%% dot2texi.sty
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Kjell Magne Fauske
%% Author: Kjell Magne Fauske <km@fauskes.net>
%%                             http://www.fauskes.net
%% Defines the dot2tex environment for encapsulating graphs described
%% using the Grahviz[1] DOT-language. The dot2tex[2] command line tool is
%% used to convert output from Graphviz' graph layot tools to TikZ and
%% PGF, or PSTricks code. The package will automate this process if
%% shell-escape is enabled.
%% This code is adapted from the packages dottex[3] and gnuplottex[4],
%% written by Lars Kotthoff. The platform detection code is from the
%% ifplatform[5] package.
%% [1] http://www.graphviz.org/
%% [2] http://www.fauskes.net/code/dot2tex/
%% [3] http://http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/dottex.html
%% [4] http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/gnuplottex.html
%% [5] http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/ifplatform.html

%% Copyright (c) 2005, Lars Kotthoff <metalhead@metalhead.ws>
%% Large portions copied from pdftex,
%% Copyright (c) 2001-3, Radhakrishnan CV <cvr@river-valley.com>
%%                       Rajagopal CV <cvr3@river-valley.com>
%%                       http://www.river-valley.com
%% River Valley Technologies, Floor III, SJP Buildings, Cotton Hills
%% Trivandrum, India 695014
%% Tel: +91 471 233 7501
%%                     Antoine Chambert-Loir
%%                     <chambert@math.polytechnique.fr>
%%                     http://www.math.polytechnique.fr/\protect \unhbox \voidb@x \penalty \@M \ {}chambert
%% Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau Cedex, France
%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
%% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
%% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%% along with this program (gpl.txt); if not, write to the Free
%% Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
%% MA  02111-1307, USA.

%% Copyright (C) 2007 by Will Robertson & Johannes Gro��e

\ProvidesPackage{dot2texi}[2008/05/07 v3.0p1 Run dot2tex from LaTeX]

% fix for new moreverb according to the author of this file as state in
%   https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/dot2tex-users/kbjZGRVT5SY
% fix included by Norbert Preining, renamed the version to v3.0p1
%\newif\ifmiktex \miktexfalse
\newif\ifdtt@ForceShellEscape \dtt@ForceShellEscapefalse
\newif\ifdtt@debug \dtt@debugfalse
\newif\ifdtt@autosize \dtt@autosizefalse
% Options related to shell escape
\DeclareOptionX{miktex}{} % dummy (for backwards compatability)

% Options for setting output format
\def\dtt@format{-ftikz} % default output format


% Options for setting the graph layout program

% Option for setting an output directory




%% The platform detection code is copied from the ifplatform package
%% avaialable from: http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ifplatform/
%% Copyright (C) 2007 by Will Robertson & Johannes Gro��e
  \read\instream to\@tempa
\immediate\write18{echo \ip@win >"\ip@file"}
    \immediate\write18{\ifwindows del \else rm -- \fi "\ip@file"}

    {ForceShellEscape enabled}

    {Automatically converting dot/neato files}
        {Shell escape not enabled.\MessageBreak
        You'll need to convert the graphs yourself.}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dot2tex code
% Most of the code is from dottex.sty and gnuplottex.sty

% Options
    \PackageInfo{dot2texi}{Dot2tex debugging enabled}



% graph layout
% output formats
% command line shortcuts




\define@key{dtt}{scale}[]{\def\dtt@graphstyle{--graphstyle="scale=#1,transform shape"}}

\newif\ifdtt@writetofile \dtt@writetofiletrue

        \message{Opening dot2tex stream #1}%
    \immediate\openout \verbatim@out #1

        \catcode`\~9% Added this one
        \catcode`\ 10


            \immediate\write18{dot2tex \dtt@output\space
                -o \dtt@figname.tex \dtt@options\space \dtt@figname.dot}
                \PackageInfo{dot2texo}{\dtt@figname.dot converted}
                {Conversion of \dtt@figname.dot failed.}}}{}

            {Please convert \dtt@figname.dot manually}}
