The following modules have been added in this release:

The following modules have a new version:
 - adwaita-icon-theme (40.1.1 => 41.0)
 - at-spi2-core (2.40.3 => 2.42.0)
 - baobab (40.0 => 41.0)
 - calls (41.rc => 41.0)
 - cheese (3.38.0 => 41.0)
 - devhelp (41.rc => 41.1)
 - eog (41.rc => 41.0)
 - epiphany (41.rc => 41.0)
 - evolution-data-server (3.41.3 => 3.42.0)
 - gdm (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gjs (1.69.90 => 1.70.0)
 - glib (2.69.3 => 2.70.0)
 - glib-networking (2.70.rc => 2.70.0)
 - gnome-backgrounds (40.1 => 41.0) (*)
 - gnome-boxes (41.rc => 41.1)
 - gnome-calculator (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-calendar (41.rc1 => 41.0)
 - gnome-characters (40.0 => 41.0)
 - gnome-control-center (41.rc1 => 41.0)
 - gnome-desktop (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-disk-utility (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-font-viewer (40.0 => 41.0)
 - gnome-initial-setup (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-maps (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-music (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-remote-desktop (41.rc => 41.0) (*)
 - gnome-settings-daemon (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-shell (41.rc.1 => 41.0)
 - gnome-shell-extensions (41.rc.1 => 41.0)
 - gnome-software (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-system-monitor (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-user-docs (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gnome-weather (40.1 => 41.0)
 - gobject-introspection (1.69.0 => 1.70.0)
 - gsettings-desktop-schemas (41.rc => 41.0)
 - gssdp (1.3.1 =>
 - gupnp (1.3.1 => 1.4.0)
 - gupnp-av (0.13.1 => 0.14.0)
 - gupnp-dlna (0.11.0 => 0.12.0)
 - librsvg (2.51.4 => 2.52.0) (*)
 - mutter (41.rc => 41.0)
 - nautilus (41.rc => 41.0)
 - orca (41.rc => 41.0)
 - pango (1.48.9 => 1.48.10)
 - pygobject (3.40.1 => 3.42.0)
 - rygel (0.40.1 => 0.40.2)
 - sushi (3.38.1 => 41.0)
 - vala (0.53.2 => 0.54.1)
 - yelp (41.beta2 => 41.0)
 - yelp-tools (41.beta => 41.0)
 - yelp-xsl (41.beta => 41.0)
(*) No summarized news available

The following modules weren't upgraded in this release:
   at-spi2-atk, atk, atkmm, cantarell-fonts, clutter, clutter-gst,
   clutter-gtk, cogl, dconf, evince, folks, gcab, gcr, gdk-pixbuf, gedit,
   geocode-glib, gfbgraph, glibmm, gmime, gnome-autoar, gnome-bluetooth,
   gnome-builder, gnome-clocks, gnome-color-manager, gnome-contacts,
   gnome-keyring, gnome-logs, gnome-menus, gnome-online-accounts,
   gnome-photos, gnome-screenshot, gnome-session, gnome-terminal, gnome-tour,
   gnome-user-share, gnome-video-effects, gom, grilo, grilo-plugins, gsound,
   gspell, gtk, gtk+, gtk-doc, gtk-vnc, gtkmm, gtksourceview, gvfs, json-glib,
   libchamplain, libdazzle, libgdata, libgee, libgnomekbd, libgsf, libgtop,
   libgweather, libgxps, libhandy, libmediaart, libnma, libnotify, libpeas,
   libsecret, libsigc++, libsoup, mm-common, pangomm, phodav, pyatspi, rest,
   simple-scan, sysprof, totem, totem-pl-parser, tracker, tracker-miners, vte,


 - fullcolor network server and workgroup: #121
 - symbolic: larger symbolics for headerbar
 - symbolic: larger notification
 - updated guidelines
 - symbolic: ascend/descending sort
 - symbolic: edit-clear-all new metaphor
 - fullcolor: application-x-addon and application-x-firmware #124


What's new in at-spi2-core 2.42.0:

* Set X root property when Xwayland starts on demand.

* Several dbus introspection fixes.



Disk Usage Analyzer 41 comes with support for building the GUI on windows,
contributed Gabriel Rauter.

* Translation updates:
 - Bulgarian
 - Chinese (Taiwan)
 - Croatian
 - Czech
 - Danish
 - Dutch
 - English (United Kingdom)
 - Greek, Modern (1453-)
 - Hebrew
 - Nepali
 - Occitan (post 1500)
 - Russian
 - Slovak
 - Western Frisian


Calls 41.0
Released: September

* Fixes for the multiple network interfaces case

* Translation updates:
- Croatian (Goran Vidovi��)
- Dutch (Nathan Follens)


version 41.0
  - Allow headerbar to appear on all desktops
    Removed gtk_dialogs_use_header() and accompanying code to allow the
    headerbar to appear in GNOME as well as other desktops. Tested with
    XFCE and it works as expected.
  - Update to runtime 40 and some meta-data fixes
  - Reference of [GtkChild] fields is handled by GtkBuilder, type must
    be unowned
  - Change GLib.PtrArray into GLib.GenericArray
    This is the vala-friendly way of handling GPtrArray.
    Fix several memory leaks on the go and unnecessary reference increase.
  - libcheese: Fix critical on failing to load cropping cursor
    Loading a cursor can fail (`gdk_cursor_new_for_display()` can return
    `NULL`); avoid a critical warning in that case.
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <>
  - Allow device parameter to understand api.v4l2.path
  - Update flatpak manifest and appdata
    Make the minimal required changes to build against the current SDK.
  - Remember last used camera
    During setup_camera() in cheese-application.vala, we were not explicitly
    assigning the camera from settings and only assigning the camera from
    the command line.

    This now checks for values from both the command line and from settings
    and allows the command line to override settings.

  - Add documentation for new API
    Add gtk-doc documentation for
  - Enable cameras with only MJPEG output
    This enables cameras like Sunplus Technology 1.3M Camera with vendor ID
    04fc and device ID 2802, which only outputs through image/jpeg and
    doesn't support raw output.
  - Preserve video/x-raw over image/jpeg
    gst_caps_simplify() doesn't preserve the original order of caps, so when
    called on the full set of caps, collected from all supported_formats, it
    may end up preferring image/jpeg caps even when video/x-raw with
    identical resolution and framerate is available.

    Simplify the caps coming from each of supported_formats separately, so
    that video/x-raw always comes first in the result GstCaps.

    We prefer raw camera output whenever possible in order to avoid decoding
  - Support camera video formats with MJPEG output
    This enables higher resolutions and framerates with cameras like
    Logitech C910, which can do e.g. 1920x1080 @ 30fps, but only through
    image/jpeg output.
  - Show better error when file info query fails
  - Fix infinite loop if thumbnailer is not available
    The code in cheese_thumb_view_idle_append_item() in
    src/thumbview/cheese-thumb-view.c didn't pop the list of items to
    thumbnail if thumbnailing failed.

    Closes: #81
  - ci: Add CI
  - Added/Updated Translations
    - ca, courtesy of Gil Forcada
    - en_GB, courtesy of Zander Brown
    - fa, courtesy of Danial Behzadi
    - fur, courtesy of Fabio Tomat
    - gl, courtesy of Fran Dieguez
    - he, courtesy of Yosef Or Boczko
    - lo, courtesy of Saikeo Kavhanxay
    - ne, courtesy of Pawan Chitrakar
    - oc, courtesy of Quentin PAG��S
    - pa, courtesy of A S Alam
    - pt, courtesy of Hugo Carvalho
    - ru, courtesy of Alexey Rubtsov
    - tr, courtesy of ��a��atay Yi��it ��ahin
    - vi, courtesy of Tr���n Ng���c Qu��n
    - zh_TW, courtesy of Cheng-Chia Tseng
  - Added/Updated Documentation
    - ca, courtesy of Jordi Mas i Hern��ndez
    - es, courtesy of Daniel Mustieles
    - eu, courtesy of Asier Sarasua Garmendia
    - hu, courtesy of Bal��zs Mesk��
    - ru, courtesy of Alexey Rubtsov
    - tr, courtesy of Emin Tufan ��etin


News in 41.1, 2021-09-17
* Appdata fixes

News in 41.0, 2021-09-17
* Translation updates


Version 41.0

New and updated manual translations

- Tim Sabsch [de]
- Rodrigo Lled��, Daniel Mustieles [es]
- Asier Sarasua Garmendia [eu]
- Bal��zs ��r [hu]
- Seong-ho Cho [ko]
- Piotr Dr��g [pl]


41.0 - September 16, 2021

 * Fix several icons broken after updating PDF.js (#1593)


Evolution-Data-Server 3.42.0 2021-09-17

	Alan Mortensen (da)
	Bal��zs ��r (hu)
	Boyuan Yang (zh_CN)
	Changwoo Ryu (ko)
	Charles Monzat (fr)
	Daniel ��erb��nescu (ro)
	Goran Vidovi�� (hr)
	Luna Jernberg (sv)
	Nathan Follens (nl)
	Philipp Kiemle (de)
	Piotr Dr��g (pl)
	Zander Brown (en_GB)


Version 41.0
- Translation updates


Version 1.70.0

- No changes from release candidate 1.69.90.

Version 1.68.4

- Build fix backported from the development branch. [#436, !667, Evan Welsh]


Overview of changes in GLib 2.70.0

* Bugs fixed:
 - !2248 ci: Replace FreeBSD 11 with FreeBSD 13

* Translation updates:
 - Croatian
 - Danish
 - English (United Kingdom)
 - French
 - German
 - Hungarian
 - Polish
 - Swedish
 - Turkish


2.70.0 - September 16, 2021

 - Updated translations


41.1 - 18 Sep, 2021

Changes since 41.1

  - Fix regression preventing onboarding dialog from loading
  - Fix regression preventing VM clone operations from completing

All contributors to this release:

Felipe Borges <>

41.0 - 17 Sep, 2021

Changes since 41.rc

  - Added/updated/fixed translations:
    - Croatian
    - Danish
    - Dutch
    - Hungarian
    - Polish
    - Russian
    - Spanish
    - Swedish

All contributors to this release:

Alan Mortensen <>
Anders Jonsson <>
Bal��zs ��r <>
Felipe Borges <>
Goran Vidovi�� <>
Konstantin Nezhbert <>
Nathan Follens <>
Piotr Dr��g <>
Rodrigo Lled�� <>


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 41.0
    * Updated Translations
    * Use first translated symbol for conversion with button #219 (Robert Roth)
    * Appdata includes hardware support information (Adrien Plazas)


Major changes in 41.0:
* Updated translations



* Bugs fixed:
 - !57 window: Show the close button on the sidebar (Adrien Plazas)

* Translation updates:
 - Belarusian
 - Chinese (Taiwan)
 - Danish
 - English (United Kingdom)
 - Greek, Modern (1453-)
 - Hebrew
 - Korean
 - Nepali
 - Occitan (post 1500)
 - Russian
 - Tamil
 - Western Frisian


Version 41.0

- Cleanup the development Flatpak manifest
- Updated translations

User Accounts
- Add parental controls keywords


Version 41.0

- Translation updates


41.0 - September 18, 2021

Guido G��nther:
 * metainfo: Add minimum screen size requirement and input recommendations
 * desktop-file: Add X-Purism-Form-Factor

Updated translations:
 * Alan Mortensen (da), Alexander Shopov (bg), Anders Jonsson (sv),
   Bal��zs Mesk�� (hu), Boyuan Yang (zh_CN), Du��an Kazik (sk),
   Emin Tufan ��etin (tr), Goran Vidovi�� (hr), Guillaume Bernard (fr),
   Nathan Follens (nl), Philipp Kiemle (de), Piotr Dr��g (pl)


GNOME Font Viewer - 41.0
Fonts 41 comes with the following translation updates:
 - Catalan
 - Chinese (China)
 - Friulian
 - Hebrew
 - Occitan
 - Russian



* Bugs fixed:
 - !124 software: call fedora-third-party properly

* Translation updates:
 - Croatian
 - Danish
 - Hungarian
 - Polish
 - Turkish


41.0 - Sep 18, 2021

Changes since 41.rc
 - State hardware support in appdata

Added/updated/fixed translations
 - Danish
 - Polish
 - Dutch
 - Hungarian
 - French
 - Korean
 - Croatian

All contributors to this release
Adrien Plazas <>
Alan Mortensen <>
Bal��zs Mesk�� <>
Goran Vidovi�� <>
Guillaume Bernard <>
Jeeyong Um <>
Marcus Lundblad <>
Nathan Follens <>
Piotr Dr��g <>


Overview of changes in 41.0

Updated translations:


Version 41.0
- Translation updates

USB protection:
- don't crash when screensaver service is unavailable

- Fix location of comments for translators



  Goran Vidovi�� [hr], Jordi Mas [ca], Aman Alam [pa], Bal��zs ��r [hu],
  Piotr Dr��g [pl], Nathan Follens [nl], Quentin PAG��S [oc], Jiri Gr��nroos [fi],
  Alexander Shopov [bg], Alan Mortensen [da], Efstathios Iosifidis [el]


* Bump version


Version 41.0
Released: 2021-09-17

This is a stable release with the following changes:
 * Instead of showing all package-based apps as "potentially unsafe", only use that language for
   3rd party ones
 * Fix a bug where the "Show more" button on an app details page would flicker when the window is
 * Fix a bug where Software sometimes shows an Uninstall button after uninstalling something
 * Add GNOME Circle apps to the featured carousel
 * Fix a bug where Software would sometimes fail to execute an install/remove operation for
   PackageKit software rather than showing a PolicyKit password prompt
 * Fix a bug where Software would fail to upgrade the distribution via PackageKit
 * Fix the hiding of rows on the Updates tab after they have been updated

This release also updates translations:
 * Basque
 * Catalan
 * Chinese (China)
 * Croatian
 * Czech
 * Danish
 * Dutch
 * Finnish
 * French
 * Galician
 * German
 * Hungarian
 * Indonesian
 * Korean
 * Lithuanian
 * Occitan (post 1500)
 * Polish
 * Portuguese
 * Portuguese (Brazil)
 * Romanian
 * Russian
 * Slovenian
 * Spanish
 * Swedish
 * Ukrainian


New in 41.0 - 18 September 2021

* Updated translations


* Added docs for emoji picker (Andre Klapper)
* Updated settings docs (Andre Klapper)
* Added Ethernet diagram (Andre Klapper)
* Updated translations:
  ca    (Jordi Mas)
  cs    (Marek ��ernock��)
  es    (Daniel Mustieles, Jorge Toledo)
  es    (Jorge Toledo)
  fa    (Danial Behzadi)
  hr    (Goran Vidovi��)
  hu    (Bal��zs ��r)
  id    (Andika Triwidada)
  pl    (Piotr Dr��g)
  pt    (Hugo Carvalho)
  pt_BR (Rafael Fontenelle)
  sv    (Anders Jonsson)
  uk    (Yuri Chornoivan)


* Translation updates:
 - Belarusian
 - Croatian
 - Danish
 - Western Frisian


1.70.0 - 2021-09-17

* Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, and GIO


Major changes in 41.0
- Translation updates


1.4.0 (stable)
 - Fix building the sniffer when built as subproject
 - Do not build docs by default

All contributors to this release:
 - Jens Georg <>


1.4.0 (stable)

- Fix fallback option for GSSDP dependency
- Linux CM: Fix address family filtering
- Linux CM: Fix a typo

All contributors to this release:
 - Robert Tiemann <>
 - Jens Georg <>

1.3.1 (development)


0.14.0 (stable)

- Re-tag of 0.13.1 as stable version, no other changes

0.13.1 (development)


0.12.0 (stable)

- Re-tag of 0.11 as 0.12. No functional change

0.11.0 (development)


* Avoid race in wl_seat capabilities [Olivier; !77]
* Expose option groups/entries to introspection [Corentin; !1976]

  Olivier Fourdan, Corentin No��l

  Daniel ��erb��nescu [ro], Goran Vidovi�� [hr], Luna Jernberg [sv],
  eshagh shahidani [fa], Gwan-gyeong Mun [ko], Emin Tufan ��etin [tr],
  Philipp Kiemle [de], Bal��zs ��r [hu], Piotr Dr��g [pl], Nathan Follens [nl],
  Jordi Mas [ca], Ask Hjorth Larsen [da]


Major changes in 41.0
* Translation updates


41.0 - 16 September 2021


* Fix compatibility with Python 3.10

New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

  da              Danish                    Alan Mortensen
  de              German                    Tim Sabsch
  es              Spanish (markup fix)      Andre Klapper



Overview of changes in 1.48.10
* Fix a crash in strikethrough drawing (#599)
* pango-view: Support antialiasing freetype
* pango-view: Use GraphicsMagick


3.42.0 - 2021-09-19

* meson: Bump minimum meson_version to 0.47.0
* Expose GObject.Object.run_dispose() :issue:`470`
* docs: document Gtk.Template. :issue:`396`
* dev: Add poetry support
* meson: use main branch for glib subproject
* Fix some small memory leaks :mr:`178`



- Disable tracker2 in default build options
- Updated translations
- Fixed potential race condition in meson build

All contributors to this release:
 - Rico Tzschichholz <>
 - Quentin PAG��S <>
 - Yaron Shahrabani <>
 - Pawan Chitrakar <>
 - Charles Monzat <>
 - Fran Dieguez <>

Added/updated translations:
 - fr.po, courtesy of Guillaume Bernard
 - gl.po, courtesy of Fran Dieguez
 - he.po, courtesy of Yaron Shahrabani
 - ne.po, courtesy of Pawan Chitrakar



- Drop libmusicbrainz dependency (use libsoup directly)
- Account for scale-factor when estimating window size
- Build against webkit2gtk-4.1 (!23, Javier Jard��n)
- Disable webkit sandboxing (!18, Joel Ong)
- Translation updates


Vala 0.54.1
 * Regression and bug fixes:
  - codegen:
    + Add type declaration for implicit temporary local variable
    + Sealed class in external package is not special [#1229]

 * Bindings:
  - gstreamer: Update from 1.19.0+ git master
  - gtk4: Update to 4.5.0~3e20ecd6

Vala 0.54.0
 * Various improvements and bug fixes:
  - vala: Warn about unsupported cast to void and drop it [#1070]
  - vala: Don't restrict element type of GLib.Array [#1227]
  - valadoc: Correctly format background of inline @link's [#1226]

 * Bindings:
  - gio-2.0: Unhide a few usable symbols which are marked not introspectable [#1222]


* No changes since beta2, stable release only


* Updates documentation (Andre Klapper)
* Updates to build files (Jan Tojnar)


* No changes since beta, stable release only