% Last modified: Wed 03 May 2023 06:54:19 PM CDT

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\ProvidesFile{american-windycity.lbx}[2023/05/03 Windy City
  localization module for biblatex]

% Slightly modified from english.lbx:
  \expandafter\protected\expandafter\def\csname mkbibtime12h\endcsname#1#2#3#4{%
    \stripzeros{\mktimehh{\thefield{#1}}}% needs '%'
       \forcezerosmdt{\thefield{#3}}}% needs '%'
      \mkbibtimezone{\thefield{#4}}}}% needs '%'
% Overrides version in windycity.bbx:
      \ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{#2year}}
                   and test {\iffieldundef{#2month}}}
        {\ifboolexpr{ test {\iffieldundef{#2endyear}}
                      and test {\iffieldundef{#2endmonth}}}
                 {\csuse{mkmonthdayyearrange}{#1}{#2}}}}}% needs '%'
% For ranges of months with no year (June--August) and months in the
% same year (June--August 2001). Also applies to articles with
% two-month publication dates, both with a year (June/July 2001) and
% without (June/July).
      \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{article}}
                   and test {\ifstrequal{#2}{}}}
        {\ifnumcomp{\thefield{#2endmonth} - \thefield{#2month}}{=}{1}
% For ranges of days and months with no year (June 3--July 1), days
% in the same month and year (June 3--4, 2001), and days and months in
% the same year (June 3--July 1, 2001):
% For ranges of days, months, and years (June 3, 2001--July 1, 2002):


  am            = {{a\adddot m\adddot}{a\adddot m\adddot}},
  afterword     = {{afterword to}{afterword to}},
  andothers     = {{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}{et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}},
  bibliography  = {{Bibliography}{Bibliography}},
  by            = {{by}{by}},
  chapter       = {{chap\adddot}{chap\adddot}},
  citedas       = {{hereafter cited as}{hereafter cited as}},
  comp          = {{compiled by}{comp\adddot}},
  comp+         = {{compiled by}{comps\adddot}},
  comped        = {{compiled and edit\-ed by}{comp\adddotspace and ed\adddot}},
  comped+       = {{compiled and edit\-ed by}{comps\adddotspace and eds\adddot}},
  compex        = {{compiled and expanded by}{comp\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  compex+       = {{compiled and expanded by}{comps\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  compiler      = {{compiled by}{comp\adddot}},
  compiler+     = {{compiled by}{comps\adddot}},
  comprev       = {{compiled and revised by}{comp\adddotspace and rev\adddot}},
  comprev+      = {{compiled and revised by}{comps\adddotspace and revs\adddot}},
  comptrans     = {{compiled and translated by}{comp\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  comptrans+    = {{compiled and translated by}{comps\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  compup        = {{compiled and updated by}{comp\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  compup+       = {{compiled and updated by}{comps\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  ed            = {{edit\-ed by}{ed\adddot}},
  ed+           = {{edit\-ed by}{eds\adddot}},
  edcomp        = {{edit\-ed and compiled by}{ed\adddotspace and comp\adddot}},
  edcomp+       = {{edit\-ed and compiled by}{eds\adddotspace and comps\adddot}},
  edex          = {{edit\-ed and expanded by}{ed\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  edex+         = {{edit\-ed and expanded by}{eds\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  edition       = {{ed\adddot}{ed\adddot}},
  editor        = {{edit\-ed by}{ed\adddot}},
  editor+       = {{edit\-ed by}{eds\adddot}},
  edrev         = {{edit\-ed and revised by}{ed\adddotspace and rev\adddot}},
  edrev+        = {{edit\-ed and revised by}{eds\adddotspace and revs\adddot}},
  edtrans       = {{edit\-ed and translated by}{ed\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  edtrans+      = {{edit\-ed and translated by}{eds\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  edup          = {{edit\-ed and updated by}{ed\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  edup+         = {{edit\-ed and updated by}{eds\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  ex            = {{expanded by}{exp\adddot}},
  ex+           = {{expanded by}{exp\adddot}},
  excomp        = {{expanded and compiled by}{exp\adddotspace and comp\adddot}},
  excomp+       = {{expanded and compiled by}{exp\adddotspace and comps\adddot}},
  exed          = {{expanded and edit\-ed by}{exp\adddotspace and ed\adddot}},
  exed+         = {{expanded and edit\-ed by}{exp\adddotspace and eds\adddot}},
  expanded      = {{expanded edition}{exp\adddotspace ed\adddot}},
  expander      = {{expanded by}{exp\adddot}},
  expander+     = {{expanded by}{exp\adddot}},
  exrev         = {{expanded and revised by}{exp\adddotspace and rev\adddot}},
  exrev+        = {{expanded and revised by}{exp\adddotspace and revs\adddot}},
  extrans       = {{expanded and translated by}{exp\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  extrans+      = {{expanded and translated by}{exp\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  exup          = {{expanded and updated by}{exp\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  exup+         = {{expanded and updated by}{exp\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  foreword      = {{foreword to}{foreword to}},
  forthcoming   = {{forthcoming}{forthcoming}},
  ibidem        = {{ibid\adddot}{ibid\adddot}},
  in            = {{in}{in}},
  introduction  = {{introduction to}{introduction to}},
  mathesis      = {{master's thesis}{master's thesis}},
  nodate        = {{\lowercase{n}\adddot d\adddot}{\lowercase{n}\adddot d\adddot}},
  noplace       = {{N\adddot p\adddot}{n\adddot p\adddot}},
  of            = {{of}{of}},
  origpub       = {{originally published as}{orig\adddotspace published as}},
  page          = {{Page}{Page}},   % assures proper case in 'pageref'
  pages         = {{Pages}{Pages}}, % assures proper case in 'pageref'
  part          = {{pt\adddot}{pt\adddot}},
  phdthesis     = {{PhD diss\adddot}{PhD diss\adddot}},
  pm            = {{p\adddot m\adddot}{p\adddot m\adddot}},
  preface       = {{preface to}{preface to}},
  preprint      = {{preprint\addcomma\space submitted}{preprint\addcomma\space submitted}},
  prepub        = {{published ahead of print}{published ahead of print}},
  pseudo        = {{pseud\adddot}{pseud\adddot}},
  references    = {{Bibliography}{Bibliography}},
  reprint       = {{reprint}{repr\adddot}},
  reprinted     = {{reprinted in}{reprinted in}},
  rev           = {{revised by}{rev\adddot}},
  rev+          = {{revised by}{revs\adddot}},
  reved         = {{revised and edit\-ed by}{rev\adddotspace and ed\adddot}},
  reved+        = {{revised and edit\-ed by}{revs\adddotspace and eds\adddot}},
  revex         = {{revised and expanded by}{rev\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  revex+        = {{revised and expanded by}{revs\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  revcomp       = {{revised and compiled by}{rev\adddotspace and comp\adddot}},
  revcomp+      = {{revised and compiled by}{revs\adddotspace and comps\adddot}},
  review        = {{review of}{review of}},
  reviewnoauth  = {{unsigned review of}{unsigned review of}},
  revised       = {{rev\adddotspace ed\adddot}{rev\adddotspace ed\adddot}},
  reviser       = {{revised by}{rev\adddot}},
  reviser+      = {{revised by}{revs\adddot}},
  revtrans      = {{revised and translated by}{rev\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  revtrans+     = {{revised and translated by}{revs\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  revup         = {{revised and updated by}{rev\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  revup+        = {{revised and updated by}{revs\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  selfpub       = {{Self-published}{self-pub\adddot}},
  special       = {{special issue}{special issue}},
  subverbo      = {{s\adddot v\adddot}{s\adddot v\adddot}},
  subverbos     = {{s\adddot vv\adddot}{s\adddot vv\adddot}},
  trans         = {{translated by}{trans\adddot}},
  trans+        = {{translated by}{trans\adddot}},
  transcomp     = {{translated and compiled by}{trans\adddotspace and comp\adddot}},
  transcomp+    = {{translated and compiled by}{trans\adddotspace and comps\adddot}},
  transed       = {{translated and edit\-ed by}{trans\adddotspace and ed\adddot}},
  transed+      = {{translated and edit\-ed by}{trans\adddotspace and eds\adddot}},
  transex       = {{translated and expanded by}{trans\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  transex+      = {{translated and expanded by}{trans\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  translator    = {{translated by}{trans\adddot}},
  translator+   = {{translated by}{trans\adddot}},
  transrev      = {{translated and revised by}{trans\adddotspace and rev\adddot}},
  transrev+     = {{translated and revised by}{trans\adddotspace and revs\adddot}},
  transup       = {{translated and updated by}{trans\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  transup+      = {{translated and updated by}{trans\adddotspace and up\adddot}},
  up            = {{updated by}{up\adddot}},
  up+           = {{updated by}{up\adddot}},
  upcomp        = {{updated and compiled by}{up\adddotspace and comp\adddot}},
  upcomp+       = {{updated and compiled by}{up\adddotspace and comps\adddot}},
  updated       = {{updated edition}{up\adddotspace ed\adddot}},
  updater       = {{updated by}{up\adddot}},
  updater+      = {{updated by}{up\adddot}},
  uped          = {{updated and edit\-ed by}{up\adddotspace and ed\adddot}},
  uped+         = {{updated and edit\-ed by}{up\adddotspace and eds\adddot}},
  upex          = {{updated and expanded by}{up\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  upex+         = {{updated and expanded by}{up\adddotspace and exp\adddot}},
  uprev         = {{updated and revised by}{up\adddotspace and rev\adddot}},
  uprev+        = {{updated and revised by}{up\adddotspace and revs\adddot}},
  uptrans       = {{updated and translated by}{up\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  uptrans+      = {{updated and translated by}{up\adddotspace and trans\adddot}},
  urlseen       = {{accessed}{accessed}},
  volume        = {{vol\adddot}{vol\adddot}},
  volumes       = {{vols\adddot}{vols\adddot}},
  working       = {{working paper}{working paper}}
