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% Show page(s) 1,2,3


\title{The \texttt{Prosper} Class} \subtitle{Producing Slides with \LaTeX}
\author{John Doe} \email{jd@eval.com}
\institution{The Evaluation Company}
\slideCaption{Slides with \texttt{Prosper}/\LaTeX}

    The \texttt{Prosper} class translates into two different formats:
    \item Adobe\textregistered\ \textit{Postscript}\texttrademark
    \item Adobe\textregistered\ \textit{Portable Document Format} \texttrademark\ (PDF)

    The compilation process:\\
    \fromSlide*{1}{\fbox{\LaTeX}} \fromSlide*{2}{$\rightarrow$ \fbox{DVI}}%
    \fromSlide*{3}{$\rightarrow$ \fbox{PostScript} or \fbox{PDF}}%