% prftree.sty
% by Marco Benini - 19th June 2019
% v1.6
% A package to typeset natural deduction proofs, or sequent proofs, or
% tableau proofs
% This package is distributed under the GNU General Public License

\ProvidesPackage{prftree}[2019/06/19 Natural Deduction Proofs]

% Package options: deactivated by default
% but the STRUT and STRUTlabel are on by default


% A proof tree is composed by a generic cell:
%  A1 A2 A3
% ---------- R
%      C
% We call A1, A2, A3. ... assumptions, C the conclusion and R the rule
% name. The line dividing the assumptions from the conclusion is
% called the proof line. A proof tree with no assumptions is an axiom.
% An assumption which is not a proof tree is a pure assumption.
% A proof tree is typeset by
% \prftree[<options>]...[<options>]
%         {<assumption1>}...{<assumptionN>}
%         {<conclusion>}
% The possible options are:
%   r             : the first argument after the options is the rule
%                   name, typeset in text mode
%   rule          : synonym for 'r'
%   by rule       : synonym for 'r'
%   by            : synonym for 'r'
%   right         : synonym for 'r'
%   l             : the first argument after the options is the rule
%                   label, typeset in text mode; if there is also a
%                   rule name, the label is the second argument
%   label         : synonym for 'l'
%   left          : synonym for 'l'
%   straight      : the proof line will be a solid line (default) 
%   straight line : synonym for 'l'
%   straightline  : synonym for 'l'
%   dotted        : the proof line will be a dotted line
%   dotted line   : synonym for 'dotted'
%   dottedline    : synonym for 'dotted'
%   dashed        : the proof line will be a dashed line
%   dashed line   : synonym for 'dashed'
%   dashedline    : synonym for 'dashed'
%   f             : the proof line will be fancy
%   fancy         : synonym for 'f'
%   fancy line    : synonym for 'f'
%   fancyline     : synonym for 'f'
%   s             : the proof line will be single, not double (default)
%   single        : synonym for 's'
%   single line   : synonym for 's'
%   singleline    : synonym for 's'
%   d             : the proof line will be double, not single
%   double        : synonym for 'd'
%   double line   : synonym for 'd'
%   doubleline    : synonym for 'd'
%   noline        : suppresses the proof line (prevails over all other
%                   line options)
%   summary       : renders the proof line as the summary symbol
%                   (prevails over all other line options except
%                   noline) 
% The format of options is [<opt1>,...,<optM>]; it is correct to have
% empty options. Options are parsed left-to-right: in case of
% conflicting options, the latest prevails.
% If present, the rule name is typeset in text style, while the
% conclusion and the assumptions are typeset in display math mode.
% The result is a box with the correct height and width, whose
% conclusion is aligned with the current baseline.
% Notice that the conclusion must be present, while the assumptions
% may be absent.
% If there are no assumptions, i.e., if the proof tree represents an
% axiom, you may use the following commands:
%  \prfaxiom{<axiom>}
%  \prfbyaxiom{<label>}{<axiom>}
% the latter includes also the axiom name.
% A pure assumption is just a proof tree composed by the conclusion
% only. It uses an option to suppress the drawing of the proof line.
% The commands are:
%   \prfassumption<reference>{<formula>}
%   \prfboundedassumption<reference>{<formula>}
% the second command discharges the assumption.
% A proof summary is just a proof tree whose proof line is bizarre. It
% uses an option to specify the type of summary.
% The command is:
%   \prfsummary<reference>[<label>]
%              {<assumption1>}...{<assumptionN>} 
%              {<conclusion>}
% The label is optional. The shape of the summary is controlled by the
% global option \prfsummarystyle.
% The <reference> field above is used for labelling and
% referencing, as explained in the documentation.

% Parameters
% These values can be safely used to configure the behaviour of the
% macros in the package. Beware to modify them only outside a proof
% tree as the order in which a proof tree is typeset may vary in
% future version of the package.

% \prflinepadbefore          default 0.3ex
% the space between the bottom of assumptions and the proof line

% \prflinepadafter           default 0.3ex
% the space between the proof line and the top of the conclusion

% \prflineextra              default 0.3em 
% the length which extends on the left and on the right the proof line
% so that it is slightly longer than the largest between the
% conclusion and the list of (direct) assumptions

% \prflinethickness          default 0.12ex
% the thickness of the proof line

% \prfemptylinethickness     default 4 times the linethickness
% the thickness of the proof line which has to be drawn but it is empty

% \prfrulenameskip           default 0.2em
% the space between the proof line and the rule name

% \prflabelskip           default 0.2em
% the space between the label and the proof line

% \prfinterspace             default .8em
% the space between two subsequent assumptions

% \prfdoublelineinterspace   default 1.2pt
% the space between a double line

% \prfboundedstyle           default 0
% defines the style of bounded (discharged) assumptions:
% 0 = [<formula>]
% 1 = <formula> cancelled by a horizontal line
% >1 = uses the custom \prfdiscargedassumption command

% \prfsummarystyle           default 0
% defines the style for the summary box. The argument takes the
% following values
% 0 = a vertical dotted line (default)
% 1 = a huge \Pi
% 2 = \prod
% 3 = a calligraphic D
% >3 = uses the custom \prffancysummarybox command

% \prffancyline
% the command to draw "fancy" lines
\def\prffancyline{\cleaders\hbox to .63em%

% \prfConclusionBox
% the command to draw the conclusion box

% \prfAssumptionBox
% the command to draw the assumption box

% \prfRuleNameBox
% the command to draw the rule name box.

% \prfLabelBox
% the command to draw the label box.

% \prfdiscargedassumption
% the command to draw a discharged assumption in a custom way.
% Users may consider the cancel.sty package

% \prffancysummarybox
% the command to draw the body of a custom summary
    \hbox to\prf@@fancysymmarylen{%


% What follows is intended for internal use of the package.
% It shouldn't be used in documents and may vary in future versions.
% Notice that we use temporary registers shared with TeX & LaTeX, and
% that some registers are shared also inside the drawing procedure!

% Lengths
\newskip\prf@Lassum%     space between the left border of the
                   %     assumption box and the left border of the
                   %     conclusion of the first assumption;
\newskip\prf@Rassum%     space between the right border of the
                   %     assumption box and the right border of the
                   %     conclusion of the last assumption 

% Boxes
\newbox\prf@assumptionsbox%   Assumptions
\newbox\prf@conclusionbox%    Conclusion
\newbox\prf@rulenamebox%      Rule name
\newbox\prf@labelbox%         Label
\newbox\prf@linebox%          Proof line
\newbox\prf@summarybox%       Summary
\newbox\prf@fancybox%         To compute the fancy line

% Stack implementation
%% End-of-stack, wrapper and stack declaration 

%% Pushing a value puts the (decorated) value in front
%% of the stack list

%% Top retrieves the topmost value in the stack

%% Pop discards the topmost value in the stack

% Checks whether two strings are equal
% \prf@streq{A}{B} if A = B then the boolean value \ifprf@same is 
% true otherwise false 
% There is also \prf@strlisteq{A}{L} which checks whether A is equal
% to any element in the comma-separated list L of strings



% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Labelling and referencing
% The following commands implement the reference mechanism to allow to
% label and then refer to assumptions and summaries of proofs
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

% The counter to keep track of assumptions

% The counter to keep track of summaries

% To keep track of the options

% The prftree environment is used to define the scope of the
% assumption references

% Test whether a reference is defined
  \expandafter\ifx\csname prf@ref@@#1\endcsname\relax}

% Test whether a reference has never been referenced before
  \expandafter\ifx\csname prf@refref@@#1\endcsname\relax}

% Test whether a reference has been written in the .aux file
  \expandafter\ifx\csname prf@w@ref@#1\endcsname\relax}

% Write a reference
    \ifprf@refhack\label{prf@ref@hack}% to force recompilation
    \PackageWarningNoLine{prftree}{Undefined reference <#1>}%
    \expandafter\gdef\csname prf@ref@@#1\endcsname{\mbox{??}}\else%
    \csname prf@ref@@#1\endcsname\fi\relax} 

% Create the anchor from what stored in the .aux file
    \expandafter\gdef\csname prf@ref@@#1\endcsname{{#2}}\fi}

% Write the newly created label in the .aux file
    \expandafter\gdef\csname prf@w@ref@#1\endcsname{0}\fi}

% Generate an assumption label

% Generate a summary label 

% Generate a label on a given counter

% Parsing of the labelled assumption options
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{f,s,function,symbol,function symbol}%
    \PackageWarning{prftree}{Unrecognised option #1}\fi}

% How a labelled assumption is graphically rendered
  % \prf@tmp\wd\prf@fancybox% CHANGED FROM v1.0
  % \wd\prf@fancybox\prf@tmp% CHANGED FROM v1.0

% How a discharged fancy labelled assumption is graphically rendered

% \prfassumption{<formula>}
% \prfboundedassumption{<formula>}
% Commands to draw a pure assumption: the former draws a pure
% assumption, while the latter draws a pure assumption which is
% discharged. The way to mark discharging is controlled by the global
% option \prfboundedstyle
    \PackageWarningNoLine{prftree}{Label <#1> is [label]!}\fi\fi%

    \PackageWarningNoLine{prftree}{Label <#1> is [label]!}\fi\fi%
        \vrule width\prf@tmp height\prf@lineht depth-\prf@linedp}%
        \vrule width\prf@tmp height\prf@lineht depth-\prf@linedp}%

% \prfaxiom{<axiom>}
% \prfbyaxiom{<label>}{<axiom>}
% Commands to draw an axiom: the former draws the axiom, while the
% latter includes also a rule name for the axiom.

% \prfsummary[<label>]
%            {<assumption1>}...{<assumptionN>} 
%            {<conclusion>}
% Command to draw a proof summary, i.e., a structure with assumptions
% 1 to N and a conclusion which stands for a complex proof not
% explicited. The label is optional.
% The shape of the summary is controlled by the global option
% \prfsummarystyle 
    \PackageWarningNoLine{prftree}{Label <#2> is [label]!}\fi\fi%

      \vbox to4.2ex{\cleaders\hbox{$\cdot$}\vfill}%
      \hbox{\ \box\prf@summary@label}}%

% \prftree[<options>]...[<options>]
%         {<assumption1>}...{<assumptionN>}
%         {<conclusion>}
% The format of options is [<opt1>,...,<optM>]; it is correct to have
% empty options. Options are parsed left-to-right: in case of
% conflicting options, the latest prevails. See the documentation for
% their description.
% If present, the rule name is typesetted in text style, while the
% conclusion and the assumptions are typesetted in math mode.
% The result is a box with the correct height and width, whose
% conclusion is aligned with the current baseline.
% Notice that the conclusion must be present, while the assumptions
% may be absent.
% Options and the way things are drawn can be modified via the global
% settings of the package (see above). Notice that changing these
% settings inside a proof tree may lead to impredictable results, as
% the typesetting may proceed in an arbitrary order.

% The real parsing command is \prf@Ntree; the external command sets
% the right values for the various switches controlling the options

% If there are options then parse them, eventually setting the
% booleans to their appropriate values. Then, expand \prf@@tree

% Parses a block [<opt>,...,<opt>] of options one by one, left to
% right 
\def\prf@optsskip]{\relax} % to consume the final ]

% Parses a single option eventually setting the appropriate flag 
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{r,by rule,rule,by,right}%
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{s,single line,single,singleline}%
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{d,double line,double,doubleline}%
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{straight,straight line,straightline}%
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{dotted,dotted line,dottedline}%
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{dashed,dashed line,dashedline}%
  \prf@strlisteq{#1}{f,fancy line,fancy,fancyline}%
                               {Unrecognised option #1}\fi}%

% At this point, options have been parsed. So, we process them
% preparing the right parameters for the drawing procedure. 
% We start from the proof line options:
%   0 = single straight line
%   1 = double straight line 
%   2 = single dotted line
%   3 = double dotted line
%   4 = single dashed line
%   5 = double dashed line
%   6 = single fancy line
%   7 = double fancy line
%   8 = no line
%   9 = summary

% If there is no rule name, we put an empty one in place 
% #1 the line options

% If there is no label, we put an empty one in place 
% #1 the line options
% #2 the rule name

% We collect the first assumption, if any, or the conclusion otherwise
% and we look if there is another argument. If not, we draw the proof.
% #1 the line options' value
% #2 the rule name
% #3 the label
% #4 the conclusion or the first assumption 

% We examine assumptions from left to right. If we hit the last
% argument, it is the conclusion and the proof is ready to be drawn. 
% #1 the line options' value
% #2 the rule name
% #3 the label
% #4 the first assumptions
% #5 the current argument

% An intermediate assumption is added to the assumptions' box, until
% the last assumption has been collected. Then the proof is drawn.
% #1 the line options' value
% #2 the rule name
% #3 the label
% #4 the first assumption
% #5 the complete list of assumptions
% #6 the new argument

% We need to reset some internal variables during the generation of
% the assumptions

% We need to put some space between assumptions when generating them 

% The drawing procedure, i.e., the "core" of the package
% #1 the line options' value
% #2 the rule name
% #3 the label 
% #4 the conclusion
% #5 the first assumption
% #6 the list of assumptions

  % We construct the boxes which will constitute the proof
  % We set up the flags needed to format the proof tree box
  % Now, we retrieve the right values for Lassum and Rassum
  % since box construction may have overwritten them. Also, we need to
  % know if this proof is the first of a list of assumptions
  % The assumptions' box has the following shape
  %  --------------------------------
  % |<---------------------wd------->|
  % | -----------       ------------ |
  % ||<-->       |     |      <---->||
  % || Lassum    | ... |   Rassum   ||
  % ||   |       |     |      |     ||
  % ||   V       |     |      V     ||
  % | -----------       ------------ |
  %  --------------------------------
  % The assumptions' line is composed by the conclusions of the
  % proofs which are the antecedents of the application of the
  % inference rule
  % The final box will be something like
  %  --------------------------------
  % |<---------------------wd------->|
  % | -----------       ------------ |
  % ||<-->       |     |      <---->||
  % || Lassum    | ... |   Rassum   ||
  % ||   |       |     |      |     ||
  % ||   V       |     |      V     ||
  % | -----------       ------------ |
  %  --------------------------------
  %     ========================   rule name
  %             conclusion
  % <--Lassum-->          <-----Rassum----->
  % We calculate the length of the assumptions' line:
  %   assumline = assumptionsbox - Lassum - Rassum
  % if there are no assumption, assumline = 0
  % (for efficiency reasons, we actually calculate 1/2assumline)
  % The length of the conclusionbox
  % (for efficiency reasons, we actually calculate 1/2concline)
  % The length of the proof line is 
  %   linewd = if summary then width of summary box else
  %               max(concline,assumline)
  %   if there is a line, we add 2extra
  % (for efficiency reasons, we actually calculate 1/2linewd)
  % We calculate the proofline without label and rule name.
      \setbox\prf@fancybox\hbox to2\prf@linewd{\prffancyline}\else%
%      \hbox to2\prf@linewd{\cleaders\hbox
%      to.5em{\hss\_\hss}\hfill}\else% 
      \hbox to2\prf@linewd{\cleaders\hbox to.5em{%
          \hss\vrule height\prflinethickness%
          width.3em depth0pt\hss}\hfill}%
      \setbox\prf@fancybox\hbox to2\prf@linewd{%
      \hbox to2\prf@linewd{\cleaders\hbox%
   % it must be a straight line!
      \setbox\prf@fancybox\hbox{\vrule width2\prf@linewd%
  % If the line is double, we draw it twice with enough
  % (doublelineinterspace) space between the two copies. 
  % Let A = max(1/2assumline + Lassum, 1/2conclusionbox, 1/2linewd +
  % delta), where delta is 0 if there is no label, and it is the width
  % of the label box plus prflabelskip otherwise.
  % Then
  %   Assumptions shift         = A - (1/2assumline + Lassum)
  %   Rule line shift           = A - (1/2linewd + delta)
  %   Lassum = Conclusion shift = A - 1/2conclusionbox
  % And, so, we can prepare the assumptions box and the conclusion box 
  % Rassum will be the width of the composition of all boxes (but we
  % still have to cope with heigths...) minus (concline + conclusion
  % shift) 
  % Then, if there is a rule name, the line is raised to align with
  % the centre of the rule name and the rule box gets attached to the
  % proof line box.
  % Then, if there is a label, the line is raised to align with
  % the centre of the label and the label box gets attached to the
  % proof line box.
  % We need to calculate the distance between the assumptions and the
  % proofline: if there are no assumptions, it is zero; if there are
  % assumptions but no rule name, it is \prflinepadbefore; otherwise
  % it is \linepadbefore plus half of the "real" line's height
  % We need to calculate the distance between the proofline and the
  % conclusion: it is slightly complex to explain... try to draw the
  % whole thing to make it clear!! 
  % And, finally, we can prepare the proof box and we can calculate
  % the right value from Rassum. At the very end, we can output the
  % result (!!) 

% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Support macros to define new inference rules
% \prfMakeInferenceRule#1#2
% \prfMakeInferenceRuleRef#1#2
% #1: name of the command associated to the inference rule
% #2: rule name
% The plain version generates a command for typesetting a proof with
% the inference rule; the Ref version uses the first parameter of the
% rule as a reference that is appended to the rule name
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

  \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname%
  \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname##1%

% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Macros to stack the premises of an inference rule
% \prfStackPremises{a_1}...{a_n} generates a vertical list containing
% a_1 on the top and a_n on the bottom.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------


% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Natural deduction systems
% Package option [ND]
% -------------------------------------------------------------------


% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Sequent systems
% Package option [SEQ]
% -------------------------------------------------------------------


% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Equality rules
% Package option [EQ]
% -------------------------------------------------------------------


% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Martin-Lof and Homotopy Type Theory
% Package option [ML]
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

% -------------------------------------------------------------------