gwm_exec* files are precompiled gwm executables for some architectures to help installation. They are only on ftp at not to waste space on and its mirrors. You must get the executable AND the associated release, e.g. gwm_exec_VERSION_ARCHI.gz and gwm-VERSION.tar.gz. Then decompress and copy the gwm_exec_VERSION_ARCHI somewhere in your PATH, naming it gwm and making it executable with chmod a+x. Then create a directory to hold the machine-independent lib files, e.g: GWMLIBDIR (recommended: /usr/local/lib/gwm), and decompress the source distrib and into it, do a: cp -p data/* data/.??* GWMLIBDIR (this not to forget the two dot-prefixed files in this dir!) and set an environment variable GWMPATH to point to it: export GWMPATH=$HOME/gwm:GWMLIBDIR or setenv GWMPATH $HOME/gwm:GWMLIBDIR NOTE: this last step is not necessary if GWMLIBDIR is set to the compiled-in one (/usr/local/lib/gwm), that you can saw as the last line printed by "gwm -h" ************************************ WARNING ********************************* GWM sends me an udp packet with just the value of "gethostname" for my private statistics on startup. You can disable this feature by recompiling with -DNO_GWM_LOG or -DNO_KOALA_SPY, or you can also set the shell environments NO_GWM_LOG or NO_KOALA_SPY to disable this feature without recompilation. ****************************************************************************** DOCUMENTATION: in the source distribution: * a tiny man page: * a reference manual in LaTeX in doc/, with the postscript version as doc/ (~ 120 pages) -- Colas Nahaboo, Koala, BULL @ INRIA Sophia,