% This file is auto-generated from gettext translations (.po files).
% The header of the original file follows for reference:
% Translations for sdaps LaTeX classes.
% Copyright 2010-2013 Ferdinand Schwenk (ferdisdot@gmail.com).
% Copyright 2011-2013 Benjamin Berg (benjamin@sipsolutions.net).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
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% The latest version of this license is in
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\providetranslation{info-corrected}{Desfazer sele{\c c}{\~a}o}
\providetranslation{info-fill}{Preencha para selecionar}
\providetranslation{info-multi}{Escolha m{\'u}ltipla (selecione todas as op{\c c}{\~o}es aplic{\'a}veis)}
\providetranslation{info-single}{Escolha {\'u}nica (selecione apenas uma op{\c c}{\~a}o)}
\providetranslation{infotext}{Este question{\'a}rio {\'e} lido automaticamente por um programa. Por favor utilize uma caneta para preench{\^e}-lo conforme o seguinte:}
\providetranslation{questionnaireid}{ID do Question{\'a}rio:}
\providetranslation{standard-deviation}{Desvio Padr{\~a}o}
\providetranslation{surveyid}{ID da Pesquisa:}