% printlen.sty Print lengths in a variety of units % % Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press % Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org) % Copyright 2001 Peter R. Wilson % Released under the LaTeX Project Public License % % Extensions courtesy of Harald Harders (h.harders@tu-bs.de) % % Usage instructions are at the end of this file. % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{printlen}[2009/09/03 v1.1a print lengths with units] % % \uselengthunit{<unit>} sets \l@nunits to the value of <unit> % and \l@nunitperpt to the number of <unit> in 1pt. \newcommand{\uselengthunit}[1]{% \def\l@nunitperpt{1.0}\def\l@nunits{pt}% \def\l@nta{#1}\def\l@ntb{pt}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{1.0}\def\l@nunits{pt}% \else \def\l@ntb{pc}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.083333}\def\l@nunits{pc}% \else \def\l@ntb{in}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.013837}\def\l@nunits{in}% \else \def\l@ntb{mm}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.351459}\def\l@nunits{mm}% \else \def\l@ntb{cm}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.0351459}\def\l@nunits{cm}% \else \def\l@ntb{bp}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.996264}\def\l@nunits{bp}% \else \def\l@ntb{dd}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.9345718}\def\l@nunits{dd}% \else \def\l@ntb{cc}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{0.0778809}\def\l@nunits{cc}% \else \def\l@ntb{PT}% \ifx \l@nta\l@ntb \def\l@nunitperpt{1.0}\def\l@nunits{PT}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi } \uselengthunit{pt} % \printlength{<length>} prints the value of <length> in the units set % by \uselengthunit. \newcommand{\printlength}[1]{% \def\l@nta{pt}\ifx\l@nta\l@nunits\the#1\else \def\l@nta{PT}% \@tempdimc=\l@nunitperpt #1\relax\strip@pt\@tempdimc \unitspace\relax\ifmmode \mathrm{\ifx\l@nta\l@nunits pt\else\l@nunits\fi}% \else \ifx\l@nta\l@nunits pt\else\l@nunits\fi \fi\fi} % \rndprintlength{<length>} prints the rounded value of <length> in % the units set by \uselengthunit. Contributed by Harald Harders. \def\@round#1.#2\@empty{#1}% \newcommand{\rndprintlength}[1]{% \def\l@nta{pt}\ifx\l@nta\l@nunits\the#1\else \def\l@nta{PT}% \setlength{\@tempdimc}{\l@nunitperpt #1}% \addtolength{\@tempdimc}{0.5pt}% \edef\@@round{\strip@pt\@tempdimc}% \expandafter\@round\@@round.\@empty \unitspace\relax\ifmmode \mathrm{\ifx\l@nta\l@nunits pt\else\l@nunits\fi}% \else \ifx\l@nta\l@nunits pt\else\l@nunits\fi \fi\fi} % Small space. Contributed by Harald Harders. \newcommand{\unitspace}{\,} \endinput % USAGE: % % \printlength{<length>} prints the value of a LaTeX length in the % units specified by \uselengthunit{<unit>}, where <unit> may be any TeX % length unit except for scaled point. That is, <unit> may be any of: % pt, pc, in, mm, cm, bp, dd or cc. When pt is set the printed length % value will include any stretch or shrink values, otherwise these % are not printed. The <unit> argument may also be PT, in which case % length values will be printed in pt units but without any stretch % or shrink values. An unknown value for <unit> is treated as though it % had been specified as pt. % The unit is separated from the number using the command % \unitspace which is set to \, by default. In math mode the units are % printed upright. % \rndprintlength{<length>} prints the rounded value of a LaTeX length. % Use PT instead of pt for rounded points if there are stretch or % shrink values. % % The initial setting is \uselengthunit{pt} % % Example: % % The \verb|\textwidth| is \printlength{\textwidth} which is also % \uselengthunit{in}\printlength{\textwidth} and % \uselengthunit{mm}\printlength{\textwidth}. % % % CHANGE HISTORY % % Version 1.1a (2009/09/03) % - New maintainer (Will Robertson) % % Version 1.1 (2001/12/09) % - Print rounded values % - Space between value and units % % Version 1.0 (2001/11/03) % - First public release %