the CHEMFORMULA package

  typeset chemical compounds and reactions

Clemens Niederberger
If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please
feel free to contact me.
Copyright 2011--2022 Clemens Niederberger

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger.
2012/01/28 - version 3.0   - bundled with packages `chemmacros' and `ghs'
2012/01/30 - version 3.0a  - bugfix
                           - renamed formula => chemformula
                             (following a request by Karl Berry for TeXlive)
2012/02/03 - version 3.0b  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/02/05 - version 3.0c  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/02/10 - version 3.0d  - several bugfixes
                           - new arrow type <>
2012/02/19 - version 3.1   - new arrow types -/>, </- and <o>
                           - new commands \DeclareChemArrow, \RenewChemArrow and
2012/02/26 - version 3.1a  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/03/03 - version 3.1b  - arrow types are stored in a sequence to automate the
                             search and replace in the right order 
                           - new arrow type ==                                   
                           - IUPAC compliance for stoichiometric factors
                           - new handling of super- and subscripts to correct
                             various flaws: clear distinction between isotope and
                           - new option charge-vshift
2012/03/14 - version 3.1c  - improved arrow labels
2012/03/20 - version 3.2   - new: option input via @{<options>}
2012/05/07 - version 3.3   - \ch now bypasses \ref{}, \label{}, and \intertext{}
2012/05/13 - version 3.3a  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/05/18 - version 3.3b  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/05/18 - version 3.3c  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/07/24 - version 3.3d  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
                           - default bond length set to 1.1667ex
                           - bug fix in the bonds
2012/08/21 - version 3.3e  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2012/09/11 - version 3.4   - cleaned a little, minor bug fixes
                           - switched to internal scratch variables
                           - new command \bond, more bond types
                           - new commands \DeclareChemBond, \DeclareChemBondAlias,
                             \RenewChemBond and \ShowChemBond
                           - radical point thicker, new options `radical-style'
                             and `radical-radius'
2012/10/03 - version 3.4a  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2013/01/04 - version 3.4b  - bug fix in the sub- and superscript handling
2013/01/28 - version 3.5   - disallow breaks at bonds
                           - allow breaks after arrows
                           - made some spaces in chemformulas stretch- and
                           - various internal code improvements
                           - changed defaults for horizontal spaces that have in
                             set in ex into corresponding values in em.
                           - improvements to the placement of sub- and superscripts
2013/02/19 - version 3.5a  - stepped number with `chemmacros'
2013/02/26 - version 3.6   - support for use with the `breqn' package
                           - math escaping also via \(\)
                           - internal: clearer escaping macros
                           - new options: `radical-vshift', `radical-hshift'
                             and `radical-space'
                           - bug fix: `radical-...' options are now correctly set
                           - stoichiometric factors: add leading 0 if missing
                           - new option: `stoich-paren-parse'
                           - internal changes: be way more rigid about protected
                             and expandable macros
                           - internal changes: clearer distinction between
                             private macros and accessable module macros
                           - internal changes: clearer distinction between
                             document commands and module level commands
                           - !()() syntax now also works with babel's French
2013/02/27 - version 3.6a  - bug fix: escaped text and math stays escaped, i.e.
                             also arrow code like `<=>'
2013/04/19 - version 3.6b  - new option `arrow-min-length'
                           - bug fix: stoichiometric fractions correctly displayed
2013/07/06 - version 4.0   - don't need `chemmacros' package any more,
                             `chemformula' can be used stand-alone;
                             this has lead to a few definitions that previously
                             were done by chemmacros; chemmacros will get them
                             now from chemformula when needed
                           - bug fix: allow braces in subscripts and superscripts
                             by disabling superfluous \chemformula_subscript:n
                             and \chemformula_superscript:n in the scripts write
                           - remove superfluous rescanning at the begin of the
                             formula input; this is handled by the sanitize
                             command later anyway
                           - changed internal mathshifts from $ ... $ to \( ... \)
                           - removed superfluous \textstyle from math-frac
                           - new command \charrow{}[][] that allows direct
                             access to chemformula's arrows
                           - new command \chname()() that allows direct access
                             to chemformula's naming
                           - new command \chcpd[]{} that allows typesetting a
                             simple single formula - also not nestable with \ch
                           - new command \setchemformula
                           - package option: `strict'
                           - don't allow a line break before a plus
                           - don't allow a line break between a stoichiometric
                             factor and a compound
                           - changed formal charges to match ``plain'' charges
2013/07/26 - version 4.0a  - added options `arrow-penalty' (0), `plus-penalty'
                             (700) and `bond-penalty' (10000) that determine if
                             there may be a break after an arrow, a bond or the
2013/08/24 - version 4.1   - changed `0' values in TikZ coordinates into `0pt'
                             see http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/128792/5049 and
                             http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/118467/5049 for
                           - new option `tikz-external-disable'
                           - new option `frac-math-cmd'
2013/10/24 - version 4.2   - \chemformula_font_inner: is only applied /once/ to
                             a formula, and at the beginning, fixes
                           - fixed wrong setting of the TikZ bond style
                           - new option `arrow-style'
                           - new command \chlewis
2013/11/04 - version 4.2a  - bug fix in \chcpd,
                           - change sanitizing/restoring of category codes
2014/01/24 - version 4.3   - changed behaviour of \DeclareChem to match
                             \DeclareRobustCommand, i.e., no check if command
                             is defined; added a \NewChem variant to each that
                             /does/ check; use \NewChem instead of \DeclareChem
                             for definitions
                           - new option stoich-print
                           - new command \chstoich
2014/01/29 - version 4.4   - treat a single `-' as a minus sign
2014/04/07 - version 4.5   - make sure that < and > have catcode 12 when read
                             as parts of arrows
                           - new arrow types `>=<', `>=<<', `>>=<' and `<==>'
                           - arrow lengths and compound offset now correctly
                             adapts to new fontsize if relative lengths (em,ex)
                             are used
                           - allow optional arguments to \\ in equation
                           - allow optional arguments to \label in equation
                             (credits: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/166661/5049)
                           - support for Kr��ger-Vink notation
2014/06/30 - version 4.6   - fix: a comma in a superscript is typeset according
                             to `decimal-marker' again
                           - fix charge type behaviour: option `circled' and
                             `circletype' are now obeyed if the option is
                             changed mid-document
                           - new option `chemformula/circled' similar to
                           - new option `chemformula/circletype' similar to
2014/08/04 - version 4.7   - change dependency: pgf library `arrows.meta'
                             instead of `arrows'
                           - new arrow tip definition allows redeclaration to
                             other existing tips by \pgfkeys{cf/.tip=<tip>}
2014/08/08 - version 4.8   - fix bug introduced in last update: `butt cap' now
                             needs to be `Butt Cap' with the new `arrows.meta'
                           - split from `chemmacros' bundle as independent
2014/10/07 - version 4.9   - new options: `minus-space', `minus-penalty',
                             `plus-output-symbol' and `minus-output-symbol'
2015/03/16 - version 4.10  - new macros \NewChemCompoundProperty,
2015/04/03 - version 4.10a - bug fix in \__chemformula_input_stoich:n
2015/06/30 - version 4.11  - small changes in \chcpd
                           - remove unnecessary \mathchoice => noticable speed
                           - \NewChemAdditionSymbol
                           - \NewChemSymbol
2015/08/12 - version 4.12  - remove chemmacros' `circletype' and `circled'
                             options. They really belong to chemmacros
                           - change requirement amsmath -> amstext
                           - shorten definition of double and triple bonds
2015/08/29 - version 4.12a - \chemformula_formal_plus: ,
                             \ProvideChem... equivalents to all \NewChem...
2015/09/08 - version 4.12b - trim spaces of \ch input -- due to a change in
2015/01/01 - version 4.13  - clean up code
                           - check for blank input
                           - drop support for \[ and \]
                           - new option `atom-format'
2015/10/21 - version 4.14  - fix issue
                           - new option `adduct-penalty'
2016/01/07 - version 4.14a - \prop_get:Nn => \prop_item:Nn
2016/05/03 - version 4.14b - local options now are correctly working again
                           - `atom-format' is only applied to formulas
2016/05/11 - version 4.15  - arrow definitions don't have to be made in a
                             certain order any more
                           - new quasi equilibria arrows
                           - bug fix in \RenewChemArrow
                           - meaningful error if \charrow if used with an
                             unknown arrow type
2016/06/08 - version 4.15a - change requirement amstext -> amsmath; \chname
                             uses \underset which needs amsmath
2016/06/08 - version 4.15b - add missing variant of kernel function
2016/08/21 - version 4.15c - corrected redundant definition of
                           - fix problem with TikZ externalization and
                             Kroeger-Vink notation
2017/02/02 - version 4.15d - allow `name-format' to end with a macro that
                             takes an argument
2017/03/23 - version 4.15e - small bug fix (issue #5)
                           - implement \shortintertext bypass
2019/09/23 - version 4.15f - add missing definition for temporary variable
2019/09/27 - version 4.15g - bug fix in fontspec option
2019/10/13 - version 4.15h - new (undocumented) option `set-catcodes'
                           - fix behaviour with category codes
                           - fix bug: local format changes are now applied
2020/02/01 - version 4.15i - fix issue #12
2020/03/07 - version 4.15j - make sure that < and > have catcode 12 when read
                             as arrows -- again...
2020/03/15 - version 4.15k - fix https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/532674/
2020/12/22 - version 4.16  - new option `math-scripts'
                           - use LaTeX's new hooks
                           - get rid of unnecessary package dependencies
2022/01/23 - version 4.17  - adjust options `stoich-print' and `frac-math-cmd'
                             and correct bug in `stoich-print'
                           - deprecate `stoich-print' and introduce `stoich-format'
                           - lazy boolean evaluation where possible
                           - fix deprecated file hook
                           - implement issue #17
                           - fix issue #18
                           - fix issue #19
                           - fix typos in code