% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%%  This file provides the asmeconf LaTeX class for formatting conference papers according to 
%%  ASME conference requirements as represented on ASME's conference web pages in 2024.
%%  This file's version and date:
%%  Author: John H. Lienhard, V
%%          Department of Mechanical Engineering
%%          Massachusetts Institute of Technology
%%          Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
%%  This LaTeX template was designed to approach the following aims:
%%          1. Match ASME's current layout and font specifications
%%          2. With amseconf.bst, match ASME's reference formats including DOI & URL (replaces asmems4.bst)
%%          3. Provide hyperref compatibility for hyperlinks, pdf bookmarks, and metadata
%%          4. Set author names in either the traditional grid or the more recent inline style
%%          5. Support citations, footnotes, and bold face, sans serif math in section headings
%%			6. Provide line numbers for editing and review
%%			7. Support balancing length of columns on last page
%%			8. Provide copyright footer for federal employees and contractors
%%			9. Support archival PDF/A standards
%%		   10. Enable various math and text features from the newtxmath and newtxtext packages
%%		   11. Support inclusion of passages in languages other than English
%%  This class is compatible with either pdfLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. Fontspec will load automatically with LuaLaTeX,
%%  but the class does not support unicode-math. To use LuaLaTeX without fontspec, call the [nofontspec] option.
%%	Use an up-to-date LaTeX distribution: for pdfLaTeX, TeX Live 2020 or later; for LuaLaTeX, TeX Live 2021 or later.
%%  A complete LaTeX installation is also recommended: asmeconf loads ~30 packages, in addition to LaTeX core packages.
%%	All packages required by the class are in TeXLive and CTAN (https://ctan.org/). 
%%  Commands for entering conference headers and author names are specific to this class.
%%  See asmeconf-template.tex for details.
%%  The class defines abstract (with keywords), abstract* (no keywords), and nomenclature environments. 
%%  The latter has an optional argument to control the space between the entries and the definitions.
% =========================================================
%% Copyright (c) 2024 John H. Lienhard
%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and 
%% associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, 
%% including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, 
%% and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, 
%% subject to the following conditions:
%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or 
%% substantial portions of the Software.
%% The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but 
%% not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. 
%% In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, 
%% whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the 
%% software or the use or other dealings in the software.

\ProvidesClass{asmeconf}[\versiondate ASME Conference Paper LaTeX Template (JHL)]

\LoadClass[twoside,10pt]{article}% twocolumn is initiated in \MakeTitle
% Even/odd page layout is not used in ASME's specs, although the papers are printed in two-sided format.

\RequirePackage{iftex}% provides \ifpdftex (many) & \ifluatex (once)
\RequirePackage{ifthen}% ifthenelse (many) & \whiledo (once)
\RequirePackage{etoolbox}% using patchcmd in 4 or 5 places

  \str_const:Nn \ClassName {asmeconf}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Compatibility codes for older distributions  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\providecommand\IfFormatAtLeastTF{\@ifl@t@r\fmtversion}%  compare version to date; \If... added to latex 2020/10/01
\providecommand\IfPackageAtLeastTF{\@ifpackagelater}%     compare version to date; \If... added to latex 2020/10/01
\providecommand\IfPDFManagementActiveTF{\@secondoftwo}%   \If... added to latex 2021/07/23
\providecommand\IfPackageLoadedTF{\@ifpackageloaded}%     \If...added to latex 2021/11/15
\providecommand\ClassNoteNoLine[2]{\typeout{^^JClass Note #1: #2.^^J}}%  log & terminal note... added to latex 2021/11/15

	\ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion.  Formats dated 2020/10/01 or later are recommended for the asmejour class. Older formats and packages may generate errors or fail entirely!}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution to obtain best results. TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  You can try to click past the errors for now.}%

% check whether pdfmanagement (\DocumentMetadata) has been loaded (else fall back to hyperxmp and bookmark packages after loading hyperref)
	\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{pdfmanagement is not active. Will load hyperxmp and bookmark packages instead}

% Allow pre 2021/11/15 formats to see the graphicx alt key without causing an error

% Enable pre-2020/10 formats to access essential macros later moved into LaTeX kernel
  \RequirePackage{xparse}% enable older installations to access features in LaTeX kernel since 2020/10/01; but need at least 2018/04...

% Provide pre-2020/10 installations with basic unicode character mappings 
	\pdfgentounicode=1  			    %% enable CMaps; was moved into the latex kernel Oct 2020
	\input glyphtounicode.tex 		    %% lists of mappings; was moved into the latex kernel Oct 2020

    \ClassError{\ClassName}{Package iftex is too old. Go to \string https://ctan.org and download an up-to-date version.}{%
    Your latex installation does not have an up-to-date version of the package iftex. You can get it at CTAN: \string https://ctan.org.}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Options for the class %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%% set key [colorlinks] to have colored hyperlinks, rather than black links (use a key with new pdfmanagement, 2021/12/01)

%% Option for caption text not to use boldface type [unboldcaption]

%% Option to obtain line numbers [lineno] 

%% Option to balance column height on last page [balance] 

%% Option to convert inline author data to a grid of authors

%% Option for copyright notice if all authors are government employees [govt]

%% Option for copyright notice if all authors are government employees [govt]

%% Option for copyright notice if some (not all) authors are government employees [govtsome]

%% Option for government contractor copyright notice [contractor]

%% Option NOT to use fontspec package under luaLaTeX [nofontspec]

%%% Use these switches to load other alphabets for Cyrillic, Greek, Japanese, and Vietnamese text


%%% Test whether main language is from a group that use the Cyrillic alphabet
	\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\ac@main}}{\ac@cyrillictrue\def\ac@TtwoA{T2A}}{\relax}% comparing strings

\define@key{\ClassName}{main}{% remove default 2024/07/26, to avoid conflict with subsequent logic
	  \PassOptionsToPackage{main=#1,#1}{babel}% added #1 resolves conflict of russianb.ldf & ukrainianb.ldf under "main=".
			\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Selecting #1 as the primary language}%
				\RequirePackage[vietnamese=nohyphenation]{hyphsubst}% Eliminates babel warning
	\RequirePackage[vietnamese=nohyphenation]{hyphsubst}% using key, not option, to allow loading package w/o babel warning.
	\PassOptionsToPackage{vietnamese.noencoding}{babel}% modified.noencoding suppresses unnecessary warning about inputenc

\DeclareDefaultOption{}% suppress warnings about unused options

%% if main language was not chosen explicitly, ensure default to English
	\ClassInfo{\ClassName}{Selecting English as the primary language, since main= not set}%

%% Turn off these keys now that we're done with them


%%%%%%%%%  Various font-related options  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%% for mathalfa, we may now pass options in this format:  mathalfa=cal=euler, mathalfa=frak=boondox

%% option for slightly larger small capitals font, via newtxtext
		\PassOptionsToPackage{largesc=true}{newtxtext}% largesc is a boolean key in newtxtext
		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{largesc option is not available under luaLateX. It will be ignored}%

%% Disable newtxtext osf option, which is not appropriate for documents in this class

%% option to hyphenate the inconsolata typewriter font [hyphenate] and to issue a warning when that's done.
		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{hyphenate option is not supported by fontspec. It will be ignored}%
		\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphenate}{inconsolata}% hyphenate is a key via xkeyval in inconsolata
		\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Allowing hyphenation of typewriter font}%
%% option for monospacing in inconsolata typewriter font [mono].
\def\MonoNotMono{WordSpace={1,1,1}}% rescaled tt font to match pdf, 2024/07/28
		\def\MonoNotMono{WordSpace={1,0,0},PunctuationSpace={3}}% NB: these are the default WordSpace values. 20204/07/30
		\PassOptionsToPackage{mono}{inconsolata}% mono is a key via xkeyval in inconsolata
%% option for unslashed zero in inconsolata typewriter font [var0].
\def\ssztwo{}% for Inconsolatazi4; default uses slashed zero, +ss02 uses regular zero
		\def\ssztwo{+ss02}% stylistic alternate for regular zero
		\PassOptionsToPackage{var0}{inconsolata}% var0 is a key via xkeyval in inconsolata


%%%%%%%   PDF/A Compliance Options  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% new pdf management in LaTeX, with \DocumentMetaData{..}, is preferred to this approach.


    \ifpdftex %% PDF/A compliance has only been configured for pdflatex
    	%%% set key [pdfa] to activate pdf/a compliance (default is pdf/A-3u)
    	  	 \ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion.  Formats dated 2018/12/01 or later are necessary for the [pdf-a] option. Older formats may generate errors}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution to obtain best results. TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  Meanwhile, you can remove the [pdf-a] option and try again}%
          \AtBeginDocument{\hypersetup{pdfapart=3,pdfaconformance=u}}% note: hyperref takes these options if hyperxmp is loaded
    	%%% to select part 1, 2 or 3 
    	%%% to select conformance b or u.  NB: a is not possible with pdfLaTeX, and u is not possible with 1.
    	   \str_set:Ne \l_tmp_str { \str_uppercase:n {#1} }
    %	   \typeout{\l_tmp_str}
    %% Done with these keys, so we can now disable them

%%%%%%%%%%%%  PDF/A compliance related  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    		\pdfminorversion=4 % for pdf/a-1 need version 4, not 7
      		\pdfminorversion=7 % this selection is not essential.
    		\ifac@setpdfa\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{pdf-a option requires pdfLaTeX engine. Under LuaLaTeX, use %
    			\protect\DocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-3b} before \protect\documentclass[..]{asmeconf}}%
                if pdf.getminorversion() \string~= 7 then
                  if (status.pdf_gone and status.pdf_gone > 0)
                  or (status.pdf_ptr and status.pdf_ptr > 0) then
                    tex.error("PDF version cannot be changed anymore")
      		\ClassError{\ClassName}{Please use either pdfLaTeX or LuaLaTeX}{This class has NOT been configured to support other engines, and the results will be unpredictable. Exit and rerun using either pdfLaTeX or LuaLaTeX.}%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%   More Language options  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% option to use fontspec [fontspec] (for complex language-specific fonts)
\newif\iffontspecloaded\fontspecloadedfalse% so user can test in .tex file

		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{The [nofontspec] option requires LuaLaTeX. It will be ignored under pdfLaTeX}%
		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{The [nofontspec] option has been issued. LuaLaTeX will run without font support}%
    	\ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion.  LaTeX installations dated 2020/10/01 or later are needed to run LuaLaTeX with the fontspec package. Fontspec will NOT be loaded. Language support will be minimal}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution to obtain best results. TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  You may alternatively choose the [nofontspec] option.}%

\DeclareOption{japanese}{% mainly to control loading of fontspec options
		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{[japanese] option is supported only under LuaLaTeX with fontspec. It will be ignored}%


%% Cyrillic languages

% Several languages do not have .ldf files to load. Babel will call these on demand.
\DeclareOption{arabic}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "arabic" as a class option}{Instead, give the option [bidi=basic] and specify "arabic" when you call the language within your document.}}
\DeclareOption{bengali}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "bengali" as a class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for Bengali. Instead, specify "bengali" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{chinese-simplified}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "chinese-simplified" as class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for simplified Chinese. Instead, specify "chinese-simplified" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{chinese-traditional}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "chinese-traditional" as class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for traditional Chinese. Instead, specify "chinese-traditional" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{chinese}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "chinese" as a class option}{Instead, specify either "chinese-simplified" or "chinese-traditional" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{hindi}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "hindi" as a class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for Hindi. Instead, specify "hindi" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{marathi}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "marathi" as a class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for Marathi. Instead, specify "marathi" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{korean}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "korean" as class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for Korean. Instead, specify "korean"when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}
\DeclareOption{tamil}{\ClassError{\ClassName}{Do not specify "tamil" as a class option}{Babel does not have an ldf file for Tamil. Instead, specify "tamil" when you call the language within your document. No class option is needed.}}

%% Suppress warnings about unused global options

\ProcessOptions \relax %% end of options section

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Geometry, bibliography, graphics, colors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage[letterpaper, left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.5in, bottom = 1.in, footskip=0.5in, columnsep=0.38in]{geometry}
% conforms to ASME required margins

\setlength\bibsep{1pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}

\RequirePackage{graphicx} % removed obsolete options, 2023/11/19

%%%%%%%%%%%%  Table related %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\RequirePackage{dcolumn}% alignment on decimal places
% use d{x.y} to center on "." as in "12.234" 
% NB: The above conflicts with babel's Spanish language option which makes "." an active character.
% Instead, to use "," as the decimal separator, choose columntype "," (as in "12,234")

%%%%%%%%%  Caption related  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% Needs to come before babel messes with the captions, to keep uppercase text. 2021/12/25

\ifx\AddToNoCaseChangeList\@undefined % updated 2022/07/03, see https://github.com/John02139/asmeconf/issues/5 
	\RequirePackage{textcase} %% Allows uppercase titles and captions without errors from math and citations
	\typeout{Asmeconf is loading textcase package.}


\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{uppercase}{\MakeTextUppercase{#1} #2}

	\captionsetup[table]{labelformat=uppercase,labelfont={sf,bf,small},textfont={sf,bf,small},textformat=boldmath,labelsep=colon,skip=0.5\baselineskip} %name=TABLE,

%% This construction avoids a failure of hyperref in relation to uppercase captions
%% Discussion: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/375695/maketextuppercase-inside-table-captions

%%%%%%%%%%%%  Font related  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\RequirePackage{mathtools}% loads and extends amsmath

	% must load before babel
	% T2A - Cyrillic (w/o babel warning); LGR - Greek; T5 - Vietnamese; put T1 last 2022/03/10


    \RequirePackage[helvratio=.91]{newtxtext}% rescaled 22/03/10
    \RequirePackage[varqu,varl,scale=1.05]{inconsolata}% sans typewriter font % rescaled 22/03/10
        \RequirePackage[varqu,varl]{inconsolata}  % typewriter font for math 
        \renewcommand\rmdefault{ntxtlf}           % roman font for math
		\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} 			  % qhv is not TU encoded, 2021/12/24
	        \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{\sfdefault}{}  % sf for math
	        \DeclareFontShape{T1}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.94] ec-qhvr}{} %% see t1qhv.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15
        \RequirePackage[]{newtxmath}			  % newtxmath still handles mathematics        
	    \def\FontWarning{For luaLaTeX, you MUST have these OpenType fonts installed as system fonts on your computer: TeX Gyre Termes and TeX Gyre Heros (from \string http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre) and Inconsolatazi4 (\string https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/inconsolata/opentype). If you DON'T have these fonts, you will see ERROR messages!}
	    \IfFontExistsTF{TeX Gyre Termes}{}{\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{\FontWarning} }
	    \IfFontExistsTF{texgyreheros}{}{   \ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{\FontWarning} }
	    \IfFontExistsTF{Inconsolatazi4}{}{ \ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{\FontWarning} }
		% The newtx package includes a modified version of TeXGyreTermes called TexGyreTermesX, which is loaded here.
		% Can fall back to TeXGyreTermes if desired, available at: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
 			WordSpace = {1,1.6,1.2},%% This stretch matches newtxtext a little better; rescaled 2024/07/28
			PunctuationSpace = 1.332,%% match fontdimen7 to newtxtext, 2024/07/28
        	Extension = .otf,
        	UprightFont = *-Regular,
        	ItalicFont = *-Italic,
        	BoldFont = *-Bold,
        	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,
			Numbers = Lining,
        \setsansfont{texgyreheros}[% Presumes these are system fonts! Available at: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
 			WordSpace = {1,1,1},% These spacings match newtxtext; rescaled to unity 2024/07/28
			Extension = .otf,
        	UprightFont = *-regular,
        	ItalicFont = *-italic,
        	BoldFont = *-bold,
        	BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
			Numbers = Lining,
        	Scale=0.91,% same as for newtx; former value 0.9 too small 2022/01/15
       \setmonofont{Inconsolatazi4}[% This otf font ships with the LaTeX Inconsolata package (it's in TeX Live)
            Scale=1.05,% rescaled from 1, 22/03/10
            Extension = .otf,
            UprightFont = *-Regular,
            ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
            BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
            RawFeature = {+ss01,\ssztwo,+ss03},
            \MonoNotMono,% match newtxtext if we enable wordspacing; note wordspace def'd in option above.
        % For many languages, using babel commands helps font loading. 
        % Switched Harbbuzz to OpenType throughout, 2024/07/28
        % Noto fonts are available at https://github.com/googlefonts
	   	\def\Ara@scale{0.91}% For the serif font only
    	\def\NotoBan@scale{0.92}% 1.} should probably stay consistent within the Noto family.
    	\def\NotoDev@scale{0.92}% 1.} should probably stay consistent within the Noto family.
		\def\Noto@color{Color=black}% 2024/07/28. Changed this diagnostic command to by-pass a bug in luatexja-fontspec.	
        \babelprovide[import, language=Default]{arabic}
        \babelfont [arabic]{rm}[Scale=\Ara@scale,
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% don't use italic face, I am told
			 BoldFont = *-Bold,%
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% don't use italic face, I am told
			 ]{Amiri}% NotoNaskhArabic}% Some readers prefer Amiri font
        \babelfont [arabic]{sf}[Scale=\Noto@scale,
             Extension =.ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% font has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-SemiBold,% I'm told that legibility better than Bold
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-SemiBold,% font has no italic face
			 ]{NotoSansArabic}%DejaVuSans}%NotoKufiArabic}% .otf,%
        \babelfont [arabic]{tt}[%
             Extension =.ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-SemiBold,% I'm told that legibility is better than Bold
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-SemiBold,% has no italic face
			 ]{NotoSansArabic}%same as above!
        \providecommand\arabicabstractname{��������}% NB: utf-8
        \babelfont [bengali]{rm}[%
             Scale=\NotoBan@scale,% same as Devanagari
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [bengali]{sf}[%
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [bengali]{tt}[
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        % Cyrillic languages
            \babelfont [#1]{rm}[%
    			Extension = .ttf,
                UprightFont = *-Regular,
                ItalicFont = *-Italic,
                BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,%
            \babelfont [#1]{sf}[%
   				Extension = .ttf,
                UprightFont = *-Regular,
                ItalicFont = *-Italic,
                BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,%
            \babelfont [#1]{tt}[%
				Extension = .ttf,
				UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
		\@LoadBabelCyr{russian;belarusian;bulgarian;macedonian;serbian-cyrillic;ukrainian}% serbianc has no .ini under fontspec
		\setlocalecaption{serbian-cyrillic}{abstract}{��������������}% NB: utf-8
        % Devanagari languages
        \newfontscript{Devanagari}{deva}% OpenType has some problems in Hindi, see babel manual Sect. 1.13 (main issue is ra)
            \babelfont [#1]{rm}[%
%		 		 %Renderer=OpenType,% Marathi and Hindi may respond differently...
                 Extension = .ttf,
    			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
            \babelfont [#1]{sf}[%
%		 		 %Renderer=OpenType,% % Marathi and Hindi may respond differently...
                 Extension = .ttf,
    			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
            \babelfont [#1]{tt}[
%		 		 %Renderer=OpenType,% % Marathi and Hindi may respond differently...
                 Extension = .ttf,
    			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
		% No .ldf files for these languages, but they do have .ini files. Nepali: no abstractname
		% Greek
        \babelfont [greek]{rm}[%
			WordSpace={1.1},% increase word spacing slightly
			Extension = .ttf,
            UprightFont = *-Regular,
            ItalicFont = *-Italic,
            BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,%
        \babelfont [greek]{sf}[%
			WordSpace={1.1},% increase word spacing slightly
			Extension = .ttf,
            UprightFont = *-Regular,
            ItalicFont = *-Italic,
            BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-BoldItalic,%
        \babelfont [greek]{tt}[%
			Extension = .ttf,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
    		ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    		BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        % Japanese
        % luatexja-fontspec seems to want lc "color" now, rather than normal "Color", as before. Commenting out.
        % NB: luatexja-fontspec color breakage appears to be global.
            \def\Noto@color{}% by-pass bug in luatexja-fontspec, 2024/07/28.
        	\RequirePackage[no-math]{luatexja-fontspec}% japanese typesets *much* better with this loaded
%    			Extension = .otf,
    			UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
%    			Extension = .ttc,
    			UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
    			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
    			UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
    			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
            \ltjsetparameter{jacharrange={-1, -2, +3, -4, -5, +6, +7, +8}}% this prevents luatexja from breaking Russian and Greek.
            % see: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/222320/russian-in-document-with-japanese-as-main-language-lualatex-ltjsarticle
    		% Need at least one of the following to load the Japanese dictionary.
    		\babelfont [japanese]{rm}[%
    			Extension = .otf,
    			UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
    			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
    			]{NotoSerifCJKjp}% Scale estimated
        	\babelfont [japanese]{sf}[%
 %   			Extension = .ttc,
    			UprightFont = *-Regular,
    			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
    			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
            	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
            \babelfont [japanese]{tt}[%
%				Extension = .ttc,
				UprightFont = *-Regular,
				ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
				BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        		BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
			]{NotoSansMonoCJKjp}% renders same as Sans!
		% Note: \japaneseabstractname is not defined if japanese is not called as a package option.
		% Korean
        \babelfont [korean]{rm}[%
			Extension = .otf,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [korean]{sf}[%
			Extension = .ttc,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [korean]{tt}[%
%			Extension = .ttc,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \renewcommand\koreanabstractname{������}% NB: utf-8

		% Simplified Chinese
        \babelfont [chinese-simplified]{rm}[%
        	Extension = .otf,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [chinese-simplified]{sf}[%
			Extension = .ttc,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [chinese-simplified]{tt}[%
%			Extension = .ttc,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
		% Traditional Chinese (includes characters for Cantonese also)
        \babelfont [chinese-traditional]{rm}[% fixed 2024/07/28
        	Extension = .otf,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [chinese-traditional]{sf}[%
			Extension = .ttc,
			UprightFont = *-Regular,
			ItalicFont = *-Regular,%  has no italic face
			BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [chinese-traditional]{tt}[Scale=\Noto@scale,\Noto@color]{NotoSansMonoCJKtc}
        \babelfont [tamil]{rm}[%
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [tamil]{sf}[%
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
        \babelfont [tamil]{tt}[
             Extension = .ttf,
			 UprightFont = *-Regular,
			 ItalicFont = *-Regular,% has no italic face
			 BoldFont = *-Bold, 
        	 BoldItalicFont = *-Bold,% has no italic face
	    \babelprovide[import, captions/abstract = Muhtasari, language = Default]{swahili}
   \else % use lualatex without support for system fonts (easier set-up and still enables luacode for numerics)
    	 % dropped newtxtext completely, 2024/01/19
		\renewcommand*\rmdefault{ntxtlf}          % roman font for math
		\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} 			  % qhv and zi4 are not TU encoded, 2021/12/24
			\DeclareFontFamily{T1}{\sfdefault}{}  % sf for math
	    	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}{<-> s*[0.94] ec-qhvr}{} %% see t1qhv.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15
	    	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{\sfdefault}{b}{n}{<-> s*[0.94] ec-qhvb}{} %% see t1qhv.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15
	    	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{\sfdefault}{bx}{n}{<-> s*[0.94] ec-qhvb}{} %% see t1qhv.fd; 0.9-->0.94 2022/01/15
	    	\DeclareFontFamily{T1}{zi4}{}% typewriter (Inconsolata)
	    	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{zi4}{m}{n}{<-> s*[1.05] t1-zi4r-5}{}% with options varl and var qu
	    	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{zi4}{b}{n}{<-> s*[1.05] t1-zi4b-5}{} 
	    	\DeclareFontShape{T1}{zi4}{bx}{n}{<-> s*[1.05] t1-zi4b-5}{} 
		\RequirePackage[]{newtxmath} % options will be as passed from newtx
		\providecommand*{\DeclareFontFamilySubstitution}[3]{\relax}% folks with old latex formats will get a different typewriter font...

\RequirePackage[]{mathalfa}% load optional fonts for Calligraphy, Script, Fraktur. Key format: mathalfa=cal=euler (etc.)
\RequirePackage{bm}%   		 load after all math to give further access to bold math

% To free \eqref from the normal font (e.g., for use in section headings or captions). Revised 2024/07/28
% amsmath def:  \newcommand{\eqref}[1]{\textup{\tagform@{\ref{#1}}}}
%				\def\tagform@#1{\maketag@@@{(\ignorespaces#1\unskip\@@italiccorr)}}
%				\def\maketag@@@#1{\hbox{\m@th\normalfont#1}}

% The article class calls \sloppy in two-column mode (\tolerance 9999, \emergencystretch 3em)
% The following adjustments affect line breaking; the values below are intended to produce
% fewer lines with large spaces, without creating the problems of using \fussy in two-column mode.
\tolerance 2500
\emergencystretch 3em 

\RequirePackage{metalogo,hologo}% Access various LaTeX logos if needed

%% font size selection  
%% ASME's specs differ slightly from latex standard article-10 class 

\renewcommand\LARGE{\@setfontsize\LARGE{16}{19.2}}              %{18}{21.6}}  updated 2019/7/7 to match new ASME spec.  
                                                                % ...default is 17.28/22 ... used for paper#
\renewcommand\large{\@setfontsize\large{11}{13.6}}              % default is 12/14 ... used for headings

%\renewcommand\Large{\@setfontsize\Large{14.4}{18}}             % same as default
%\renewcommand\normalsize{\@setfontsize\normalsize{10}{12}}     % same as default
%\renewcommand\small{\@setfontsize\small{9}{11}}                % same as default
%\renewcommand\footnotesize{\@setfontsize\footnotesize{8}{9.5}} % same as default

%% This provides sans-serif italic and sans-serif bold italic math.
%% These fonts are for use in the figure captions and section headings. 
%% Use \mathbf{..}, \mathversion{bold}, or \bm{..} elsewhere.
\SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{sansbold}{LMX}{ntxexx}{b}{n}%  added 25 Jan 2021
\SetSymbolFont{largesymbolsTXA}{sansbold}{U}{ntxexa}{b}{n}% added 25 Jan 2021
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathsf}{sansbold}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{b}{n}% changed from it, 2021/01/31: \mathsf is upright.

%% Added 2023/10/19
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathsf}{sans}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}% \mathsf is upright.

%% Nice solution from DPC to prevent aux file errors (due to active characters from babel) when switching from pdflatex to lualatex.  Disabled, 2024/07/28
%	\AtBeginDocument{\immediate\write\@auxout{\detokenize{%
%	 \ifx\directlua\undefined\else\endinput\fi}}}

%%%%%%%%  Footers and Footnotes  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



\fancyfoot[CE,CO]{\@SetFont\thepage}% force encoding so that passages in some languages won't switch footer font from the main font.
\fancyfoot[RO,RE]{\@SetFont Copyright~\textcopyright~\the\year\ by ASME}

	\newgeometry{left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.5in, bottom = 1.in, footskip = 0.3in, columnsep = 0.38in}
	\fancyfoot[CE,CO]{\@SetFont\thepage\\[1ex]\small This material is declared a work of the U.\ S.~Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.\\Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.}

	\newgeometry{left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.5in, bottom = 1.in, footskip = 0.3in, columnsep = 0.38in}
	\fancyfoot[CE,CO]{\@SetFont\thepage\\[1ex]\footnotesize The United States Government retains, and by accepting the article for publication, the publisher acknowledges that the United States Government retains, a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes.}

	\newgeometry{left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.5in, bottom = 1.in, footskip = 0.3in, columnsep = 0.38in}
	\fancyfoot[CE,CO]{\@SetFont\thepage\\[1ex]\small This work was authored in part by a U.\ S.\ Government employee in the scope of his/her employment. ASME disclaims all interest in the U.\ S.\ Government's contribution.}


%%%%%% Footnotes %%%%%%%

	}{	\RequirePackage{fnpos}
\setlength\footnotemargin{2ex}% reduce indentation of footnotes, from footmisc
\setlength{\skip\footins}{\baselineskip}% <=== per ASME, 1 extra line

  \kern -3pt
  \hrule width 0.5in height 0.4pt
  \kern 2pt
%% include a comma for sequential footnotes. 2024/01/18
	\cs_new:Npn   \__asmeconf_NoteComma:n { \peek_meaning:NT \footnote { \textsuperscript{\mdseries,} } }
	\cs_new_eq:NN \__savefootnote \footnote
	\cs_gset_protected:Npn \footnote #1    { \__savefootnote{#1} \__asmeconf_NoteComma:n } 

%%%%%%%%%  Section headings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% wish to accommodate hyperref


%% ASME specifies 10 pt headings
\titleformat{\section}{\mathversion{sansbold}\bfseries\sffamily\raggedright}{\thesection .}{0.5em}{\MakeTextUppercase}


\titlespacing\section{0pt}{12pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{1pt plus 1pt minus 1pt} % from 2 pt 2 pt 1 pt, 2019/7/7
\titlespacing\subsection{0pt}{12pt plus 4pt minus 2pt}{0pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\titlespacing\subsubsection{\parindent}{6pt plus 3pt minus 2pt}{0pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} % from 12 4 3, 2019/7/7

%%  Special handling of the appendices            
%%  Assumes that appendices are the last content in paper
%%  Code revised to better support tagged pdf, 2024/07/26.
\apptocmd{\appendix}{\titleformat{\section}[block]{\mathversion{sansbold}\bfseries\sffamily\raggedright}{\MakeTextUppercase{\appendixname}\ \thesection.}{0.5em}{\MakeTextUppercase}}{}{}
% Changed to block layout (rather than default hanging) whilst retaining \raggedright, since "Appendix X." is a very wide hanging indent. 2024/07/26

%% This patches titlesec's unprotected re-definition of \footnote. See discussion here: https://github.com/jbezos/titlesec/issues/48 
%% Without this patch, recent versions of LaTeX will require \protect\footnote in section headings.
%% This issue may be corrected in titlesec, but keeping the patch for backward compatibility.
\patchcmd{\ttl@select}{\def\footnote}{\protected\def\footnote}{\typeout{Asmeconf.sty patched titlesec to have protected def of footnote}}{}

%%%%%%%%%%  Hyperref, bookmarks, and PDF/A  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %%% to assist with unicode glyph mapping, following M. Sharpe's recommendation in the newtx documentation. 
    %%% as of 2024/07/28, these are still necessary with \DocumentMetadata{pdfstandard=A-3u}. Note: glyphtounicode-cmex.tex is now in latex-lab.
    \InputIfFileExists{glyphtounicode-cmr.tex}{}{} 	%% additional mappings
    \InputIfFileExists{glyphtounicode-ntx.tex}{}{} 	%% additional mappings
    %% new pdf management in LaTeX, with \DocumentMetaData{..}, is preferred to this *legacy* approach.
        	\ClassInfo{\ClassName}{pdfmanagement is defined. Class file will not load a color profile}
        	\ClassInfo{\ClassName}{NOTE: pdfmanagement not defined. Class file will load a color profile}%
            %%% a fairly generic RGB color profile, aimed at on-screen rendering (not print production)
            	\immediate\pdfobj stream attr{/N 3} file{sRGB.icc}
            	   /OutputIntents [
            	      /Type /OutputIntent
            	      /S /GTS_PDFA1
            	      /DestOutputProfile \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
            	      /OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB)
            	      /Info (sRGB)

\RequirePackage[psdextra]{hyperref} % recent kernel transition suggests providing most hyperref options via \hypersetup, 
									% but setting psdextra here (for additional math support in bookmarks) 2021/12/01
	pdfborder={0 0 0},% 
	linkcolor=blue, %
	citecolor=blue, % 
	urlcolor=blue,  %
	filecolor=red,  % added 2021/12/02, to make certain broken links more apparent
	pdfpagelayout=SinglePage, %TwoPageRight,% changed this 2020/12/08
%	colorlinks=true,% <=== set true to get colored type, but do so via package options in .tex file
\urlstyle{same}     		  % don't switch to typewriter font for urls
\RequirePackage{doi}          % supports the nasty characters in some doi's
\renewcommand{\doitext}{DOI } % change to this from default value, {doi:}, per ASME specification

\providecommand*{\toclevel@subfigure}{1}% <== to address unknown bookmark level of subfigure. 2021/12/24

\providecommand\hrefurl[2]{\href{#1}{#2}}% to address certain issues around URL recognition with new pdf management code, 2021/12/02

	\ClassInfo{asmejour}{pdfmanagement is defined. Class file will not load hyperxmp and bookmark packages}
    \RequirePackage{bookmark}% improves handling of pdf bookmarks
    \RequirePackage{hyperxmp}% improve transfer of metadata to pdf 
    % Patch bug in hyperxmp, unless a more recent version is used.
    \ifdefined\hyxmp@no@bad@parts% \hyxmp@no@bad@parts is not def'd in TeX Live 2019 or older
        \IfPackageAtLeastTF{hyperxmp}{2022/10/15}{% v5.11 or later

%%% ==> recent development of \pdfstring removes all robust commands from bookmarks, so that
%%%     by early 2024, errors are not present; these commands serve to still suppress warnings, however.

%% Since \bm may be useful in headings, this fix will reduce frequency with which
%%    alternate pdfstrings must be given in revised section command as \section[pdfstring]{texstring}

% Let's disable \( and \) in pdf bookmarks, 2020/02/28

% Let's also make sure \NoCaseChange in section headings won't break pdf bookmarks

% Let's just remove citations from pdf bookmarks

%% Ensure that tag color does not follow \eqref into bookmarks, 2020/02/28
    \def\eqref#1{(\ref*{#1})}% \ref* is from hyperref

% Let's make sure footnotes in section headings don't break pdf bookmarks.
% Revised footnote command above is already robust

%% Let's also add \footnote to the \TextUppercase exception list, so that footnote text won't be capitalized
%% if given in section headings. Ditto for \eqref
\ifx\AddToNoCaseChangeList\@undefined % updated 2022/07/03, see https://github.com/John02139/asmeconf/issues/5 
	\patchcmd{\@uclcnotmath}{\@nonchangecase\ref}{\@nonchangecase\ref\@nonchangecase\footnote}{\typeout{Asmeconf patched textcase nonchangecase to include footnote.}}{}
	\patchcmd{\@uclcnotmath}{\@nonchangecase\ref}{\@nonchangecase\ref\@nonchangecase\eqref}{\typeout{Asmeconf patched textcase nonchangecase to include eqref.}}{} %% corrected 2020/01/24
    \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\eqref \footnote}

%%% There should be no errors for section headings with \(, \), \cite, \ref, \eqref, \label, \footnote, \NoCaseChange, or \bm 

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Line numbering and balancing columns on last page  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% Adjustments when lineno option is used
		\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{Package lineno loaded, so final column balancing will be disabled}%
	%%% Patch to allow line numbering in AMS math environments.
	%%% This patch is for lineno versions earlier than v5.2 [2023/05/19]. As of mid-2023, the lineno package
	%%% 	has been corrected to account for the AMS math environments.  Retaining for backward compatibility.
	%%% postdisplaypenalty adjusted to avoid extra line number at end, see: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/461192/ 
    	\RequirePackage{flushend}%    flushend package is NOT compatible with lineno
		\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Calling flushend package to balance column height on last page}%
\providecommand{\@LN@col}[1]{\relax}% Enable dropping lineno option without trashing .aux file

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Define special environments  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%% Introduce some special section and other names %%%%%%%%%%%

\providecommand{\JAwords}{Joint first authors}
\providecommand{\CAwords}{Corresponding author}

%%   Abstract environment  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%   \keywords command should be given someplace before the \end{abstract} command.


% \ifblank is from etoolbox
	    \long\def\@keywords{\par\smallskip\noindent{\bfseries\sffamily \keywordname: #1}}%

\DeclareDocumentEnvironment{abstract}{}{% Overwrites existing abstract environment
\NewDocumentEnvironment{abstract*}{}{% Abstract with no keywords (same as using empty \keywords{} with first abstract)

%%   Nomenclature environment  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\NewDocumentCommand\entry{m m}{% simplified greatly 2024/01/18

%% A separate command command for nomenclature subheadings 
	\itemsep3\p@ plus 1\p@ minus 1\p@

%%   Increase first optional argument to a dimension > 2em if wide entries cause undesired misalignment of columns. 
%%   Second optional argument can be used to rename the environment, e.g., to List of Symbols.
\NewDocumentEnvironment{nomenclature}{O{2em} O{\nomname}}{%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Headers and Title  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\providecommand\@ConfName{\hbox{ }}

\providecommand\@ConfAcronym{\hbox{ }}


\providecommand\@ConfCity{\hbox{ }}


	\gdef\@title{#1}% added 2024/07/28
\providecommand\@PaperTitle{\hbox{ }}

		\MakeTextUppercase{\@PaperTitle}\par}}%%% <=== extra \par to make font leading stick. See adjustment in \MakeTitle

%%%%%%%%%%%   Author and affiliation block  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%% Inline author style resets the footnote mark; save the definitions so we can restore them later

%% Flag for joint first authors (two or more)

%% Flag for corresponding author (expecting just one, but if two enter both email addresses and flag both authors)

\NewDocumentCommand\CorrespondingAuthor{m}{% Revised this command 2020/12/29, to make the CA email mandatory but possibly empty

%%%% option to use the traditional grid layout of authors or the inline style

	\ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Selected option for a grid of author blocks}%

	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Gridded author layout  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %% Allows for up to fifteen author groups... if you need more authors, the edits should be obvious
    %% You can put multiple authors above a single affiliation to reduce number of author blocks needed.
    \AtBeginDocument{% corrected 2021/12/01
    \newlength{\coffinsep}% horizontal space between coffins

    \NewDocumentCommand\SetAffiliation{mm}{\expandafter\xdef\csname af@#1\endcsname{#2}}% defines \af@#1 as Affiliation #2
    \AtBeginDocument{% error control, when no author or empty \affil is given
    	\SetAffiliation{-1}{Missing author name!\\Or extra comma!}
    	\SetAffiliation{99}{Missing affiliation tag!!}
    	\SetAffiliation{100}{Missing number in affiliation!!}
    			\expandafter\xdef\csname aut@\theauthorcnt\endcsname{}%
    			\expandafter\xdef\csname autaffil@\theauthorcnt\endcsname{-1}
    			\ClassWarning{\ClassName}{Missing author name, check for extra comma}%
    			}{\expandafter\xdef\csname aut@\theauthorcnt\endcsname{#1}%
    }% defines \aut@authorcnt as Name #1
    		  \expandafter\xdef\csname autaffil@\theauthorcnt\endcsname{100}%
    		}{\expandafter\xdef\csname autaffil@\theauthorcnt\endcsname{#1}%
    }% defines \autaffil@authorcnt as #1 (unique association)
        \whiledo{\value{authorno}<\value{authorcnt}}{% starting with authorno = 0 ensures we reach authorcnt with +1
        	\textbf{\ignorespaces\csname aut@\theauthorno\endcsname\ignorespaces}\\
				\ifcsname autaffil@\theauthorno\endcsname% in case the \affil command has been omitted
        		\csname af@\csname autaffil@\theauthorno\endcsname\endcsname
					\csname af@99\endcsname
            	\ClassWarningNoLine{\ClassName}{The class is programmed for up to 15 author blocks. If some of your authors are at the same institution, %
    			you may put more than one name above a single address.  If you need more than 15 author blocks, try using the in-line author style %
    			instead of the [grid] option}
    	}% end whiledo
    % next three are for backward compatibility
    \cs_if_exist:NF \cs_gset:Npe     { \cs_generate_variant:Nn \cs_gset:Npn {Npe}    }
    \cs_if_exist:NF \tl_set:Ne       { \cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_set:Nn {Ne}       }
    \cs_if_exist:NF \tl_put_right:Ne { \cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_put_right:Nn {Ne} }

           \JoinCoffins\firstrowauthorblock[hc,b]\secondrowauthorblock[hc,t](0pt, -1.5\baselineskip)     
           \JoinCoffins\firstrowauthorblock[hc,b]\thirdrowauthorblock[hc,t](0pt, -1.5\baselineskip)  
           \JoinCoffins\firstrowauthorblock[hc,b]\fourthrowauthorblock[hc,t](0pt, -1.5\baselineskip)  
           \JoinCoffins\firstrowauthorblock[hc,b]\fifthrowauthorblock[hc,t](0pt, -1.5\baselineskip)  
        \centerline{\TypesetCoffin\firstrowauthorblock}% in this instance, \centerline is better than \centering
        \cs_gset:Npe \@author { \tl_use:N \g_asmeconf_authors_tl }
		%\iow_term:e { \tl_use:N \g_asmeconf_authors_tl }% diagnostic only
    % build comma-separated list of author names
    \cs_new_protected:Nn \__asmeconf_concataut: { 
	    \tl_new:N    \g_asmeconf_authors_tl
    	\int_set:Nn  \l_tmpa_int {1}
	    \int_new:N   \l__asmeconf_noauts
	    \int_set:Nn  \l__asmeconf_noauts { \value{authorcnt} }
	    \int_do_until:nNnn { \l_tmpa_int } > { \l__asmeconf_noauts }
			    \tl_set:Ne          \l_tmpa_tl {\use:c { aut@ \int_use:N \l_tmpa_int } }
				\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl  {\unhbox \voidb@x \protect \penalty \@M \ } {~}
				% If tex unbreakable space character "~" has expanded, replace by a  simple space, which is "~" in Expl3 syntax
    			\tl_remove_all:Nn   \l_tmpa_tl { \JointFirstAuthor }
				\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { \CorrespondingAuthor } { \use_none:n }
				\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { \affil } { \use_none:n  }
				\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { \xdef }  { \use_none:nn }
			    \tl_put_right:Ne    \g_asmeconf_authors_tl \l_tmpa_tl
			    \int_compare:nNnT   { \l_tmpa_int } < { \l__asmeconf_noauts} {
    				\tl_put_right:Ne \g_asmeconf_authors_tl { ,~ }
				\int_incr:N \l_tmpa_int  
%%% otherwise use the new compact layout of authors

	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   New author layout (inline)  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \AtBeginDocument{\SetHorizontalCoffin\AffiliationsBlock{}}% corrected 2021/12/01

    \cs_if_exist:NF \cs_gset:Npe  { \cs_generate_variant:Nn \cs_gset:Npn {Npe} }
    \cs_if_exist:NF \tl_gset:Ne   { \cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_gset:Nn  {Ne}  }
	%% NB: \parbox width to \textwidth (full page) not \linewidth (single column)
         \SetHorizontalCoffin\AuthorBlock{% ignoring the bug in testphase tagging
    %		NB: in vertical mode \parbox needs \noindent ahead of it, _inside_ vertical coffin
    %       \SetVerticalCoffin\AuthorBlock{\textwidth}{% 2024/07/30, test a vertical coffin alternative
    %       \centering\sffamily\bfseries\ignorespaces#1\ignorespaces%
         \__asmeconf_striptokens:n {#1}
  		 \cs_gset:Npe \@author { \tl_use:N \g_asmeconf_authors_tl }% set \@author = list of authors, 2024/07/31
    % strip \affil{..}, \JointFirstAuthor, \CorrespondingAuthor{...} from argument
    \cs_new_protected:Nn  \__asmeconf_striptokens:n { 
        \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {#1}
		\regex_replace_all:nnN  { \cA\~ } {\ } \l_tmpa_tl % replace ~ by space in author list
        %\tl_replace_all:Nnn  \l__asmeconf_authors_tl {\ } {~}% change "\ " to space (but why? for text we would want this)
    	\tl_remove_all:Nn   \l_tmpa_tl { \JointFirstAuthor }
		\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { \affil } { \use_none:n }
		\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { \CorrespondingAuthor } { \use_none:n }
        \tl_new:N \g_asmeconf_authors_tl	
		\tl_gset:Ne \g_asmeconf_authors_tl	\l_tmpa_tl
		\iow_term:e { \tl_use:N \g_asmeconf_authors_tl }% diagnostic only
       		\centering\sffamily#2\ignorespaces}{% empty argument for one author or one affiliation, where affiliation need not be tagged
	%%% Affiliation mark
			\ClassWarning{\ClassName}{Empty affiliation tag}%
			\@gobble% 9 Dec 2021, addresses modification for commas
	%%% to deal with sequential notes as, e.g., "1,*", or "1,2,*" %%%%%%%%%%
        \cs_new:Npn   \__asmeconf_OtherNoteComma:n { 
        		\peek_meaning:NTF \affil 
    				{ \textsuperscript{\mdseries,} }
    				{ \peek_meaning:NTF \CorrespondingAuthor 
    							{ \textsuperscript{\mdseries,} } 
        						{ \peek_meaning:NT \JointFirstAuthor { \textsuperscript{\mdseries,} } }
        \cs_new_eq:NN \__saveAF \affil
        \cs_gset_protected:Npn \affil #1               { \__saveAF{#1} \__asmeconf_OtherNoteComma:n } 
        \cs_new_eq:NN \__saveCA \CorrespondingAuthor
        \cs_gset_protected:Npn \CorrespondingAuthor #1 { \__saveCA{#1} \__asmeconf_OtherNoteComma:n } 
        \cs_new_eq:NN \__saveJA \JointFirstAuthor
        \cs_gset_protected:Npn \JointFirstAuthor       { \__saveJA     \__asmeconf_OtherNoteComma:n }  

\fi % end if...else for grid


%%%% Make the title and author section
    \let\@makefnmark\savemakefnmark% restore footnote mark font
    \let\thefootnote\savethefootnote% restore footnote symbol


%% Provide compatibility with titling commands from standard LaTeX article class

\RenewDocumentCommand{\thanks}{m}{\relax}% disabling this standard command (inconsistent with this format)

%% \versionfootnote produces an unmarked footnote about the version date, to replace "date"
%% This tool is for editing and should not be used in the final draft

%% This form provides working hyperlink, but it throws warning; also, \gdef -->\def. 2021/12/09

%% A hyperlink in this footnote will not function, since NoHyper is used to suppress 'missing anchor' warning

\RenewDocumentCommand{\date}{m}{\versionfootnote{#1}}% if one wants to use \date this same way; fixed bug 2021/01/14

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Sans serif upright greek and sans mathversion  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% Provide sans-serif *upright* Greek letters, following a suggestion by Michael Sharpe (March 2019).
%% Following Sharpe's newtxsf implementation of the STIX fonts, under the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% (Note that \mathversion{sansbold} provides sans-serif *italic* Greek letters.) Various edits 2021/01/25

\SetSymbolFont{lettersAB}{sansbold}{U}{ntxsfmia}{b}{it}% added 2021/01/25, to get this bold in captions, etc.

\DeclareMathSymbol{\sfGamma}{\mathalpha}{lettersAB}{0}% adjust to avoid overwriting newtxmath commands, 2021/01/25







\DeclareMathSymbol{\sfvarpi}{\mathord}{lettersAB}{36}% added these 2021/01/25
\DeclareMathSymbol{\sfhslash}{\mathalpha}{lettersAB}{52}% this is not upright
\DeclareMathSymbol{\sfhbar}{\mathalpha}{lettersAB}{53}%   this is not upright

\DeclareMathAccent{\grave}{\mathord}{lettersAB}{254}% added these after bug report 2021/01/24

%%% sans math version, potential value with PGFPlots, e.g., not for use in main text. 2021/01/25 %%%
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathsf}{sans}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}% make upright 2021/01/31.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Times-like fonts for specific languages  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\ifpdftex % Under lualatex, babel has problems with the following approach, which assumes that fontspec has not been loaded.
          % Recommend not to choose the [nofontspec] option.
	% Several modifications made in response to newtx v1.71, 2022/03/14
	\ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion. LaTeX distributions 2020 are necessary to use the fonts of the [vietnamese] option with pdflatex}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution: TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  Alternatively, delete the class option [vietnamese].}%
			\let\babel@aux\@gobbletwo % eliminate warnings about missing .fd. Brute force approach, revisit later. 2022/03/14
			\DeclareFontFamilySubstitution{T5}{\rmdefault}{qtm}  % new in 02/20/2020 format of LaTeX!  Need to test.
		% Vietnamese is in T5 encoding, can use Tex Gyre Termes font (qtm); 
    	% qhv = Heros (helvetica). We get the right font w/o loading this.        	
    	% qcr = Cursor (monospaced) is poor match to inconsolata; qhv (the sf font) matches better, but isn't monospaced.
    	% From TeX Gyre Termes and Cursor .fd files by B. Jackowski and J. M. Nowacki, released under the GUST license
        \DeclareFontFamily{T5}{qtm}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{b}{sc}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmb-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{b}{n}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmb}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{b}{scit}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmbi-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{b}{it}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmbi}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{m}{sc}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmr-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{m}{n}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmr}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{m}{scit}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmri-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{m}{it}{<-> \qtm@scale t5-qtmri}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * qtm/b/sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * qtm/b/n}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * qtm/b/scit}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * qtm/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{b}{sl}{<->sub * qtm/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{m}{sl}{<->sub * qtm/m/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{b}{scsl}{<->sub * qtm/b/scit}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qtm}{m}{scsl}{<->sub * qtm/m/scit}{}
        \DeclareFontFamily{T5}{qcr}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{b}{sc}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrb-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{b}{n}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrb}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{b}{scit}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrbi-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{b}{it}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrbi}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{m}{sc}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrr-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{m}{n}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrr}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{m}{scit}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrri-sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{m}{it}{<-> \qcr@scale t5-qcrri}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * qcr/b/sc}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * qcr/b/n}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * qcr/b/scit}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * qcr/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{b}{sl}{<->sub * qcr/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{m}{sl}{<->sub * qcr/m/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{b}{scsl}{<->sub * qcr/b/scit}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T5}{qcr}{m}{scsl}{<->sub * qcr/m/scit}{}

	\ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion. LaTeX distributions 2020 are necessary to use the fonts of the [greek] option with pdflatex}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution: TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  Alternatively, delete the class option [greek].}%
			\let\babel@aux\@gobbletwo % eliminate warnings about missing .fd. Brute force approach, revisit later. 2022/03/14
    		\DeclareFontFamilySubstitution{LGR}{\familydefault}{artemisia} % scale these
%        %% Based on Artemisia fd files by A. Tsolomitis and ideas from substitutefont package by G. Milde, both LaTeX Public License.
    		}% adjusted word spacing to match newtxtext... this is tighter.
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{n}{<->  \artemisia@scaled gartemisiarg6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{it}{<-> \artemisia@scaled gartemisiai6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{b}{n}{<->  \artemisia@scaled gartemisiab6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{b}{it}{<-> \artemisia@scaled gartemisiabi6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{sl}{<-> \artemisia@scaled gartemisiao6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{b}{sl}{<-> \artemisia@scaled gartemisiabo6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{sc}{<-> \artemisiasc@scaled gartemisiasc6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{sco}{<->\artemisiasc@scaled gartemisiasco6a}{}
        %% nextx names oblique sc as both scit and scsl. ("largesc" option of newtx is different font, not a scaling.) 
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{scsl}{<->\artemisiasc@scaled gartemisiasco6a}{}% sco
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{m}{scit}{<->\artemisiasc@scaled gartemisiasco6a}{}% sco
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{bx}{n}{<-> \artemisia@scaled gartemisiab6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{bx}{it}{<->\artemisia@scaled gartemisiabi6a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{artemisia}{bx}{sl}{<->\artemisia@scaled gartemisiabo6a}{}
%        % Sans Serif Greek font Kerkis
%        % Based on Kerkis fd file, by Antonis Tsolomitis, under the LaTeX Project Public License
        \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{maksf}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{m}{n}{<-> \kerkissf@scaled gksf7t}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{m}{it}{<->\kerkissf@scaled gksfi7t}{}  
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{m}{sl}{<->\kerkissf@scaled gksfi7t}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{m}{sc}{<->\kerkissf@scaled gksfsc7t}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{b}{n}{ <->\kerkissf@scaled gksfb7t}{}  
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{b}{it}{<->\kerkissf@scaled gksfbi7t}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{b}{sl}{<->\kerkissf@scaled gksfbi7t}{}  
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{bx}{n}{  <-> \kerkissf@scaled gksfb7t}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{bx}{it}{ <-> \kerkissf@scaled gksfbi7t}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{maksf}{bx}{sl}{ <-> \kerkissf@scaled gksfbi7t}{}
%        %% Greek monospaced font, DejaVuSansMono
%        %% Based on DejaVu fd files by Pavel Farar, under the LaTeX Project Public License
        \DeclareFontFamily{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{b}{it}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique-tlf-lgr}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{b}{n}{ <-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-Bold-tlf-lgr}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{m}{it}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-Oblique-tlf-lgr}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{m}{n}{ <-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-tlf-lgr}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{m}{sl}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/m/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{b}{sl}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{bx}{sl}{<->\DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{bx}{it}{<->\DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{LGR}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{bx}{n}{ <->\DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/n}{}

	\ClassError{\ClassName}{Your LaTeX format is dated \fmtversion. LaTeX distributions 2020 are necessary to use the fonts of the cyrillic language option with pdflatex, e.g., [russian]}{Please UPDATE your LaTeX distribution: TeX Live is available for download at no charge: \string https://www.tug.org/texlive/.  Alternatively, delete the class option calling a cyrillic-alphabet language.}%
		\let\babel@aux\@gobbletwo % eliminate warnings about missing .fd. Brute force approach, revisit later. 2022/03/14
%		\DeclareFontFamilySubstitution{T2A}{\ttdefault}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF} % if one prefers an SF monospace font
       %% Paratype fonts for cyrillic, maintained by Pavel Farar, under Latex Project Public License
        \def\PTSerif@@scale{s*[0.95]}% had had 0.94...
        \DeclareFontFamily{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{}% not adjusting wordspacing, since it matches newtxtext as is
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{m}{n}{ <->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-Regular-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{m}{it}{<->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-Italic-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{b}{n}{ <->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-Bold-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{b}{it}{<->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{m}{ui}{<->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-UprightItalic-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{m}{sl}{<->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-Slanted-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{b}{ui}{<->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-BoldUprightItalic-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{b}{sl}{<->\PTSerif@@scale PTSerif-BoldSlanted-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * PTSerif-TLF/b/n}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * PTSerif-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{bx}{ui}{<->ssub * PTSerif-TLF/b/ui}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSerif-TLF}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * PTSerif-TLF/b/sl}{}
        \DeclareFontFamily{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{b}{it}{<->\PTSans@@scale PTSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{b}{n}{<-> \PTSans@@scale PTSans-Bold-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{m}{it}{<->\PTSans@@scale PTSans-Italic-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{m}{n}{<-> \PTSans@@scale PTSans-Regular-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{c}{n}{<-> \PTSans@@scale PTSans-Narrow-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{bc}{n}{<->\PTSans@@scale PTSans-NarrowBold-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * PTSans-TLF/m/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * PTSans-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * PTSans-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * PTSans-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTSans-TLF}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * PTSans-TLF/b/n}{}
%        %% the tt cyrillic is slightly larger than the latin characters.    
         \DeclareFontFamily{T2A}{PTMono}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{m}{n}{<-> \PTMono@@scale PTMono-Regular-tlf-t2a}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{b}{n}{<-> \PTMono@@scale PTMono-Bold-tlf-t2a}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{m}{sl}{<->\PTMono@@scale PTMono-Slanted-tlf-t2a}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{b}{sl}{<->\PTMono@@scale PTMono-BoldSlanted-tlf-t2a}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{m}{it}{<->\PTMono@@scale PTMono-Slanted-tlf-t2a}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{b}{it}{<->\PTMono@@scale PTMono-BoldSlanted-tlf-t2a}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * PTMono-TLF/b/n}{}
         \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{PTMono}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * PTMono-TLF/b/sl}{}
        \DeclareFontFamily{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{}% not adjusting wordspacing
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{b}{it}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{b}{n}{ <-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-Bold-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{m}{it}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-Oblique-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{m}{n}{ <-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-tlf-t2a}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{m}{sl}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/m/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{b}{sl}{<-> \DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{bx}{sl}{<->\DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{bx}{it}{<->\DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/it}{}
        \DeclareFontShape{T2A}{DejaVuSansMono-TLF}{bx}{n}{ <->\DejaVuSansMono@@scale DejaVuSansMono-TLF/b/n}{}


%% End of file `asmeconf.cls'.