%% pdfwidgets.sty
%% $Id: pdfwidgets.sty,v 1.2 2007-10-22 09:45:17 cvr Exp $
%% (c) C. V. Radhakrishnan <cvr@river-valley.org>
%% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project 
%% Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.

%    \protect\phantom{0}\fi\arabic{section}}

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%  \draw(\pgf@xa,\pgf@ya) -- (\pgf@xa,\pgf@yb) ;
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%  \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgforigin}
%  \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgforigin}
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%  \draw(\pgf@xa,\pgf@ya) -- (\pgf@xa,\pgf@yb) ;

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%  \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgfpoint{4pt}{4pt}}
%  \pgfsetcornersarced{\pgfpoint{9pt}{9pt}}
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%  \draw(\pgf@xa,\pgf@ya) -- (\pgf@xa,\pgf@yb) ;


%    \vskip.75\baselineskip plus 3pt minus 1pt
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%         plus 3pt minus 1pt
%% include clippings from a pdf document:
%% #1 => Optional argument for \includegraphics
%% #2 => page number
%% #3 => co-ordinates
%% #4 => file name

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		 %River Valley Technologies
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		 inner sep=\the\Sep,text width=\Linewidth] (x) 
		 {\hspace*{\npskip}\box0} ;


\def\Strut{\vrule depth 2pt height 10pt width 0pt}
     \node[fill=blue!10,draw,shade,top color=blue!50,
		       bottom color=white,shape=buttonbox,
					 inner sep=2pt,text width=#1](x) 
					 {\parbox{#1}{\centering\Strut#2}}; \end{tikzpicture}}

%		  {\includegraphics[width=15mm]{logo4.pdf}}\hfill%\hspace{1cm}
%			 shade,%
%			 top color=blue!10,
%			 bottom color=white,
      inner sep=2mm,
      text width=13mm] (x)
			 A better way to format your submission}}
%		\pdfButton{2cm}{\Acrobatmenu{GoToPage}{GoTo}}




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%  \verbatim@out=#1
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%\immediate\write18{touch mytool.tex
%  ^^J rm mytool.tex ^^J touch mytool.tex}

	   cat xx.tex >> mytool.tex ^^J
		 echo "\@@@rbr" >> mytool.tex}}

                   minimum height=1mm,minimum width=13mm]
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