mfirstuc change log: v2.08 (2022-10-14): * Reimplemented \makefirstuc in LaTeX3. This change supports UTF-8 with pdflatex. Rollback to v2.07 provided: \usepackage{mfirstuc}[=v2.07] * New command \MFUsentencecase This just uses \text_titlecase_first:n Principle features of \MFUsentencecase vs \makefirstuc are listed in Table 1 of the manual. * \makefirstuc has been rewritten to internally use \MFUsentencecase (via \glsmakefirstuc), but it still parses its argument as in previous versions. * New command \MFUexcl{<cs>} This adds a command to the case-changing exclusion list. Both \MFUsentencecase and \makefirstuc will skip the identified command and its argument, and apply sentence-casing to the content that follows. For example, glossaries.sty v4.50 implements \MFUexcl{\glsadd} * New command \MFUblocker{<cs>} This adds a command to the blocker list. This is used by \makefirstuc but not \MFUsentencecase. If the command is encountered no case-change will be applied. This is designed for commands that automatically implement a case-change that may have been nested. For example, glossaries.sty v4.50 implements \MFUblocker{\Gls} * New command \MFUaddmap{<cs1>}{<cs2>} Adds a mapping. This is used by \makefirstuc but not \MFUsentencecase. If the first command <cs1> is encountered it will be replaced with the second <cs2>. No case change will be applied. (The case-change, if appropriate, should be dealt with by the replacement command.) For example, glossaries.sty v4.50 implements \MFUaddmap{\gls}{\Gls} Order of precedence: map, blocker, exclusion * New commands \MFUsaveatend and \MFUsave v2.07 (2021-10-15): * new commands: - \MFUcapwordfirstuc - \MFUwordbreak - \MFUskippunc v2.06 (2017-11-14): * \makefirstuc: added check for nested commands. v2.05 (2017-11-10): * bug fix in \@mfu@applytofirst (#1 must be grouped) v2.04 (2016-07-31): * bug fixes in \capitalisefmtwords and \@gls@split * added starred form of \capitalisefmtwords v2.03 (2016-07-29): * Fixed test for \protect at the start of \makefirstuc * Add new conditional \ifMFUhyphen and new command \MFUcapword * New commands \capitalisefmtwords, \xcapitalisefmtwords and \ecapitalisefmtwords (like \capitalisewords etc but allows for text-block formatting commands within the argument). v2.02 (2015-12-17): * Fixed bug in \capitalisewords v2.01 (2015-12-08): * Added check for initial \protect in \makefirstuc v2.0 (2015-09-09): * Split from glossaries bundle. * Fixed bug that occurred when the first two tokens of \makefirstuc are both control sequences. v1.10: * added \ecapitalisewords, \emakefirstuc v1.09: * Added \MFUnocap * New package: mfirstuc-english.sty v1.08: * Made \makefirstuc and \capitalisewords robust v1.07: * Added \mfirstucMakeUppercase to allow the user to switch from \MakeUppercase to another case changing command. v1.06: * added \capitalisewords, \xcapitalisewords v1.05: * added \glsmakefirstuc (replaces \@gls@makefirstuc) to make it easier to customise. v1.04: * fixed bug occurring when initial control sequence in the argument of \makefirstuc has more than one argument. v1.02: * Fixed bug that transfered grouping, (e.g \makefirstuc{\emph{abc}xyz} moved the xyz into the \emph) * If group following initial command is empty, \MakeUppercase is applied to the command, e.g. \makefirstuc{\ae{}bc} now produces \MakeUppercase\ae{}bc. v1.01: * Added \xmakefirstuc (expands argument before applying \makefirstuc) v1.0: * Initial version