2007-11-21 Wayne A. Rochester

%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

The warpcol package defines a tabular column type for formatting
numerical columns in LaTeX. The column type enables numerical items to
be right justified relative to each other, while centred beneath the
column label. In addition, macros are provided to enable variations on
this column type to be defined.

Usage of the package is superficially similar to that of dcolumn;
however, the alignment scheme is different, and the packages have
different, though overlapping, applications. The key differences are:
(1) dcolumn is based on decimal alignment, and can align numbers with
varying numbers of decimal places; and (2) warpcol handles items that
are not simple numbers (e.g. '< 0.001' and '$100,000').

The files associated with the package are:

warpcol.dtx Doc-source file containing the package and documentation
warpcol.sty Package file, pre-unpacked from the above
warpcol.ins Installation batch file for unpacking the package

The documentation for the package can be generated by typing:

pdflatex warpcol.dtx

Wayne A. Rochester
Department of Entomology
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
E-mail: w.rochester@cpitt.uq.edu.au