  title = {The Bluebook},
  subtitle = {A Uniform System of Citation},
  edition = {20},
  namec = {{The editors of the Columbia Law Review} and {the Harvard
                  Law Review} and {the University of Pennsylvania Law
                  Review} and {the Yale Law Journal}},
  location = {Cambridge, MA},
  publisher = {The Harvard Law Review Association},
  date = 2015}
  title = 	 {Robertson v\adddotspace Thomson Corp\adddot},
  shortjournal = {S.C.R\adddot},
  journaltitle = {Supreme Court Reports \mkbibemph{(Canada)}},
  entrysubtype = {square},
  shorttitle = {Robertson},
  date = 	 2006,
  volume = 	 2,
  pages = 	 363,
  location =  {Can\adddot}}

  bookpagination = {section},
  entrysubtype = {canada},
  chapter = 	 {C-36},
  title = 	 {Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act},
  journaltitle = {Revised Statutes of Canada},
  shortjournal = {R.S.C\adddot},
  date = 	 1985,
  pages = 	 5,
  addendum =  {Can\adddot}}

  title = 	 {Homeland Security Act of 2002},
  journaltitle = {Congress},
  shortjournal = {Cong\adddot},
  date = 	 2002,
  titleaddon = {H.R.\ 5005},
  volume = 	 {107th}}

  shortjournal = {Cong.\ Globe},
  journaltitle = {Congressional Globe},
  series = {39th Cong\adddot},
  date = 	 1866,
  part = 	 {2d Sess\adddot},
  pages = 	 39}

  journaltitle = {Congressional Record},
  shortjournal = {Cong.\ Rec\adddot},
  date = 	 {2002-10-16},
  pages = {S10\addcomma491},
  volume = 	 148,
  addendum =  {statement of Sen.\ Dodd},
  usera = 	 {daily ed.}}

  title = 	 {Homeland Security Act of 2002},
  journaltitle = {Congress},
  shortjournal = {Cong\adddot},
  shorthand = {\mkbibemph{Hearings on H.R.\ 5005}},
  entrysubtype = {hearing},
  date = 	 2002,
  subtitle =  {Hearings on H.R.\ 5005, Day 3, Before the Select Comm.\
                  on Homeland Security},
  volume = 	 {107th},
  pages = 	 203,
  addendum =  {statement of David Walker, Comptroller General of
                  the United States}}

  title = 	 {Homeland Security Act of 2002},
  journaltitle = {United States Statutes at Large},
  shortjournal = {Stat\adddot},
  date = 	 2002,
  note = {\S\ 2},
  titleaddon = {Pub.\ L\adddot},
  volume = 	 116,
  number = 	 {107-296},
  pages = 	 2135}

  author = 	 {Select Comm.\ on Homeland Security},
  title = 	 {Homeland Security Act of 2002},
  date = 	 2002,
  titleaddon = {H.R.\ Rep\adddot},
  number = 	 {107-609},
  part = 	 1}

  title = 	 {Ark.\ Const.\ of 1868},
  pagination = {section},
  bookpagination = {section},
  titleaddon = {art.\ III},
  pages = {2},
  addendum =  {superseded 1874}}

  options = 	 {ctitleaddon=space},
  title = 	 {U.S.\ Const\adddot},
  titleaddon = 	 {amend.\ XIV},
  pages = 	 2,
  pagination = {section},
  bookpagination = {section}}

  title = 	 {Horn v\adddotspace Pub.\ Water Supply Dist.\ No.\ 8},
  shorttitle = {Horn},
  date = 	 {2005-01-21},
  journaltitle = {Westlaw},
  location = 	 {Mo.\ Ct.\ App\adddot},
  number = 	 {WD 63889},
  issue = 	 119835,
  volume = 2005,
  shortjournal = {WL}}

  title = 	 {Proclamation},
  journaltitle = {Federal Register},
  shortjournal = {Fed.\ Reg\adddot},
  date = 	 {2008-01-08},
  volume = 	 73,
  number = 	 8214,
  pages = 	 1439}

  title = 	 {United States v\adddotspace Christmas},
  shorttitle =   {Christmas},
  date = 	 2000,
  volume = 	 222,
  series = 	 3,
  pages = 141,
  journaltitle = {Federal Reporter},
  shortjournal = {F\adddot},
  location =  {4th Cir\adddot}}

  title = 	 {City of Las Vegas v\adddotspace Walsh},
  journaltitle = {P\adddot},
  shorttitle = 	 {Walsh},
  related = {scotus:case},
  relatedstring = {\mkbibemph{cert.\ denied}},
  relatedoptions = {skipbib},
  date = 	 2005,
  location = 	 {Nev\adddot},
  series = 	 3,
  volume = 	 124,
  pages = 	 203}
  journaltitle = {United States Supreme Court Reports},
  shortjournal = {U.S\adddot},
  date = 	 2006,
  volume = 	 547,
  pages = 	 1071}
  journaltitle = {United States Supreme Court Reports},
  title =        {United States v\adddotspace Sokolow},
  shorttitle =   {Sokolow},
  shortjournal = {U.S\adddot},
  date = 	 1989,
  volume = 	 490,
  pages = 	 1}

  title = 	 {Henningsen v\adddotspace Bloomfield Motors, Inc\adddot},
  shorttitle =   {Henningsen},
  date = 	 1960,
  volume = 	 32,
  origlocation = {161 A.2d 69},
  pages =        358,
  journaltitle = {N.J\adddot}}

  title = 	 {An Act Guaranteeing Governmental Independence},
  shortjournal = {Ky.\ Rev.\ Stat.\ Ann\adddot},
  date = 	 {1985},
  bookpagination = {section},
  usera = 	 {LexisNexis},
  pages = 	 {520.020},
  addendum =  {passed Jan.\ 3, 1974}}

  title = 	 {S.\ Res.\ 20},
  journaltitle = {Leg\adddot},
  location = {Okla\adddot},
  date = 	 1979,
  series = 	 {2d Sess\adddot},
  volume = 	 {37th}}

  title = 	 {Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the
                  Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water},
  journaltitle = {U.S.T\adddot},
  date = 	 {1963-08-05},
  shorthand = {Treaty},
  options = 	 {skipbib},
  titleaddon = {U.S.-U.K.-U.S.S.R\adddot},
  issue = 	 1313,
  volume = 	 14}

  title = 	 {R v\adddotspace Dudley and Stephens},
  shortjournal = {Q.B.D.},
  journaltitle = {Queen's Bench Division \mkbibemph{(UK)}},
  shorttitle = {Dudley and Stephens},
  date = 	 1884,
  location = {D.C.},
  entrysubtype = {round},
  volume = 	 14,
  pages = 	 273}

  title = 	 {Regal (Hastings) Ltd\adddotspace v\adddotspace
                  Gulliver and Ors},
  shorttitle = {Regal (Hastings) Ltd\adddot},
  location = {H.L. and Eng.},
  shortjournal = {A.C.},
  journaltitle = {Appeal Cases \mkbibemph{(UK)}},
  entrysubtype = {square},
  date = 	 1967,
  volume = 	 2,
  pages = 	 134}

  author = 	 {HM Treasury},
  title = 	 {The Basle Facility and the Sterling Area},
  journaltitle = {Cmnd\adddot},
  date = 	 1968,
  issue = 	 3787,
  entrysubtype = {uk}}

  journaltitle = {Parl.\ Deb\adddotspace H.C\adddot},
  date = 	 {1944/1945},
  series = 	 5,
  bookpagination = {column},
  entrysubtype = {hansard},
  volume = 	 {407},
  pages = 	 {425-446}}

  title = 	 {Manchester Corporation Act},
  entrysubtype = {uk},
  date = 	 1967,
  addendum = {Eng.},
  chapter = 	 {xl}}

  chapter = 	 {2},
  series = 	 {3},
  entrysubtype = {uk},
  title = 	 {Act of Settlement},
  journaltitle = {Will\adddot},
  date = 	 {1701},
  volume = 	 {12 \&\ 13}}

  title = 	 {S.C.\ Res.\ 7},
  pages = {\pno\ 4(a)},
  entrysubtype = {un},
  bookpagination = {paragraph},
  shortauthor = {SC},
  date = 	 {1946-06-26},
  titleaddon = {The Spanish Question},
  url = 	 {http://www.un.org/documents/sc/res/1946/scres46.htm}}