# $OpenLDAP$
# Copyright 1999-2019 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved.

P1: Preface

# document's copyright
P2[notoc] Copyright

Copyright 1998-2012, The {{ORG[expand]OLF}}, {{All Rights Reserved}}.

Copyright 1992-1996, Regents of the {{ORG[expand]UM}}, {{All Rights Reserved}}.

This document is considered a part of OpenLDAP Software.  This
document is subject to terms of conditions set forth in {{SECT:OpenLDAP
Software Copyright Notices}} and the {{SECT:OpenLDAP Public License}}.
Complete copies of the notices and associated license can be found
in Appendix K and L, respectively.

Portions of OpenLDAP Software and this document may be copyright
by other parties and/or subject to additional restrictions.  Individual
source files should be consulted for additional copyright notices.

P2[notoc] Scope of this Document

This document provides a guide for installing [[DOC_NAME]]
({{URL:http://www.openldap.org/software/}}) on {{TERM:UNIX}} (and
UNIX-like) systems.  The document is aimed at experienced system
administrators with basic understanding of {{TERM:LDAP}}-based
directory services.

This document is meant to be used in conjunction with other OpenLDAP
information resources provided with the software package and on the
project's site ({{URL:http://www.OpenLDAP.org/}}) on the
{{TERM[expand]WWW}}.  The site makes available a number of resources.

!block table; align=Center; coltags="N,URL"; \
	title="OpenLDAP Resources"
Document Catalog|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/doc/
Frequently Asked Questions|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/faq/
Issue Tracking System|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/its/
Mailing Lists|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/lists/
Manual Pages|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/software/man.cgi
Software Pages|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/software/
Support Pages|http://www.OpenLDAP.org/support/
This document is not a complete reference for OpenLDAP software; the
manual pages are the definitive documentation. For best results,
you should use the manual pages that were installed on your system
with your version of OpenLDAP software so that you're looking at
documentation that matches the code. While the OpenLDAP web site
also provides the manual pages for convenience, you can not assume
that they corresond to the particular version you're running.

P2[notoc] Acknowledgments

The {{ORG[expand]OLP}} is comprised of a team of volunteers.  This
document would not be possible without their contribution of time
and energy.

The OpenLDAP Project would also like to thank the {{ORG[expand]UMLDAP}}
for building the foundation of LDAP software and information to
which OpenLDAP Software is built upon.  This document is based upon
University of Michigan document: {{REF[expand]UM-GUIDE}}.

P2[notoc] Amendments

Suggested enhancements and corrections to this document should be
submitted using the {{PRD:OpenLDAP}} {{TERM[expand]ITS}}
({{URL: http://www.openldap.org/its/}}).

P2[notoc] About this document

This document was produced using the {{TERM[expand]SDF}} ({{TERM:SDF}})
documentation system
developed by {{Ian Clatworthy}}.  Tools for SDF are available from
{{ORG:CPAN}} ({{URL:http://search.cpan.org/search?query=SDF&mode=dist}}).