Reliable Multicast Library: RML The RML is a C library developed under QPL. It is intended to guarantee reliable transmission over IP Multicast. We try to develop it in a way that it can be used in a large set of applications. The library runs on GNU/Linux and only require a full functional IP Multicast network to work properly. We provide a simple multicast chat application to test the library and you can found it in the rmchat directory. That is the simple way to learn how to build a multicast application with the Reliable Multicast Library. The Tangram-II Whiteboard (TGWB) is an application built on tgif that uses RML. Further information about TGWB can be found at README.tgwb file. You can download tgif at Documentation is available in the doc/ directory. See AUTHORS for authors' emails and/or homepages. See LICENSE.QPL for information about QPL. See INSTALL file for information on compiling the librmcast. Enjoy it. RML team at LAND (