% colorframed.sty v0.9b 2022/10/01 % Copyright (C) 2022 Jean-Fran��ois Burnol % Distributed under the terms of the LPPL 1.3c, see README.md \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{colorframed} [2022/10/01 v0.9b fix `framed' breakable boxes colour leaks (JFB)] % Apart from code comments here, documentation is in colorframed-doc.pdf \RequirePackage{framed} \RequirePackage{color} % First we must make \MakeFramed/\endMakeFramed colour safe. \expandafter\def\expandafter\MakeFramed\expandafter#\expandafter1\expandafter {\MakeFramed{#1}\color@begingroup} \expandafter\def\expandafter\endMakeFramed\expandafter {\expandafter\color@endgroup\endMakeFramed} % % `framed' \def\FrameCommand{% \setlength\fboxrule{\FrameRule}\setlength\fboxsep{\FrameSep}% \CustomFBox{}{}\fboxrule\fboxrule\fboxrule\fboxrule % replaces \fbox } % The frame colour can be set via modifying this macro. \def\colorframedbordercolorcommand{\normalcolor} % % `shaded', `shaded*', `snugshade', `snugshade*' % The \colorbox in \FrameCommand is replaced by \colorframedcolorbox \renewenvironment{shaded}{% \def\FrameCommand{\fboxsep=\FrameSep \colorframedcolorbox{shadecolor}}%<<<< MODIFIED \MakeFramed {\FrameRestore}}% {\endMakeFramed} \renewenvironment{shaded*}{% \def\FrameCommand{\fboxsep=\FrameSep \colorframedcolorbox{shadecolor}}%<<<< MODIFIED \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}% {\endMakeFramed} \renewenvironment{snugshade}{% \def\FrameCommand##1{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip-\fboxsep \colorframedcolorbox{shadecolor}{##1}%<<<< MODIFIED \hskip-\fboxsep % There is no \@totalrightmargin, so: \hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth}% \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \@totalleftmargin\z@ \linewidth\hsize \@setminipage}% }{\par\unskip\@minipagefalse\endMakeFramed} \renewenvironment{snugshade*}{% \def\FrameCommand##1{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \colorframedcolorbox{shadecolor}{##1}%<<<< MODIFIED % There is no \@totalrightmargin, so: \hskip-\linewidth \hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\columnwidth}% \MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \@totalleftmargin\z@ \linewidth\hsize \advance\labelsep\fboxsep \@setminipage}% }{\par\unskip\@minipagefalse\endMakeFramed} % The \colorframedcolorbox was obtained via a process of trimming from some % far more capable box, hence some possibly strange looking or sub-optimal % code; but we did not want to keep extra capabilities and have to provide % interface for that... \def\colorframedcolorbox#1#2{% % #1 is in our usage always "shadecolor" (which has to be defined by user) % #2 is in our usage always a box or rule \leavevmode% this is not needed in our usage \hbox{% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\kern\fboxsep{#2}\kern\fboxsep}% \ht\@tempboxa \dimexpr\ht\@tempboxa+\fboxsep\relax \dp\@tempboxa \dimexpr\dp\@tempboxa+\fboxsep\relax % BACKGROUND % draw background and move back to reference point {\color{#1}% \vrule\@height\ht\@tempboxa \@depth\dp\@tempboxa \@width\wd\@tempboxa \kern-\wd\@tempboxa }% % CONTENTS \box\@tempboxa }% } % % `oframed' and `titled-frame' % The \CustomFBox redefinition. % Refer to framed.sty for significance of the parameters. % We have not wrapped #3, #4, #5, #6 thicknesses in \dimexpr. % Generally speaking, no attempt here to make this macro more % versatile than is the original. % Our version tries to let #1 and #2 have same effect as in original % (where they are only used for titled-frame environment, and % it thus seems to be sort of a convention that #2 has no height.) \long\def\CustomFBox#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \leavevmode\begingroup \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{% \color@begingroup \kern\fboxsep{#7}\kern\fboxsep \color@endgroup}% \hbox{% \ht\@tempboxa \dimexpr\ht\@tempboxa+\fboxsep+#3\relax % cf "overlap" remark below \dp\@tempboxa \dimexpr\dp\@tempboxa+\fboxsep+#4\relax \setbox\z@\hbox {\vrule\@width#5\relax \kern\wd\@tempboxa \vrule\@width#6\relax }% \ht\z@\ht\@tempboxa \dp\z@\dp\@tempboxa \vbox{% \colorframedbordercolorcommand % defaults to \normalcolor \hrule\@height#3\relax #1% \kern-#3\relax % see discussion of issue #2 \copy\z@ % deliberate overlap hrules+vrules to avoid anti-aliasing artefacts \kern-#4\relax #2% \hrule\@height#4\relax \kern-\dp\@tempboxa }% \kern-\wd\z@ \kern#5\relax \box\@tempboxa \kern#6\relax }% \endgroup } % The titled-frame environment depends in part on this macro, % whose original in framed.sty has various colour problems. % We have indicated the modifications, additionally to using % our modified \CustomFBox. % Original let the continuation label use same colour as frame. % Let make this customizable. \let\colorframedTFconlabcolorcommand\empty \renewcommand\TitleBarFrame[3][]{\begingroup \ifx\delimiter#1\delimiter \let\TF@conlab\@empty \else \def\TF@conlab{% \nointerlineskip \hbox{%<<<< ADDED (needed due to \smash doing \leavevmode nowadays) \colorframedTFconlabcolorcommand%<<<< ADDED \smash{\rlap{\kern\wd\@tempboxa\kern\fboxrule\kern\fboxsep #1}}}% }%<<<< ADDED \fi %\let\TF@savecolor\current@color%<<<< REMOVED %\textcolor{TFFrameColor}{% <<<< REMOVED \def\colorframedbordercolorcommand{\color{TFFrameColor}}%<<<< ADDED \CustomFBox {\TF@Title{#2}}{\TF@conlab}% \fboxrule\fboxrule\fboxrule\fboxrule {%\let\current@color\TF@savecolor\set@color%<<<< REMOVED #3}% %}% <<<< REMOVED \endgroup } % There are various issues with \TitleBarFrame/\TF@Title/TF@conlab % we provide an alternative \def\colorframedTFconlabsep{3pt} \newcommand\colorframedTitleBarFrame[3][]{\begingroup \ifx\delimiter#1\delimiter \let\TF@conlab\@empty \else \def\TF@conlab{% \nointerlineskip \hbox{\colorframedTFconlabcolorcommand \smash{\rlap{\kern\wd\@tempboxa % 2\fboxrule, not \fboxrule\fboxsep! \kern2\fboxrule \kern\dimexpr\colorframedTFconlabsep\relax #1}}}% }% \fi \def\colorframedbordercolorcommand{\color{TFFrameColor}}% \CustomFBox {\colorframed@TF@Title{#2}}{\TF@conlab}% \fboxrule\fboxrule\fboxrule\fboxrule {#3}% \endgroup } % The title bar for \colorframedTitleBarFrame, it will wrap its argument % as paragraphs in case it is too long, the horizontal placement is improved % and it will be suitably vertically centered. Nota Bene: for #1 to be % allowed to contain \par, the \textbf in titled-frame must be replaced by % some \bfseries. % Macro to customize the horizontal placement. For example % \def\colorframedTFtitleshift{0pt} % if \fboxrule is set by the environment to a high value. % Don't use negative value, some parts of the title may then be hidden % behind the left border. \def\colorframedTFtitlesep{\fboxsep} \newcommand\colorframed@TF@Title[1]{% \ifx\delimiter#1\delimiter\else %\kern-0.04pt\relax \kern-.5\fboxrule \begingroup \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% \kern0.8ex \hbox{\kern\fboxrule \kern\dimexpr\colorframedTFtitlesep\relax \vbox{\hsize\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule- 2\dimexpr\colorframedTFtitlesep\relax\relax \noindent\color{TFTitleColor}% #1\par}}% \kern0.8ex}% \hrule\@height\ht\@tempboxa \kern-\ht\@tempboxa \box\@tempboxa \endgroup %\nointerlineskip %\kern-0.04pt\relax \hrule\@height.5\fboxrule \fi } % maybe provide a titled-frame variant using the above and acting like % snugshade respective to being used in a list? \endinput