%This file contains all the macros used %in the LaTeX port of the document cheat.pdf available %in the TeX showcase. %This boolean is true when output is DVI and false otherwise \newtoggle{DVIOutput} \togglefalse{DVIOutput} \ifx\pdfoutput\@undefined % no pdfTeX \togglefalse{DVIOutput} \else\ifnum\pdfoutput<1 %pdfTeX is outputting a .dvi file \toggletrue{DVIOutput} \else %pdfTeX is outputting a .pdf file \togglefalse{DVIOutput} \fi\fi %These lengths are used to specify the dimentions of the different columns %of the tabular environment. These are useful to write code working on many %page after the specific dimentions for the page have been assigned to them. %Normally no page of the document has more than three columns even %the page 2 but for the ease of typesetting it is useful %to split the first logical column in three. Thus it is %possible to have until 5 columns. \newlength{\ColOne} \newlength{\ColTwo} \newlength{\ColThree} \newlength{\ColFour} \newlength{\ColFive} %Theses length are mainly used to save the current similar %values which can be locally modified. \newlength{\BeforeFormulaSpace} % Will contain the space before a formula when it is displayed. \newlength{\InterFormulaSpace} %Space between two lines of formulae displayed %inside the 'DisplayFormulae' environment \newlength{\DisLeftSkip} \newlength{\DisParFillSkip} \newlength{\DisParIndent} %The length '\CurrentLineWidth' is the current width of a line. %It is useful when a lot of data (like when writing %formulae with "\Fm" macros) should be put on a line to %know when inserting a break. % %This variable is mainly used in the macro "\LongEquation" %and "\Fm" which have to put a maximum amount of text on a line. \newlength{\CurrentLineWidth} %The length \MathContentSize is used to setup the size of the parboxes %containing the different mathematical elements of the page \newlength{\MathContentSize} %This length is useful to manipulate horizontal space \newlength{\HSpace} %This length is useful to manipulate vertical space at different %place \newlength{\VSpace} %This is a temporary length usable for computation inside macro \newlength{\TmpLengthA} %A temporary counter for a local usage \newcounter{tmpCountA} %A counter used to contain the number of blank lines %to add in a table from the 'nicematrix' package. \newcounter{NbBlankLines} %Some new counters are usefuls to number equations and formulaes %The counter 'DisplayFormulaNb' is the number of the current displayed formulae \newcounter{DisplayFormulaNb} %The enumerated type describing the style to display the number %of the formulae. The values are: % 0 without number % 1 regular % 2 bold \chardef\StyleWithoutNumber=0 \chardef\StyleRegular=1 \chardef\StyleBold=2 \chardef\DisNumberStyle=\StyleWithoutNumber %Enumerated type to indicate if the formula should be typeset %in display style (with bigger characters) or without change \chardef\SmallChar=1 \chardef\BigChar=0 \chardef\DisDisplay=\BigChar %This box is useful to store a formula which can %be moved after composition. \newsavebox\FormulaBox %Three temporary boxes (for use in a macro) \newsavebox\TmpBoxA \newsavebox\TmpBoxB \newsavebox\TmpBoxC %This box contains the Escher's impossible brick on page 10 \newsavebox\ImpossibleBrick %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % Macros definition % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %This TeX (and not LaTeX) macro does nothing but it can be used %inside other macro to achieve some effects. It is declared here just %to be certain that the name will be unique. \def\cheatTmpMacro{\relax} %This command define the separator of thousands (this one is different in differents %regions/country) \newcommand\SepMillier{\,} %Similary the decimal separator is different in different country. \newcommand\SepDecimal{{,}} %The following macros modify the space typeset by LaTeX before and after %a formula in display math. % %The command has two parameter % 1) the new space to use in normal mode (symmetric for above and below) % 2) the new space to use for short mode (the mode is short when % the line of text before is shorter than the width of formula). \newcommand\DisplaySpace[2]{% \deflength{\abovedisplayskip}{#1}% \deflength{\belowdisplayskip}{#1}% \deflength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{#2}% \deflength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{#2}% } %Define a new environment useful to typeset formulae in a more or less free %style. % %This environment has 5 parameters: % 1) The number to use when displaying the first formula % (generally 1 except when a sequence of formula should % be continued) % 2) The horizontal space to let before a formula. % 3) The dimention which should separate two formulae % 4) An enumerated value to define the style of displaying % the formula (standard mode, display mode etc.) % 5) An enumerated type to specify the style (bold, regular...) of the number of the % formula. \newenvironment{DisplayFormulae}[5]{%Begin definitions \newbool{FirstFormula}% \booltrue{FirstFormula}% \newbool{PrintEquation}% true if the formula should be typeset % and printed, when fals it is only typeset % (useful to know its width) \booltrue{PrintEquation}% \newbool{Inline}%When true, the formula is not typeset in a box %but simply typed inline. Rarely used but useful %if the formula is surrounded by some text. \boolfalse{Inline}% \deflength\CurrentLineWidth{0pt}% \defcounter{DisplayFormulaNb}{#1}% % Since this counter is automatically incremented before % to typeset a formula \defcounter{DisplayFormulaNb}{\value{DisplayFormulaNb}-1}% \deflength{\BeforeFormulaSpace}{#2}% \deflength{\InterFormulaSpace}{#3}% \chardef\DisDisplay=#4% \chardef\DisNumberStyle=#5% \deflength{\DisLeftSkip}{\leftskip}% \deflength{\DisParFillSkip}{\parfillskip}% \deflength{\DisParIndent}{\parindent}% \deflength{\parindent}{0pt}% \deflength{\leftskip}{0pt}% \deflength{\parfillskip}{0pt}% \par\unskip \begin{sloppypar}\raggedright\noindent\unskip }{%End definitions \par\end{sloppypar}\noindent \setlength{\leftskip}{\DisLeftSkip}% \setlength{\parfillskip}{\DisParFillSkip}% } %This macro put a new line when writing formulae with the %\Fm family of macro inside an environment 'DisplayFormulae' %The macro has one parameter % 1)The height to force at the begining of a paragraph % This forces an interline with a rule. This parameter % is optionnal and its default value is '\InterFormulaSpace' % %This macro uses the global (to itself) length %'\CurrentLineWidth' \newcommand\NewParFormulae[1][\InterFormulaSpace]{% \par %To force the desired space between formulae \rule{0pt}{#1}% \unskip\noindent\unskip} %This macro is the separator of formulae. Normally %it is empty but it can be redefined to set a specific %separator if needed. % %This macro is executed in math mode \newcommand\FmSep{\relax} %This macro is used to display a formula inside an environment %"DisplayFormulae". It will work correctly only in that %environement which provide a way to use global variables (to this %macro) to keep some states between its different calls. % %It has two parameters: % 1) A boolean value which, when it is true, indicates % that the formula should be printed inline % with some other text (but the formula is still % typeset in LR box). For this to work correctly, % it is sufficient that the length '\CurrentLineWidth' % being set to a length of 0pt. This is like the % first equation on a line and the equation is simply % printed without adding anything. % This parameter is optionnal and its default value is 'false'. % 2) The formula to display. The formula % is typeset in math mode. % %This macro uses and update the global (to the macro) %length "\CurrentLineWidth" (which indicate the next point %where to put text on the current line). % %The global variable (defined inside the %'DisplayFormulae' environment) '\DisNumberStyle' is used too, %to determine how the equation should be typeset (with or without %numbering for instance). % %!! Be careful !! %When not in inline mode, this macro skips all the blanks %before it. This is useful to avoid spurious blanks introduced %somewhere before the call to this macro. \newcommand\Fm[2][false]{% \setbool{Inline}{#1}% \ifbool{Inline}{\deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{0pt}}{% %Not Inline: \unskip\noindent\unskip }% \defcounter{DisplayFormulaNb}{\value{DisplayFormulaNb}+1}% \WriteFormula{\the\CurrentLineWidth}{\CurrentLineWidth}{#2}{true}% %Since a formula is written, we are no more on the first formula. \boolfalse{FirstFormula}% }% %This command do really the job of typesetting the formula %It has 5 parameters: % 1) A white space to be put before the equation. % If this value is greater than 0pt, the equation is % considered to be part of a multipart equation % (but it is not its first part). % % This means that a space of that dimention is simply added % before the equation and the equation is printed. % If the width of the text with the added space before % the equation is wider than the available space, the equation % is simply typeset right justified. % % This parameter is optionnal and its value is 0pt. % 2) The current position on the line % 3) A variable of type dimen to contain the new % point of insertion in the printed line (where % the next equation could be typesetted). % 4) The formula to type % 5) A boolean value which when it is true indicates that % the equation should be printed. Otherwise the equation % is typesetted but not printed. This is useful to % know the width of the printed equation, but without % printing it in the text. \newcommand\WriteFormula[5][0pt]{% \begingroup%To protect the global boxes and variables used %in this macro. \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{#2}%The current position on the line \setbool{PrintEquation}{#5}% \ifdimequal{#1}{0pt}% {%Normal case when one has to print a std equation \ifdimgreater{\CurrentLineWidth}{0pt}{%Already some text on the line %we add the space between the formula. \ifbool{PrintEquation}{% \hspace{\InterFormulaeSkip}% \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{\CurrentLineWidth+\InterFormulaeSkip}% }{}% }{}% \savebox\FormulaBox{% \hspace*{\BeforeFormulaSpace}% \ifnum\DisNumberStyle=\StyleBold \textbf{\arabic{DisplayFormulaNb}.~}% \else \ifnum\DisNumberStyle=\StyleRegular \arabic{DisplayFormulaNb}.~% \fi \fi \ensuremath{% \ifnum\DisDisplay=\BigChar\displaystyle\fi %Typeset the equation and call the macro to %add a separator between the equations. #4\FmSep}% }% \settowidth{\HSpace}{\usebox\FormulaBox}% \deflength\CurrentLineWidth{\CurrentLineWidth+\HSpace}% \ifdimgreater{\CurrentLineWidth}{\linewidth}% {%Force a new paragraph \ifbool{PrintEquation}{\NewParFormulae}{}% \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{\HSpace}%Since the formula is the only text on the line }{}% }{%The second part of the equation should be printed \savebox\FormulaBox{% \ensuremath{% \ifnum\DisDisplay=\BigChar\displaystyle\fi %Typeset the second part of the equation %but add the white space before it. \makebox[#1][l]{}#4\FmSep\relax }% }% \settowidth{\HSpace}{\usebox\FormulaBox}% \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{\HSpace}% \ifdimgreater{\CurrentLineWidth}{\linewidth}% {%With the space added before it, %the second part of the equation is wider %than the available space. We simply put %the equation right aligned \savebox\FormulaBox{% \makebox[\linewidth][l]{% \ensuremath{% \ifnum\DisDisplay=\BigChar\displaystyle\fi %Typeset the second part of the equation without %the preceding blank space and force the right alignment \hfill #4\FmSep\relax }% }% }% \settowidth{\HSpace}{\usebox\FormulaBox}% %Since the line is pushed to the right of space, the line %is full. \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{\linewidth}% }{}% }% \ifbool{PrintEquation}{\usebox\FormulaBox}{}%Print the formula in the document %\HSpace is the width of the box containing the typeseted formula. \ifdimgreater{\HSpace}{\linewidth}% {\typeout{^^J==Info The text of this equation:^^J#4^^J% is wider than the width of the text. Please split it manually.}% }{}% \edef\mytemp{\endgroup \noexpand\deflength{#3}{\the\CurrentLineWidth}% }% \mytemp %Close the group and set the value of the %insertion point of the next equation. } %The following macro is similar to '\Fm' but write only %the first part of an equation. When an equation is spiltted in two parts, %the first part starts always on a new line (except if this is %the first equation of a group of equations, to avoid extra blank %space). % %The macro has one parameter: % 1) The first part of the equation % The formula is typeset in math mode. \newcommand\FmPartA[1]{% \begingroup %A group can be used since this command should always be used %with '\FmPartB' and the fact that the \CurrentLineWidth is not %updated (due to the group) is without importance since the next %text will be the second part of the equation on a new line. %Force equation on a new line except if this is the first equation. \ifbool{FirstFormula}{%First formula }{%No more the first formula, a new line is forced \NewParFormulae% }% \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{0pt}%Since this equation starts %on a new line %There must be no separator of equation between the two part of %a splitted equation \def\FmSep{\relax}% \Fm{#1}% \endgroup } %The following macro is similar to '\Fm' but write only %the second part of an equation % %The macro has two parameters: % 1) Some text which will be used to determine the horizontal % offset to let before writing the second part of the equation % 2) The second part of the equation %The formulae are typeset in math mode. \newcommand\FmPartB[2]{% %Start on a new line. \NewParFormulae %Typeset the first part of the equation without printing it %to get the length of the first part in \TmpLengthA \WriteFormula{0pt}{\TmpLengthA}{#1}{false}% %Print the second (or following) part of the equation by %adding a blank space corresponding to the width of the %first part. The parameter with a length of 0pt %reflects the fact that the equation start at the beginning %of the line (after the \NewParFormulae}. \WriteFormula[\TmpLengthA]{0pt}{\CurrentLineWidth}{#2}{true}% %A blank character seems to be present, it is suppressed %now \unskip } %This macro is useful to indicate that no specific typeseting %should be done (and the default typesetting should be used instead) \newcommand\DoNothing{} %This macro is made to display the long equations (where 2 equal signs are used %to separate part of equation) %The macro has 5 parameters % 1) Any parameter expanding to something prevents % the addition of space before equation. Otherwise % a space of "\SpaceBeforeLongEq" is added % 2) The formula until the first equal sign % 3) The formula beteween the two equal sign % 4) The formula after the last equal sign % 5) The width of the line where the long equation should be typeset. % %If for some reason there is less than 2 equal signs, the corresponding %parameters should be empty. % %This macro uses the global boxes "\TmpBoxA" and \TmpBoxB". %This macro uses the global length "\CurrentLineWidth" and "\HSpace" % \newcommand\LongEquation[5][{\DoNothing}]{% \begingroup \deflength{\CurrentLineWidth}{#5}% \par \ifdefempty{#1}{\AdjustSpace{\SpaceBeforeLongEq}}{}% \noindent \def\temp{#3}% \ifx\temp\empty %Second parameter empty, the first part of equation is simply printed. $#2$% \else %Second parameter not empty \savebox\TmpBoxA{$#2=#3$}% \settowidth\HSpace{\usebox\TmpBoxA}% \ifnum\HSpace>\CurrentLineWidth $#2=$\\\mbox{}\hfill \savebox\TmpBoxA{$#3$}% \fi \def\temp{#4}% \ifx\temp\empty %Third parameter empty the formula until this parameter is typeset \usebox\TmpBoxA \else %Third parameter not empty \savebox\TmpBoxB{$#2=#3=#4$}% \settowidth{\HSpace}{\usebox\TmpBoxB}% \ifnum\HSpace>\CurrentLineWidth \usebox\TmpBoxA=\\\mbox{}\hfill $#4$% \else \usebox\TmpBoxB \fi \fi \fi \endgroup } %This command add or remove vertical space % %The command has 1 parameter % 1) The length for the space to add or remove \newcommand\AdjustSpace[1]{\par %to force vertical mode \vspace{#1}\noindent\ignorespaces\par} %This command assign a counter with the biggest of three numbers. % %The macro has 4parameters: % 1) The name of the resulting counter. % This parameter is optionnal and its name is % 'NbBlankLines' % 2-4) The three values to check \newcommand\BiggestNbLines[4][NbBlankLines]{% \defcounter{#1}{#2}%The biggest is the first \ifnumless{\value{#1}}{#3}{%first < second %The biggest is the second number \defcounter{#1}{#3}% }{} \ifnumless{\value{#1}}{#4}{%The current biggest < third %the biggest is the third number \defcounter{#1}{#4}% }{} } %This command adds few blank lines in a table. It is particularly useful %with the 'nicematrix' package where it is often necessary to add few lines %to be able to use block on many lines. % %The macro has two parameters: % 1) The number of lines to add % 2) A macro to add the lines % %This command uses the global counter 'NbBlankLines' and the macro %'\cheatTmpMacro'. \newcommand\AddBlankLines[2]{% \defcounter{NbBlankLines}{#1}% \def\cheatTmpMacro{\relax}% \whileboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{NbBlankLines}}{>}{0}}}% {\defcounter{NbBlankLines}{\value{NbBlankLines}-1}% \edef\cheatTmpMacro{\cheatTmpMacro #2}}% \cheatTmpMacro } %This command is used to setup the style of the numerous %small titles used in the page. % %The command has one parameter % 1) The text of the intertitle \newcommand\IntertitleShape[1]{% \textit{#1}% } %This command add some remarks about a math formula. %It is very useful to add some text like "a>0" % %The macro has two parameters % 1) The separator to typeset before the remark. This parameter % is optionnal and has the value of '\text{,}\enspace' % 2) The text of the remark, which will be typeset % in math mode. One has to use the AMS command % '\text' to typeset in text mode \newcommand\MathRemark[2][\text{,}\enspace]{\unskip\ensuremath{#1#2}} %This command add the infinitesimal difference after a math expression %It is very useful to have consistent spacing %before the 'dx'. %The command has one parameter: % 1) The letter to use. This parameter is typeset % in math mode and it is optionnal. Its % default value is 'x' \newcommand\dx[1][x]{\unskip\ensuremath{\,d#1}} %This command is used to typeset a variable followed %by the infinitesimal difference dx % %This command has one parameter % 1) The letter to use for the variable. % This text is typeset in math mode This parameter % is optional and its value is 'x' \newcommand\xdx[1][x]{\ensuremath{#1\dx}} % %This command is intended to stack two characters %with some vertical space between them. % %The command has 4 parameters: % 1) a left delimiter (might be empty) % 2) a right delimiter (might be empty) % 3) the "numerator" character % 4) the "denominator" character % %The idea is taken from here: %https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/119096/on-atop-again-how-to-obtain-the-same-result-without-warning % %The syntax of \genfrac macro is: %\genfrac{<left-delim>}{<right-delim>}{<thickness>}{<mathstyle>}{<numerator>}{<denominator>} \newcommand\Empile[4]{% \genfrac{#1}{#2}{\z@}{}{#3}{#4}% } %Macros defined in the original document \newcommand\titleTable{\textbf{\rule[-2ex]{0pt}{6ex}\large Mathematical formul�� and facts}} \newcommand\Real{\iftutex\BbbR\else\mathbb{R}\fi} %��� \newcommand\Natural{\iftutex\BbbN\else\mathbb{N}\fi} %��� \newcommand\Z{\iftutex\BbbZ\else\mathbb{Z}\fi} %��� \newcommand\Par{\par\vskip 3pt} \newcommand\centertwo[2]{\line {\hss #1\hss #2\hss}} \newcommand\centerthree[3]{\line {\hss #1\hss #2\hss #3\hss}} \newcommand\sign{\hbox{\rm sign}} \newcommand\etc{$\ldots$} \newcommand\Ldots{,\ldots,} \newcommand\Hrule{\vskip 3pt\hrule\vskip 3pt} \newcommand\Or{\vee} \newcommand\E{\iftutex\BbbE\else\mathbb{E}\fi} %Expectation (in probabilities) \newcommand\abs{\mathop{\rm abs}\nolimits} \newcommand\perm{\mathop{\rm perm}\nolimits} \newcommand\sech{\mathop{\rm sech}\nolimits} \newcommand\csch{\mathop{\rm csch}\nolimits} \newcommand\arccot{\mathop{\rm arccot}\nolimits} \newcommand\arcsec{\mathop{\rm arcsec}\nolimits} \newcommand\arccsc{\mathop{\rm arccsc}\nolimits} \newcommand\arcsinh{\mathop{\rm arcsinh}\nolimits} \newcommand\arccosh{\mathop{\rm arccosh}\nolimits} \newcommand\arctanh{\mathop{\rm arctanh}\nolimits} \newcommand\arccoth{\mathop{\rm arccoth}\nolimits} \newcommand\arcsech{\mathop{\rm arcsech}\nolimits} \newcommand\arccsch{\mathop{\rm arccsch}\nolimits} \iftutex %16bits TeX %lAngle,rAngle are defined in unicode-math \newcommand\Euls[2]{\ensuremath{\Empile{\lAngle}{\rAngle}{#1}{#2}}} %but not in Lucida \ifnum\PoliceDocument=\PoliceLucida \renewcommand\Euls[2]{\bigg\langle\!\!\!\bigg\langle{#1 \atop #2} \bigg\rangle\!\!\!\bigg\rangle} %and dejavusans \else \ifnum\PoliceDocument=\PoliceDejavuSans \renewcommand\Euls[2]{\bigg\langle\!\!\!\bigg\langle{#1 \atop #2} \bigg\rangle\!\!\!\bigg\rangle} \fi \fi \else %8 bits TeX. %Use of the TeX definition. \newcommand\Euls[2]{\bigg\langle\!\!\!\bigg\langle{#1 \atop #2} \bigg\rangle\!\!\!\bigg\rangle} \fi \newcommand\ramsey{\mathop{\rm r}\nolimits} \newcommand\Var{\mathop{\rm Var}\nolimits} %variance (prob and stat) \newcommand\SousEnsemble[2]{\ensuremath{\Empile{\{}{\}}{#1}{#2}}} \newcommand\Cycle[2]{\cycle{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\cycle[2]{\ensuremath{\Empile{[}{]}{#1}{#2}}} \newcommand\Eul[2]{\eul{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\eul[2]{\ensuremath{\Empile{\langle}{\rangle}{#1}{#2}}} \newcommand\fivrm{} \newcommand\euls[2]{\Euls{#1}{#2}} \newcommand\ValAbs[1]{\lvert#1\rvert} %absolute value %Commands used to make the title page. %This document could be typeset many times with each time a different %font. Then each produced document will be merged into one. %This is useful to show a large set of fonts. % %In this latter case, it is important to be able to deactivate %some parts of the title which will be otherwise redundant. \newbool{FullTitle} \booltrue{FullTitle}%When true all the title is typeset, otherwise %only the name of the used font is displayed %The font to use for the name of the package (this font should be adapted, %if possible, to a very big character used a title). \newcommand\TitleFontFile{QTHelvet-BoldOutline.otf} \IfFontExistsTF{\TitleFontFile}% {\newfontface\PackageNameFnt{\TitleFontFile}}{\newcommand\PackageNameFnt{\relax}} %This command typeset the main title and the full name of the package %The command has no parameter \newcommand\PackageName{% \ifbool{FullTitle}% {% \par\centerline{\PackageNameFnt\fontsize{50pt}{55pt}\selectfont MathTrip}\par }{}% } %A short quote to go with the package name (and the main title) \newcommand\TitleQuote{% \ifbool{FullTitle}% {% \begin{flushright}% \parbox[t]{20em}{% %\fontsize{20pt}{24pt}\selectfont La pente, d��j�� verticale, se redressait encore. \par %\fontsize{16pt}{18pt}\selectfont\itshape \textit{\small The slope, already vertical, was still rising.} \begin{flushright} Georges Livanos (french alpinist) \end{flushright}% }% \end{flushright}% }{}% } %The version of the document \newcommand\Version{2.8}