UKTeX Digest    Friday,  6 Aug 1993    Volume 93 : Issue 24

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
 {Questions & Answers}:
                  breaking columns with multicol.sty
                  Re Digest 93.23 Equation editors.
                         Commutative Diagrams
                         Tex Memory capacity
       UK TeX Users Group AGM -- 20 Oct 1993, Aston University
                  LaTeX2e -- A New Version of LaTeX
                    Distribution of TeX materials

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Wed, 14 Jul 1993 17:20:37 +0100
Subject: breaking columns with multicol.sty

I have to produce a 3-column leaflet in which the quantity of text
is pre-determined for each column.  What I need is something
like a \newcolumn command for use with multicol.sty.

Is there such a command, or an equivalent?

A.F.Lack, City University, London.


Date:    Thu, 15 Jul 1993 12:40:06 +0100
From:    ccsrar <>
Subject: Re Digest 93.23 Equation editors.

One of our maths professors is using a "wysiwyg" editor on
DOS (maybe Windows) PC.  Like the Mac program described, it
outputs TeX code.  Here are the details.

    From Tue Jul 13 09:11:35 1993

    Leo can be obtained from

    ABK Software
    4495 Ottawa Place
    CO 80303

    The price just now is around $150 I believe.


(R.) Allan Reese        Janet:
Head of Applications    Direct voice:    +44 482 465296
Computer Centre         Voice messages:  +44 482 465685
Hull University         Fax:             +44 482 466441
Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.


Date:    Mon, 02 Aug 1993 18:15:00 +0700
Subject: Commutative Diagrams

Is there a latex style file that will allow me to produce commutative
diagrams? The sort of thing I am thinking of is like the example given
in the TeXbook on page 182 (exercise 18.46).

Dominic Steinitz (Kingston University)
Dominic Steinitz


Date:    Wed, 04 Aug 1993 12:19:14 -0000
From:    C D Radcliffe <>
Subject: Tex Memory capacity

I have a general query about TeX's memory capacity for storing strings.

I writing a PhD thesis containing many \label and \ref cross-references
and many \cite's and find I have used up TeX's string character memory.
On our Sun system  with TeX C, Version 2.93 I get the message;

Heres how much of TeX's memory you used ...
9081 string characters out of 9081  etc.

I noticed that on the PC with EmTeX there are 12995 string characters
available and on the Vax implementation some 28,000 odd.

What determines the size of available TeX memory and is there any way 
to increase it? Also what precautions can be taken to limit memory usage? 
I already use very small labels for figures and equations, 
(i.e. 3-4 chars) although my citations keys are often longer,
(i.e smith&jones(1993) ).

Can anybody shed any light ?


Chris Radcliffe, Dept of Mech Engineering, Leeds University


Date:    Tue, 20 Jul 1993 21:32:55 -0000
From:    R A Bailey <>
Subject: UK TeX Users Group AGM -- 20 Oct 1993, Aston University

         The Annual General Meeting of the UKTeX Users' Group will
take place on Wednesday 20 October 1993 at Aston University.   Members
are invited to contribute beforehand in any of the following ways.
         (1) The present chair's term of office expires at the AGM.
             Nominations for his successor should be made in writing
             and sent to me, to reach me by 20 August 1993.   There
             is no official nomination form.   However, what you send
             me should contain, clearly and legibly,
             ---name and address of nominee
             ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this
                office, signed by the nominee
             ---name and address of the nominator
             ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the
             ---name and address of sender
             ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by
                the seconder.
             The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members
             of UKTeX, and the last two should be different from each
         (2) Many members of the present committee will be standing 
             down at the AGM.  Written nominations for new committee
             members should be sent to me, to reach me by 13 October
             1993. Paperwork should be as above.
         (3) A draft agenda for the AGM will be circulated by snail-
             mail in August or September. Anyone wishing to propose
             any motion to the AGM must send me, in writing, the
             text of the proposed motion and their own name and
             address, to reach me by 6 October 1993.
         Sorry for the plethora of dates.   They are all laid down in
the constitution.
         In all the above, `in writing' means `on paper', not email.
         Please put `UKTUG' on the outside of the envelope when you
send me any of the above.   Otherwise, people may find themselves
elected to the wrong committee.

R. A. Bailey (Secretary, UKTUG)
Department of Mathematical Studies
Goldsmiths' College (University of London at New Cross)
New Cross, London SE14 6NW


Date:    Wed, 04 Aug 1993 13:32:26 +0200
From:    schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Rainer Schoepf)
Subject: LaTeX2e -- A New Version of LaTeX

The following announcement was made last week at the Annual meeting of
the TeX User's Group (TUG) at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. There
will be a new, standardised version of LaTeX (working name: LaTeX2e)
being released before the end of 1993. Not much has been said about
the new features; the perhaps most important point was that support
for PostScript fonts will be built in.

The text below was converted automatically from LaTeX source format
into plain text by the dvidoc processor.

                     PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD

                LaTeX2e -- A New Version of LaTeX

            Leslie Lamport and the LaTeX3 project team

                          July 27, 1993

1 Reasons For LaTeX2e

There are  two primary reasons  for introducing  a new version  of

   * Standardisation:   a single  format incorporating  NFSS2,  to
     replace present multiplicity  of incompatible formats  (NFSS,
     lfonts, pslfonts, etc.)

   * Maintenance:    a  standardised  system  is  essential  to  a
     reliable maintenance policy.

Note  that LaTeX2e  is  only a  ``working name''---thus  this  may

2 Guiding Principles

The following two guiding principles are to be followed:

   I Unmodified version  2.09 input  files will  produce the  same
     output with LaTeX2e as with version 2.09.

  II All new features of  LaTeX2e will conform to the  conventions
     of version 2.09,  making it as  easy as possible for  current
     users to learn to use them.

3 Preamble Commands

In  order to  distinguish old  (2.09) documents  from those  using
facilities  from the  new version,  LaTeX2e documents  will use  a
different command on the first line.


   The  \documentclass command  specifies  what kind  of  document
this is---for example, article, book, letter, slide.


   Including  a  package   adds  new  commands  and/or   redefines
existing commands to provide additional functionality.


   Invokes the LaTeX2.09 compatibility mode.

4 Documentation

The  new version  will be  described in  a new  edition of  LaTeX:
A  document  preparation  system by  Leslie  Lamport  and  in  The
LaTeX Companion  by Goossens, Mittelbach  and Samarin (both to  be
published by Addison-Wesley).   The Companion will also  contain a
complete description of NFSS2.

5 Distribution Policy

Maintenace of  the new  system will  be undertaken  by the  LaTeX3
project team.
   A   complete   distribution   of  all   files,    incorporating
corrections of  errors, will  be made  available twice  a year  on
fixed dates.   This will happen even  if there were no  changes to
the files, and hence only the release dates have to be updated.
   We are currently  looking into the possibility of  additionally
distributing diff files.

6 Error Reports

Error  reports can  be  made  using a  report  generating  program
latexbug.tex.  This will be part of the main distribution.
   Error reports will be  accepted only if the version  of LaTeX2e
that  produces the  error  is not  older  than one  year.    Error
reports can be sent to the following mail address:


or a postal address that is to be announced.

   Rainer Schoepf
    fuer Informationstechnik Berlin
   Heilbronner Strasse 10
   D-10711 Berlin
   Federal Republic of Germany
   <> or <>


Date:    Wed, 04 Aug 1993 11:43:16 -0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: Distribution of TeX materials

Distribution of TeX materials from Aston University.

I regret to have to announce that due to the planned closure of the
University VAX service at the end of the 1993 Aston University will
no longer be able to supply magnetic tapes containing archive
material.  Neither will we be able to supply backup copies of the
current working TeX system.

Changes in workload and resources mean that Aston will also be
unable to supply copies of EmTeX or OzTeX on discs.

The new financial year has just started and this is an appropriate
time to make changes so ALL distribution of materials will cease
from now.

FTP and MAIL access to the archives is NOT affected by these changes
and both 

will continue to be available until further notice.

Gopher access and other services are not affected.


                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
                              >>>  UK.AC.TEX  <<<
                  *** Interactive and file transfer access ***
                 (DTE 000020120091)
                       Username: public, Password: public
     [] -- telnet/rlogin, anonymous ftp
        [] -- anonymous ftp, gopher
               For telnet access, login: public, password: public
      For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address>
                              *** Mail server ***
                    Send mail to (JANET)
                   or (rest of the world)
                   with message body containing the word HELP

    [tex-archive]00index.files        [tex-archive]0000index.zip_vve
    [tex-archive]00last7days.files    [tex-archive]00last7days.zip_vve
    [tex-archive]00last30days.files   [tex-archive]00last30days.zip_vve

    [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt    (Frequently Asked Questions list)
    [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt    (FAQ supplement)

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V93 #11

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1 file (36Mb)

       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to **Nottingham**
       (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)


\subsection OzTeX for Macintosh
    No longer distributed on disk from Aston, though it continues
    to be available in the Archive for network access.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage

    Details available
    By E-mail:
    Post or phone:
        David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
        30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (Tel: 0484 519462)
    Fax: E McNeil-Sinclair  0272 236169

End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 24]