# Copyright (C) 2007 by Xu Yuan <xuyuan.cn@gmail.com>
# $Id$
# This file is part of the SEU-Thesis package project.
# ---------------------------------------------------
# This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3a
# of this license or (at your option) any later version.
# The latest version of this license is in:
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MAIN_SRC=${MAIN}.tex content/*.tex content/reference.bib

all: package

main: main.pdf

sample: sample.pdf

package: ${PACKAGE}.pdf

	rm -f *.aux *.log *.toc *.ind *.inx *.gls *.glo *.idx *.ilg *.out *.bak *.bbl *.brf *.blg *.dvi *.ps

distclean: clean
	rm -f *.cls *.cfg

${PACKAGE}.cls: ${SRC}
	rm -f ${PACKAGE}.cls ${PACKAGE}-gbk.cfg ${PACKAGE}-utf8.cfg
	latex ${PACKAGE}.ins
	iconv -f utf8 -t gbk ${PACKAGE}-utf8.cfg > ${PACKAGE}-gbk.cfg

${PACKAGE}.idx: ${PACKAGE}.dtx
	xelatex ${PACKAGE}.dtx

${PACKAGE}.bbl: ${PACKAGE}.dtx ${PACKAGE}.bib
	xelatex ${PACKAGE}.dtx
	bibtex ${PACKAGE}

${PACKAGE}.ind: ${PACKAGE}.idx
	makeindex -s gind ${PACKAGE}
#	makeindex -s gglo -o ${PACKAGE}.gls ${PACKAGE}.glo

${PACKAGE}.pdf: ${PACKAGE}.dtx ${PACKAGE}.cls ${PACKAGE}.ind ${PACKAGE}.bbl
	xelatex ${PACKAGE}.dtx
	xelatex ${PACKAGE}.dtx

sample.bbl: seuthesis.bib sample.tex
	xelatex sample
	bibtex sample

sample.pdf: sample.tex ${PACKAGE}.cls sample.bbl
	xelatex sample
	xelatex sample

# rules of making main (my thesis)
main.bbl: main.tex content/reference.bib
	xelatex main
	bibtex -min-crossrefs=9000 main

main.pdf: ${MAIN_SRC} ${PACKAGE}.cls main.bbl
	xelatex main
	xelatex main