.\" $NetBSD: axen.4,v 1.7 2018/07/27 19:11:56 snj Exp $ .\" $OpenBSD: axen.4,v 1.2 2013/10/07 07:18:36 jmc Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2013 Yojiro UO <yuo@nui.org> .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .Dd July 27, 2018 .Dt AXEN 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm axen .Nd ASIX Electronics AX88178a/AX88179 10/100/Gigabit USB Ethernet device .Sh SYNOPSIS .Cd "axen* at uhub? port ?" .Cd "rgephy* at mii?" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm driver provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the ASIX Electronics AX88178a USB 2.0 and AX88179 USB 3.0 chipsets including the following: .Pp .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact .It Buffalo LUA4-U3-AGT .It D-Link DUB-1312 .It Kurotoshiko GbE-USB3.0 .It Kurotoshiko GbE-USB3.0S2 .It Logitec LAN-GTJU3 .It Logitec LAN-GTJU3H3 .It Shanghai Donya DN-84327 .El .Pp The .Nm driver supports the following media types: .Bl -tag -width "autoselect" .It autoselect Enable autoselection of the media type and options (this is the default). The user can manually override the autoselected mode by adding media options to the appropriate .Xr ifconfig.if 5 file. .It 10baseT Set 10Mbps operation. .It 100baseTX Set 100Mbps (Fast Ethernet) operation. .It 1000baseT Set 1000Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet) operation. .El .Pp For more information on configuring this device, see .Xr ifconfig 8 . .Sh DIAGNOSTICS .Bl -diag .It "axen%d: watchdog timeout" A packet was queued for transmission and a transmit command was issued, however the device failed to acknowledge the transmission before a timeout expired. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr arp 4 , .Xr mii 4 , .Xr netintro 4 , .Xr rgephy 4 , .Xr usb 4 , .Xr ifconfig.if 5 , .Xr ifconfig 8 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm device driver first appeared in .Ox 5.4 and in .Nx 7.0 . .Sh AUTHORS .An -nosplit The .Nm driver was written by .An Yojiro UO Aq Mt yuo@nui.org for .Ox and ported to .Nx by .An NONAKA Kimihiro Aq Mt nonaka@NetBSD.org .