1.25 * Add \ibible macro * Add more abbreviations 1.24 * Add more abbreviations * Add more \brthreeabbrvname 1.23 * Add Tt abbreviation 1.22 * Add Bar abbreviation 1.21 * Add Wis abbreviation 1.20: * Before switching off `:` shorthand, test if it is a shorthand. 1.19: * \bibleverse and \ibibleverse are now robust, and so can be used in section title, caption, etc. * Fix bug when using french and frenchb option of babel with pdflatex (because `:` character is active with this configuration). 1.18: * Fix bug with indexing when using non unicode engine. 1.17: * Use / to mark the two numbering of the Psalms : \bibleverse{Ps}{23/24} 1.16: * Don't add the \bvidxpgformat in the .idx file if defined as empty. 1.15: * Correct indexing for book without chapter. Thanks to Rapha��l Pinson. 1.14: * added \ibiblechvs - only displays chapter and verse, but indexes under book, chapter and verse. \ibiblevs - only displays verse, but indexes under book, chapter and verse. \biblerefcategory - sets up reference categories. * Index now displayed using bibleref style current at \makeindex rather than style in use when \ibibleref used. * If there are chapter lists/ranges with no verses, can now put the list in a single (chapter list:) for example \ibibleverse{Gen}(1-5,9:) * Added new package bibleref-xidx: - extended bibleref indexing support - verses added as subitems to chapters in index - options to suppress the verses or chapters appearing in index 1.13: * Changed \@ifnextchar to \new@ifnextchar to prevent spaces being ignored after bible references. (amsgen.sty now a required package.) * Removed spurious space when setting some of the styles 1.12: * Fixed bug occurring when the verse number has a suffix. 1.11: * Fixed sorting for 3-digit chapters 1.10: * Fixed bug causing unwanted @ in verse index subitem * Entries sorted according to verses as well as book title and * chapter. * Added \setindexbooktitle 1.09: * Added \addbiblebook * Added \biblerefindex * Added \biblerefmap