Index of /archives/text/CTAN/biblio/bibtex/contrib/sort-by-letters
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
plainnat-letters.bst 2012-06-04 01:36 29K
frplainnat-letters.bst 2012-06-04 01:38 28K
alpha-letters.bst 2006-04-24 15:29 25K
apalike-letters.bst 2006-04-24 15:51 25K
abbrv-letters.bst 2006-04-24 15:29 23K
plain-letters.bst 2006-04-24 16:01 22K
siam-letters.bst 2006-04-24 15:56 21K
README 2012-06-04 01:47 2.6K
This is an archive for bibliography style files:
(sort-by-letters v2)
(C) 2006-2012 - Thomas van Oudenhove <vanouden @ enstimac \dot fr>
Copying of this file is authorized only if either
(1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or
(2) if you do make changes, you name it something other than all standard
styles' names (for consistency reasons).
\alphabibitem is from Mael Hill\'ereau <mael \dot hillereau @ free \dot fr>;
many thanks to him.
These styles do the same stuff as the original files, but they write in the bbl
file the first letter of the first author or editor name. the references in the
bibliography are thus sorted by letter, like this :
Knuth, ...
WARNINGS (for frplainnat-letters.bst):
- You MUST use this style with babel package (french).
- You MUST define these commands for all kinds of citations to work :
\andname, \editorname, \editornames, \volumename, \ofname, \numbername,
\Numbername, \inname, \pagesname, \pagename, \chaptername, \Inname,
\technicalreportname, \Volumename, \janname, \febname, \marname, \aprname,
\mayname, \junname, \julname, \augname, \sepname, \octname, \novname,
- Bibentries MUST have an 'author', 'editor' or 'organization' attribute.
AVERTISSEMENTS (pour frplainnat-letters.bst):
- Vous DEVEZ utiliser le package babel (option french) avec ce style.
- Pour que tous les types de citations fonctionnent correctement, vous DEVEZ
d\'efinir ces commandes :
\andname, \editorname, \editornames, \volumename, \ofname, \numbername,
\Numbername, \inname, \pagesname, \pagename, \chaptername, \Inname,
\technicalreportname, \Volumename, \janname, \febname, \marname, \aprname,
\mayname, \junname, \julname, \augname, \sepname, \octname, \novname,
- Les entr\'ees DOIVENT avoir un 'author', un 'editor' ou une 'organization'.
Known bugs:
- sorting doesn't work with 'organization'
- 'odd encoding' are not supported, especially with accents (e.g. \"U will go
with the U, but Ü will not be supported... and may go with the next letter)
Workarounded or solved bugs:
- problems with frplainnat-letters.bst: this style uses several commands to
allow customization of dates and some labels of citation; the warnings
above will be more explicit for the user. Example, with xspace package:
\newcommand*{\technicalreportname}{Rapport Technique\xspace}
- some characters were latin1 encoded, they are now typed with ascii only
Enjoy !