Index of /archives/graphics/tgif/tgif-QPL-4.2.2/spice
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
BZ.mod 2000-08-04 19:42 55
DN.mod 2000-08-04 19:42 470
MN.mod 2000-08-04 19:42 470
MP.mod 2000-08-04 19:42 470
SN.mod 2000-08-04 19:42 470
SP.mod 2000-08-04 19:42 470
DN.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 8.3K
MN.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 8.3K
MP.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 8.3K
SN.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 8.3K
SP.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 8.3K
capacitor.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 6.1K
connection.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 3.6K
demo.obj 2004-06-19 01:18 70K
gauge.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 4.0K
ground.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 4.1K
in.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 3.6K
out.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 3.6K
port.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 2.8K
resistor.0tc.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 6.0K
resistor.2tc.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 6.3K
resistor.h.2tc.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 6.3K
resistor.h.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 6.3K
resistor.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 6.3K
vcc.sym 2004-06-19 01:18 3.9K
README 2004-06-19 01:19 5.7K
* Author: William Chia-Wei Cheng ([email protected])
* @(#)$Header: /mm2/home/cvs/bc-src/tgif/spice/README,v 1.1 2004/06/18 23:19:38 william Exp $
This file is README in the spice subdirectory of the tgif distribution.
Here are some notes on the ports and components feature of tgif. These
features first appeared in tgif-4.1.35 and only works with the updated
files in the spice subdirectory that was in the tgif-4.1.35 release.
Also, please make sure you are running tgif-4.1.38 or newer since there
have been bug fixed!
Please read the CONNECTING OBJECTS section of the tgif man pages in
addition to this note.
tgif demo.obj
Select NET as the export format
Select Print() from the File Menu is the netlist file...
Any port that's connected to the same signal name are
considered "connected"
For example, the signal name "BASE" is connected to 2 ports,
"!R2!b" and "!Q2!b" (refer to the figure). R2 is a
resistor and it has 2 ports, a and b. Q2 is a transistor
of model type SN. It has 3 ports, c, b, and e (for
collector, base, and emitter). The connection is between
port b of R2 and port b (base) of Q2.
demo.cmp is the component file...
The beginning of each component is not indented.
The first line of a component declares the component and
has the format:
<name>: <type>
<name> corresponds to the "name" attribute of the component.
<type> corresponds to the "type" attribute of the component.
All other attributes of the component are listed (indented
by a <TAB> character) following the first line.
Note that the ports of a component are not listed.
For example, if you right click on the Q1 transistor and select
the Edit Attribute In Editor submenu of the Context Menu,
you can see all the attributes of this component.
Manipulating the connection...
Select the wire named "VIN" and delete it. If you print the NetList,
you will see that both the .net and the .cmp files are not changed!
As I've said, this is a poorman's implemention of ports & connections.
What happens is that port "a" of VIN has an attribute called
"signal_name" whose value is still "VIN". Similarly, port "a"
of R2 also has an attribute called "signal_name" whose value is
still "VIN". When the wire is deleted, these ports don't know
that their signalnames need to be cleared! Oh well... So, the
truth is, there's really no "connection semantics" implemented
in tgif.
To clear them, select Clear Signal Name for a Port from the
Ports and Signals submenu of the Special Menu. Mouse over a
port (the port will be highlighted) and click the left mouse
button. This will clear the signal_name attribute of the port.
Keep finding ports you want to clear... When you are done with
all the ports you want to clear, click the right mouse button.
Go ahead and clear port "a" of VIN and port "a" of R2. The
port should look different.
To make a connection (which is just setting signal_name attributes
of ports), there are 2 ways. One is to select Rename Signal
Name for a Port from the Ports and Signals submenu of the Special
Menu. This is very similiar to clearing signalnames. Let's not
do this. The 2nd way is to select Connect Two Ports by a Wire
from the Ports and Signals submenu of the Special Menu. You
must click on 2 ports. At the end, it will prompt you for a
signal name. Then it will ask you to place it. You can uncheck
Show Wire Signal Name of the Ports and Signals submenu of the
Special Menu if you don't want to see the signalname for the
(useless) wire.
How to constructor a component?
Well, this is kind of involved... I'll just mention a few major
1) A component must be instantiated from a .sym file. So, you should
build a symbol. To build the symbol, start with an empty file.
First draw what it should look like. Don't add any attributes
or ports yet. When you are done with the visual port of the
symbol, select everything and select Group from the Arrange Menu.
2) Before you create the symbol object, you should add ports and
a) For each port you need, instantiate "port.sym" from this
directory. Right click on it and select the "name=" attribute
from the Edit Attribute In Editor submenu of the Context Menu
and enter the port name.
b) For each attribute you need, create it simply as a text object.
A component must have attributes named "name" and "type".
Make sure you have created "name=" and "type=<sometype>" text
objects (replace <sometype> with the actual type of the
3) Select all the text object and the visual part of the symbol,
select Attach Attributes from the Attribute submenu of the
Special Menu. Select Hide Attributes from the Attribute submenu
of the Special Menu.
4) Move all the ports to the right places. Select Select All from
the Edit Menu and selct Group from the Arrange Menu. Finally,
select Make Symbolic from the Special Menu and save the file as