% \iffalse meta-comment/*%    \end{macrocode}*/
% Copyright (C) 2021 by Sigitas Tolu\v{s}is <sigitas@vtex.lt>
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Sigitas Tolu\v{s}is.
% This work consists of the files flushend.dtx and flushend.ins
% and the derived filebase flushend.sty.
% \fi
% \iffalse
\input docstrip.tex
%% This is file `flushend.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% flushend.dtx  (with options: `package')
%% Copyright (C) 1997-2021 by Sigitas Tolu\v{s}is <sigitas@vtex.lt>
%% UAB VTeX, Mokslinink�� 2A, LT-08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% PURPOSE:   Balanced columns on last page in twocolumn mode.
    [2021/10/04 v4.0 Balancing columns in twocolumn mode]
% \fi
% \CheckSum{2020}
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \changes{v0.1}{1997/05/16}{first version}
% \changes{v0.2}{1997/09/09}{support for compatibility with cuted.sty}
% \changes{v1.0}{1997/10/01}{\string\vipersep changed to \string\stripsep for compatibility with cuted.sty}
% \changes{v1.1}{2012/05/29}{Converted to DTX file}
% \changes{v2.0}{2014/03/03}{rewritten with new balance algorithm}
% \changes{v2.1}{2014/03/18}{Switched debug option off}
% \changes{v2.2}{2014/04/24}{bugfix version: removing empty box at the right column end}
% \changes{v3.0}{2015/04/08}{bugfix version and extra options:
%                            ancient/modern,
%                            spread/nospread,
%                            removelastbox/keeplastbox}
% \changes{v3.1}{2015/04/14}{set debug option off by default; keeplastbox modified;}
% \changes{v3.2}{2016/06/21}{bugfix compatibility with luatexja}
% \changes{v3.3}{2017/03/27}{bugfix for get@@footnoterule@@box; options for some checks on/off}
% \changes{v3.4}{2020/10/14}{bugfix development and test}
% \changes{v3.5}{2020/10/16}{bugfix version: modern with noautobase}
% \changes{v4.0}{2021/10/04}{another rewrite with new balance algorithm and options}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
% \providecommand*{\url}{\texttt}
% \GetFileInfo{flushend.dtx}
% \title{The \textsf{flushend} package}
% \author{Sigitas Tolu\v{s}is \\ \url{sigitas@vtex.lt}}
% \date{\fileversion~from \filedate}
% \maketitle
% \section{Introduction}
% The package is used to balance columns on any page in twocolumn
% mode. By default it is switched on at the end of document. It is
% expected to work with leftcolumn footnotes (option checkfootnote)
% and rightcolumn top floats (option checkfloat).
% To compare with the previous version the package is completely rewritten
% with new balancing algorithm and new options, removed dependency on other packages.
% \section{Usage}
% Just load the package to balance the last page: that's all.
% To balance some page in middle of document use command
% \cs{flushcolsend} at that page.
% \medskip
% \leftline{\textbf{\textit{Available commands}}:}
% \begin{description}
% \item[\cs{flushend}]
% This macro switches on column balancing on the last page. It is used
% by default.
% \item[\cs{raggedend}]
% This macro switches off column balancing on the last page.
% \item[\cs{flushcolsend}]
% This macro switches on column balancing on the current page.
% \item[\cs{raggedcolsend}]
% This macro switches off column balancing on the current page.
% \item[\cs{atColsBreak}\meta{tokens}]
% Adds \meta{tokens} in place of the original column break (made without balancing).
% \medskip
% \textit{Example}: |\atColsBreak{\vskip-2pt}|
% \item[\cs{atColsEnd}\meta{tokens}]
% Adds \meta{tokens} at the end of right column.
% \item[\cs{showcolsendrule}]
% It can be used just for debugging: adds rule to the bottom of columns.
% \end{description}
% \subsection{Package options}
% \begin{description}
% \item[\meta{|spread|}]
%   \texttt{[default]} It enables columns spreading trying to balance.
% \item[\meta{|nospread|}]
%   It disables columns spreading trying to balance.
% \item[\meta{|shrink|}]
%   \texttt{[default]} It enables columns shrinking trying to balance.
% \item[\meta{|noshrink|}]
%   It disables columns shrinking trying to balance.
% \medskip
%   \textit{Similiar options exist for single column separatly}: 
%   |lspread|, |nolspread|, |lshrink|, |nolshrink| -- for left column  
%   |rspread|, |norspread|, |rshrink|, |norshrink| -- for right column  
% \item[\meta{|checkfootnote|}]
%   \texttt{[default]} Adds guess and checking for possible footnote on left column.
% \item[\meta{|nocheckfootnote|}]
%   Skips guess for possible footnote and ignores any existing one.
% \item[\meta{|checkfloat|}]
%   Adds guess for top float on right column. Any box with height bigger then 5|\topskip|
%   is considered as float. There are no user interface to change this limit except 
%   internal macro definition: |\gdef\top@@floatbox@min@default{5\topskip}|
%   As guess is too brutal, not accurate, and somehow dangerous in case for text misplacement
%   it is switched off by default.
% \item[\meta{|nocheckfloat|}]
%   \texttt{[default]} Skips guess for top float on right column.
% \item[\meta{|debug|}]
%   Adds rules to the bottom of columns (just for debugging) and leftcolumn break place.
%   Adds some additional log info.
% \item[\meta{|nodebug|}]
%   \texttt{[default]} Skips putting debuging lines and additional info.
% \end{description}
% \section{Implementation}
% Improved balancing (at least it is expected so) is based on using possible spread and shrink
% in both columns checking constructed columns badness.
% Hard coded limit for badness is |101|. Available only as internal macro: |\def\flushend@@column@badness{101}|.
% |\pagediscards| material dimensions are used to restore original vertical skip at original columns break.  
% \bigskip
% \leftline{\textbf{\textit{Expected usecase}} \texttt{(with options [checkfootnote,checkfloat])}:}
% \begin{verbatim}
% --------------------------            --------------------------
% |xxxxxxxxxx    ++++++++++|            |xxxxxxxxxx    ++++++++++|                       
% |xxxxxxxxxx    +        +|            |xxxxxxxxxx    +        +| 
% |xxxxxxxxxx    +        +|            |xxxxxxxxxx    +        +|
% |xxxxxxxxxx    ++++++++++|            |xxxxxxxxxx    ++++++++++|                          
% |xxxxxxxxxx    figure    |            |xxxxxxxxxx    figure    |
% |                        |            |                        |
% |section       xxxxxxxxxx|            |section       yyyyyyyyyy|
% |              xxxxxxxxxx|   ----->   |              yyyyyyyyyy|
% |xxxxxxxxxx    xxxxxxxxxx|            |xxxxxxxxxx    xxxxxxxxxx|
% |xxxxxxxxxx    xxxxxxxxxx|            |xxxxxxxxxx    xxxxxxxxxx|
% |yyyyyyyyyy    xxxxxxxxxx|            |              xxxxxxxxxx|
% |yyyyyyyyyy              |            |---           xxxxxxxxxx|
% |                        |            |footnote      xxxxxxxxxx|
% |---                     |            |                        |
% |footnote                |            |                        |
% --------------------------            --------------------------
% \end{verbatim}
% \StopEventually{}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%/*%    \begin{macrocode}*/
%    \begin{macrocode}

\newif\if@footnote@check \@footnote@checktrue
\newif\if@right@column@spread \@right@column@spreadtrue
\newif\if@right@column@shrink \@right@column@shrinktrue
\newif\if@left@column@spread \@left@column@spreadtrue
\newif\if@left@column@shrink \@left@column@shrinktrue
\newif\if@balance@debug \@balance@debugfalse



\newdimen\flushend@@page@rule \flushend@@page@rule\z@
\newtoks\atColsBreak \atColsBreak={}
\newtoks\atColsEnd   \atColsEnd={}
\def\wlog@balance@debug#1{\if@balance@debug \wlog{#1}\fi}


    %% Removes lastbox without dimensions.
    %% Removes latest skip, kern, penalty.
    %% Cuts the lastbox's depth bigger then strutbox's depth.
            %% not empty lastbox - store depth of the lastbox
            %% empty lastbox
        %% not empty lastbox - restore original
        %% cut the depth of the lastbox with the negative skip
        %% it is something more than single line depth


    %% Try to find footnotes on the leftcolumn
    \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b -\ht\flushend@@varbox@a
    \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b -\ht\flushend@@tempbox@a
                \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@c\vsplit\flushend@@varbox@a to\var@@temp@a
                    \advance\var@@temp@a -3\p@
            \ifdim \var@@temp@a>\z@
            \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b -\ht\flushend@@varbox@a
            \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b -\ht\flushend@@tempbox@c
            %% next iteration
            %% loop limit, break loop

    \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@c\vsplit\flushend@@varbox@a to\p@
    \wlog@balance@debug{:footnoterule: \log@box@info{\flushend@@varbox@a}}%


                    \wlog@balance@debug{^^J:footnoterule found:
                                        main@box <ht=\main@box@height,


    %% Looking for the top floats on the right column.
    %% Top box is considered as float if box's height 
    %% is larger then \top@@floatbox@min.
    %% So, it is a dangerous feature to be used carefully.
        \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@c\vsplit\flushend@@varbox@a to\p@
            %% analyze non empty rightcolumn box
                \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@c\vsplit\flushend@@varbox@a to\var@@temp@a
                    \advance\var@@temp@a by3\p@
                        %% reach column end, break loop
                        %% found float; set height; look for the next
                            \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b \ht\flushend@@tempbox@a
                            \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b \dp\flushend@@tempbox@a
                        \advance\flushend@@lastskip@b -\flushend@@lastskip@a
                        %% break loop
            \ifdim \var@@temp@a>\z@

    %% The main unit formatting balanced columns. 
    %% \flushend@@tempbox@a - left column
    %% \flushend@@tempbox@c - left column with natural dimensions
    %% \flushend@@varbox@a  - right column
    %% \flushend@@varbox@c  - right column with natural dimensions
    %% \flushend@@floatbox  - rightcolumn top float
    %% \@leftcolumn         - void or leftcolumn footnote
        \advance\@tempdimb \textfloatsep
        \advance\@tempdimb \top@@floatbox@ht
        \advance\@tempdimb \main@box@skip
        \advance\@tempdimb \ht\@leftcolumn
        \advance\@tempdimb -\main@box@skip
        \advance\@tempdimb -\ht\@leftcolumn
        \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@a\vsplit\flushend@@varbox@a to\@tempdimb
                \vskip\z@ plus\p@
        \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@a\vbox to\@tempdimb{\unvcopy\flushend@@tempbox@c}%
                \vskip\z@ plus\p@ minus\p@
        \setbox\flushend@@varbox@a\vbox to\@tempdimb{\unvcopy\flushend@@varbox@c}%
        \advance\var@@temp@spread by\dp\flushend@@tempbox@c
        \advance\var@@temp@spread by-\ht\flushend@@varbox@c
        \advance\var@@temp@spread by-\dp\flushend@@varbox@c
                            ^^JLeft: \the\ht\flushend@@tempbox@c
                            +\the\dp\flushend@@tempbox@c\space / \var@@leftcolumn@badness
                            ^^JRight: \the\ht\flushend@@varbox@c
                            +\the\dp\flushend@@varbox@c\space / \var@@rightcolumn@badness
                            ^^JSplit: \the\@tempdimb
                            ^^JExtra height: \the\var@@temp@spread
            \wlog@balance@debug{Footnote: \the\dimexpr\main@box@skip + \the\ht\@leftcolumn\relax}%
            \wlog@balance@debug{Float: \the\dimexpr\the\ht\flushend@@floatbox + \textfloatsep\relax}%
                    \advance\@tempdimb -\main@box@skip
                    \advance\@tempdimb -\ht\@leftcolumn
                    \setbox\flushend@@varbox@a\vbox to\var@@temp@a{\unvcopy\flushend@@tempbox@c}%
                            \advance\@tempdimb -\main@box@skip
                            \advance\@tempdimb -\ht\@leftcolumn
                    \wlog{[leftcolumn badness]: \number\badness\space on \the\var@@temp@a}%
                    \setbox\flushend@@varbox@a\vbox to\var@@temp@a{\unvcopy\flushend@@varbox@c}%
                    \wlog{[rightcolumn badness]: \number\badness\space on \the\var@@temp@a}%
                    \setbox\flushend@@varbox@a\vbox to\ht\flushend@@varbox@c{%
                            \advance\@tempdimb -\main@box@skip
                            \advance\@tempdimb -\ht\@leftcolumn
                    \wlog{[leftcolumn badness]: \number\badness on \the\ht\flushend@@varbox@c}%
                    \setbox\flushend@@varbox@a\vbox to\ht\flushend@@varbox@c{%
                    \wlog{[rightcolumn badness]: \number\badness on \the\ht\flushend@@varbox@c}%
                            \advance\@tempdimb -\main@box@skip
                            \advance\@tempdimb -\ht\@leftcolumn
                        \advance\@tempdimb -\main@box@skip
                        \advance\@tempdimb -\ht\@leftcolumn
        \advance\@tempdimb 1\p@
    %% final construction of the lastpage
    \wlog{- LAST -%
          ^^JExtra skip:\the\var@@temp@spread
          ^^JSplit: \saved@tempdimb
          ^^JPageshrink: \the\pageshrink
          ^^JPagestretch: \the\pagestretch
    \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@c\vsplit\flushend@@varbox@lastpage to\saved@tempdimb
        \setbox\@leftcolumn\vbox to\@tempdimb{%
            \vskip\z@ plus\p@
            \hrule\@height\flushend@@page@rule width\textwidth
        \setbox\@leftcolumn\vbox to\@tempdimb{%
            \hrule\@height\flushend@@page@rule width\textwidth
    \wlog{FLUSHEND [output]: \the\@tempdimb
          ^^JFLUSHEND [leftcolumn badness]: \number\badness
        \setbox\@outputbox\vbox to\@tempdimb{%
            \vskip\z@ plus\p@ minus\p@
        \setbox\@outputbox\vbox to\@tempdimb{%
    \wlog{FUSHEND [rightcolumn badness]: \number\badness}%


    %% Combines lastpage columns for balancing.
    \advance\oldbreak@skip by\dp\flushend@@tempbox@a
    %% Removes topskip
    \setbox\flushend@@tempbox@c\vsplit\@outputbox to\p@
        %% removes top float from right column (if option enabled)
        \setbox\flushend@@floatbox\vsplit\@outputbox to\top@@floatbox@ht
        \hrule\@height\flushend@@page@rule width\columnwidth
        \hrule\@height\z@ width\columnwidth

    %% Redefined \@outputdblcol with columns balancing.
        \global \@firstcolumnfalse
        \setbox\@outputbox\vsplit\@outputbox to\maxdimen
        \global \@firstcolumntrue
        \advance\@tempdima by\dp\@leftcolumn
            %% rightcolumn non empty
                    \var@@loop@iter\z@ \var@@temp@loop\z@
                    \var@@loop@iter\z@ \var@@temp@loop\z@
                    %% footnote in left column
                    \setbox\flushend@@varbox@a\vsplit\@leftcolumn to\main@box@height
                    %% no footnote in left column
                %% rightcolumn empty
                \vrule \@width\columnseprule
        \csname @setmarks\endcsname
                \csname @viperoutput\endcsname

    %%  Activates flushend package functionality.

%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \Finale