% \iffalse meta-comment % % This is file `idxlayout.dtx'. % % Copyright (C) 2010--2012 by Thomas Titz <thomas.titz@chello.at> % % Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this work under the % terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3c or % later. % % The LPPL maintenance status of this work is "maintained". % % This work consists of the files idxlayout.dtx, idxlayout.ins and % README and the derived files idxlayout.pdf and idxlayout.sty. % % \fi % % \iffalse % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges % \OnlyDescription \GlossaryPrologue{% \section*{{Change History}}% \markboth{{Change History}}{{Change History}}% \vspace{-\multicolsep}% } \newcommand*{\SpecialOptIndex}[1]{% \index{#1={\protect\sffamily#1} (option)|usage}% \index{options:>#1={\protect\sffamily#1}|usage}% } \usepackage[columns=3,columnsep=15pt,indentunit=15pt,minspace=100pt,% font=small]{idxlayout} \renewcommand*{\indexjustific}{% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% \setlength{\rightskip}{15pt}% \setlength{\parfillskip}{-15pt}% } \setindexprenote{% \normalsize% Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is described; numbers underlined refer to the \ifbool{codeline@index}{code line of the }{}% definition; numbers in roman refer to the \ifbool{codeline@index}{code lines }{pages }% where the entry is used.% } \usepackage[bottom]{footmisc} \addtolength{\skip\footins}{5pt} \usepackage{array,booktabs,caption,enumitem,graphicx,url,varioref} \frenchspacing \def\ila/{\textsf{idxlayout}} \def\KOMA/{\textsf{KOMA-Script}} \def\mem/{\textsf{memoir}} \widowpenalty=10000 \begin{document} \DocInput{idxlayout.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % % \CheckSum{397} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \changes{v0.4}{2010/01/10}{Initial public release} % % \GetFileInfo{idxlayout.sty} % % \DoNotIndex{\@minus,\@plus,\begin,\begingroup,\csname,\def,\edef} % \DoNotIndex{\else,\end,\endgroup,\endcsname,\endinput,\expandafter} % \DoNotIndex{\fi,\hspace,\ifcase,\ifcsname,\item,\let,\MessageBreak} % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\newcommand,\newcounter,\newlength} % \DoNotIndex{\@nameuse,\nobreak,\or,\p@,\par,\ProvidesPackage,\relax} % \DoNotIndex{\renewcommand,\renewenvironment,\RequirePackage} % \DoNotIndex{\setcounter,\setlength,\the,\tw@,\vspace,\z@} % \DoNotIndex{\boolfalse,\booltrue,\ifbool,\providecommand} % % \title{The \ila/ package\thanks{This document corresponds to % \ila/~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}} % \author{Thomas Titz\thanks{E-mail: \texttt{thomas.titz@chello.at}}} % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent The \ila/ package offers a key--value interface to configure % index layout parameters, e.\,g. allowing for three-column indexes or % for ``parent'' items and their affiliated subitems being typeset as a % single paragraph. The package is responsive to the index-related % options and commands of the \KOMA/- and \mem/ classes. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Introduction} % % Every once a while, questions pop up on \textsf{comp.text.tex} or % other \LaTeX-related newsgroups on how to change properties of the % index layout. The most common request is for an index with three % instead of two columns. The answer to this~-- although not necessarily % the implementation~-- is simple: Use a \texttt{multicols} environment. % An example in the \LaTeX\ Companion \cite[pp. 679--680]{Mit04} shows % how to do it. % % Besides being cumbersome for unversed \LaTeX\ users,\footnote{In the % words of user InsideMan on \textsf{mrunix.de}, November 27, 2009 % (authors translation): ``I didn't believe this to be so laborious. I'd % rather have guessed there is a package option to cater for it.''} the % do-it-yourself approach is prone to break index-related options the % document class might provide (e.\,g. for including the index in the % table of contents). To address this, the \ila/ package offers a % key--value interface to configure index layout parameters while % emulating and extending the relevant functionality of the standard, % \KOMA/- and \mem/ classes. % % Note that \ila/ stays on the \LaTeX\ side of things. If you want to % add letter headings to each index group or to change the delimiter % between keyword and first page number, you still have to provide a % corresponding \textsf{MakeIndex} style file. % % \begin{figure} % \centering % \scalebox{0.83}{% % \begin{minipage}{125mm} % \columnsep 15pt % \raggedcolumns % \begin{multicols}{3} % % \idxlayout{columns=1,font=normalsize,justific=raggedright} % \noindexprenote % % \newcommand{\fakeindex}{% % \begin{theindex} % \item Dion, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 1957--1960 % \subitem and the Belmonts, 1957--1960 % % \end{theindex} % } % % \fakeindex % \idxlayout{itemlayout=relhang} % \fakeindex % \idxlayout{itemlayout=singlepar} % \fakeindex % \idxlayout{columns=3,itemlayout=abshang,font=small} % % \end{multicols} % \end{minipage} % } % \caption{Option \textsf{itemlayout} with values \textsf{abshang}, % \textsf{relhang} and \textsf{singlepar}} % \label{fig:itemlayout} % \end{figure} % % \section{Using the \ila/ package} % % \subsection{Default behaviour} % % If you just add |\usepackage{idxlayout}| to your document preamble, % the package will keep up the index-related behaviour of the document % class while correcting bugs and taking advantage of \textsf{multicol} % features. This amounts to the following changes: % % \begin{itemize} % % \item Columns will be balanced on the last index page. % % \item If you are using a class that lacks the |\chapter| command (or % \mem/ with the option \textsf{article}), the index will basically % behave like a normal |\section*|, i.\,e. it will not automatically % start a new page.\footnote{However, if you typeset your document in % \textsf{twocolumn} mode, \ila/ will temporarily switch to % \textsf{onecolumn}, causing a page break in the process.} The first % index page will also not use a special pagestyle like \textsf{plain} % appropriate only for chapter headings. % % \item When on top of the page, the vertical positioning of the index % heading will not differ from that of other headings typeset in % \textsf{onecolumn} mode, i.\,e. \LaTeX\ bug 3126 (|\twocolumn| % interfering with |\topskip|) will be avoided. % % \item With the standard classes \textsf{article}, \textsf{book} and % \textsf{report}, the space between index columns will be 35\,pt as % intended.\footnote{In the current version (v1.4h) of these classes, % the length \texttt{\textbackslash columnsep} is set to 35\,pt, but % only after \texttt{\textbackslash twocolumn} has been triggered. The % \KOMA/- and \mem/ classes have either corrected or never introduced % this bug. See \cite{col05} for details.} % % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{Options and commands} % % The options provided by \ila/ use the key--value interface % `\meta{key}=\meta{value}'. Set them with % |\usepackage[|\meta{options}|]{idxlayout}|. For boolean options, the % default value is \textsf{false}, and specifying \meta{key} is % equivalent to \meta{key}\textsf{=true}. % % \begin{description}[font=\sffamily] % % \item[columns]\SpecialOptIndex{columns} The number of columns used for % typesetting the index. The permitted values range from 1 to 10, the % default value is 2. A single-column index is e.\,g. suitable ``for an % index of first lines in a book of poetry'' \cite[p. % \textsc{xxix}]{Wil09}. % % \item[unbalanced]\SpecialOptIndex{unbalanced} A boolean option that, % if enabled, switches off the balancing of columns on the last index % page. % % \changes{v0.4a}{2010/01/24}{New option \textsf{unbalanced}} % % \item[columnsep]\SpecialOptIndex{columnsep} The space between index % columns. The default value is 35\,pt. As this is required for % compatibility rather than suggested by typographic considerations, you % may want to reduce the value of \textsf{columnsep} to, say, 1 to 1.5 % times the value of \textsf{indentunit}. % % \item[rule]\SpecialOptIndex{rule} The thickness of a vertical rule % between index columns. The default value is 0\,pt, i.\,e. no rule. % % \item[itemlayout]\SpecialOptIndex{itemlayout} The layout of index % items, subitems and subsubitems. The permitted values, which are % described below, are \textsf{abshang}, \textsf{relhang} and % \textsf{singlepar}. The default value is \textsf{abshang} (which % corresponds to standard \LaTeX\ behaviour). See % figure~\vref{fig:itemlayout} for examples of the various layouts. % % \begin{description}[font=\normalfont\sffamily] % % \item[abshang] Index items feature a hanging indentation of value % \textsf{hangindent}. Subitems and subsubitems resemble items except % that their first line is indented by the values of \textsf{subindent} % and \textsf{subsubindent}, respectively. % % \item[relhang] Differing from \textsf{abshang}, the hanging % indentations of subitems and subsubitems equal the sum of % \textsf{hangindent} and the respective first-line indentations. % % \item[singlepar] ``Parent'' items and their affiliated subitems % (and, if present, subsubitems) are typeset as a single paragraph, with % a semicolon plus an interword space being used as the default % delimiter.\footnote{This blends in well with the default behaviour of % \textsf{MakeIndex} to put a comma plus an interword space between % keyword and first page number.} % % \end{description} % % \item[indentunit]\SpecialOptIndex{indentunit} A length that serves as % a building block for other indentation lengths. The default value is % 20\,pt. You may want to match the value of \textsf{indentunit} with % that of the \TeX\ length |\parindent|. The default values of the % options \textsf{hangindent}, \textsf{subindent} and % \textsf{subsubindent} will be set in accordance with the chosen values % of \textsf{itemlayout} and \textsf{indentunit} (see % table~\vref{tab:indents}). % % \item[hangindent]\SpecialOptIndex{hangindent} Use this option to % override the default value of \textsf{hangindent}. % % \item[subindent]\SpecialOptIndex{subindent} Use this option to % override the default value of \textsf{subindent}. % % \item[subsubindent]\SpecialOptIndex{subsubindent} Use this option to % override the default value of \textsf{subsubindent}. % % \begin{table} % \centering % \small % \caption{Default values of options \textsf{hangindent}, % \textsf{subindent} and \textsf{subsubindent}} % \begin{tabular}{>{\centering\hspace{0pt}}p{22mm}ccc} % \toprule % Value of option \\ \textsf{itemlayout} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Default % value (multiple of \textsf{indentunit})} \\ % \cmidrule(l){2-4} % & \textsf{hangindent} & \textsf{subindent} & \textsf{subsubindent }\\ % \midrule % \textsf{abshang} & 2 & 1 & 1.5 \\ % \textsf{relhang} & 1.5 & 1 & 2 \\ % \textsf{singlepar} & 1 & -- & -- \\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \label{tab:indents} % \end{table} % % \item[initsep]\SpecialOptIndex{initsep} The vertical space inserted % between index groups with differing initial letters. The default value % is 10\,pt plus 5\,pt minus 3\,pt. % % \item[notesep]\SpecialOptIndex{notesep} The vertical space inserted % between a possible prenote and the first index entry. The default % value is one times the value of \textsf{initsep}. % % \item[columnnote]\SpecialOptIndex{columnnote} A boolean option that % controls whether a possible prenote is typeset as part of the first % index column. % % \changes{v0.4b}{2010/03/01}{New option \textsf{columnnote}} % % \item[minspace]\SpecialOptIndex{minspace} The vertical space needed on % the current page to prevent the index from starting a new page. The % default value is 80\,pt. You may want to increase the value of % \textsf{minspace} if the index includes a prenote containing several % lines. % % \item[font]\SpecialOptIndex{font} The font used for typesetting the % index. The permitted values are \textsf{current} (i.\,e. the font in % effect at the time of |\printindex|), \textsf{normalsize}, % \textsf{small} and \textsf{footnotesize}. The default value is % \textsf{current}. % % \item[justific]\SpecialOptIndex{justific} The justification of index % columns. The permitted values are \textsf{standard} (i.\,e. left and % right margin justified), \textsf{raggedright} and \textsf{RaggedRight} % (which uses the correspondent command of the automatically loaded % \textsf{ragged2e} package).\footnote{Before \ila/ v0.4c, % \textsf{justific=RaggedRight} erroneously utilized % \texttt{\textbackslash raggedright}.} The default value is % \textsf{standard}. % % \changes{v0.4c}{2010/06/26}{Corrected option \textsf{justific!= % RaggedRight}} % % \changes{v0.4c}{2010/06/26}{Package \textsf{ragged2e} now loaded % automatically} % % \item[totoc]\SpecialOptIndex{totoc} A boolean option that controls % whether the index is included in the table of contents. The default % value of this option is set according to the standard behaviour of the % document class (\textsf{true} for \mem/, \textsf{false} for other % classes). % % \end{description} % % \DescribeMacro{\setindexprenote} % \DescribeMacro{\noindexprenote} % Use the command |\setindexprenote|\{\meta{Some text}\} to typeset % explanatory text after the index heading. As a default, the prenote % (which may span several paragraphs) is set in the same font as the % index. Font changes within the argument of |\setindexprenote| won't % affect the index proper. A vertical space controlled by the % \textsf{notesep} option is inserted between the prenote and the first % index entry. With multiple indexes, use the command |\noindexprenote| % to reset the prenote text to empty and to take care of the proper % spacing between index heading and first entry. % % \DescribeMacro{\idxlayout} % The command |\idxlayout|, which takes a comma-separated list of % key--value options as argument, allows to change index layout % parameters within the document. A typographically sound example is % provided by \cite{Mit04} which typesets a general index in two columns % and then switches to three columns for an index of names. % % \DescribeMacro{\indexfont} % \DescribeMacro{\indexjustific} % If the permitted values of the options \textsf{font} and % \textsf{justific} do not cover your needs, you can resort to % redefining the commands |\indexfont| and |\indexjustific|, e.\,g. by % including |\renewcommand*{\indexfont}{\tiny\bfseries}| in your % document preamble.\footnote{See the file |idxlayout.dtx| for the % redefinition of \texttt{\textbackslash indexjustific} carried out in % order to use \ila/ with the \textsf{ltxdoc} class.} % % \DescribeMacro{\indexsubsdelim} % Redefine the command |\indexsubsdelim| if you happen to dislike the %default delimiter used with the option \textsf{itemlayout=singlepar}. % % \DescribeMacro{\indexstheadcase} % In the standard classes, the index header is typeset using % |\MakeUppercase|. \ila/ allows you to change this by redefining % |\indexstheadcase|. % % \changes{v0.4d}{2010/03/01}{Added \texttt{\textbackslash % indexstheadcase}} % % \subsection{Compatibility issues and notes} % % \ila/ has been tested with the standard classes \textsf{article}, % \textsf{book} and \textsf{report} (v1.4h), the \KOMA/-classes % \textsf{scrartcl}, \textsf{scrbook} and \textsf{scrreprt} (v3.10a) and % the \mem/ class (v3.6j). It is responsive to their index-related % options and commands: % % \changes{v0.4d}{2012/03/30}{Adapted emulation of \textsf{theindex} to % \KOMA/ v3.10} % % \begin{itemize} % % \item The \KOMA/ options for including the index in the table of % contents (e.\,g. \textsf{index=totoc}) and the respective \mem/ % commands (e.\,g. |\indexintoc|) are recognized and can be mixed with % the \ila/ option \textsf{totoc}. % % \item The \mem/ lengths |\indexcolsep| and |\indexrule| are supported, % and it is possible to alternate between setting these lengths and % using the respective \ila/ options \textsf{columnsep} and % \textsf{rule}. % % \item The \mem/ commands |\onecolindex| and |\twocolindex| are % recognized. (For an index with three or more columns, use the \ila/ % option \textsf{columns}.) % % \item The \KOMA/ command |\setindexpreamble| and the \mem/ command % |\preindexhook| are supported.\footnote{Because these commands do not % automatically insert vertical space between their argument and the % first index entry, they have been made to operate independently of the % \ila/ commands \texttt{\textbackslash setindexprenote} and % \texttt{\textbackslash noindexprenote}. With \ila/ v0.4b and the % \textsf{scrartcl} class, \texttt{\textbackslash setindexpreamble} will % correctly typeset the preamble as part of the first index column.} % % \changes{v0.4b}{2010/03/01}{Corrected emulation of % \texttt{\textbackslash setindexpreamble}} % % \end{itemize} % % When using \ila/ together with the \textsf{splitidx} package, issue % the \textsf{splitidx} command |\extendtheindex| only after having % loaded \ila/. % % If you use the \textsf{tocbibind} package, you must load it before % \ila/. The influence of \textsf{tocbibind} on including the index in % the table of contents will be removed, so use the \ila/ option % \textsf{totoc} instead.\footnote{Just in case you ask, numbering the % index heading is not supported by \ila/ because it is a bad idea from % a typographic point of view. See \cite[pp. 86--87]{Koh08} for % details.} % % Another package which must not be loaded after \ila/ is % \textsf{imakeidx} which allows to create indexes during the main % typesetting run. % % The \textsf{index} package also has to be loaded before \ila/. You may % use the newly-defined second optional argument of |\printindex| to % override the prenote text of |\setindexprenote| for individual % indexes. % % \changes{v0.4b}{2010/03/01}{Package \textsf{index} now supported} % % The \textsf{multind} package (from 1991) is not supported. % % As \ila/ is based on the \textsf{multicol} package, the appearance of % the index is affected by any \textsf{multicol} parameter not % overridden by \ila/. Use the command |\raggedcolumns| if you aim at % typesetting the index on a grid. % % \StopEventually{% % % \bibliographystyle{plain} % % \begin{thebibliography}{9} % % \bibitem{col05} % ``columnsep in theindex (TLC2 and memoir)''. % Series of messages on \textsf{comp.text.tex}, May 22--29, 2005. % \url{http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/937744003315b784} % (accessed January 2, 2010). % % \bibitem{dec09} % ``\textbackslash DeclareStringOption''. % Series of messages on \textsf{comp.text.tex}, December 14, 2009. % \url{http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/1fb53938ac0026c5} % (accessed January 2, 2010). % % \bibitem{Koh08} % Kohm, Markus and Jens-Uwe Morawski. % \emph{KOMA-Script: Eine Sammlung von Klassen und Paketen f\"ur % \LaTeXe}. 3\textsuperscript{rd} edition. % Berlin: lehmanns media, 2008. % % \bibitem{Mit04} % Mittelbach, Frank and Michel Goossens. % \emph{The \LaTeX\ Companion}. 2\textsuperscript{nd} edition. % Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004. % % \bibitem{Wil09} % Wilson, Peter. % \emph{The memoir class for configurable typesetting: User guide}. % 8\textsuperscript{th} edition. % Published by the author, 2009. % \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/memoir/memman.pdf} % (accessed January 2, 2010). % % \bibitem{Wri09} % Wright, Joseph and Christian Feuers\"anger. % ``Implementing key--value input: An introduction''. % \emph{TUGboat} 30.1 (2009), pp.~110--122. % \url{http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb30-1/tb94wright-keyval.pdf} % (accessed March 30, 2012). % % \end{thebibliography} % % \PrintIndex % \PrintChanges % % } % % \section{The package code} % % \subsection{Preliminaries} % % Announce the name and version of the package, which requires \LaTeXe. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{idxlayout}[2012/03/30 v0.4d Configurable index layout] % \end{macrocode} % Besides \textsf{multicol}, we require the packages \textsf{kvoptions} % (to conveniently specify options as key--value pairs) and % \textsf{etoolbox} (e.\,g. for length assignments and boolean switch % handling). We also need \eTeX, whose presence is tested by % \textsf{etoolbox}. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{etoolbox,kvoptions,multicol} % \end{macrocode} % We use \texttt{ila@} as a short prefix to internal macros defined by % \textsf{kvoptions}. % \begin{macrocode} \SetupKeyvalOptions{family=ila,prefix=ila@} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ila@defradiokey} % \textsf{kvoptions} does not provide ``radio buttons''~-- options that % take a list of three or more values with associated functions and % yield an error message if an unknown value is given. However, in a % series of messages on \textsf{comp.text.tex} \cite{dec09}, Heiko % Oberdiek (author of \textsf{kvoptions}) and Joseph Wright showed how % radio button keys can be created using |\define@key| (from the % \textsf{keyval} package, which is loaded by \textsf{kvoptions}) and % the \eTeX\ primitive |\ifcsname|. What follows is basically a % shameless rip-off of Heikos and Josephs good advice. % % The command |\ila@defradiokey| takes one optional and two mandatory % arguments. The first mandatory argument is the key to be defined, the % second is a ``short key'' which must be used as a second prefix after % |ila@| when defining the functions associated with each value. The % optional argument specifies a default value ``which is then used if % the user does not supply one'' \cite[p.~111]{Wri09}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ila@defradiokey}[3][]{% \define@key{ila}{#2}[#1]{% \ifcsname ila@#3@##1\endcsname \csname ila@#3@##1\expandafter\endcsname \else \PackageError{idxlayout}{Unknown value ##1 for option #2}% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Options and commands} % \begin{macro}{\theidxcols} % \begin{macro}{\onecolindex} % \begin{macro}{\twocolindex} % We define the key \textsf{columns} to control the number of index % columns and initially set it to 2. (Actually, we use the counter % |idxcols| to store the number so that anything but an integer will % yield a \LaTeX\ error message.) If the \mem/ class is used, we check % the state of its boolean switch |onecolindex| and set \textsf{columns} % accordingly. We also append code to |\onecolindex| and |\twocolindex| % so that these \mem/ commands will set \textsf{columns} to the % respective number. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{idxcols} \define@key{ila}{columns}{\setcounter{idxcols}{#1}} \setkeys{ila}{columns=2} \@ifclassloaded{memoir}{% \ifbool{onecolindex}{% \setkeys{ila}{columns=1}% }{% }% \appto{\onecolindex}{\setkeys{ila}{columns=1}}% \appto{\twocolindex}{\setkeys{ila}{columns=2}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\indexcolsep} % \begin{macro}{\indexrule} % If any other class than \mem/ is used, we define the lengths % |\indexcolsep| and |\indexrule| and set them to appropriate values. % The keys \textsf{columnsep} and \textsf{rule} will be responsible for % changing these lengths. We don't set these keys here in order not to % override any changes carried out before loading \ila/. % \begin{macrocode} }{% \newlength{\indexcolsep}% \setlength{\indexcolsep}{35\p@}% \newlength{\indexrule}% \setlength{\indexrule}{\z@}% } \define@key{ila}{columnsep}{\setlength{\indexcolsep}{#1}} \define@key{ila}{rule}{\setlength{\indexrule}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \textsf{kvoptions} is used to define the boolean option % \textsf{unbalanced} which is responsible for switching off the % \textsf{multicol} balancing output routine. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBoolOption{unbalanced} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ila@indentunit} % The key \textsf{indentunit} is defined and set using \textsf{keyval} % commands so that its associated length can be used to set other % lengths. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\ila@indentunit} \define@key{ila}{indentunit}{\setlength{\ila@indentunit}{#1}} \setkeys{ila}{indentunit=20\p@} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\ila@hangindent} % \begin{macro}{\ila@subindent} % \begin{macro}{\ila@subsubindent} % We use \textsf{kvoptions} again to define the keys % \textsf{hangindent}, \textsf{subindent} and \textsf{subsubindent}. % Setting their default values is deferred to the definition of the % functions of the ``radio button'' key \textsf{itemlayout}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareStringOption{hangindent} \DeclareStringOption{subindent} \DeclareStringOption{subsubindent} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@idxitem} % |\@idxitem| is only slightly changed: Its hanging indentation is % controlled by the key \textsf{hangindent} instead of being a fixed % value. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\@idxitem}{\par\setlength{\hangindent}{\ila@hangindent}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\subitem} % \begin{macro}{\subsubitem} % The redefinitions of |\subitem| and |\subsubitem| have to be done % separately for each permitted value of \textsf{itemlayout}. % Beforehand, we have to set the values of \textsf{hangindent}, % \textsf{subindent} and \textsf{subsubindent} to appropriate multiples % of \textsf{indentunit}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ila@it@abshang{% \renewcommand*{\ila@hangindent}{2\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand*{\ila@subindent}{\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand*{\ila@subsubindent}{1.5\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand{\subitem}{\@idxitem\hspace*{\ila@subindent}}% \renewcommand{\subsubitem}{\@idxitem\hspace*{\ila@subsubindent}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % Defining the function of \textsf{relhang} also starts with setting % various indentation values. |\deflength| from the \textsf{etoolbox} % package comes in handy for the calculation of the hanging indentations % of |\subitem| and |\subsubitem|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ila@it@relhang{% \renewcommand*{\ila@hangindent}{1.5\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand*{\ila@subindent}{\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand*{\ila@subsubindent}{2\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand{\subitem}{% \par \deflength{\hangindent}{\ila@hangindent + \ila@subindent}% \hspace*{\ila@subindent}% }% \renewcommand{\subsubitem}{% \par \deflength{\hangindent}{\ila@hangindent + \ila@subsubindent}% \hspace*{\ila@subsubindent}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\indexsubsdelim} % For \textsf{singlepar}, only the value of \textsf{hangindent} needs to % be set. We define |\subitem| and |\subsubitem| as |\unskip| (to remove % the space generated by the preceding linebreak in the |ind|-file) plus % |\indexsubsdelim| which stores the delimiter. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\indexsubsdelim}{; } \def\ila@it@singlepar{% \renewcommand*{\ila@hangindent}{\ila@indentunit}% \renewcommand{\subitem}{\unskip\indexsubsdelim}% \renewcommand{\subsubitem}{\unskip\indexsubsdelim}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % At last, we define the ``radio button'' key \textsf{itemlayout}, which % defaults to \textsf{abshang}. % \begin{macrocode} \ila@defradiokey{itemlayout}{it} \setkeys{ila}{itemlayout=abshang} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ila@initsep} % \begin{macro}{\ila@notesep} % \begin{macro}{\ila@minspace} % We use \textsf{keyval} commands to define and set the key % \textsf{initsep}, then \textsf{kvoptions} to define the keys % \textsf{notesep} and \textsf{minspace}, this time also specifying % default values. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\ila@initsep} \define@key{ila}{initsep}{\setlength{\ila@initsep}{#1}} \setkeys{ila}{initsep=10\p@ \@plus 5\p@ \@minus 3\p@} \DeclareStringOption[\ila@initsep]{notesep} \DeclareStringOption[80\p@]{minspace} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\indexspace} % The fixed vertical space inserted by |\indexspace| is replaced by the % value of \textsf{initsep}. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\indexspace}{\par\vspace{\ila@initsep}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The boolean option \textsf{columnnote} controls whether a possible % prenote is placed within the first index column. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareBoolOption{columnnote} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\indexfont} % The ``radio button'' key \textsf{font} produces an appropriate % definition of |\indexfont|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\indexfont}{} \def\ila@fo@current{\renewcommand*{\indexfont}{}} \def\ila@fo@normalsize{\renewcommand*{\indexfont}{\normalsize}} \def\ila@fo@small{\renewcommand*{\indexfont}{\small}} \def\ila@fo@footnotesize{\renewcommand*{\indexfont}{\footnotesize}} \ila@defradiokey{font}{fo} \setkeys{ila}{font=current} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\indexjustific} % The ``radio button'' key \textsf{justific} is responsible for defining % |\indexjustific|. With the value \textsf{standard} selected, we (like % the \KOMA/-classes) also explicitly set |\parfillskip| to its default % value of 0\,pt plus 1\,fil. This way, resettings done outside the % |theindex| environment won't affect the justification of index % columns. We try to load the \textsf{ragged2e} package at the end of % the preamble in order to prevent option clashes. If the package is not % available, we issue a warning message and use |\raggedright| instead % of |\RaggedRight|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\indexjustific}{} \def\ila@ju@standard{% \renewcommand*{\indexjustific}{% \setlength{\parindent}{\z@}% \setlength{\parfillskip}{\z@ \@plus 1fil}% }% } \def\ila@ju@raggedright{\renewcommand*{\indexjustific}{\raggedright}} \newcommand*{\ila@RaggedRight}{} \def\ila@ju@RaggedRight{% \renewcommand*{\indexjustific}{\ila@RaggedRight}% } \AtEndPreamble{% \IfFileExists{ragged2e.sty}{% \RequirePackage{ragged2e}% \renewcommand*{\ila@RaggedRight}{\RaggedRight}% }{% \PackageWarning{idxlayout}{% Package ragged2e not available, therefore\MessageBreak substituting command raggedright for RaggedRight\MessageBreak }% \renewcommand*{\ila@RaggedRight}{\raggedright}% }% } \ila@defradiokey{justific}{ju} \setkeys{ila}{justific=standard} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\ila@prenote} % \begin{macro}{\setindexprenote} % \begin{macro}{\noindexprenote} % We use |\setindexprenote| to specify the text of a possible prenote. % |\ila@prenote| typesets the text within a group (to keep font changes % local) and inserts the value of \textsf{notesep} as vertical space. % |\noindexprenote| defines |\ila@prenote| as |\relax| (which also means % that the control sequence test |\ifundef| will yield \textsf{true}). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\ila@prenote}{} \newcommand{\setindexprenote}[1]{% \def\ila@prenote{% \begingroup#1\par\nobreak\endgroup \vspace{\ila@notesep}% }% } \newcommand*{\noindexprenote}{\let\ila@prenote\relax} \noindexprenote % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\indexstheadcase} % The |\indexstheadcase| command allows to avoid hard-coding % |\MakeUppercase| into the index header definition (as is currently % done by the standard classes). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\indexstheadcase}{\MakeUppercase} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Emulating specific document classes and packages} % % \begin{macro}{\ila@classtype} % We store the type of document class we use, differentiating between % the \KOMA/-classes (which define |\KOMAClassName|), the \mem/ class % and all other (notably the standard) classes. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ila@classtype}{0} \@ifclassloaded{memoir}{% \def\ila@classtype{2}% }{% \ifundef{\KOMAClassName}{% }{% \def\ila@classtype{1}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % For any but the \KOMA/- and \mem/ classes, we define the boolean % option \textsf{totoc} which is responsible for including the index in % the table of contents. If not set, this option defaults to % \textsf{false}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\ila@classtype\relax \DeclareBoolOption{totoc}% % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ila@prologue} % The command |\ila@prologue| comprises actions at the beginning of the % |theindex| environment that must be tailored to the type of document % class. For ``other'' classes, the code resembles that of the standard % classes \textsf{article}, \textsf{book} and \textsf{report}. % % Unlike |\twocolumn|, |\begin{multicols}| does not automatically insert % a pagebreak, so we use |\chapter*| instead of |\@makeschapterhead|. % With that, we also eliminate the need to set |\thispagestyle{plain}| % for classes containing the |\chapter| command. (For other classes, we % don't want the first index page to show a special pagestyle.) % Furthermore, we take our boolean option \textsf{totoc} into account. % Note that with version 6.79z of the \textsf{hyperref} package, we can % do without inserting |\phantomsection| before |\addcontentsline|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ila@prologue{% \ifundef{\chapter}{% \section*{\indexname}% \ifbool{ila@totoc}{% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\indexname}% }{% }% }{% \chapter*{\indexname}% \ifbool{ila@totoc}{% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname}% }{% }% }% \@mkboth{\indexstheadcase\indexname}{\indexstheadcase\indexname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % For the \KOMA/-classes \textsf{scrartcl}, \textsf{scrbook} and % \textsf{scrreprt}, we create \textsf{totoc} as a pseudo boolean key % using |\ila@defradiokey|. If not set, this key will respect the % default behaviour of the class plus any changes carried out before % loading \ila/. We also provide |\MakeMarkcase| to ensure compatibility % with older versions (below 3.10) of \KOMA/. % \begin{macrocode} \or \def\ila@tc@true{\KOMAoptions{index=totoc}}% \def\ila@tc@false{\KOMAoptions{index=nottotoc}}% \ila@defradiokey[true]{totoc}{tc}% \providecommand{\MakeMarkcase}[1]{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Again, |\ila@prologue| is very much a recoding exercise. Note that the % \KOMA/-command |\idx@@heading| is responsive to |\KOMAoptions| and % therefore to our key \textsf{totoc}. For \textsf{scrbook} and % \textsf{scrreprt}, we only use |\setchapterpreamble| if % |\index@preamble| is not defined as |\relax|. Thus, we avoid excessive % vertical space between the index heading and the first entry. For % \textsf{scrartcl}, we drop the special pagestyle of the first index % page and also (for the moment) do not use |\index@preamble|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ila@prologue{% \ifundef{\chapter}{% }{% \ifundef{\index@preamble}{% }{% \setchapterpreamble{\index@preamble}% }% }% \idx@@heading{\indexname}% \@mkboth{\MakeMarkcase{\indexname}}{\MakeMarkcase{\indexname}}% \ifundef{\chapter}{% }{% \thispagestyle{\indexpagestyle}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % For the \mem/ class, our pseudo boolean key \textsf{totoc} will also % respect prior settings. % \begin{macrocode} \or \def\ila@tc@true{\boolfalse{noindexintoc}}% \def\ila@tc@false{\booltrue{noindexintoc}}% \ila@defradiokey[true]{totoc}{tc}% % \end{macrocode} % Another recoding exercise. Note that with \mem/ and its % \textsf{article} option, |\chapter| resembles |\section|. Again, we % get rid of special pagestyles, if necessary, and use neither % |\@makeschapterhead| nor |\phantomsection|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ila@prologue{% \chapter*{\indexname}% \ifbool{noindexintoc}{% }{% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\indexname}% }% \ifbool{artopt}{% }{% \thispagestyle{indextitlepagestyle}% }% \indexmark \preindexhook } \fi % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ila@packindadjust} % If the \textsf{index} package is loaded, the command % |\ila@packindadjust| will~-- in accordance with the settings for % individual indexes~-- redefine |\indexname| and (depending on the % state of |\index@prologue| which stores the second optional argument % of |\printindex|) reset the argument of |\setindexprenote|. Because % the \mem/ class (with built-in features similar to those of the % \textsf{index} package) feigns the presence of the package, % |\ila@packindadjust| is also let to |\relax| if the reported package % date is newer than that of the last official version (v4.2beta). % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{index}{% \@ifpackagelater{index}{2004/01/21}{% \let\ila@packindadjust\relax }{% \def\ila@packindadjust{% \edef\indexname{\the\@nameuse{idxtitle@\@indextype}}% \ifdefempty{\index@prologue}{% }{% \setindexprenote{\index@prologue}% }% }% }% }{% \let\ila@packindadjust\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Having defined the option \textsf{totoc}, we are able to process our % options. % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessKeyvalOptions* % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\idxlayout} % We define |\idxlayout| as a shorthand for |\setkeys{ila}|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\idxlayout}[1]{\setkeys{ila}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Redefining the environment \texttt{theindex}} % % \begin{environment}{theindex} % At the beginning of |theindex|, we check if we are in % \textsf{twocolumn} mode, store the result in |@restonecol| and switch % to \textsf{onecolumn} mode, if necessary. % \begin{macrocode} \renewenvironment{theindex}{% \ifbool{@twocolumn}{% \boolfalse{@restonecol}% \onecolumn }{% \booltrue{@restonecol}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % |\multicolsep| is set to 0\,pt, again in order to avoid excessive % vertical space after the index heading. Also, the \mem/ lengths % |\indexcolsep| and |\indexrule| (now responsive to the \ila/ options % \textsf{columnsep} and \textsf{rule}) are put in charge. Note that in % order to be effective, this has to be done before opening a % |multicols| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\multicolsep}{\z@}% \setlength{\columnsep}{\indexcolsep}% \setlength{\columnseprule}{\indexrule}% % \end{macrocode} % The necessary adjustments to the \textsf{index} package are carried % out. % \begin{macrocode} \ila@packindadjust % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ila@prologueplus} % If a single-column index is requested, we simply execute % |\ila@prologue|, switch to |\indexfont| and (if the boolean option % \textsf{columnnote} is disabled) typeset a possible prenote. In case % of two or more columns, we do all this inside the first optional % argument of a properly chosen |multicols| (or, if the boolean option % \textsf{unbalanced} is enabled, |multicols*|) environment and specify % the value of \textsf{minspace} as its second optional argument. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ila@prologueplus{% \ila@prologue \indexfont \ifbool{ila@columnnote}{% }{% \ila@prenote }% }% \ifnumcomp{\theidxcols}{<}{\tw@}{% \ila@prologueplus }{% \ifbool{ila@unbalanced}{% \begin{multicols*}{\theidxcols}[\ila@prologueplus][\ila@minspace]% }{% \begin{multicols}{\theidxcols}[\ila@prologueplus][\ila@minspace]% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % We set |\parskip| to 0\,pt plus 0.3\,pt (exactly as in the standard % classes) and switch to the proper justification. For the % \textsf{scrartcl} class, we append its index preamble. We also typeset % a possible prenote in case \textsf{columnnote} is enabled. Last, but % not least, we redefine |\item|. % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\parskip}{\z@ \@plus 0.3\p@}% \indexjustific \ifundef{\chapter}{% \ifundef{\index@preamble}{% }{% \index@preamble\par\nobreak }% }{% }% \ifbool{ila@columnnote}{% \ila@prenote }{% }% \let\item\@idxitem % \end{macrocode} % At the end of |theindex|, we close a possible |multicols| (or % |multicols*|) environment and switch back to \textsf{twocolumn} mode, % if necessary. % \begin{macrocode} }{% \ifnumcomp{\theidxcols}{<}{\tw@}{% }{% \ifbool{ila@unbalanced}{% \end{multicols*}% }{% \end{multicols}% }% }% \ifbool{@restonecol}{% }{% \twocolumn }% } % \end{macrocode} % The end of the package. % \begin{macrocode} \endinput % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale \endinput