17 Jul 1205 (19 Jul 2021):  Page breaks are now prohibited
between the citation title and the first citation.  Version

02 Nov 1202 (02 Nov 2018):  Page breaks are now prohibited
between the question and answer (though of course they can
still be broken within questions or answers).  Version 2.5.

19 Oct 1202 (21 Oct 2018):  For some reason I had completely
left out the ability to cross-reference catechism questions
by number.  That's now in there.  Version 2.4.

13 Oct 1202 (15 Oct 2018):  The package was producing lots
of "Underfull hbox" warnings because I'd forgotten an \hfil.
I've put in that \hfil, and the package is much quieter.
Version 2.3

21 Jul 1202 (25 Jul 2018):  \catcommsty was actually
\catcommentsty, which was wrong, so \catcommsty didn't have
any effect.  Fixed it.  Version 2.2.

11 Jul 1202 (13 Jul 2018):  Added the catcitations
environment, which inserts appropriate spacing before and
after a citations section.  Also added \catcitationsbefskip
and \catcitationsaftskip, to allow controlling how much
space will be skipped.  Version 2.1.

11 Jan 1202 (13 Jan 2018):  Complete rewrite of the package;
much simpler and cleaner.  Added \catexplic command.
\citetitle was replaced by \catcitetitle, to avoid
inevitable naming collisions.  \scripture is now simply an
alias of \catcite, with a view to eventual deprecation.
Version 2.0.