  [2020/10/05 v2.5k etoolbox debug messages (JAW)]


  [debug] tracing \string#1\on@line}}%
  [debug] analyzing '\detokenize\expandafter{\string#1}'}}%
  [debug] ++ \csuse{etb@msg@i@#1}}}%
  [debug] == \csuse{etb@msg@s@#1}}}%
  [debug] -- \csuse{etb@msg@f@#1}}}%

\gdef\etb@msg@ex{^^J[debug] -> }%

  control sequence is defined}
  control sequence is a macro}
  control sequence is a macro with parameters}
  control sequence is a macro without parameters}
  control sequence is a \string\protected\space macro}
  macro can be retokenized cleanly}
  search pattern found in replacement text}
  patching possible}
  redefining macro now}
  retokenizing macro now}
  control sequence is undefined or \string\relax}
  control sequence is not a macro}
  macro cannot be retokenized cleanly\noexpand\etb@msg@ex
  the macro may have been defined under a category\noexpand\etb@msg@br
  code regime different from the current one\noexpand\etb@msg@ex
  the replacement text may contain special control\noexpand\etb@msg@br
  sequence tokens formed with
  the replacement text may contain carriage return,\noexpand\etb@msg@br
  newline, or similar characters}
  nested patching command and parameters in patch\noexpand\etb@msg@ex
  the patching command seems to be nested in the\noexpand\etb@msg@br
  argument to some other command\noexpand\etb@msg@ex
  the patch text seems to contain \string# characters\noexpand\etb@msg@ex
  either avoid nesting or use \string# characters with\noexpand\etb@msg@br
  category code 12 in the patch text\noexpand\etb@msg@ex
  simply doubling the \string# characters will not work}
  search pattern not found in replacement text}
