\ProvidesFile{brazilian-apa6.lbx}[2020/08/28\space v8.5\space APA 6th ed. biblatex localisation]

% (APA 6.22) The example abbreviations


  inherit          = {brazilian},
  revisededition   = {{Edi\c{c}\~ao\space Revisada}{ed\adddotspace rev\adddot}},
  on               = {{em}{em}},
  retrieved        = {{recuperado}{recuperado}},
  available        = {{dispon\'ivel}{disp.}},
  from             = {{de}{de}},
  archivedat       = {{arquivado\space em}{arquivado\space em}},
  reviewof         = {{Revis\~ao\space de}{revis\~ao\space de}},
  producer         = {{producer}{producer}},
  execproducer     = {{executive producer}{executive producer}},
  director         = {{director}{director}},
  writer           = {{writer}{writer}},
  with             = {{with}{with}},
  origyear         = {{trabalho\space original\space publicado\space em}{trabalho\space original\space publicado\space em}},
  typechair        = {{Coordenador}{Coord\adddot}},
  typechairs       = {{Coordenadores}{Coords\adddot}},
  typevolume       = {{Editor\space do\space Volume}{Ed\adddotspace Vol\adddot}},
  typevolumes      = {{Editores\space do\space Volume}{Eds\adddotspace Vol\adddot}},
  typeseries       = {{Editor\space da\space S\'erie}{Ed\adddotspace S\'erie\adddot}},
  typeseriess      = {{Editores\space da\space S\'erie}{Eds\adddotspace S\'erie\adddot}},
  typevolseries    = {{Editor\space da\space S\'erie\space e\space do\space Volume}{Ed\adddotspace Vol\space\&\space S\'erie}},
  typevolseriess   = {{Editores\space da\space S\'erie\space e\space do\space Volume}{Eds\adddotspace Vol\space\&\space S\'erie}},
  annodomini       = {{A\adddot D\adddot}{A\adddot D\adddot}},
  beforechrist     = {{B\adddot C\adddot}{B\adddot C\adddot}},


% (APA 7.10 Example 68) Drop end* when they are the same as *

% You must use \printdate to get here otherwise it will be ignored

    % As per 6.28, Articles only have year
    \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{article}}
                 and not test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{nonacademic}} }
    % As per 6.28, Articles only have year
    \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{article}}
                 and not test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{nonacademic}} }
    % As per 6.28, Articles only have year
    \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{article}}
                 and not test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{nonacademic}} }

