Index of /archives/text/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/skb

Icon  Name                                      Last modified      Size  Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory - [TXT] README 2011-06-03 21:02 8.5K [TXT] makefile 2011-05-12 22:59 2.7K [DIR] source/ 2011-06-03 21:03 - [DIR] doc/ 2011-06-03 21:11 -

*Create and maintain a repository for long-living documents*

*Latest version: v0.52 2011/06/03*

This package provides  macros that help  to build a  document repository for
long living  documents. It  focuses on  structure and  re-use of text, code,
figures etc. The basic concept  is to first separate structure  from content
(i.e. text about  a topic from  the structure it  is presented by)  and then
separating the  content from  the actual  published document,  thus enabling
easy re-use  of text  blocks in  different publications  (i.e. text  about a
protocol in a short article about this  protocol as well as in a book  about
many protocols); all without constantly copying or changing text. As a  side
effect, using the document  classes provided, it hides  a lot of LaTeX  from
someone who just wants to write articles and books. 

The following classes are supported

- skbarticle: an article class using the memoir package
- skbbook: a book class using the memoir package
- skbbeamer: a class for presentations using the beamer package
- skblncsbeamer: a class for annotated slides using the beamer package
- skblncsppt: a class for annotated Powerpoint slides
- skbmoderncv: a class integrating the moderncv package

The documentation (current/doc) provides for a user guide, the documentation
of  the  LaTeX  package  and  classes  and  a  few  documents  showing   the
capabilities  of  the  skb  package  for  documents  and  presentations. All
documentation of the  SKB is done  using the SKB  itself, so you  can have a
look into the LaTeX code as well to see how it works.

Status: Alpha, Experimental
This package, while being  used by me and  some early adaptors, is  still in
alpha status, thus experimental. We are using it to maintain a large  amount
of documents  (articles, lecture  notes, some  books, project documentation,
open source  documentation) and  various different  platforms (Windows  with
MikTeX, several Linux systems  and OSX). Since we  eat our own dog  food, we
are fairly confident that the package  does it's job well. However, this  is
not  written by a LaTeX expert, I am still  learning, and the package  might
or  might  not  be usefull  for you  and might  or might  not work  on your
machine.   We   are    very   interested   in   comments,   critic,  advice,
recommendations, complaints; as long as you try to keep them contructive ;)

The repository  contains this  readme file,  a makefile  for generating  all
required  files  from  the  source,  the  package  source  including licence
information (`/source`)  and the  generated package  documentation and  user
guide (`/doc`).

 +-- makefile
 +-- [doc]
 |    +-- [user-guide]      : lots of TeX and other files for documentation
 |    +-- skb.pdf           : package documentation generated from skb.dtx
 |    +-- user-guide.pdf    : SKB user guide
 `-- [source]
      +-- HISTORY.TXT       : history of the package documenting changes
      +-- LICENSE.TXT       : licence for the package
      +-- MANIFEST.TXT      : fiels to which the licence applies
      +-- skb.dtx           : latex source
      `-- skb.ins           : latex installer script

Your LaTeX  distribution might  have the  SKB package  already installed  or
autmatically install it from CTAN or other sources when you use it the first
time. If you need to install it manually, then the first step is to get  the
archive and extract it a temporary folder of your choice. You should see the
directory structure and content as described in the previous section.

To build all parts of the package, you have two options: you can run  'make'
(or  'gmake')  using  the provided  makefile.  This  will create  everything
needed. Or you can create everything manually following the instructions  in
the  following section.  In both  cases, the  final installation  is simply
copying all files to their locations in your LaTeX distribution. 

- copy [archive root]/source to $TEXMF/source/latex/skb
- copy [archive root]/doc    to $TEXMF/doc/latex/skb
- copy [archive root]/run    to $TEXMF/tex/latex/skb

Generating Class and Style files from source
You can use the provided makefile  to generate the class and style  files of
the SKB package.  If you want  to do it  manually, simply use  the following
commands (assuming that you create them in a filder called 'run'):

  [archive root]#
  [archive root]# mkdir run
  [archive root]# cd run;latex ../source/skb.ins

This will create the following files in the run folder:
[archive root]
 `-- run
      +-- skb.cfg           : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      +-- skb.sty           : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      +-- skbarticle.cls    : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      +-- skbbeamer.cls     : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      +-- skbbook.cls       : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      +-- skblncsbeamer.cls : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      +-- skblncsppt.cls    : texmf/tex/latex/skb
      `-- skbmoderncv.cls   : texmf/tex/latex/skb

Now copy all files into your local LaTeX distribution ($TEXMF is the path to
your distribution root):

  [archive root]# mkdir $TEXMF/tex/latex/skb
  [archive root]# cp run/* $TEXMF/tex/latex/skb

Generating the documentation from source
The  package  already   contains  the  documentation   of  the  SKB   source
(doc/skb.pdf)  and the  user guide  (doc/user-guide.pdf). The  documentation
also provides examples for slides (animated and not animated) and  annotated
slides, which re-use parts of the user guide. To generate all  documentation
you can either use the provided makefile or run latex manually. Start  doing
it manually by going into the 'doc' folder of the package:

  [archive root]# cd doc

Then  run  the  following  command  three  times  to  generate  the  package
documentation (skb.pdf):

  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex ../skb.dtx

Similar with  the user  guide, except  that we  also need  to run BibTeX for
including all references

  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex user-guide/user-guide
  [archive root]/doc# bibtex user-guide
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex user-guide/user-guide
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex user-guide/user-guide

Now  generate the  PDF files  for the  slides in  the following  order: not
animated, animated, annotated. The order is important, since the  annotation
uses the PDF file of the not animated slides:

  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-noanim
  [archive root]/doc# bibtex ug-slides-noanim
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-noanim
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-noanim

  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-anim
  [archive root]/doc# bibtex ug-slides-anim
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-anim
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-anim

  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-notes
  [archive root]/doc# bibtex ug-slides-notes
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-notes
  [archive root]/doc# pdflatex doc/ug-slides-notes

The SKB comes with a  default  configuration in the package  (`skb.sty`) and
an  external   configuration   file   (`skb.cfg`).   There   are    multiple
options   to  configure   the  SKB    (changing   the   coniguration   file,
using  a   local configuration  file  called  `skblocal.cfg` or  using   the
provided  macro `\skbconfig`). Please refer to the user guide for details.

Where do I get it?
- GitHub:

Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sven van der Meer <[email protected]>

This work may be distributed  and/or modified under the conditions  of the
LaTeX Project Public  License, either version  1.3 of this  license or (at
your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3  or later is  part of all  distributions of LaTeX  version
2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is
   Sven van der Meer <[email protected]>

This software is  provided 'as is',  without warranty of  any kind, either
expressed  or  implied,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  the   implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

This work consists of all files in source/MANIFEST.TXT.