               ednotes is    CHANGING    on and on ...
                       October 2006, Uwe Lueck


  This file is to draw your attention to the *possibility* that 
  the version of the ednotes bundle that you have received lacks 
  *recent improvements* -- and to how to profit from such 
  improvements. Some improvements under present work or consideration 
  are *listed*. 


Maybe you have got the bundle files from a TeX Live CD or DVD 
-- which usually is not updated as often as ednotes is updated. 
Or you have received the files from somewhere else than from CTAN 
or TeX Live. Or you just are not in the mood sufficiently often to 
check whether ednotes has been updated recently. Or the maintainers 
of ednotes have made the improvement privately, yet are not ready to 
send it around at the moment. 

Sorry, due to the complexity of ednotes and to our limited resources, 
we really cannot promise that each release or upload of ednotes is 
error-free. (I always do some basic tests of changes, but it is quite 
impossible to test all "possible situations". Sometimes a foolish typo 
shows up only in a very special situation.) A "recent improvement" 
(as I called it) thus may just be a correction of recently introduced 
errors, having been uploaded to CTAN shortly after the (bad) files 
that you have received were collected. 

Or better: in working with ednotes, you may discover possibilities 
to increase its functionality. Indeed, we sometimes get such ideas in 
using the bundle ourselves. Please report problems you encounter with 
ednotes via the above URL, as well as suggestions for new ednotes 
features. (Again however, we may be unable to follow such a suggestion 
immediately/soon.) -- We receive such problem reports and suggestions 
every few weeks or months and usually try to account for them; 
so you might profit from recognizing such developments -- more often 
than (say) once a year. 


After subscribing to the mailing list for CTAN announcements 

you will be automatically informed when an update of the ednotes 
bundle has been uploaded to CTAN -- the Comprehensive TeX Archive 
Network. Of course you will be informed about uploads and updates 
of many other packages than ednotes -- and this is a nice, little 
time-consuming way of being informed what macro and font packages 
etc. there are. 

Moreover, I maintain a newsletter about ednotes to which you can 
subscribe via the URL above below the title of the present file. 
I usually inform the subscribers when new ednotes files have been 
installed on CTAN. Sometimes I write a little more in the newsletter 
than what is announced on the CTAN announcements mailing list. 


For the most basic way, you can download the most recent public 
version of the ednotes bundle by downloading the 


subdirectory of CTAN. You may know or learn about substituting 
"tug.ctan.org/tex-archive" appropriately to address a nearby CTAN 
mirror -- indeed when you try the previous, you may be offered URLs 
of several CTAN mirrors out of which you can choose your favourite 
mirror for the future. The downloading procedures that the mirrors 
offer may slightly differ, but it's easy nowadays anyway. You may 
better leave "ednotes" away in the previous URL and just look for 
"ednotes" in the "contrib" subdirectory. -- The README that should 
have come along with your copy of the ednotes bundle should direct 
you how to properly install the new packages on your machine. 
For Windows, there is the 


distribution; cf. 


-- which includes an updating manager that makes updating very easy. 

Note that a recent version of ednotes may need updating other 
packages, cf. `READMORE.txt'. 


* \multicolumn in tables/arrays presents a problem to ednotes, a 
  first solution to which just has been prepared; I am pondering how 
  to implement a more comfortable way to deal with the problem. 
  Another improvement with tables/arrays is near. 

* More substantially: The bigfoot package by David Kastrup has 
  appeared on CTAN: 


  -- it very much improves the performance of the manyfoot package 
  that underlies ednotes. Something (perhaps?) must be added to 
  ednotes in order to use bigfoot. 

* Recently I discovered that Peter Wilson's memoir class 


  -- that many people use to have more flexibility than with the 
  Standard LaTeX classes -- offers footnote facilities that are 
  similar to those of manyfoot and bigfoot. It should be easy 
  to offer an option to use ednotes with memoir without using 
  manyfoot or bigfoot.