%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%% biblatex-chem --- A set of biblatex implementations of
%%   chemistry-related bibliography styles
%% Maintained by Joseph Wright
%% E-mail: joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------

  hyphenation = {british},
  author      = {Allen, R. A. and Smith, D. B. and Hiscott, J. 
  title       = {Radioisotope Data},
  institution = {H.M.S.O.},
  location    = {London},
  type        = {UKAEA Research Group Report},
  number      = {AERE-R 2938},
  year        = {1961}

  hyphenation = {american},
  author      = {Arduengo, III, Anthony J. and Harlow, 
    Richard L. and Kline, Michael},
  title       = {A stable crystalline carbene},
  journaltitle= {J.~Am. Chem. Soc.},
  year        = {1991},
  volume      = {113},
  pages       = {361--363},
  number      = {1},
  doi         = {10.1021/ja00001a054},
  annotation  = {An article with ``III'' in the author 

  author     = {Arduengo, III, Anthony J. and Gentry, Jr.,
    Frederick P. and Taverkere,  Prakash~K. and Simmons, 
    III, Howard E.},
  title      = {Process for manufacture of imidazoles},
  year       = {2001},
  type       = {patentus},
  holder     = {{E.~I. DuPont}},
  number     = {6177575},
  annotation =  {Notice the use of the \texttt{type} field

  hyphenation = {british},
  title       = {Purification of Laboratory Chemicals},
  publisher   = {Butterworth--Heine\-mann},
  year        = {2003},
  author      = {Armarego, W. L. F. and Chai, Christina Lin Li},
  location    = {London},
  edition     = {5},
  annotation  = {A simple \texttt{book} entry}

  hyphenation = {american},
  author	      = {Augustine, Robert L.},
  title       = {Heterogeneous Catalysis for the Synthetic 
  shorttitle  = {Heterogeneous catalysis},
  publisher   = {Marcel Dekker},
  location    = {New York},
  year	      = {1995},
  annotation  = {A plain \texttt{book} entry, taken from the
    \textsf{biblatex} examples}

  author     = {Baker, J.~C.},
  title      = {Process of bleaching and maturing flour and 
    other cereal products},
  year       = {1921},
  type       = {patentus},
  number     = {1367530},

  hyphenation  = {british},
  author       = {Booth, G. and Chatt, J.},
  title        = {The reactions of carbon monoxide and nitric 
    oxide with tertiary phosphine complexes of iron(II), 
    cobalt(II), and nickel(II)},
  journaltitle = {J.~Chem. Soc.},
  year         = {1962},
  pages        = {2099--2106},
  doi          = {10.1039/JR9620002099},
  annotation   = {An article which does not have a volume number}

  hyphenation = {american},
  title       = {The ACS Style Guide},
  publisher   = {Oxford University Press, Inc. and The 
    American Chemical Society},
  year        = {2006},
  editor      = {Coghill, Anne M. and Garson, Lorrin R.},
  location    = {New York},
  edition     = {3}

  title = {CORINA: Generation of 3D coordinates},
  url = {http://www.molecular-networks.com/software/corina/index.html}

  hyphenation = {british},
  author	     = {Cotton, Frank Albert and Wilkinson, Geoffrey 
    and Murillio, Carlos A. and Bochmann, Manfred},
  title		= {Advanced Inorganic Chemistry},
  edition	= {6},
  publisher	= {Wiley},
  location	= {Chichester, United Kingdom},
  year		= {1999},
  annotation	= {A \texttt{book} entry with \arabic{author} 
    authors and an \texttt{edition} field}

  author       = {Pugh, David and Wright, Joseph A. and 
    Danopoulos, Andreas A.},
  title        = {`Pincer' pyridine dicarbene iridium 
    complexes: facile C--H activations and unexpected 
    $\eta^2$-imidazol-2-ylidene coordination},
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.},
  note         = {in press}

  hyphenation  = {german},
  author       = {Dehnicke, Kurt and Str{\"a}hle, Joachim},
  title        = {Die 
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem.},
  year         = {1981},
  volume       = {93},
  pages        = {451--464},
  number       = {5},
  doi          = {10.1002/ange.19810930506},
  related      = {Dehnicke1981a},
  relatedtype  = {translatedas},
  annotation   = {A journal article published in two languages,
    which has to handled manually}

  hyphenation  = {british},
  author       = {Dehnicke, Kurt and Str{\"a}hle, Joachim},
  title        = {The transition metal--nitrogen multiple bond},
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.},
  year         = {1981},
  volume       = {20},
  pages        = {413--426},
  number       = {5},
  doi          = {10.1002/anie.198104133},
  annotation   = {The English version of the preceding article,
    which should really only be cited as along with its 

  hyphenation = {british},
  author      = {Gaunt, Matthew James},
  title       = {The investigation and design of palladium 
    catalysed reactions},
  institution = {University of Cambridge},
  year        = {1999},
  type        = {phdthesis},
  location    = {Cambridge, United Kingdom}

  hyphenation = {british},
  editor      = {Glorius, Frank},
  title       = {N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Transition 
    Metal Catalysis},
  series     = {Topics in Organometallic Chemistry},
  year       = {2007},
  volume     = {21},
  publisher  = {Springer},
  location   = {Berlin},
  annotation = {A book which is part of a regular series}

  hyphenation = {british},
  title       = {International Tables for Crystallography},
  publisher   = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  year        = {2002},
  editor      = {Hahn, Theo},
  volume      = {A},
  location    = {Dordrecht, Netherlands},
  edition     = {5},
  annotation  = {Compare with data entry for vol.~C}

  hyphenation = {british},
  author      = {Hammond, Christopher},
  title       = {The Basics of Crystallography and 
  publisher   = {International Union of Crystallography and 
    Oxford University Press},
  location    = {Oxford, United Kingdom},
  year        = {1997},
  chapter     = {1},
  pages       = {1--40}

  hyphenation = {american},
  author      = {Henry, Patrick M.},
  title       = {The Wacker oxidation and related asymmetric 
  booktitle   = {Handbook Of Organopalladium Chemistry for 
    Organic Synthesis},
  publisher   = {Wiley Interscience},
  year        = {2002},
  editor      = {Negishi, Ei-Ichi},
  volume      = {2},
  chapter     = {V.3.1.1},
  pages       = {2119--2140},
  location    = {New York},

  hyphenation = {german},
  title       = {Anorganische Synthesechemie: ein integriertes
  publisher   = {Springer-Verlag},
  location    = {Weinheim, Germany},
  year        = {1986},
  author      = {Heyn, Bodo and Hippler, B. and Kreisel, G. and
    Schreer, H. and Walther, D.},
  annotation  = {A book in German}

  hyphenation  = {american},
  author       = {Hope, E. and Bennett, J. and Stuart, A.},
  title        = {Fluorous zirconium phosphonates: novel 
    inorganic supports for catalysis},
  booktitle    = {Pacifichem (International Chemical 
    Congress of Pacific Basin Societies)},
  year         = {2005},
  number       = {961},
  venue        = {Hawaii, USA},
  organization = {Pacific Basin Chemical Societies}

  hyphenation  = {german},
  author       = {Kabbe, H.-J. and Jira, R.},
  title        = {Durch Oxidation unter erhalt des 
  substitle    = {C) Ketone aus Olefinen},
  booktitle    = {Ketone},
  booksubtitle = {Teil 1},
  chapter      = {III},
  pages        = {781--790},
  maintitle    = {Methoden der organischen Chemie},
  mainsubtitle = {Houben--Weyl},
  publisher    = {Georg Thieme Verlag},
  location     = {Stuttgart, Germany},
  year         = {1973},
  volume       = {VII},
  part         = {2a},
  edition      = {4}

  title      = {Topics in Current Chemisty},
  issuetitle = {Immobilized Catalysts},
  publisher  = {Springer-Verlag},
  year       = {2004},
  editor     = {Kirschning, Andreas},
  volume     = {242},
  location   = {Berlin, Germany and London},
  doi        = {10.1007/b94543},
  annotation = {An entire issue, which is very similar to a

  author   = {Lancaster, Simon J.},
  title    = {Alkylation of boron trifluoride with 
    pentafluorophenyl Grignard reagent},
  year     = {2003},
  urlyear  = {2008},
  urlmonth = {10},
  urlday   = {8},
  url      = {http://www.syntheticpages.org/pages/215}

  hyphenation = {british},
  title       = {Theoretical Aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis},
  publisher   = {Kluwer Academic Press},
  year        = {1995},
  editor      = {van Leeuwen, Piet W. M. N. and Morokuma, Keiji 
    and van Lenthe, Joop~H.},
  number      = {18},
  series      = {Catalysis by Metal Compounds},
  location    = {Dordrecht, Netherlands}

  hyphenation   = {british},
  booktitle     = {Crystal Structure Refinement},
  booksubstitle = {A Crystallographer's Guide to SHELXL},
  bookauthor    = {M{\"u}ller, Peter and Herbst-Irmer, Regine
    and Spek, Anthony L. and Schneider, Thomas R. and Sawaya,
    Michael R.},   
  publisher     = {International Union of Crystallography and 
    Oxford University Press},
  location      = {Oxford, United Kingdom},
  year          = {2006},
  title         = {A Short History of SHELXL},
  author        = {Sheldrick, George M.}

  hyphenation = {american},
  title       = {Handbook of Organopalladium Chemistry for 
    Organic Synthesis},
  publisher   = {Wiley Interscience},
  location    = {New York},
  year        = {2002},
  editor      = {Negishi, Ei-Ichi}

  hyphenation  = {german},
  author       = {{\"O}fele, K.},
  title        = {1,3-{D}imethyl-4-imidazolinyliden-(2)-pentacarbonylchrom
   ein neuer {\"U}bergangsmetall-carben-komplex},
  journaltitle = {J.~Organomet. Chem.},
  year         = {1968},
  volume       = {12},
  pages        = {P42--P43},
  number       = {3},
  annotation   = {One entry of a \texttt{set}}

  hyphenation  = {british},
  organization = {Oxford Diffraction Ltd.},
  title        = {ABSPACK, CrysAlis CCD and CrysAlis RED},
  location     = {Abingdon, United Kingdom},
  year         = {2006},
  version      = {1.171}

  hyphenation  = {british},
  author       = {Bunge, Scott D. and Just, Oliver and Rees, Jr.,
  William S.},
  title        = {[\{Au[$\mu$-N(SiMe$_3$)$_2$]\}$_4$]: the first
    base-free gold amide},
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.},
  year         = {2000},
  volume       = {39},
  pages        = {3082--3084},
  number       = {17},
  annotation = {An article with ``Jr.'' in the author list.}

  hyphenation = {british},
  title       = {SHELX-97: Programs for crystal structure 
  author      = {Sheldrick, George M.},
  location    = {G{\"o}ttingen, Germany},
  year        = {1997},
  annotation  = {A slightly forced example of a 

  hyphenation  = {german},
  author       = {Smidt, J. and Hafner, W. and Jira, R. and 
    Sedlmeier, J. and Sieber, R. and R{\"u}ttinger, R. and 
    Kojer, H.},
  title        = {Katalytische Umsetzungen von Olefinen an
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem.},
  year         = {1959},
  volume       = {71},
  pages        = {176--182},
  number       = {5},
  annotation = {A standard chemistry article, with the title in
    German.  This makes no difference for the chemistry styles, 
    but will of course with the standard \textsf{biblatex} 

  hyphenation  = {british},
  author       = {Smidt, J{\"u}rgen  and Hafner, W. and Jira, R.
    and Sieber, R. and Sedlmeier, J. and Sabel, A.},
  title        = {The oxidation of olefins with palladium 
    chloride catalysts},
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.},
  year         = {1962},
  volume       = {1},
  pages        = {80--88},
  number       = {2},
  doi          = {10.1002/anie.196200801},
  annotation = {A standard chemistry article, with the title in

  hyphenation  = {british},
  author       = {Sofield, Chadwick D. and Walter, Marc D. and 
    Andersen, Richard A.},
  title        = {\{Amidobis[$\eta^5$-1,3-bis\-(trimethylsilyl)\-\relax
  journaltitle = {Acta Crystallogr., Sect.~C: Cryst. Struct.
  year         = {2004},
  doi          = {10.1107/S0108270104018840},
  annotation   = {An article where the volume and page details 
    have deliberately been omitted, to force the use of the

  title = {Proceedings of the 21st International 
    Conference on Coordination Chemistry},
  venue = {Toulouse, France},
  year  = {1980},

  hyphenation  = {british},
  author       = {Wanzlick, H. W.},
  title        = {Aspects of nucleophilic carbene chemistry},
  journaltitle = {Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.},
  year         = {1962},
  volume       = {1},
  pages        = {75--80},
  number       = {2},
  annotation   = {One entry of a \texttt{set}}  

  hyphenation = {british},
  title       = {Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Tables},
  maintitle   = {International Tables for Crystallography},
  publisher   = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  year        = {1992},
  editor      = {Wilson, A. J. C. and Prince, E.},
  volume      = {C},
  location    = {Dordrecht, Netherlands},
  edition     = {3},
  annotation  = {Compare with data entry for vol.~A},

%% Copyright (C) 2010-2014,2016-2019,2021 by
%%   Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
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%% version of this license is in the file:
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%% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
%%   Joseph Wright.
%% This work consists of the files biblatex-chem.bib,
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%%           and the derived files biblatex-chem.pdf,
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%% End of file `biblatex-chem.bib'.