# Security Policy
ISC's Security Vulnerability Disclosure Policy is documented in the
relevant [ISC Knowledgebase article][1].
## Reporting possible security issues
If you think you may be seeing a potential security vulnerability in
BIND (for example, a crash with a REQUIRE, INSIST, or ASSERT failure),
please report it immediately by [opening a confidential GitLab issue][2]
(preferred) or emailing bind-security@isc.org.
Please do not discuss undisclosed security vulnerabilities on any public
mailing list. ISC has a long history of handling reported
vulnerabilities promptly and effectively and we respect and acknowledge
responsible reporters.
If you have a crash, you may want to consult the Knowledgebase article
entitled ["What to do if your BIND or DHCP server has crashed"][3].
[1]: https://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-00861
[2]: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/-/issues/new?issue[confidential]=true&issuable_template=Bug
[3]: https://kb.isc.org/docs/aa-00340