% chbibref.sty   Change the Bibliography/References heading
% author: Peter Wilson (CUA)
%         (now at peter.r.wilson@boeing.com)
% Copyright Peter Wilson, 2001
% Released under the Latex Project Public License
% Usage instructions are at the end of this file.
\ProvidesPackage{chbibref}[2001/03/07 v1.0 change Bibliography/References heading]


%    In the article class the title text printed by 
% \begin{thebibliography} is given by the value of \refname
% (default References), while in the report and chapter 
% classes the text is given by the value of \bibname 
% (default Bibliography).
%    The command \setbibref{name} will set the title text for the 
% Bibliography or the References to `name' for at least the article, 
% report and book standard LaTeX classes, without having to be
% concerned which class is being used.
%    If you are using the babel package, put \setbibref{...} after
% the \begin{document}.
% Peter W.
% 2001/03/07