |tabular|.
% On the other hand, as well as for |tabularx|, it needs to
% typeset the table three times; the first two times with
% standard values for the inter column glue |\tabcolsep|, in
% order to find the exact parameters of the linear  dependence
% of the table width from the value of that glue; then executes
% some computations so as to determine the final correct
% value of |\tabcolsep|, and on the third run it eventually
% typesets the table with the specified width.
% The typesetting time increase needed for these three tabular runs
% is generally negligible, nevertheless if a specific
% document contained many dozens of such tables, the small compilation
% time increase might become perceivable.
% It might be noticed that, in order to perform the necessary
% computations, a fractional division algorithm must be used;
% since 2009 any \TeX\ installation uses  the \eTeX\ extensions;
% therefore fractional division is not any more an issue as
% it was in previous versions of this package.
% \section{Normal use of \pack{widetable}}
% With this release of the bundle, the environment to be used
% is named |widetabular|, although the previous name, |widetable|,
% remains available for backwards compatibility.
% This package may issue an error message when the
% environment includes other unhidden ones; this is
% explained in the Implementation section. In plain words,
% if a |widetabular| environment is nested into another |widetabular|
% one, the inner environment must be ���hidden��� within a group
% (i.e. a couple of paired braces); this might not be necessary
% with other tabular-like environments.

% Here it is assumed that the user first uses the standard tabular
% environment and typesets it to its natural width; should it appear
% too small, and should it be typeset at a larger width, for example
% by filling the total |\linewidth| available at that specific point,
% then and only then the user switches to |widetabular|. Should the
% initial table be moderately larger than |\linewidth|, then it might
% be shrunk to  |\linewidth| by means of |widetabular|, provided there
% are enough columns, and therefore column delimiters, to be reduced in
% size. Of course it is impossible  to typeset any tabular with any
% negative value of |\tabcolsep|; or better, the software does not care,
% but the result might get very messy.
% In other words |widetabular| should be used as a second resort,
% so as to correct some typesetting features of the standard environment
% not considered aesthetically acceptable.
% The syntax for using the environment |widetabular| is the
% same as that of the |tabular*| one; the only difference
% is the name. Therefore one has to specify:
% \begin{flushleft}\obeylines%
% \Benv{widetabular}\textcolor{red!90!black}{\marg{width}}\opz{alignment}\marg{column descriptors}
% \meta{row of cells}\cs{\textbackslash}
% \meta{row of cells}\cs{\textbackslash}
% \texttt{...}
% \meta{row of cells}\cs{\textbackslash}
% \meta{row of cells}\cs{\textbackslash}
% \Eenv{widetabular}
% \end{flushleft} 
% \section{The method}
% The principle on which this little package is based is the
% following one: suppose a certain tabular is typeset with an inter
% column glue $t_0=0\mathrm{\,pt}$ and that its width turns
% out to be $l_0$; suppose the same tabular material is typeset
% again with an inter column glue $t_1 >0\mathrm{\,pt}$ so that
% the table gets as large as $l_1>l_0$. Then, if the table has
% to be as wide as $l$ the inter column glue $t$ should be
% \[
%  t = \frac{l - l_0}{l_1 - l_0}\cdot t_1
% \]
% Therefore we need to run the typesetting of the same tabular
% material with the two values of the inter column glue set
% to zero and to $t_1$, respectively, so as to find the widths
% $l_0$ and $l_1$. Afterwards we have to determine the correct
% final  value $t$ to get the desired value $l$, and typeset once
% again the same tabular material for the last time.
% Of course the first two runs must put their results into
% suitable boxes so as to avoid outputting them into the output
% file, while at the same time allowing to record the width
% of such enclosing boxes.
%  \section{The \pack{xparse} package}
% The previous version of this package already used the \pack{xparse}
% package functionalitIes; but this latter package evolves and now
% it is possible to ���save��� the body of the table as an argument
% to the opening commands, therefore now it is much simpler to
% use the same table-body several times. Of course this body
% is saved in internal memory areas, but this task is
% implemented  by the internal macros written in the L3
% \LaTeX\ language. The advantage of using the \pack{xparse} 
% package consists in a much shorter code that is easier to read
% and maintain. The  number of macros for this package is
% reduced by a factor of about four, compared to the previous
% versions~1.x of this package.
% \section{Using the \eTeX\ facilities}
% The L3 language and its libraries now offer the user some \LaTeX\ 
% interfaces to its internal macros to the point of executing also
% floating point operations that span a wide range; the suitable
% package would be \pack{xfp}. Nevertheless it appears sort of
% overdone for the simple computations needed here..
% At the same time the \eTeX\ extended functionalities are now
% part of all the interpreters of the \LaTeX\ language,
% \prog{pdftex}, \prog{luatex}, and \prog{xetex}; this renders
% this package usable with any typesetting programs based on \LaTeX:
% \prog{pdflatex}, \prog{lualatex}, and \prog{xelatex}.
% In facts such \eTeX\ extensions provide also a scaling operation:
% given the length $L_1$ and two homogeneous quantities $X_1$
% and $X_2$ (where such quantities may be either two integer
% numbers, or two dimensions), such scaling operation scales
% $L_1$ to $L_2$ by computing 
%     L_2 = \frac{L_1 X_2}{X_1} 
% The intermediate results are actually done with integer
% arithmetics (internally lengths are coded as an integer number of
% scaled points) but they are done in double words so as to avoid
% underflows and overflows almost always. Some unusual situations
% might exist where underflows or overflows do occur, but
% they must be very unusual, and very unlikely to happen for
% the calculations of this package. This would happen if for any
% reason no inter column glue is available; we have difficulties
% imagining such a table and cannot make even a silly example.
% The use of the \eTeX\ extensions implies that this package
% works correctly only with modern engines and kernel formats.
% \section{Usage}
% As explained above, the normal usage of |widetabular| requires the same
% syntax as that of |tabular*| except that no explicit stretchable
% glue has to be inserted in the column separators as it is necessary
% to do with  |tabular*|. Examine the table shown in 
% table~\ref{tab:tab}\footnote{Notice that here the name ���table��� is used
% to refer to the \amb{table} floating environment and its caption,
% while ���tabular��� is reserved to the tabular itself and its contents.}
% that is typeset at its natural width.
%  \begin{table}\centering
%  \begin{tabular}{llr>{\raggedright}p{0.29\textwidth}}
%  \toprule
%  Name & role & age & activity \tabularnewline
%  \midrule
%  William John    & father    & 45 & employee \tabularnewline
%  Mary Elisabeth  & mother    & 42 & elementary school 
%                                     teacher\tabularnewline
%  Joan Laura      & daughter  & 14 & junior high school
%                                     student\tabularnewline
%  Jack Johnathan  & son       &  8 & elementary school pupil
%                                     \tabularnewline
%  \bottomrule
%  \end{tabular}
%  \caption{A regular table typeset with \texttt{tabular} and its width is its natural one}\label{tab:tab}
%  \end{table}
% The same table can be built with |tabular*| as in table~\ref{tab:tab*}.
% {@{\hskip\tabcolsep\extracolsep{\fill}}llr>{\raggedright}%
% p{0.29\textwidth}}
%  \toprule
%  Name & role & age & activity \tabularnewline
%  \midrule
%  William John    & father    & 45 & employee \tabularnewline
%  Mary Elisabeth  & mother    & 42 & elementary school 
%                                     teacher\tabularnewline
%  Joan Laura      & daughter  & 14 & junior high school
%                                     student\tabularnewline
%  Jack Johnathan  & son       &  8 & elementary school pupil
%                                     \tabularnewline
%  \bottomrule
%  \caption{A table typeset with \texttt{tabular*} where the total
% width has been set to \cs{textwidth}}\label{tab:tab*}
% As it can be seen, large inter column spaces are inserted right
% at the left of the contents of every cell except the first one,
% and the table appears too much spread out.
% The tabular can be built also with the environment |tabularx|,
% defined by the |tabularX| package; see the result in
% table~\ref{tab:tabx}.
%  \begin{table}\centering
%  \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{llr>{\raggedright}X}
%  \toprule
%  Name & role & age & activity \tabularnewline
%  \midrule
%  William John    & father    & 45 & employee \tabularnewline
%  Mary Elisabeth  & mother    & 42 & elementary school 
%                                     teacher\tabularnewline
%  Joan Laura      & daughter  & 14 & junior high school
%                                     student\tabularnewline
%  Jack Johnathan  & son       &  8 & elementary school pupil
%                                     \tabularnewline
%  \bottomrule
%  \end{tabularx}
%  \caption{A table typeset with \texttt{tabularx} where the total width
% has been set to \cs{textwidth}}\label{tab:tabx}
%  \end{table}
% As it is  noticeable the whole space to enlarge the tabular has
% been used by the |X| column, and the table does not look right.
% Now we show the difference by using the |widetabular| environment
% in table~\ref{tab:tabwide}.
%  \begin{table}\centering
%  \begin{widetabular}{\textwidth}{llr>{\raggedright}p{0.29\textwidth}}
%  \toprule
%  Name & role & age & activity \tabularnewline
%  \midrule
%  William John    & father   & 45 & employee \tabularnewline
%  Mary Elisabeth  & mother   & 42 & elementary school 
%                                     teacher\tabularnewline
%  Joan Laura      & daughter & 14 & junior high school
%                                     student\tabularnewline
%  Jack Johnathan  & son      &  8 & elementary school pupil\tabularnewline
%Goofy & Pluto\\
%Donald Duck & Mickey Mouse 
%\end{tabular} & \relax     & 4  & Walt Disney\tabularnewline
%  \bottomrule
%  \end{widetabular}
%  \caption{A table typeset with \texttt{widetabular} where the total
% width has been set to \cs{textwidth}}\label{tab:tabwide}
%  \end{table}
% In table~\ref{tab:tabwide} the column specifications are the same
% as those used in the code for table~\ref{tab:tab}, but only the
% spaces separating the columns have been modified, not the column
% types and widths. Of course one may object that the table spaces
% are too wide and table~\ref{tab:tab} looks better. But if, for
% example, in a certain document all tables are required to span
% the whole measure, the solution shown in table~\ref{tab:tabwide}
% is the only one acceptable among these four examples.
% It's up to the user to chose among these four solutions in terms
% of the actual tabular contents and the stylistic constraints the
% document must fulfil.
% If the examples were typeset with the (horizontal and
% vertical rules that emphasise each cell (instead of using only
% the |booktabs| horizontal rules) it would be more evident
% how the various environments shape the cells and where they
% insert the extra spacing so as to reach the desired width.
% \section{Warnings}
% Normally |widetabular| works well as described in the example
% shown in table~\ref{tab:tabwide}. Nevertheless there are some
% issues that may alter its smooth working.
% One such issue takes place when the specified table width
% is shorter than the natural width. In this case the table is
% typeset as in table~\ref{tab:tab} at its natural width, but
% a warning is issued that explains why: the warning looks like this
%Package widetable Warning: The minimum width of the tabular material
%(widetable)                amounts to 225.19809pt, and is larger
%(widetable)                than the required width of 177.5pt
%(widetable)                The table is typeset with the default
%(widetable)                column spacing on input line 415.
% As usual the warning is contained into the |.aux| file and in
% the console, if the shell editor displays it..
% When some adjacent cells are grouped with the |\multicolumn|
% command; the table might come out of the correct specified width
% even if the spanned cells (in different rows) do not belong
% to the same columns, but the table looks very ugly; we cannot
% say that |widetable| is responsible of this ugliness, or if
% the table is ill formed because of using such overlapping
% spanned cells; the best suggestion is to avoid using such
% ���acrobatic��� tabular compositions.
% \section{Acknowledgements}
% I must deeply thank Enrico Gregorio for the revision of
% this package macros and for his wise suggestions about
% the correct programming style. If some glitch still 
% remains in the programming style, that is just my fault.
% \StopEventually{}
% \section{Implementation}
% This package has been already identified by the commands extracted
% by the |doctrip| package, during  the |.dtx| file compilation.
% We require the |xparse| package in order to define the |widetable|
% environment with its extended commands. This package version should be
% younger the the specified date contained in the optional argument.
% If it is not, a warning is issued; but expect errors. It is a warning
% that urges the user to upgrade his/her \TeX\ system installation.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% We require the |xparse| package in order to define the % environment
% |widetable| with its extended commands. Tis package version should be
% younger the the specified date contained in the optional argument.
% If it is not, a warning is issued; but expect errors. It is a warning
% that should urge the user to upgrade his/her \TeX\ system installation.
%The special environment opening macro requires the following syntax:
%\Benv{widetable}\marg{width}\oarg{alignment}\marg{column descriptors}
%\meta{table body}
% We further define  the |tabular| environment typesetting. Actually,
% with the new |xparse| faciltiies, the opening command parameters  can
% be used also in the closing part of the environment, so that when the
% \meta{width} and the \meta{column descriptors} are given to the opening
% environment statement, they can be used again and again also by the
% closing commands. 
% Actually the |widetabular| environment can contain other
% environments, even another |widetabular| ones, but
% the external one should not be upset by the internal ones.
% In order to achieve this result, it is necessary that 
% embedded environments are hidden within a group delimited by
% a pair of matching braces; this is compulsory for an
% embedded |widetabular| environment, while it is not strictly
% required for other environments.
% The environment opening and closing actions
% are defined by means of low level commands. 
% The opening part of the environment reduces to nothing else
% but the background L3 functions executed by the \cs{begin}
% command implementation and the correct parsing of the list
% of argument descriptors
%    \begin{macrocode}
\DeclareDocumentEnvironment{widetabular}{m O{c} m +b}
%    \end{macrocode}
% These arguments have the following meanings.
%\item[Argument number one] It is mandatory and represents the desired
%      table width.
%\item[Argument number two] It is optional. With a default value of
%      \texttt{c} the table is aligned with respect to its math axis;
%      the other possible values are \texttt{t} for top alignment, and
%      \texttt{b} for bottom alignment; they are the same values used 
%      for the \LaTeX-kernel tabular environments.
%\item[Argument number three]  It is mandatory; it should contain all the
%      column descriptors and inter-column separators, possibly in
%      the extended forms provided by the \pack{array} package.
%\item[Argument number four] It represents an \pack{xparse} functionality
%      by which the whole environment body is internally saved in a sort
%      of verbatim mode and become usable again and again  as
%      argument~\texttt{\#4}.
% The closing statement will actually do the whole job. It first sets
% |\tabcolsep| to zero and typesets the resulting table into box zero; 
% it uses, with parameter \texttt{\#4}, the table body collected with
% the argument descriptor \texttt{b} of the opening command.
% Then it sets |\tabcolsep| to 6\,pt (the default value) and
% typesets again the table into box two. The width of box zero
% is $l_0$ and that of box two is $l_1$; these are the lengths
% needed by the equation that evaluates the final typesetting
% inter column spacing.
% The arbitrary constant of 6\,pt is $t_1$, and the specified
% width $l$ (parameter \texttt{\#1}) are used to compute the 
% new value of |\tabcolsep|. The subtractions are computed
% directly on the  dimensions and passed to a |\dimexpr| expression
% so as to  determine the new |\tabcolsep| value.
% The table is eventually typeset without using boxes, while the
% contents of box zero  and box two, upon exiting the environment,
% are restored to any value they might have contained before
% entering |widetabular|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \dimen0=#1 % required width
         The minimum width of the tabular material\MessageBreak
         amounts to \the\wd\z@,  and is larger\MessageBreak 
         than the required width  of \the\dimen0\MessageBreak
         The table is typeset with the default\MessageBreak 
         column spacing}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% For backward compatibility we let the names |\widetable| and
% |\endwidetable| equal respectively to |\widetabular| and
% |\endwidetabular|, so that the old name of the environment
% provided by this package is still usable; compiling old 
% documents is till possible; nevertheless these ���old��� names are
% discouraged; in a future they might not be available any more.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\let\widetable\widetabular \let\endwidetable\endwidetabular
%    \end{macrocode}
% Notice the test and the warning: |widetabular| modifies the table
% width only if its minimum width (obtained  with |\tabcolsep| equal
% to zero) is smaller than the requested width; otherwise it typesets
% the table with the default inter column glue, and outputs the warning
% message.
% \section{Conclusion}
% Tables should always have their standard inter column spaces, but\dots\
% The default value of |\tabcolsep| is fixed by the document
% class, it is not prescribed by a supreme law: therefore
% what does it mean ``natural width''. Probably the one
% determined by the class default value of |\tabcolsep|,
% so that all tables have the same general look. But here we
% used the phrase ���minimum width��� as that of the tabulars width when the
% inter column glue is set to zero; we avoided speaking of the
% ���natural width��� because the phrase is not specific.
% Nevertheless sometimes a table is slightly wider than
% the current measure; why not shrink the table by shrinking
% |\tabcolsep| by the right amount in order to fit the
% measure? The result might be a table where only the
% inter column spaces are shrunk, not the whole table, fonts,
% drawings, and figures included, a result easily obtainable
% with a |\resizebox| command available through the 
% \pack{graphicx.sty} package. Nobody forbids to follow
% this technique, of course, but the |widetable| route might
% yield a better result.
% The same is true when a natural width table is slightly
% shorter than the measure; enlarging it by retouching
% the |\tabcolsep| inter column space might be the right
% solution in order to avoid a multitude of slightly
% different indents or left margins.
%    \begin{macrocode}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale
% ^^A\endinput