UKTeX Digest	Friday, 27 Sep 1991    Volume 91 : Issue 37

Today's Topics:
		    Re: Beginner's Guide to LaTeX
			  Re: emTeX, PD-TeX
		       access to aston archive
		       ISO LaTeX style updated
			      Re: EMTEX
		 TeX and LaTeX for the CBM Amiga 500
		     Drawing packages, X and TeX.
		    EMTeX Driver for HP LaserJet?
	     PC package to generate mathematical graphs?
		incremental posting to
			Call for Papers, TUG92
 {Archive News}:
		     RE: ISO LaTeX style updated

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Wed, 25 Sep 91 14:52:45 +0000
From:    Sebastian Rahtz <>
Subject: Re: Beginner's Guide to LaTeX

Peter Flynn <>  writes:
 > Is there a startup document of similar level to Michael Doob's
 > <Gentle |Introduction> which deals exclusively with LaTeX which
 > I can download from somewhere?
Jon Warbrick's Essential Latex - look for essential.tex at Aston or



Date:    Wed, 25 Sep 91 13:59:28 -0500
From:    Till Koerner <>
Subject: Re: emTeX, PD-TeX

emTeX is available from (Stuttgart, Germany) by anonymous
Internet ftp. The directories are under /soft/tex/machines/pc/emtex/.
In the betatest directory are beta (5,6) versions of some of the
emTeX utilities and emTeX386, which is faster than ordinary emTeX
for the 8086/186/286; it uses its own 386 extender and thus can use
extended memory.
Hope that helps.
- --+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--:--+--
Till Koerner,  <ht050ko at dacth11.bitnet>,        Tel. +49 241 80 5950
Institut fuer Industrieofenbau und Waermetechnik im Huettenwesen
RWTH Aachen (Aachen University of Technology)
Kopernikusstrasse 16         +----------------------------------------+
D-W5100 Aachen               ! Always look on the bright side of life !
Federal Republic of Germany  !                           Monty Python !
<Standard Disclaimer>        +----------------------------------------+


Date:    Thu, 26 Sep 91 09:02:00 +0000
Subject: access to aston archive

What has happened to friendly old TEX.AC.UK?
Now I have to CALL JANET_GATE and enter a 12-digit number
Is this progress or what?


Date:    Thu, 26 Sep 91 15:23:45 +0000
From:    Nick North <>
Subject: ISO LaTeX style updated

    *** Sender's original message modified by to reflect
    *** the files' placement within the archive.

The latest version of the ISO style (for LaTeX) has now been included
in the Aston archive.

The ISO style is a LaTeX document style for typesetting ISO standards
according to the guidelines of the ISO Central Secretariat. It has been
used to produce camera-ready copy for a number of standards in the areas
of programming languages, specification languages, communications
protocols and physical measurement. Anyone writing an International
Standard in LaTeX should have a copy.

The style consists of the following files:
iso.sty   - the main style file
iso9.sty  - 9 point style option
iso10.sty - 10 point style option
iso-doc.tex   - documentation

The files are to be found in directory [tex-archive.latex.contrib]

Nick North
National Physical Laboratory
Teddington, Middx. TW11 0LW


Date:    Thu, 26 Sep 91 18:00:42 +0100
From:    Eberhard Mattes 
Subject: Re: EMTEX

Mike Cole writes:

> Can you tell me if EMTEX supports PCs' Extended Memory?  I haven't
> been able to dig this out yet.  If not, it would be a good idea, since
> so many PCs can now have more than 1MB plugged in, with the surplus over
> 1MB run as Extended Memory.

The next version will support XMS; a beta-test version which supports XMS
is available from the Aston archive, as far as I know.

Eberhard Mattes (


Date:    Fri, 27 Sep 91 11:55:13 -0100
From:    Matthew Smith <> (by 
	 way of
Subject: TeX and LaTeX for the CBM Amiga 500

  I've got an Amiga A500, and have heard that there is a version of
TeX and LaTeX for it. I logged into your Aston Archive but could
not find anything about TeX for the Amiga.

  Thanks for any info you can provide.

........ matt ...........

Matt Smith,
Dept. Computing Science,
Kings College,
University of Aberdeen

tel : 0224 - 272844
fax : 0224 - 487048

email :


Date:    Fri, 27 Sep 91 11:55:15 -0100
Subject: TeX

I have access to TeX here at Exeter University but have been told by a
colleague at the Open University that there is a public domain
version of TeX for the 386 which I could install on my PC at home.
I have an Opus 386DX, 40 Mb hard disk and Hewlett Packard
Diskjet 500 inkjet printer.
Is this version of TeX available through you?  If not,
could you advise me where I might get it.
Many thanks for your help.
John Earle.


Date:    Fri, 27 Sep 91 13:08:42 +0000
From:    Tim Bradshaw <>
Subject: Drawing packages, X and TeX.

I use (Tom Rokicki's) dvips for TeX output, on Unix machines running
X11.  Whenever I've had to do any drawings (which is rather seldom so
far) I've used xfig (not sure which version but they all seem equally
bad) producing encapsulated PS via f2ps and then including that with

The main problem with this is that xfig isn't (I think) a very good
drawing package, and in addition it's not terribly reliable.  the
actual PS inclusion works fine (modulo fonts).

I'd like to get something better!  I'd really like to know about any
good drawing package for X/Unix producing encapsulated PS.  I'd much
prefer something free if at *all* possible but I'll consider expensive
ones if they are good enough.  Alternatively if there's anything that
integrates TeX more portably, but it does need to be a visual &
interactive system.

- --tim


Date:    Fri, 27 Sep 91 12:14:29 -0100
Subject: EMTeX Driver for HP LaserJet?

>Lawrence Hopkins
>Tessella Support Services plc
>3 Vineyard Chambers
>OX14 3PX
>Tel 0235 555511
>EMTEX Query
>Please can you tell me whether there is an EmTeX printer driver for the HP

>LaserJet?  I have tried using the DVIHPLJ driver, but this results in 
>blank pages being output.  This did not surprise me as DVIHPLJ only claims

>to support HP LaserJet+ and HP DeskJet, not the older HP LaserJet.
>I would appreciate any help you can offer.
>Thanks very much

replies to me please so that I can have them printed and forwarded.



Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Fri, 27 Sep 91 12:14:32 -0100
Subject: PC package to generate mathematical graphs?

>Hosey Davoudian & C Hindmarch
>Coventry Technical College
>School of Mathematics
>The Butts
>CV1 3GD
>Telephone 0203 257221 X232
>Fax 0203 520164
>Dear Mr Abbott,
>Thank you for the information and hospitality supplied when my colleague 
>and I visited you on July 15th.
>We are using a PC AT to run our TeX package, and can support 5.25" and
>discs.  We use a HP Series 2 Laser Jet printer, but also have access to a 
>Kyocera (I'm not sure of the spelling) printer.
>We are looking for packages to generate mathematical graphs and
>figures and incorporate them into TeX for various mathematical examination

>Any information you can supply would be greatly appreciated.
>Yours faithfully,
>C Hindmarch
>Hosey Davoudian

Again replies to me please so that they can be printed and forwarded.



Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Mon, 16 Sep 91 17:28:29 -0500
From:    Ralph Youngen <REY@com.ams.math>
Subject: incremental posting to

I wish to thank everyone who has used the recent versions of the AMS products
and reported bugs or suggestions to the AMS Technical Support group.  The
purpose of this mail is to announce an incremental posting of new versions of
several files in our TeX distribution on, subsequent to our
major upgrades which were posted on July 2.  The version numbers for the
products themselves will remain unchanged: AMSFonts and AMS-TeX are version
2.1, and AMS-LaTeX is version 1.1.  However, the version numbers embedded into
any updated files (listed below) have been incremented by adding a letter to
the version number.  For example, ams/amsfonts/doc/userdoc.tex is at version
2.1a, but ams/amslatex/doc/amslatex.tex is at version 1.1b because it has been
updated twice since version 1.1 of AMS-LaTeX was released.

Changes to AMSFonts 2.1 are in the documentation only.  Changes to AMS-LaTeX
1.1 are in the documentation, as well as a some bug fixes.  See the
amslatex.bug file for details.  Changes to AMS-TeX 2.1 are in the
documentation, as well as a few bug fixes.  See the amstex.bug file for
details.  Changed to files in the author-info area are bug fixes which caused
TeX errors to occur in previous versions.

Additionally, at the request of several people, we have made tar archives
of the AMSFonts pk files available for retrieval by FTP.  These tar archives
are broken down by resolution and can be found in the main /ams area where
the other tar archives live.  See the ams/READ.ME file for more details.

Below is a list of all files that have changed on e-MATH since the major
posting on July 2, 1991 (excluding tar archives).  We ask that archive
maintainers please consult this list and retrieve these files from e-MATH to
update the ams area on your own archive.

Archive maintainers should feel free to report any problems or questions
concerning this update directly to me at  Bug reports,
general questions, or suggestions should continue to be sent to

Thank you.

Ralph Youngen
Supervisor, Technical Support
American Mathematical Society

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
          6495 Sep 13 15:18 READ.ME
         20351 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.def
         29498 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.ins
         53989 Sep 13 15:17 userdoc.tex
         19887 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.bug
         62362 Aug  7 09:45 amsart.doc
         15660 Aug  7 09:45 amsbook.doc
         16643 Sep 13 15:19 amslatex.aux
        158726 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.tex
          8853 Sep 13 15:20 amslatex.toc
         88056 Aug  7 09:48 testart.tex
         25709 Aug  7 10:03 amsart.sty
          9575 Aug  7 10:03 amsbook.sty
          9431 Sep 13 15:19 amsfonts.sty
         11304 Sep 13 15:21 fontdef.ams
          5112 Aug  7 10:31 amsppt1.tex
          7115 Sep 13 15:23 amstex.bug
         73452 Sep 13 15:22 amsguide.tex
         21688 Sep 13 15:22 amstinst.tex
         19695 Aug  7 10:14 amsl-art.tex
         17716 Aug  7 10:14 amst-art.tex
         63170 Aug  7 10:14 amst-gid.tex
         12113 Aug  7 10:14 amst-mon.tex
         28478 Sep 13 15:23 memo.pkg-amstex
- -------


Date:    Thu, 26 Sep 91 09:27:57 -0500
From:    Ron Whitney <>
Subject: Call for Papers, TUG92

%% Following is the 1992 TeX Users Group Call for Papers
%% This is a plain.tex file. Please print up and/or distribute
%% as widely as possible.
%% Main points: 1992 TUG Meeting in Portland, Oregon
%%              July 27--30, 1992
%%              Theme: `TeX in Context'
%%              Deadline for Proposals: December 15, 1991 for
%%                       papers, workshops, poster talks, etc.
\long\def\programannouncement{% to put the information at the top
                              % of this file and macros below

\conftitle{\TeX\ in Context}
\confsubtitle{Resources, Support Tools, and Comparative Studies}
\dates{July 27--30, 1992}
\programcoordinator{Mimi Lafrenz}
\programaddress{ETP Services Co.\\
  2906 Northeast Glisan Street\\
  Portland, Oregon 97232-3295\\
  \phone{(503) 234-5522}\\
  \fax{(503) 234-5604}\\
\programcommittee{Helen Gibson\\Wellcome Institute}
\programcommittee{Doug Henderson\\Blue Sky Research}
\programcommittee{Ron Whitney\\\TeX\ Users Group}

The 1992 \TeX{} Users Group Annual Meeting will be held in Portland,

While \TeX{} itself is a powerful formatting and commmunication tool,
\TeX{} alone is not the full story.  \TeX{} is supported and enhanced
by front-ends, font packages, graphics tools, device drivers, and
post-processors. The human \TeX{} working environment requires
documentation, instruction, and resource materials.  And, as with all
programs, \TeX{} needs be viewed in a wider universe of publishing
and document management tools in order for those who use and develop
\TeX{} to understand its strengths and weaknesses and the directions
in which changes are appropriate.

The 1992 \TeX{} User Group Conference will focus on the \TeX{}
resource environment, on tools used to support \TeX{}, and on
comparative understanding of elements of the \TeX{} world among
themselves as well as with products outside that world.  

In addition to the regular paper presentations, there will also be
topical workshops, poster sessions, several extended
courses, a networking lunch, and ``Birds of a Feather'' sessions.
Contributions are now being sought by the Program Committee for
inclusion in the 1992 Meeting.  Submissions for papers, workshops,
and poster sessions may include material on a wide range of topics
related to---but not limited to---the areas suggested below.
Selection will be based on originality, applicability, utility and
interest to the \TeX-using community.  As well, a balance of beginner
and advanced levels will be sought.
\topicarea Supporting Tools
\topic Front-ends to \TeX{}
\topic Incorporation of graphics in \TeX{} documents
\topic Fonts for \TeX{}
\topic \TeX{} with PostScript

\topicarea Resources
\topic \TeX{}ware on the networks
\topic Universal access to networks and archives
\topic Survey of \LaTeX{} style files
\topic Local \TeX{} User Group support
\topic Education

\topicarea \TeX{} within Larger Environments
\topic Exporting \TeX{} output to other applications
\topic Document exchange and markup
\topic Translation between \TeX{} and word-processors
\topic \TeX{} as a database publishing tool
\topic Document management systems
\topic Uses of \TeX{} within the publishing, academic, research,
and commercial typography communities

\topicarea Comparative Studies
\topic \TeX{} implementations on microcomputers
\topic Device driver standards
\topic Survey of screen previewers
\topic The capabilities of desktop publishing software

\deadln December 15, 1991: One page proposals submitted via mail,
        email, or facsimile to the Program Coordinator.
        Proposals may  be received after this date, but are then subject
        to considerations of available space in the program.
\deadln January 15, 1992: Notification of acceptance.
\deadln March 15, 1992: Preliminary paper submitted.
\deadln July 1, 1992: Preprint ready.
\deadln July 27--30, 1992: Presentation at 1992~\rlap{Meeting.}
\deadln August 28, 1992: Final paper.
\miscinfo % contact the TUG office at:
\phone (401) 751-7760
\fax   (401) 751-1071
\email {}

% end of information for Call

% fonts, macros, etc.

\font\tugXCI=cmb10 scaled \magstep2
\font\conftitlefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep4
\font\confsubtitlefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep2
\font\confsubsubtitlefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep2
\font\datefont=cmb10 scaled \magstep0
\font\callfont=cmb10 scaled\magstep1
\font\subheaderfont=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep0
\font\headerfont=cmssbx10 scaled 1095
\font\smallcaps=cmcsc10 at 12pt
\def\MF{{\logo META}\-{\logo FONT}}
\def\WEB{{\tt WEB}}
\def\programcommittee#1{\advance\c@programcommittee 1
  \expandafter\def\csname @programcommittee\the\c@programcommittee
\def\phone#1{\quad{\tensl Phone\/}: #1}
\def\fax#1{\quad{\tensl FAX\/}: #1}
\def\email#1{\quad{\tensl E-mail\/}: $\langle\hbox{\tt#1}\rangle$}
% \introduction prints the top-of-page header and sets up the
% environment
% for the introduction section:
\setbox0\vbox{\leftskip0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt
  \confsubsubtitlefont \baselineskip16pt
  13th Annual \\ \TeX\ Users Group \\ Meeting    \\
  \rightskip0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt
  \setbox5\hbox{\tugXCI\@title\hskip2em\callfont Call for Papers}
  \hrule width \wd5
\def\@beginintro#1 {\begingroup
%   {\smallcaps #1 }%
%  \noindent
   \noindent{\headerfont Suggested Topics}\endgraf\ninepoint}
   \setbox0=\hbox{$\diamond$ }\copy0\ignorespaces}
\def\@othertopics{\ \copy0\ignorespaces}
   \advance\baselineskip 0pt plus 2pt
   \advance\rightskip 0pt plus 1000pt
   \everypar{{\setbox0=\lastbox}\copy0 }
   \leftline{\headerfont Deadlines}\deadln}
\def\enddeadlnlist{\egroup\let\par=\@@par }
\let\@@par=\par % Save definition of \par
  \leftline{\headerfont Program Coordinator}
  \pcsfont \@programaddress\crcr}}
  \hbox{\headerfont Program Committee}
%  \let\\=\cr
%  \def\\{\enspace$\diamond$\enspace}%
  % I'll be cheating to get this done a little more quickly
      \csname @programcommittee1\endcsname\cr
      \csname @programcommittee2\endcsname\cr
      \csname @programcommittee3\endcsname\cr
      \csname @programcommittee4\endcsname\cr}}
%  \leftline{\headerfont \TeX\ Users Group}
%  \smallskip\noindent\rm}
  \noindent{\headerfont \TeX\ Users Group}\quad\rm}
\def\La{\TestCount=\the\fam \leavevmode L\raise.42ex
        \hbox{$\fam\TestCount\scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$}}

\vsize 60pc

- -------


Date:    Thu, 26 Sep 91 22:01:58 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: RE: ISO LaTeX style updated

In a message (to UKTeX) of Thu, 26 Sep 91 15:23:45 BST, 
Nick North <> wrote:

> With this message I am submitting the latest version of the ISO style
> for inclusion in the Aston archive.
> The ISO style is a LaTeX document style for typesetting ISO standards
> according to the guidelines of the ISO Central Secretariat. It has been
> used to produce camera-ready copy for a number of standards in the areas
> of programming languages, specification languages, communications
> protocols and physical measurement. Anyone writing an International
> Standard in LaTeX should have a copy.
> The style consists of the following files:
> iso.sty   - the main style file
> iso9.sty  - 9 point style option
> iso10.sty - 10 point style option
> iso.tex   - documentation


Please DON'T send the files themselves to this list; when submissions
are sent to, they're exploded out to a panel of
reviewers (which is how an answer can sometimes be published in the same
issue of UKTeX as the original query).

The list server at attempted to explode the few hundred lines
of each of your files, with a view to mailing them out to the panel.
Luckily for the latter, this happened to coincide with the account
running out of quota because of a mailing loop between it and a rogue
mailer elsewhere, so your submissions weren't retransmitted.

Perhaps this is an opportune time for the editor to remind readers where
to send submissions to the archive: transfer them by NIFTP to,
username CONTRIBUTIONS, with a null password.  THEN send mail to announcing what you've put there; one of
the archivists will then move the files to their appropriate location
and resend your announcement, now supplemented by the location
information, to UKTeX for publication.

Those without NIFTP capability should just send the announcement to the
archivists, one of whom will then contact the submittor to arrange
collection, possibly by anonymous FTP *from* the submittor's site.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      {mcsun,ukc,uunet}!!tex                   +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


			 >>>  UK.AC.TEX	 <<<

		  JANET Interactive and NIFTP access
	     Host:	(JANET DTE 000020120091)
		 Username: public    Password: public
	   [Sorry, no Internet ftp access is available yet]

			 *** Mail server ***
	       Send mail to (JANET)
	      or (rest of the world)
	      with message body containing the word HELP


    [tex-archive]00directory.list	 [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list	 [tex-archive]00last30days.files

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: #36
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3


\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)
    Copies available on:
      One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent with return labels AND return postage to Aston
   OR One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
      sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
    (addresses below).

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX (for Macintosh)
    Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds,
      including disks, post and packing.
    All other enquiries and disk formats should be directed to:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:
\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
	    Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
	    Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
	    UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
	    UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"	     3.10     5.10     1.40	1.10
      11/3.5"	     1.80     2.90     0.80	0.65
      18/5.25"	     1.20     2.00     0.60	0.50
      11/5.25"	     0.80     1.30     0.50	0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- include stamps for return postage)


    For details, contact:
    Malcolm Clark
    IRS, Polytechnic of Central London,
    115 New Cavendish Street, London W1M 8JS	 e-mail:
    Geeti Granger, John Wiley & Sons,
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 37]