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\layout Title
The Reliable Multicast Library (RML) and Tangram II Whiteboard Developer
\layout Author
Jorge Allyson Azevedo, Milena Scanferla, Daniel Sadoc
\layout Section
\layout Standard
The main goal of this article is to explain some topics about what a programmer
needs to know in order to make source code changes in the Reliable Multicast
Library (RML) and in the Tangram II Whiteboard.
We will also give comments about problems found and the solutions adopted
while developing the RML and the Tangram II
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-30}
Whiteboard tool - including references to books, newsgroups or articles
that may be useful for the interested readers.
In the following section we will take a look at general characteristics
of IP multicast.
Then, the reliable multicast approach used in the implemented RML will
be describe.
We will introduce the library, and show a sample program that makes use
of it - a chat.
After that, a more complex example - the Tangram II Whiteboard (TGWB).
In the Appendix, we will describe the operating system interprocess communicati
on (IPC) resources that which have been used.
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TGWB Screenshot
\layout Section
IP Multicast
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
Quoting from the Multicast HOWTO
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-33}
\begin_inset Quotes eld
multicast is a need ...
Well, at least in some scenarios.
If you have information (a lot of information, usually) that should be
transmitted to various (but usually not all) hosts over an internet, then
Multicast is the answer.
One common situation in which it is used is when distributing real time
audio and video to the set of hosts which have joined a distributed conference.
\layout Standard
Multicast is much like radio or TV in the sense that only those who have
tuned their receivers (by selecting a particular frequency they are interested
on) receive the information.
That is: you hear the channel you are interested in, but not the others.
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Subsubsection
Multicast Addressing
\layout Standard
The range of IP addresses is divided into "classes" based on the high order
bits of a 32 bits IP address:
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
0\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
31\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
Address Range:
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
|0|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
Class A Address\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~ -
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
|1 0|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
Class B Address\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~ -
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
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|1 1 0|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
Class C Address\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~ -
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
|1 1 1 0|\SpecialChar ~
MULTICAST Address\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~ -
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
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\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
Reserved\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
|\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~ -
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\shape italic
\color black
\layout Standard
The multicast addresses start with
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
Among the multicast addresses, the remaining 28 bits identify the multicast
There are some special addresses that should not be used by common applications
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float table
wide false
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\begin_inset Tabular
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
All hosts in the LAN
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
All routers in the LAN
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
All routers DVMRP in the LAN
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
All routers OSPF in the LAN
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
All routers OSPF designated in the LAN
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
All the PIM routers in the LAN
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{mcast special addresses}
Multicast special addresses
The interval from to is reserved to local purposes (local
administrative tasks) - to see some of these address purposes, refer to
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{mcast special addresses}
Similarly, the interval from to is also reserved for
administrative tasks - but not necessarily local tasks.
So, the interval that may be used by general multicast applications is
from to
\layout Subsubsection
Multicast Group
\layout Standard
A multicast group is composed by the set of hosts in a network which share
data via multicast.
This group is identified by a multicast address.
When a host sends a packet to the multicast address, this packet is received
by all the multicast group members.
The transmission of a packet from one sender to multiple receivers is accomplis
hed by a single send operation.
A single packet is sent from the sender host - there is no need to send
multiple copies of this packet, as would be needed if unicast were used.
\layout Standard
The receivers may join and leave the multicast group in a dynamic way.
The network devices, specially the routers, have to determine which of
their interfaces have a multicast member connected to them.
\layout Subsubsection
Levels of conformance
\layout Standard
Hosts can be in three different levels of conformance with the Multicast
specification, according to the requirements they meet:
\layout Itemize
\series bold
Level 0
\series default
is the "no support for IP Multicasting" level.
Lots of hosts and routers in the Internet are in this state, as multicast
support is not mandatory in IPv4 (it is, however, in IPv6).
Not too much explanation is needed here: hosts in this level can neither
send nor receive multicast packets.
They must ignore the ones sent by other multicast hosts.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
Level 1
\series default
is the "support for sending but not receiving multicast IP datagrams" level.
Thus, note that it is not necessary to join a multicast group to be able
to send datagrams to it.
Very few additions are needed in the IP module to make a "Level 0" host
"Level 1-compliant".
\layout Itemize
\series bold
Level 2
\series default
is the "full support for IP multicasting" level.
Level 2 hosts must be able to both send and receive multicast traffic.
They must know the way to join and leave multicast groups and to propagate
this information to multicast routers.
Thus, they must include an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) implementa
tion in their TCP/IP stack.
\layout Standard
The Multicast Reliable Library was developed considering that the hosts
are in level 2 of conformance.
\layout Subsubsection
Some benefits of Multicast
\layout Standard
Some benefits of multicast over unicast are presented below
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-35}
\layout Enumerate
Optimized use of the network - the intelligent use of the network resources
avoids unnecessary replication of data.
So, the links are better used, through a better architecture of data distributi
\layout Enumerate
Distributed application support - the multicast technology is directly focused
on distributed applications.
Multimedia applications like distance learning and video conferencing may
be used in the network in an efficient way.
\layout Enumerate
Scalability - services that use multicast can be accessed by many hosts,
and may accept new members at any time.
\layout Enumerate
Availability of the network resources - congestion is reduced, because no
replicated data is sent through a single link in the network, so the availabili
ty of the network resources is increased.
\layout Subsection
Configuration under Linux
\layout Standard
This section will not explain multicast configuration in details.
We just want to give some tips needed to set up a basic system in a local
network area.
If you want further information see the Multicast HOWTO
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-33}
Multicast transmission through different networks is more complex and you
must have routers with multicast support between those networks.
\layout Subsubsection
Does your system have support for IP Multicast?
\layout Standard
Some configurations are needed to use IP Multicast.
First of all, the network cards have to be enabled to receive multicast
Most network cards modules automatically set the MULTICAST flag.
In GNU/Linux systems, you can check whether your network interface has
multicast support by typing the following command:
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
ifconfig -a
\layout Standard
An ifconfig output example follows:
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BF:06:89:47
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
\series bold
\series default
MTU:1500 Metric:1
RX packets:12438583 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6498370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:1100375580 (1049.3 Mb)
TX bytes:2158372342 (2058.3 Mb)
Interrupt:10 Base address:0x7000
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:8361666 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:8361666 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1830657956 (1745.8 Mb)
TX bytes:1830657956 (1745.8 Mb)
\layout Standard
Note the MULTICAST flag at
\series bold
\series default
That flag is missed at
\series bold
\series default
(the loopback interface).
You must have root privileges to enable the MULTICAST flag.
To enable that flag you have to issue the following command:
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
ifconfig multicast
\layout Standard
\series bold
\series default
must be replaced by the name of the interface you want to set the MULTICAST
This may be useful if you want to enable multicast on a
\series bold
\series default
interface because that allows you to do some tests using multicast transmission
even if you don't have any real network interface.
The next step is to set up the route that the multicast packets will follow.
To add this route, as root user, issue the following command:
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
route add -net netmask dev
\layout Standard
\series bold
\series default
must be replaced by the name of the interface to which you want to send
the multicast packets.
Again, if you are testing on a single machine this interface will be the
\series bold
\series default
To test your configuration try:
\layout Verse
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
Every machine in your local network that has multicast enabled should answer
this ping.
\layout Section
Reliable Multicast
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
Multicast is supported by the transport layer through the UDP protocol.
As each packet may get a different path from source to destiny, packets
may come out of order at the receiver host.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to have a packet ordering algorithm.
Besides the problem of ordering, there is also the possibility of packet
This loss makes the protocol unreliable.
To solve these problems, which are directly related to the UDP protocol,
it is necessary to create an application-level mechanism to guarantee the
reliable transmission of data.
\layout Standard
There are some ways to implement the reliable multicast mechanism.
For instance, the responsibility of recovering loss packets can be directed
to the receiver or the sender of the data.
\layout Standard
Here, we will describe three classes of reliable multicast protocols, according
to [FIXME]:
\layout Enumerate
Sender Initiated Approach - based on confirmations (acknowledgments or ACKs)
sent by receivers and processed by the senders;
\layout Enumerate
Receiver Initiated Approach - the receiver detects the loss of packets.
The receiver sends negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to the sender via a
unicast connection.
The sender replies with retransmissions.
\layout Enumerate
Enhanced Receiver Initiated Approach - the receiver detects the loss of
The receiver sends negative acknowledgments (NACKs) to the group via a
multicast connection.
\layout Subsubsection
Sender Initiated Approach
\layout Standard
Every time a member receives a packet he sends a confirmation (ACK) to the
The sender maintains a list of all the group members.
When the sender sends a packet, he starts a timer for that packet, and
waits for ACKs from the group members.
As soon as the timer expires, if the sender haven't received an ACK from
some member, this packet is retransmitted.
The timer is then restarted.
\layout Subsubsection*
Advantages and disadvantages
\layout Standard
The main advantage of this approach is that when the sender receives a confirmat
ion (ACK), he is sure that the packet was in fact received.
The main disadvantage of this approach is that for each data packet sent,
the sender will receive an ACK from each receiver of the multicast session,
which may cause congestion.
\layout Subsubsection*
\layout Enumerate
every time the sender transmits or retransmits a data packet he starts a
timer for this packet and wait for the ACKs from the receivers;
\layout Enumerate
every time the receiver receives a data packet he sends a confirmation (ACK)
to the sender in a unicast connection.
\layout Subsubsection
Receiver Initiated Approach
\layout Standard
In this approach, the receiver has the responsibility of detecting the packet
When the receiver doesn't receive a data packet, he sends a negative acknowledg
ment (NACK) to the sender, via a unicast connection.
The sender will retransmit the data packet when he receives a NACK.
\layout Standard
The packet loss is detected when a receiver receives a packet with sequence
number (sn) i + 1 without having received the packet with sn i.
For instance, if the receiver receives packets with sn 0, 1 and 3, he will
know that packet with sn 2 was lost.
\layout Subsubsection*
Advantages and disadvantages
\layout Standard
In general, the loss probability of a packet is smaller than the success
So, few NACK packets will be sent through the network.
The disadvantage of this approach is that just the sender of the message
will be notified that a packet was lost, and only he may retransmit the
data packet.
\layout Subsubsection*
\layout Enumerate
every time the receiver detects a packet loss he sends a negative acknowledgment
(NACK) to the sender, via a unicast connection, and starts a timer to wait
for a retransmission.
\layout Enumerate
every time the sender receives a NACK packet he sends a retransmission to
the group via multicast connection.
\layout Subsubsection
Enhanced Receiver Initiated Approach
\layout Standard
That's a variation of the receiver initiated approach.
When a loss is detected, a timer is scheduled.
If the timer expires and a NACK for that packet has not been received,
the receiver multicasts the request message to the group.
If a NACK was received before the timer has expired, the receiver will
not send the request message, because he knows that a retransmission request
has already been sent by some other member.
\layout Subsubsection*
Advantages and disadvantages
\layout Standard
The advantage of this approach is that it limits the number of NACKs which
will be sent through the network.
The disadvantage is that when the loss probability is high, there will
be many NACK packets in the network.
Each member of the group will receive all the NACKs sent.
This may consume a lot of processing time.
\layout Subsubsection*
\layout Enumerate
every time the receiver detects a packet loss, he starts a timer to send
a NACK packet.
\layout Enumerate
If he receives a NACK for the same packet which was lost, the transmission
of the NACK is canceled (NACK suppression).
\layout Enumerate
Else, when the timer expires, he sends a NACK via multicast to the group.
In both cases, another timer is started, in order to wait for retransmissions.
If a retransmission is received, this timer is canceled, and there is nothing
else to be done.
The data was finally successfully received with success.
Else, the timer to send a NACK packet is restarted.
We go back to item 1.
\layout Enumerate
every time a member receives a NACK packet, he schedules the retransmission
of the requested packet.
\layout Section
The Reliable Multicast Library (RML)
\layout Standard
In this section we will describe how the Reliable Multicast Library works.
In section 4.1, definitions will be given.
In section 4.2 the mechanisms of how new members join and leave the group
will be explained.
Then, we will describe how lost packets are recovered in section 4.3.
In section 4.4 we show the implementation of the Event List.
Finally, we summarize the RML messages and actions in section 4.5.
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
Before starting the description of the RML protocol, it is important to
define some terms that will be used:
\layout Itemize
\series bold
Multicast Session
\series default
: a multicast session is the period of time when a multicast group is active.
A multicast group is active if we have at least one member on it.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
: a special packet, the acknowledgment (ACK) packet, is used to confirm
the receiving of data.
For instance, in the TCP protocol, the sender always waits for confirmations
sent by the receivers via ACKs.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
: a special packet, the negative acknowledgment (NACK) packet, is used to
inform that data was lost.
If a receiver finds out that data was lost, he may send NACKs to the sender
in order to advertise this problem, and request retransmissions.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
: the time that a member waits in order to execute a specific action (event).
This time may be random, with an uniform or exponential distribution.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
Event List
\series default
: list containing all the events that will be executed.
When the timer for a specific event expires, this event is removed from
the event list and then executed.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
structure maintained by the multicast members which stores the last messages
received from every member of the multicast session.
\layout Subsection
Multicast Session Members Management
\layout Standard
May anyone join a multicast session at any time? What does a new member
need to get in order to become a member of a multicast session? What about
the exit procedure? If a member wants to leave the group, may he go away
immediately? Or should he wait a bit before exiting? This section will
answer this questions.
\layout Standard
Let's start with the join procedure.
If every member of the multicast group entered the session always at the
same time, the join procedure would be very simple.
The problem is that, in practice, a new member may want to join the session
a long time after the session has started.
If that happens, this member may not be able to get into a consistent state
just requesting retransmissions to the older members of the group.
That's because the size of the cache of the other members of the group
is finite.
The data requested by the new member may not be any more in the cache of
the older members.
\layout Standard
During a session, each member maintains a certain quantity of data in his
own cache.
When this cache gets full, new data replaces the oldest.
If a new member enters the group a long time after the session has started,
it may happen that he won't be able to receive the older data, since it
has been replaced in all the current members caches.
\layout Standard
For some applications, that may not be a problem.
But for drawing applications, such as the TGWB, in which there is a dependency
between the data, this problem must be regarded with attention.
For instance, the first message received by a member, in a drawing tool,
may instruct the application that a rectangle must be drawn.
In the future, another message may instruct that the color of this same
rectangle must be changed.
Thus, the later command only may be executed after the first one has already
been executed.
In other words, it makes no sense try to change a color of an inexistent
\layout Standard
In order to solve this problem the following mechanism was implemented:
when a new member wants to enter the group, he gets, via TCP, the current
state of the multicast session from an older member.
The current state is composed by all the elements that this member must
have in order to join the group, including the cache of the older member.
\layout Standard
In more details, when a new member wants to join the group, he sends a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
join request
\begin_inset Quotes erd
message to the multicast group, starts a timer and waits for an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
message will contain information (address and port) of a member of the
The new member will connect, via TCP, to this member and get his current
Then, this new member may be considered a member of the group, as the others.
If this timer expires before the new member receives an "accept" message,
he considers himself the first member of the group.
\layout Standard
When an old member of the group receives a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
join request
\begin_inset Quotes erd
message, he starts another timer, waiting to send an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
If an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
message is received before the timer expires, this member suppresses his
transmission, and stops his timer.
Otherwise, if the timer expires, he sends the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
This mechanism minimizes the number of
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
messages sent by the old members of the group, since when one member detects
that another one has already sent an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, he cancels his own transmission.
\layout Standard
To see more details about how this mechanism of joining the group is implemented
, please consult the subsection titled
\begin_inset Quotes eld
Thread 5 - Current State Server Thread
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, in section 7.1.
\layout Standard
Now, let's see what happens when a member wants to leave the group.
Suppose a member wants to leave the group.
First, he sends a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
leave group
\begin_inset Quotes erd
message to all the members of the group to advertise his intention.
Then, he starts a timer and when this timer expires, the member in fact
leaves the group.
During this latency period, he is still able to send eventual retransmissions.
When the other members of the group receive the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
leave group
\begin_inset Quotes erd
message, they turn off the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
bit in their cache related to the member who sent the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
leave group
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Subsection
Loss Detection and Data Recovery
\layout Standard
Every data message transmitted by the protocol is identified by its sequence
When a data message is received from the application to be transmitted
for the multicast group, a header is added to indicate the proper sequence
number (sn).
Afterward the data message is transmitted for the group.
\layout Subsubsection
The Cache Structure
\layout Standard
Every member has a cache structure where he stores some information about
the members, this cache has an entry for each member of the multicast session.
In the figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml cache strucuture}
we can see the cache structure.
Each cache entry has some fields that we will describe below:
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
number of data packets received from the member
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
indicates whether a member is currently active in the multicast session
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
a pointer to the first packet of the packet list - the packet list stores
the last data packets received from the member
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
is a structure composed by
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\layout Standard
The structure sm_info, as described, is composed by:
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
: member identification structure composed by the member IP address and
the process ID (PID)
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
is a structure that stores the current member status, e.g., the first and
the last sn received
\layout Standard
Finally, member_status is composed by:
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the sequence number (sn) of the first packet received from the member
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the sn of the last packet received from the member
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the sn of of the last in-order packet received from the member
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
the greatest sn of the member packet list
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the maximum size of the NACK window, i.e, the maximum number of NACKs that
we can send in a specific time
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
it is an array to identify the sn of the lost packets.
Where 1 means that we are going to send a NACK for that packet and 2 means
that we are waiting for the retransmission for that packet
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the position of the smallest sn represented in the window_mask.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the list of NACKs that have been sent.
This list controls the number of NACKs sent by each sn.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename cache.eps
display monochrome
width 100col%
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml cache strucuture}
RML Cache structure
\layout Subsubsection
Loss Detection
\layout Standard
When a member of the multicast group receives a data packet, he checks the
packet sequence number and the sender identification.
Then, the member tries to match the sender identification with some
\emph on
\emph default
in his cache.
If he is successful in that matching, the sender is already in the cache.
Otherwise a node for the new member must be inserted in the cache.
After that, the member has to check whether or not the received packet
is in sequence.
\layout Standard
If the sequence number (sn) is in order, i.e.,
\family typewriter
\family default
, the packet is inserted in the cache and passed to the application.
If the sequence number is not in sequence, the member has found out that
packets were lost - a gap was detected.
Detected the loss, it is necessary to execute the procedures for recovering
the lost packets.
The data packet received out of order is inserted and kept in the cache.
It will be released to the application after all lost data have been recovered.
\layout Standard
The recovery procedure consists of requesting retransmissions for the lost
data packets, in other words, to send NACK messages for the multicast group.
For instance, as it can be seen in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml cache strucuture}
, if the losses of data packets 2 and 3 were detected, then the member is
supposed to send requests for retransmission of those data packets.
Any member of the multicast session that has the requested data is able
to retransmit it.
In that way, the retransmission responsibility is distributed.
\layout Standard
The loss detection discussed before can fail when the lost packet is the
last packet transmitted by the sender.
Suppose that a member A has sent his last data packet with sn=10 and that
member B has lost that packet.
Member B is unable to detect the loss until he receives a new data packet
from member A.
But we have supposed that A will not send new packets.
In that situation, there must be another way of detecting the loss.
To solve that problem, members send a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
refresh message
\begin_inset Quotes erd
periodically indicating the sn of the last packet sent.
When a member receives the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
refresh message
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, he is able to identify the lost packets and to start the recovering procedures.
In our example, member B would receive a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
refresh message
\begin_inset Quotes erd
from member A and then would be able to detect and recover the lost packet.
\layout Subsubsection
Sending NACKs
\layout Standard
Suppose a scenario where a member of the multicast group sends a data packet
to the other members, and all the other members lose that packet.
Now, suppose that a NACK packet is sent by every member immediately after
the loss is detected.
That action may cause an unnecessary traffic in the network.
That problem is called NACK implosion
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-36}
One solution is to wait for a random time T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
before sending a NACK message.
As other members of the multicast group might have lost the same data message,
and considering that T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
is random, there will be a member who will choose a smaller timer and send
the NACK message before the others.
If before T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
expires the member receives a NACK message or a retransmission of the lost
data, the transmission of the NACK message will be canceled.
So, if we choose an efficient way to determine T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
we will have a great probability of suppressing the sending of duplicated
NACK messages through the network.
\layout Standard
Besides the implosion of NACKs, another problem that may happen related
to the sending of NACK messages is that the member may request more data
than he is able to handle.
In fact, this two problems are similar to the ones faced in the unicast
The congestion control, used in the TCP, is implemented in order to avoid
network congestion.
The flow control, also used in the TCP, tries to get rid of the buffer
overflow in the client application.
More information about TCP mechanisms can be found in chapter 3 of
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-3}
As described in the last paragraph, the NACK suppression algorithm tries
to solve a problem analog to the one solved by the congestion control in
the unicast case.
In that way, the congestion control and NACK suppression algorithm attempt
to avoid a network core congestion while the unicast and multicast flow
control attempt to prevent the overflow that may happen at the network
hosts (end systems) buffers.
RML implements a simple flow control: the amount of NACKs sent should not
exceed the amount of data that the member expecting this packets may process
at once.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename flowcontrol.eps
display monochrome
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml flow control}
RML Flow Control
\layout Standard
Two possible scenarios for flow control are illustrated in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml flow control}
Suppose that packets with sn from 0 to 8 were transmitted by the sender.
Those packets were lost by the receiver.
The receiver detects the loss when he receives a refresh message from the
Then there are two ways of dealing with that loss.
The first approach, which we call
\emph on
Naive Approach
\emph default
, is, in fact, an approach with no flow control.
The problem with this approach is that the receiver will send a large amount
of NACK messages and it may happen that the amount of retransmission received
in response to those NACKs may be greater than the cache space available.
Thus, old data packets, that have not already been sent to the application,
will be replaced by new ones.
In figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml flow control}
the packet with sn 0 was lost.
The receiver has a cache with five slots.
It may be seen that data packets from 1 to 5 were first stored in the cache.
Note that those packets were not sent to the application because the packet
with sn 0 is missed.
Then, packets from 6 to 8 were received and replaced packets 1, 2 and 3.
After that, the receiver must send NACKs to recover packets from 0 to 3.
We can see that it is not useful to replace packets that have not already
been sent to the application.
\layout Standard
In the second approach, which we call
\emph on
Flow Control Approach
\emph default
, when a loss is detected the receiver only send NACKs for a certain amount
of packets, i.e., the amount he is able to handle.
In addition, the receiver requests those retransmissions in only one NACK
Note in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml flow control}
that the first NACK sent requests retransmissions for packets with sn 0
to 4 because there were five free slots in the cache.
The second NACK requests only the retransmission of packet 0 because there
was only one free slot in the cache at that time.
Using the Flow Control Approach two NACKs were sent, while in the Naive
Approach they were thirteen.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename packet_types.eps
display monochrome
width 100col%
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml packet types}
RML Packet Types
\layout Standard
The RML uses the
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
parameters to bound the NACK transmission.
\emph on
\emph default
has a value of 64, i.e., we can request at most 64 retransmissions per NACK
\emph on
\emph default
value was chosen just for implementation purposes.
With that value we can represent the
\emph on
\emph default
using only two integers in the NACK packets, as shown in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml nack mask}
\emph on
\emph default
points to the first position in the
\emph on
\emph default
The NACK packet is mounted using those parameters.
In figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml packet types}
, there is a description of the packet structures used in RML.
The NACK packet is composed by a set of fields, among them we have :
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the value of the sn of the first NACK in the
\emph on
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
the value of
\emph on
\emph default
of the cache, default is 64
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
an integer that represents the higher part of the NACK mask
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
an integer that represents the lower part of the NACK mask
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename nack_mask.eps
display monochrome
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml nack mask}
\layout Standard
Suppose a NACK message from member M has arrived with
\emph on
base_sn=5, window_size=64, hmask=1
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
To find out which retransmission has been requested by member M we have
to translate
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
to their binary representation.
This translation is shown in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml nack mask}
The requests can be identified using the position of the bits with value
of 1 plus the
\emph on
\emph default
In our scenario, the requests are for the packets with sn 5 (0+5), 6 (1+5)
and 37 (32+5).
\layout Standard
After sending a NACK message, the member waits for a retransmission during
a random period of time, called T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
If the requested retransmission is not received after T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
units of time, a new NACK message is sent.
The maximum number of NACKs is limited by
\size small
\size default
parameter, which the user may set in the rmcast.config file (see section
5.3 to learn about RML configuration).
If MAX_NAK is reached, i.e., a data packet couldn't be recovered - the applicatio
n is then suspended.
\layout Subsubsection
Data Retransmission
\layout Standard
In the RML each member maintains in his cache the last N data packets he
has received from other members.
Thus, any member of the multicast group is able to answer to a request
for retransmission of the last N messages he has received from each other
This mechanism distributes the responsibility of retransmission among all
the members of the multicast session, but it may create a lot of traffic
if every member answers to a NACK message.
As was explained in section 4.3.3, we use random timers to avoid this traffic
\layout Standard
Suppose a member A receives a NACK message from member B regarding a specific
lost packet P from member C.
If the packet P is stored in A's cache, then member A schedules a random
timer T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
to wait before sending a retransmission.
There are two situations that may occur before T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
timed out:
\layout Enumerate
a retransmission of the packet P is received: the A's retransmission is
aborted because another member has already answered the request.
\layout Enumerate
a NACK message regarding the same packet P is received: the NACK message
is ignored because the retransmission is already scheduled.
\layout Standard
If T
\size footnotesize
\emph on
\size default
\emph default
expires and neither (1) nor (2) has occurred, then the retransmission is
\layout Subsection
The Event List
\layout Standard
A common activity of the reliable multicast library (RML) is to schedule
an event to happen some time in the future.
Almost every action that is taken by the RML is not executed immediately
when it is requested.
Instead, events are scheduled in order to perform the tasks.
When a loss of packets is detected, for example, an event is scheduled
to send a negative acknowledgment (NACK) after a certain period of time.
If, before the timeout, the member receives a retransmission of the lost
packet or if the member receives a NACK for the considered packet, then
the sending of the NACK is canceled.
In the last case, the sending of the NACK is suppressed because another
member has just sent the NACK.
In order to reduce the network traffic, a member just sends a message after
waiting to see if this message was just sent by another member.
The key point here is to keep the work distributed but avoiding redundancy.
\layout Standard
The event list of the Reliable Multicast Protocol is an implementation of
a conventional delta list
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-37}
The list is a chain of event nodes.
The event nodes are stored in increasing order of when the event occurs.
Each event node contains the information needed to execute the event -
the event type, described below, and some other information, depending
on the event type - as well as the time in the future that the event should
take place.
The time stored in each event is relative to the preceding event.
For example, suppose there are five events scheduled for 4, 6, 6, 13 and
17 time units in the future.
This would result in the event list illustrated in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml simple event list}
Notice that the third event record contains a 0 because it occurs 0 time
units after the second event.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename simple_event_list.eps
display monochrome
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml simple event list}
RML Event List - a simple example
\layout Standard
The first event node is the next one that will be executed.
When an event is inserted at the head of the list, an operating system
alarm signal is scheduled to fire after the time indicated at the header
node of the list.
When the alarm fires, the event node is processed and removed.
All the subsequent events that have time of 0 are also executed and removed.
Then the alarm is restarted.
\layout Standard
To schedule a new event, the event manager walks down the list and inserts
a record for the new event in the appropriate location, being careful to
adjust the relative time of both the new and the event immediately following
the new event.
Deleting an event from the event list is implemented in an analogous way.
\layout Standard
The event nodes are divided into five types:
\layout Itemize
NAK_SND_WAIT- used to schedule a sending of a negative acknowledgment;
\layout Itemize
RET_RCV_WAIT- used to wait for retransmissions;
\layout Itemize
RET_SND_WAIT- created to schedule a sending of a retransmission;
\layout Itemize
REF_SND_WAIT- used to schedule a refresh;
\layout Itemize
LEV_GRP_WAIT- specifies the time between a user requests to go away from
the group and the actual moment when the user leaves the group.
\layout Standard
Suppose there is one NAK_SND_WAIT event scheduled for 4 time units in the
future, in order to send a NACK to a packet initially sent by member M1.
Suppose also that there is one REF_SND_WAIT scheduled for 6 time units
in the future, and a RET_SND_WAIT for 17 time units in the future.
This retransmission refers to packet 4 of member M2.
This would result in the event list illustrated in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml detailed event list}
Note that the NAK_SND_WAIT event node contains a pointer to the cache entry
of member M1.
The cache entry of M1 will contain the information about what packets from
member M1 were lost.
When the event NAK_SND_WAIT fires, searching the cache we will find out
which packets of member M1 were lost, and then send a NACK message to request
these packets.
On the other hand, the REF_SND_WAIT does not require any other information.
Finally, the RET_SND_WAIT schedules a retransmission, and to identify the
message to be retransmitted we need both the member id of the message and
its sequence number.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename eventlist.eps
display monochrome
width 100col%
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml detailed event list}
RML Event List - a more detailed example
\layout Standard
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml event handlers}
depicts how the different events are handled.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename fleventlist.eps
display monochrome
width 100col%
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml event handlers}
RML Event Handlers
\layout Subsection
RML log generation
\layout Standard
The RML offers the option of log generation.
The log file name is configured through the LOG_FILE option (see section
5.3 for further information about RML parameters configuration).
The file will be created at the current directory and the host name and
process ID will be appended to the file name provided in the LOG_FILE option.
Suppose LOG_FILE=
\emph on
\emph default
and the application that uses the RML is called from the
\emph on
\emph default
directory at the
\emph on
\emph default
Then, the log file name will be
\emph on
\emph default
, where
\emph on
\emph default
is the process ID of the application.
\layout Standard
A log file sample is showed below:
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size scriptsize
host: receiverhost
pid: 18348
time snd/rcv/loss type sender_ip\SpecialChar ~
sender_pid requested_ip\SpecialChar ~
requested_pid sn\SpecialChar ~
[{base_sn} {win_size} {hmask} {lmask}]
51800783466\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
L\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
RF\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~\SpecialChar ~
13893\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
51808642569\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
L\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
DT\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~\SpecialChar ~
13893\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
51810314729\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
S\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
RF\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~\SpecialChar ~
18348\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
51829942926\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
R\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
DT\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~\SpecialChar ~
13893\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
51829947209\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
S\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
NK\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~\SpecialChar ~
18348\SpecialChar ~\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
13893\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
-1\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
64\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
29280\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
The header of the log file is composed by the host name, ip address and
process ID.
Then a short description of the log structure is presented.
After that, each line describe a packet that was received or sent by the
The fields are:
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
indicates the time when the packet was received or sent
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
indicates if the packet was sent (S), received (R) or received but lost
because of loss simulation (L).
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
indicates the packet type, i.e., NACK(NK), data(DT), retransmission(RT), refresh(R
F), join accept(JA), join request(JR), leave group(LG) and unknown(UN).
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
indicates the IP address of the sender
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
indicates the process ID of the sender
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
this field appears when a NACK or a retransmission packet is received.
If the NACK is requesting the retransmission from packets sent by member
C, this field indicates C's IP address.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
this field only appears when a NACK or a retransmission packet is received.
If the NACK is requesting the retransmission from packets sent by member
C, this field indicates C's process ID.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
this field has different meanings depending on the packet type.
When the packet is data or retransmission, this field indicates the sequence
number of the packet.
When the packet is a refresh message, this field indicates the sequence
number of the last data packet sent by the member identified by sender_ip
and sender_pid.
This field does not appear for the remaining packet types.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
base sn:
\series default
indicates the value of the sequence number of the first retransmission
requested in the NACK packet.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
win size:
\series default
indicates the window size of the NACK packet
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
an integer that represents the higher part of the NACK mask
\layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
an integer that represents the lower part of the NACK mask
\layout Standard
There is a simple shell script, called rmcastplot.bash, that can be used
to generate statistics and plots from the RML log files.
If you run rmcastplot.bash with no arguments it will show a short help:
\layout Paragraph
\family typewriter
\series medium
\size footnotesize
rmcastplot.bash [awk_scri
pt_dir] [tgif|png]
\SpecialChar ~
max_num_pack_sent: maximum number of sent packets
xyrange: [XMIN:XMAX][YMIN:YMAX] gnuplot style
member1.log: full path to member log
member2_log: full path to member log
awk_script_dir: optional parameter.
Full path to directory where rmlog.awk script is found
tgif or png: optional parameter.
Changes gnuplot output to generate Tgif files or PNG files
\layout Paragraph
\family typewriter
\series medium
\size footnotesize
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
Suppose there are two members using an RML based application.
They generate two log files: log.senderhost.13893 and log.receiverhost.18348.
For instance, rmcastplot.bash script can be executed with the following
line command:
\layout Standard
\align center
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
rmcastplot.bash 100 [0:15][0:5] log.senderhost.13893 log.receiverhost.18348
\layout Standard
The script outputs some statistics at the standard input:
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Member 1 Name:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Member 1 IP:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Member 1 PID: 13893
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Member 2 Name:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Member 2 IP:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Member 2 PID: 18348
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\SpecialChar ~
Data related to
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\SpecialChar ~
log.senderhost.13893 ->
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Data sent:\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Data received from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
NACKs sent:\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
NACKs received from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Refresh sent:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Refresh received from 16
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Retrans sent:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Retrans received from 0
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Total simulated loss:\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Data loss with simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
NACKs lost by simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Refresh lost by simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Retrans lost by simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Packets identified:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\SpecialChar ~
Data related to
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\SpecialChar ~
log.receiverhost.18348 ->
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Data sent:\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Data received from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
NACKs sent:\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
NACKs received from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Refresh sent:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Refresh received from 11
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Retrans sent:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Retrans received from 36
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Total simulated loss:\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Data loss with simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
NACKs lost by simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Refresh lost by simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Retrans lost by simulation from\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
Packets identified:\SpecialChar ~
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
\layout Standard
\layout Standard
Besides those statistics, if you have gnuplot
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-38}
installed in your system, some plots will be generated.
One of those plots is showed in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{log plot}
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename log_plot.eps
display monochrome
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{log plot}
Log plotted with the rmcastplot.bash script
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{rml actions on receiving packets}
summarizes the RML behavior on receiving each packet type.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename actions_on_receiving_packets.eps
display monochrome
width 100text%
height 100text%
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{rml actions on receiving packets}
Actions taken on receiving each packet type
\layout Section
A simple example: the chat program
\layout Standard
In this section we will describe a simple chat application that uses the
We hope that this simple example may be used to show how to develop an
application based on our RML.
\layout Subsection
Minimal requirements to create an Reliable Multicast based application
\layout Standard
The development of a Reliable Multicast application has some requirements
as follow:
\layout Itemize
A multicast enabled environment (see section 2 to learn about that);
\layout Itemize
The Reliable Multicast Library - the librmcast.a file;
\layout Itemize
The Reliable Multicast Header - the rmcast.h file;
\layout Itemize
C language develop environment - gcc, make, c libraries etc.
\layout Subsection
Getting and installing the Reliable Multicast Library
\layout Standard
To get the Reliable Multicast Library do the following:
\layout Enumerate
Download the RML source code from our project page at
\emph on
\layout Enumerate
Gunzip and untar the package.
After that the RelMulticast directory will be created.
\layout Enumerate
Change to RelMulticast directory.
\layout Enumerate
Type make and see if the
\series bold
\series default
is compiled without errors.
This may be flawless for most users.
\layout Standard
To compile an application with librmcast.a you should use the following options
with gcc:
\layout Quote
-I -L -lrmcast
\layout Standard
For instance, we have an application called rmchat in the examples/rmchat
directory, to compile that application we should issue the command:
\layout Quote
gcc rmchat.c -I../..
-lpthread -lm -lrmcast -o rmchat
\layout Standard
Inside the RelMulticast directory you will find some useful files such as
Those files contain the most updated instructions to compile the RML, please
take a look at them.
\layout Subsection
The Reliable Multicast Library configuration
\layout Standard
There are two ways for an application to customize the Reliable Multicast
Library options:
\layout Enumerate
Calling the
\series bold
RM_setOption(int OPTION_ID, void *OPTION_VALUE)
\series default
function, where:
OPTION_ID: indicates what option you want to set.
You can found the option list in the rmcast.h header file.
OPTION_VALUE: the value you want to set the option to
\series bold
\series default
\family typewriter
/* Setting REFRESH_TIMER */
int refresh_timer=10;
RM_setOption(REFRESH_TIMER,(void *) refresh_timer);
\layout Enumerate
\series bold
RM_readConfigFile(char *filename)
\series default
This function will tell the Reliable Multicast Library to read the user's
options from
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\family typewriter
/* Read the config file from /etc/rmcast.config */
char config_file[50];
\family default
\layout Standard
NOTE: There is a constant, RM_USE_CURRENT_CONFIG, that can replace functions
In those situations, the RM_USE_CURRENT_CONFIG will indicate that the current
values (which may have been set either by calling RM_setOption or RM_readConfig
File) must be used.
For instance, when we call the RM_joinGroup() function we are supposed
to pass as parameters the IP Multicast address and port number.
If we have already read those options from rmcast.config file, just replace
the parameters with the RM_USE_CURRENT_CONFIG constant.
\layout Standard
The rmcast.config file contain some options that can be customized by the
A rmcast.config file example follows (lines beginning with a \i \"{ }
#\i \"{ }
are comments):
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Reliable Multicast Library configuration file
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Reliable Multicast Library version
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Transmission mode: 0 multicast (default), 1 unicast
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Multicast or Unicast IP address to send data (destination IP)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Multicast or Unicast port to send data (destination port)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Time to live for the packets setting (1 indicates local network)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Inter-packet sleep timer - timer between transmissions of packets
#( in microseconds)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Log file path - NULL disable logging (default)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Random Timers Distribution: 0 uniform 1 exponential
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Lower bound for timer generation (in milliseconds)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Upper bound for timer generation (in milliseconds)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Max number of naks that can be sent for each packet.
100 (default)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
# We will be able to retransmit the last MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE
# packets from each member of the multicast group, i.e., we will store the
# last MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE PACKETS from each member
# of the multicast group in the cache.
4000 (default)
# WARNING: if you set MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE to low values
# the protocol may fail!!
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Enable support for new users 1 enabled (default), 0 disabled
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Show transmission statistics: 0 disabled (default) 1 enabled
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Time between sending of refresh messages (seconds)
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
#Loss simulation: 0 disabled (default) any float number > 0 enabled
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
# A note about loss simulation:
# When loss simulation is enabled (LOSS_PROB > 0) we always loose
# the first 10 received packets, and the first received data packet -
# that is, the first burst of received packets.
# After that, packets are lost according to LOSS_PROB.
# Example: LOSS_PROB=30
# The first 10 received packets will be lost.
# Then, 30% of the packets will be lost
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
# Time to wait, in microseconds, before leaving the multicast group.
\layout Quote
\family typewriter
\size footnotesize
# Size of the buffer of the receiver host
# (maximum size of a message that may be processed by
# the receiver host).
\layout Standard
To retrieve the current value of an option from the RML you must call the
\series bold
RM_getOption(int OPTION,void *OPTION_VALUE)
\series default
\series bold
\layout Subsection
The Reliable Multicast Chat (rmchat) application
\layout Standard
This is a simple chat application and was written just for testing the RML.
The fully commented source code can be found in the examples/rmchat directory.
You can compile the program by typing
\family typewriter
\color black
\family default
\color default
in that directory.
\layout Subsubsection
The program
\layout Standard
Every user that initiates the program is prompted for a username - this
username will be the users identity in the group.
After that they will receive all the messages from every user already connected
to the chat group (if any).
You can also type messages in the prompt and send them to the group by
pressing the return key.
Note that there is no need for a chat server because we are using multicast.
Users must know the IP address and port to join the chat group.
You can set this address and port through the rmcast.config file as we have
seen in the previous section.
\layout Standard
We have implemented only two simple commands in the rmchat:
\layout Enumerate
\series bold
send -
\series default
by typing
\family typewriter
\color black
\family default
\color default
on the prompt you will be asked for the number of packets to send to the
This command was implemented to perform simple tests with the application.
\layout Enumerate
\series bold
\series default
- this command is used to terminate the application.
\layout Subsubsection
Source code comments
\layout Standard
This section is supposed to be read along with the source code of rmchat,
available at examples/rmchat/rmchat.c.
\layout Standard
The very first thing we have to do when we are writing an application is
to include the
\series bold
\series default
header file.
Next we define BUFFSIZE - the maximum message size.
We also declare an integer global variable to identify the socket we will
use to send and receive data.
\layout Standard
The following step is to read the configuration file, calling the
\series bold
\series default
Then, we have to initialize the RML calling the
\series bold
\series default
After that we join the multicast group calling the
\series bold
\series default
At this point we are using the RM_USE_CURRENT_CONFIG as discussed in section
\series bold
\series default
function returns the socket identifier that we will need to send and receive
data from the network.
\layout Standard
Interactive network applications are supposed to simultaneously receive
and send data through the network.
To implement that feature we usually create separated threads to deal with
those tasks.
In the rmchat we have created, calling the pthread_create function, the
\emph on
\series bold
\emph default
Receive thread
\series default
to receive packets from the network, while the main thread will get the
user messages and will send them to the multicast group.
\layout Standard
You can easily see in the Receive thread code that there is a loop where
we just call
\series bold
\series default
function to retrieve data from the network.
The data received is then showed on the screen.
\layout Standard
In the main program we are reading the messages typed by the user and checking
whether they are a command or a simple message.
If it is a simple message, we just call the
\series bold
\series default
function to send the data to the multicast group.
Otherwise, if the
\series bold
\series default
command is issued, we break the loop and prepare to terminate the application.
We use the
\series bold
\series default
to retrieve the current IP address and port from the RML just to report
it to the user.
In addition we cancel the Receive thread using the pthread_cancel() function.
\layout Standard
Finally we call the
\series bold
\series default
function to finish the RML and our program.
This function is
\noun on
very important
\noun default
because it cleans up the system resources that we were using such as the
message queue.
See section 7.3 for further information on message queues.
Again, we recommend that you take a look at the source code to better understan
d the application.
\layout Subsection
RML functions quick reference
\layout Standard
In this section will go through the user functions available in the Reliable
Multicast Library.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_readConfigFile(char *filename)
\series default
- read the configuration file identified by
\emph on
\emph default
See section 4.3 for the config file format and options.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_setOption(int opt, void *optvalue)
\series default
- set the option identified by
\emph on
\emph default
with the value in
\emph on
\emph default
You can use setOption to set the RML instead of reading the config file.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_getOption(int opt, void *optvalue)
\series default
- returns the current value
\emph on
\emph default
of the option identified by
\emph on
\emph default
\layout Itemize
\series bold
int RM_initialize(void)
\series default
- initializes the RML structures and defines the callback function that will be used when finishing the application
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_getCurStatus(char *group, int port, CurStatus *c)
\series default
- get the current status from a member of the multicast group.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_sendCurStatus(int connfd, char *buff, int buffsize)
\series default
- send the current status to a new member of the multicast group.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_joinGroup(char *group, int port)
\series default
- join the multicast group identified by the IP address in
\emph on
\emph default
and the port in
\emph on
\emph default
Returns the socket identifier that will be used in the RM_sendto and RM_recv
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_sendto(int socket, void *buffer, int buffsize)
\series default
- sends up to
\emph on
\emph default
bytes of data from
\emph on
\emph default
using the socket identifier
\emph on
\emph default
Returns 1 on success and 0 if an error occurs.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_recv(int socket, void *buffer, int buffsize)
\series default
- receives up to
\emph on
\emph default
bytes of data, and stores them into
\emph on
\emph default
using the socket identifier
\emph on
\emph default
Returns the number of bytes received on success and -1 when an error occurs.
\layout Itemize
\series bold
RM_leaveGroup(int sock,char * group)
\series default
- sends a message indicating that we are leaving the multicast group identified
\emph on
\emph default
, cleans all the system resources being used and closes the socket identified
\emph on
\emph default
You must call this function before terminating the application.
Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
\layout Section
A more advanced application: the Tangram II Whiteboard
\layout Subsection
About Tangram II Whiteboard (TGWB)
\layout Standard
Quoting from the tgif manual,
\begin_inset Quotes eld
tgif (Tangram2 Graphic Interface Facility) is a Xlib based interactive 2-D
drawing facility under X11
\begin_inset Quotes erd
The tgif tool is a powerful vector based drawing tool.
The user draws objects, i.e., rectangles, lines, circles and splines, over
a drawing area.
Objects may be transformed - for instance, rotated, translated and flipped.
New objects may be constructed by grouping other objects.
\layout Standard
In the next section, we will describe a whiteboard tool which was developed
over tgif - TGWB (Tangram II Whiteboard).
The tgwb allows simultaneous modifications in drawings by users in a group.
It is a versatile multicast distributed tool.
\layout Subsection
Getting and installing TGWB
\layout Standard
To get the TGWB, follow the steps below:
\layout Enumerate
get tgif at http://bourbon.usc.edu:8001/tgif/
\layout Enumerate
read the README.tgwb file and follow the instructions described there.
\layout Subsection
What features make TGWB different
\layout Standard
There are two main points that make the TGWB application different from
the previously described chat.
\layout Standard
At a given time, a user may want to send to the group huge amounts of data
(for example, a screenshot).
This message must be segmented into smaller packets before being sent to
the group (note that, for simplicity, in the chat application we were assuming
that the user would not send very large amounts of data in the messages).
One of the reasons segmentation is needed is the fact that there is a maximum
segment size which network routers support.
To see other reason for doing segmentation, the interested read should
consult chapter 1 of
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-3}
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{tgwb layers}
presents the TGWB layers.
\layout Standard
A second feature that makes the TWGB tool different from the chat is the
fact that we need to assure global consistency among the users of the TGWB
Imagine that two users change the color of a rectangle at the same time:
user A changes the color of the rectangle to red, and B to blue.
What must user C see? A blue or a red rectangle? What about A and B? This
problem, and others, are solved using a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
total ordering mechanism
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, which is based in the use of the undo/redo commands (rollback-recovery
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-24}
for a complete explanation about this subject.
\layout Subsection
The life cycle of a packet in the TGWB
\layout Standard
The packets life cycle begins when a user draws an object over the tgif
drawing area.
As mentioned above, an object may be a circle, a rectangle, a text box
or any other drawing primitive described on the tgif manual.
Please, see tgif man pages, tgif FAQ
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-2}
and tgif tutorial for more information about tgif.
\layout Standard
Now, the object must be delivered to the members of the multicast group.
This is done via the RML functions.
However, before being delivered the object is first divided into segments
- see the
\emph on
\emph default
call in wb.c.
The segment size is chosen in a way that the more common objects (rectangles,
circles and text boxes) fit in one segment and, at the same time, the maximum
transfer unit (MTU) is greater then the segment size.
\layout Standard
All the RML functions available for the applications have the RM_ prefix.
So, in order to send a tgif object to the network,
\emph on
\emph default
is called, passing as parameters the multicast destination group and the
object data.
You may see the definition of the function
\emph on
\emph default
in wb.c.
\emph on
\emph default
function (and all the other functions that may be called by an application)
is defined in the rmcast.c file.
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
, which is defined in rminternals.c, and that in turns makes a
\shape italic
\color black
\shape default
\color default
system call (the number two between parenthesis refers to the section two
of man of sendto - to see the man info, type
\family typewriter
man 2 sendto
\family default
at the Linux prompt.
Please, note that this number may vary according to the operating system).
\layout Standard
In general, the functions defined in rmcast.c call functions defined in rminterna
Then, functions in rminternals.c make system calls.
Concerning the syntax, note that the functions in rmcast.c have the prefix
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
and the functions in rminternals.c have the prefix
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Standard
At this point we have segmented the object data into packets, appended all
needed headers and the packet was sent.
That's what happens at the sender side.
Now, let's see the receiver side.
\layout Standard
All the members of the multicast group, communicating among themselves using
the TGWB, receive messages from all the other members
\shape italic
\color black
\emph on
At the application level, the
\emph default
\emph on
function is used to get messages in order, without gaps, from the other
members of the group
\emph default
\shape default
\emph on
\color default
\emph default
function makes a
\shape italic
\color black
\shape default
\color default
system call to get messages from a message queue.
Note that this is an exception to the general explanation given two paragraphs
Read the following section in order to get more information about how the
message queue works, and why it is used here.
\layout Standard
When a packet arrives from the network, the
\shape italic
\color black
\shape default
\color default
system call is responsible for receiving it.
We make a
\shape italic
\color black
\shape default
\color default
system call in the
\emph on
\emph default
function, defined in rminternals.c.
The received message is then processed, inserted in the cache and, if it
is in fact the expected message, we put it in the message queue.
The message queue was the interprocess communication mechanism that we
have chosen in order to store the in-order without-gaps messages that will
be read by the application.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{tgwb architecture}
show the Tangram II Whiteboard architecture.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename layers.eps
display monochrome
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{tgwb layers}
TGWB Layers
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename wbarch.eps
display monochrome
width 100col%
height 100text%
rotateAngle 90
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{tgwb architecture}
TGWB Architecture
\layout Section
More about the Tangram II Whiteboard
\layout Subsection
The TGWB threads
\layout Standard
UNIX/Linux offers a lot of interprocess communication mechanisms.
If you run tgwb under Linux, and type
\family typewriter
ps -aux | grep tgwb
\family default
, you will probably see something like:
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
[anonymous@salinas anonymous]$ ps -axu | grep tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2820 1.7 0.8 12780 1992 pts/4 S 16:25 tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2821 0.1 0.8 12780 1992 pts/4 S 16:25 tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2822 0.0 0.8 12780 1992 pts/4 S 16:25 tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2823 0.0 0.8 12780 1992 pts/4 S 16:25 tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2824 0.0 0.8 12780 1992 pts/4 S 16:25 tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2825 0.0 0.8 12780 1992 pts/4 S 16:25 tgwb
\layout Quotation
\family typewriter
anonymous 2827 1.0 0.2 1700 592 pts/4 S 16:25 grep tgwb
\layout Standard
We see here that tgwb generates six processes.
That's because under Linux the pthreads library generates one process per
thread (please, see Appendix), plus one extra thread, which corresponds
to the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
thread manager
\begin_inset Quotes erd
We will briefly describe the first five threads generated by TGWB - the
last one, the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
thread manager
\begin_inset Quotes erd
is created internally by Linux Threads to handle thread creation and terminatio
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-4}
\layout Standard
thread 1.
responsible for receiving ordered, without gaps messages - that is, reliable
\layout Standard
thread 2.
responsible for receiving possible out of order, with gaps messages - that
is, messages from the network;
\layout Standard
thread 3.
responsible for (a) processing the local user actions, such as drawing
objects and writing texts, (b) processing remote user commands which arrive
from the message queue and (c) sending local commands to the other users.
That is the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Standard
thread 4.
responsible for signal handling.
We will call this thread the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
signal handler
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Standard
thread 5.
responsible for sending the current state, via TCP, to the new users who
eventually would like to join the group.
We will call this thread as the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state server
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Standard
These threads, and the relations between them, are represented in figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{tgwb architecture}
\layout Subsection*
Thread 1 - Reliable messages receiver thread
\layout Standard
This thread, implemented in the tgwb, stays in a loop waiting for reliable
When a reliable message is received, it is inserted in a buffer, and also
an 'a' is written into a pipe.
This 'a' will signal the main thread that there is data available from
the network.
\layout Subsection*
Thread 2 - Raw messages receiver thread
\layout Standard
Implemented under the RML, this thread is responsible for receiving raw
data from the network.
Depending on the type of the message (for instance, data, negative acknowledgme
nt and refresh messages) we take the appropriate actions.
Please, see section 4.3 for more details about this.
\layout Subsection*
Thread 3 - Main thread
\layout Standard
This thread is implemented in the TGWB mainloop.c file.
This thread remains sleeping until it is wakened up by one of the following
\layout Standard
(1) an X event is generated by the local user;
\layout Standard
(2) a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
reliable message
\begin_inset Quotes erd
arrives from the network.
\layout Standard
Lets start by (1).
When an user drags the mouse in order to draw an object this event is inserted
in the X event-list.
This list is managed by the X-server using a FIFO policy.
As soon as the mentioned user command gets on the top of this list, the
command is executed and sent to the other members of the group.
\layout Standard
Now, let's analyze (2).
A pipe is used to perform the communication between the main thread and
\begin_inset Quotes eld
reliable messages receiver thread
\begin_inset Quotes erd
When a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
reliable message
\begin_inset Quotes erd
arrives from the network an 'a' character is written in the pipe by the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
reliable messages receiver thread
\begin_inset Quotes erd
The main thread then reads this 'a' from the pipe, and the command received
from the network is locally processed.
\layout Standard
At this point it's interesting to talk a little about the history of tgwb.
In former versions of TGWB, we made a busy wait loop in order to wait for
events from both the local user and the network, that is, a busy wait for
(1) and (2).
That is not efficient, and when someone call the command
\family typewriter
\family default
, from the shell prompt, TGWB usually appears as the first element of the
list, consuming near 100% of the CPU cycles.
To solve this problem, we introduced the use of pipes
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-22}
in the mainloop of TGWB.
\layout Standard
Please, refer to figure
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{tgwb mainloop}
for a scheme of the TGWB mainloop.
The mainloop of TGWB waits for (1) or (2) calling:
\layout LyX-Code
status = select(nfds, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
\layout Standard
When we get (1),
\emph on
XNextEvent(mainDisplay, pXEvent)
\emph default
is called, and the X event generated by the local user is processed.
When we get (2),
\emph on
SendCommandToSelf(CMDID_DATA_IN_MBUFF, 0)
\emph default
is called, and the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
reliable message
\begin_inset Quotes erd
which arrived from the network is processed.
Besides (1) and (2), the main thread may also get a request for packing
the tgwb current state.
When we receive 'c' via the pipe, which signals this request, we call
\emph on
\emph default
and the request is attended.
Our approach to solve this problem is discussed at session 7.2.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float figure
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align left
\begin_inset Graphics
filename mainloop.eps
display monochrome
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{tgwb mainloop}
TGWB mainloop routine
\layout Subsection*
Thread 4 - Signal handler thread
\layout Standard
We will give a brief explanation about the difference between synchronous
and asynchronous signals.
As signal handling is a very broad topic, please refer to
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-18}
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-23}
for more details.
Signals may be generated synchronously or asynchronously.
A synchronous (sync) signal pertains to a specific action in the program,
and is delivered (unless blocked) during that action.
Errors generate signals synchronously, and so do explicit requests by a
process to generate a signal for that same process.
\layout Standard
Asynchronous (async) signals are generated by events outside the control
of the process that receives them.
These signals arrive at unpredictable times during execution.
External events generate signals asynchronously, and so do explicit requests
that apply to some other process.
\layout Standard
A given type of signal is either typically synchronous or typically asynchronous.
For example, signals for errors are typically synchronous because errors
generate signals synchronously.
But any type of signal can be generated synchronously or asynchronously
with an explicit request.
\layout Standard
In the Reliable Multicast Library, a dedicated thread was created to wait
for all the generated signals.
Such a thread just loops on a sigwait subroutine call and handles the signals.
That is a typical schema for programs that handle signals with threads
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-6}
and an example can be found at
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-17}
\family roman
\family default
\family roman
kind of procedure
\family default
handles the signals
\family roman
\family default
because this is the safest programming style.
\layout Subsection*
Thread 5 - Current State Server Thread
\layout Standard
This thread is responsible for the so called
\begin_inset Quotes eld
support for new members
\begin_inset Quotes erd
in the RML.
In other words, this thread is responsible for provisioning to new members
the capacity for joining a TGWB session at any time.
\layout Standard
Suppose that a new member A wants to join the multicast group.
This member will try to get the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state
\begin_inset Quotes erd
of the group, and just after that he will enter.
In more details, we follow the steps below:
\layout Standard
(1) First, member A send a packet of type JOIN_REQUEST to the group.
\layout Standard
(2) Then, member A waits for an JOIN_ACCEPT packet from any member of the
\layout Standard
If member A doesn't receive any message, and gets a timeout, he will start
to send/receive packets to/from the multicast group as he was the first
member in that TGWB session.
\layout Standard
(3) When a JOIN_ACCEPT packet is received from a member B, member A will
try to connect to B via TCP, and retrieve his
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state
\begin_inset Quotes erd
After receiving the current state, A will make a call to RM_joinGroup()
and at this moment member A becomes an actual member of the group.
It implies that besides being able to talk with the other members of the
group, member A is promoted to a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state server
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state server
\begin_inset Quotes erd
is a server that waits for connections in a specific port, and when a new
client connects to this port, the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state server
\begin_inset Quotes erd
provides the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
current state
\begin_inset Quotes erd
to this client.
\layout Subsection
Solving the busy wait problem
\layout Standard
Processes (and threads), during its execution time, may be in several operating
Among the states, we will focus on the two extreme ones: busy wait, when
the process occupies almost 100% of the CPU, or sleeping, when it practically
does not use system resources.
See chapter 3 of
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-23}
for more details about process (and threads) states.
\layout Standard
In former versions of tgwb, the mainloop of the program worked using busy
In tgwb version 4.1.40, if we ran tgwb and typed
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
at the Linux shell prompt, we would get:
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
27490 81.3 2.5 0:26 tgwb
\layout LyX-Code
\layout Standard
Note that tgwb was occupying 81.3% of the CPU time.
And this occurred even when we were not drawing or writing anything on
the canvas - the simple fact of opening the tgwb was responsible for that.
We started trying to solve the problem using the
\shape italic
\color black
\shape default
\color default
system call.
\shape italic
\color black
\shape default
\color default
we would be able to
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
waiting for data to arrive either from the network or from commands sent
by the local user.
Instead of having something like:
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
if ( data received from the network )
\layout LyX-Code
do this;
\layout LyX-Code
else if ( there is an X event to be processed )
\layout LyX-Code
do that;
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
do nothing;
\layout LyX-Code
\layout Standard
We would like to get:
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
select (...); /* sleep waiting for data from the network
\layout LyX-Code
or for an X event */
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
if ( data received from the network )
\layout LyX-Code
do this;
\layout LyX-Code
else if ( there is an X event to be processed )
\layout LyX-Code
do that;
\layout LyX-Code
\layout Standard
First we tried to do this by making the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
reliable messages receiver thread
\begin_inset Quotes erd
write a character into a conventional file when a message arrived from
the networking, and the select would watch the file to see if characters
become available for reading.
The select would return if there were some character on the file or there
were an pending X event.
The problem is that select() doesn't work with conventional files.
After finding out this problem, instead of using conventional files we
started working with a pipe.
An important reference that we used was
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-34}
\layout Standard
Follows below a piece of a message from William Cheng, who is the tgif's
main developer :
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
Basically, you create a pipe to send notification characters to yourself!
So, when tgwb starts, a pipe is created and its 2 endpoints (file descriptors)
are stored in an array.
In GetAnXEvent(), you need to do a select() call.
This call will wait for 3 conditions: (1) an X events has arrived; (2)
the pipe contains some data; and (3) a timeout has occurred.
The timeout is there just case something goes wrong.
I would set a very large timeout, for example, 15 seconds.
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
In ReceivePacket(), instead of calling SendCommandToSelf(),
it should write 1 byte to the pipe! That's it!
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
In GetAnXEvent(), if select() returns with the pipe having some data, you
should read 1 bytes and then calls SendCommandToSelf().
\layout Standard
\family typewriter
(Well, calling HandleDataInMBuff() directly would be fine too.)
\layout Standard
Note that we call the
\emph on
\emph default
function when we receive a command from the network.
This function, which is also called in menu.c, is used to put X events in
the X internal queue.
Using this functionality, when we receive a data from the network it is
processed and then the resulting action is put in the X queue, and then
treated as any other X event.
\layout Standard
Now, if we run tgwb and type
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
at the Linux shell prompt, we get:
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code
26919 0.0 0.6 0:00 bash
\layout LyX-Code
27049 0.0 0.7 0:00 tgwb
\layout LyX-Code
27050 0.0 0.7 0:00 tgwb
\layout LyX-Code
27051 0.0 0.7 0:00 tgwb
\layout LyX-Code
27052 0.0 0.7 0:00 tgwb
\layout LyX-Code
27053 0.0 0.7 0:00 tgwb
\layout Standard
Note that the %CPU (percentage of total CPU time) of tgwb now is almost
\layout Section
Appendix - Interprocess Communication Resources
\layout Standard
In order to implement the reliable multicast library we have used a lot
of interprocess communication resources.
The operating system and interprocess communication resources used were:
\layout Enumerate
\layout Enumerate
\layout Enumerate
message queues;
\layout Enumerate
\layout Enumerate
sockets (TCP and UDP);
\layout Enumerate
\layout Standard
We will give here a brief introduction to these topics.
The interested reader should consult
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-25,key-26}
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
When we have a lot of tasks to do, we try to do different tasks at the same
This tasks are the human analogy to what threads are for computer programs.
In our Reliable Multicast Library (RML) we have used mainly the following
pthread system calls:
\layout Itemize
\layout Itemize
\layout Itemize
\layout Standard
To get more info about pthreads, please refer to the man pages of this functions
, and
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-4,key-27,key-28}
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
In order to synchronize threads we have to use mutexes.
We can't, for example, change the value of a variable at two distinct points
at the same time because this may generate an inconsistency.
In the RML, we used the system calls:
\layout Itemize
\layout Itemize
\layout Standard
in order to protect some critical points of the program - mainly the ones
that work with the cache and the event list, which are the global structures
accessed by more than one thread.
\layout Subsection
Message Queues
\layout Standard
The message queues are a first in first out (FIFO) operating system mechanism
that are used to pass data between different thread/processes.
They are an important IPC mechanism.
Among the message queue functions used, we may focus:
\layout Itemize
msgget - int msgget ( key_t key, int msgflg )
\layout Itemize
msgctl - int msgctl ( int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf )
\layout Itemize
msgsnd - int msgsnd ( int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz, int
msgflg )
\layout Itemize
msgrcv - ssize_t msgrcv ( int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz,
long msgtyp, int msgflg )
\layout Standard
The first important concept to understand is the concept of a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
Keys are numbers used to identify an IPC resource in UNIX, in an analogy
to the fact that file names are used to identify files.
It's the key that allows that an IPC resource be shared between different
threads and processes, similarly to the fact that the file names allow
that a file be referenced by any program running in the operating system.
\layout Standard
The function
\emph on
\emph default
receives as first parameter a key, and return an identifier for the object
which is analogous to the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
file descriptor
\begin_inset Quotes erd
in the case of files.
The last parameter,
\emph on
\emph default
, must be set to IPC_CREAT when we want to create a new object.
It's necessary to make a logical OR of IPC_CREAT with the values of table
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{message queue permissions}
depending on the permissions wanted for the created object.
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Float table
wide false
collapsed false
\layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Tabular
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
octal value
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
read permited for the owner of the object
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
write permited for the owner of the object
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
read permited for the group
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
write permited for the group
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
read permited for all
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
\begin_inset Text
\layout Standard
write permited for all
\layout Caption
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{message queue permissions}
Message queue permissions
The functions
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
are used to send/receive messages to/from the queue.
\emph on
\emph default
function is used to set control properties of the queue.
Please, refer to the man pages of this functions for more details about
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
The pipes, as the message queues, are used to transmit data between processes/th
The difference between pipes and message queues is that pipes work with
characters (we write/read characters to/from the pipe) while message queues
work with messages of variable sizes.
\layout Standard
The main pipe system call used was:
\layout Itemize
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
Sockets are IPC mechanisms that may be used to send/receive messages between
two hosts.
Please, consult
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-29}
in order to get more information about sockets.
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
Please, see the comments about the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
signal handler thread
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, in section 7.1.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-30}
\color black
Tangram II web site: http://www.land.ufrj.br
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-33}
\color black
Multicast HOWTO available at http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Multicast-HOWTO.html
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-2}
Cheng, W.C.
Tangram Graphical Interface Facility
TGWB has been integrated with TGIF since version 4.1.29 released on April
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-3}
Kurose, J.F.
and Ross, K.W., Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-4}
Leroy, X.
The Linux Threads library - an implementation of the Posix 1003.1c thread
package for Linux.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-6}
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-17}
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-18}
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-22}
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-23}
Stallings, William.
Operating Systems, Internals and Design Principles.
Prentice Hall.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-24}
Brito, E.
Souza e Silva and W.
Reliable Multicast Communication and the Implementation of TGWB, a Shared
Vector-based Whiteboard Tool.
Technical Report.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-25}
Haviland, Keith.
Unix System Programming.
Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-26}
Stevens, Richard.
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment.
Addison Wesley Professional Computing Series.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-27}
Nichols, Bradford et al.
Pthreads Programming.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-28}
Kleiman, Steve et al.
Programming with Threads.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-29}
Stevens, Richard.
UNIX Network Programming.
Prentice Hall.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-34}
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-35}
RNP: http://www.rnp.br/multicast/multicast-beneficios.html
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-36}
A.Erramilli and R.P Sing.
\begin_inset Quotes eld
A Reliable and Eficient Multicast Protocol for Broadband Broadcast Networks
Proccedings of ACM SIGCOMM 87, pp.
343-352, August 1987.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-37}
Peterson, Larry et al.
\begin_inset Quotes eld
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-38}
\layout LyX-Code
\layout LyX-Code