% \begin{description}\item[1.4.0, 2022 October 10]\relax \P\thinspace The [siunitx] option is now on by default, and the % |\units| macro produces a one-time-per-document % warning that it will be removed in the next version. \P\thinspace Having two |\partmarks| commands in an % environment is now detected as an error (it was documented as an % error, but not checked, so the extra |\partmarks| % commands were simply ignored).\par\item[1.4.0-b1, 2022 August 7]\relax \P\thinspace The class file now depends on a version of LaTeX which is at least % the 2020/10/01 release. This is so that we can use the current LaTeX % hooks mechanism. \P\thinspace Rework |\partmarks|: the |\partmarks| % indicator can now go \emph{inside} most environments, including % list, quotes, unnumbered equations, and the various amsmath displays. In these % cases, the indicator will automatically appear at the end of the % environment. The starred variant of the command still exists, but % should rarely be necessary.\par\item[1.3.5-b1, 2022 July 11]\relax \P\thinspace Fix erroneous broken line before |\partmarks|, in % compose mode, when a paragraph fills the last line. \P\thinspace Fix support for STIX2 fonts in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX (it was % working inaccurately before). \P\thinspace Add an optional argument for |\part| to override part numbering. \P\thinspace Use the |xcolor| package for colour management, instead % of the core |color| package (the |xcolor| % package is well-known and stable, and this means that we are % compatible with TikZ). \P\thinspace |\partmarks| in solutions no longer gobble trailing space % (doing so is probably right in questions, and is still the case, but % |\partmarks| in solutions tend to be more interspersed with % text). \P\thinspace |\label| within a |\part| now refers to the % part number (as opposed to the question number). \P\thinspace Avoid a ���You can't use `\unskip' in vertical mode��� error, % in certain circumstances. \P\thinspace Add the |[siunitx]| option, indicating that we should % load the siunitx\footnote{\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/siunitx}} package (default no). % This is now preferred to the |\units| macro, and the latter will be % removed in a forthcoming release. \P\thinspace Renamed |A1.clo| to clearer |myclass.clo| \P\thinspace Repository moved from bitbucket to % https://heptapod.host/nxg/exam-n\footnote{\url{https://heptapod.host/nxg/exam-n}}, % when bitbucket dropped support for Mercurial. % This means, incidentally, that links to specific issues at bitbucket % are now broken. \P\thinspace Bold-italic maths should now work correctly with STIX. \P\thinspace Long |\partmarks| comments now appear as footnotes. \P\thinspace Solutions are now set |\normalsize|. \P\thinspace Bugfix: move definition of |\defaultpartmarkscategory| % so it can be invoked within a |.clo| file straightforwardly. \P\thinspace Define the |[uprightpi]| option to set |\pi| % as an upright character, as appropriate for a constant (this is % implemented fully only for the |[mtpro2]| and % |[stix2]| options).. \P\thinspace Note that the |\units| macro is likely to be deprecated % in a forthcoming version, and replaced by a recommendation to use the % standard |[siunitx]| package.\par\item[1.3, 2018 November 21]\relax \P\thinspace Add a ���category��� optional argument to |\partmarks|, and % add |\defaultpartmarkscategory|.\par\item[1.2.1, 2018 July 2]\relax \P\thinspace Bugfix: ignore any content which appears after % |\end{document}|, in |\includequestion| (author) % files (fixes issue 6). \P\thinspace The environments |{figure*}| and |{table*}| now produce an error. \P\thinspace The macro |\vec| now produces correct greek bold maths. \P\thinspace Docmentation: notes on unit formatting.\par\item[1.2, 2017 December 1]\relax \P\thinspace Use serif STIX2 fonts for sans and monospace cases, when using % Lua- or XeLaTeX (the style doesn't use/encourage any sans-serif text, % so this shouldn't matter). \P\thinspace Fix font sizes in solutions. \P\thinspace Adjustments to font-handling, which appear to have fixed LuaLaTeX differences. \P\thinspace Add the |stix2| option, to use the % STIX2 font set\footnote{\url{http://www.stixfonts.org/}}. \P\thinspace Make it possible to use |\rubric| and |\baserubric| within a |.clo| file. % This was advertised as being possible, but it seems it had never been tested!\par\end{description}