
     15 September 1998           Jeffrey Baker <jeff@godzilla.tamu.edu>



This is Apache::Session 0.16.

These modules are used to keep persistent user data across http requests.
Apache::Session was designed for use with Apache and mod_perl.

Four storage systems are defined: DBI-compliant database, Win32 shared 
memory, IPC shared memory, and flat files.  

Apache::Session is Copyright(c) 1998 Jeffrey William Baker
<jeff@godzilla.tamu.edu>.  Distribute under the Artistic License.


Build and install Perl (pref. 5.004_04), Apache (pref. 1.3.0) and mod_perl
(pref. 1.15).  To use Apache::Session at all, you must have the MD5 module,
available on CPAN (http://www.perl.com/CPAN).

Apache::Session::DBI needs DBI and at least one DBD, plus FreezeThaw, 
available on CPAN.

Apache::Session::Win32 requires that you be using a Win32 operating system
(e.g. Windows NT).

Apache::Session::IPC requires the IPC::Shareable module and a SysV IPC
compliant operating system.

Apache::Session::File requires the Storable module and a writeable file-


tar -xvzf Apache-Session-0.15.tar.gz
cd Apache-Session-0.15
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Substitute "nmake" for "make" above if you are using Windows.

Consult the pod for the storage mechanism that you plan on using.

This version of Apache::Session::DBI is not backward compatible
with the table structure from version 0.14.  Please see perldoc


use Apache;
use Apache::Constants;
use Apache::Session::Win32;

my $r = Apache->request();

my $session_id = $r->path_info(); # storing session id in the URL
$session_id =~ s/^\///;

my $session = Apache::Session::Win32->open(
                $session_id, { autocommit => 0, 
                               lifetime   => 3600 }
                                          ) ||
                             { autocommit => 0,
                               lifetime   => 3600 }

$session_id = $session->{'_ID'};
$session->{'username'} = {'John Doe'};

print "Your name is ".$session->{'username'};


Jeffrey Baker is the author of Apache::Session.

Gerald Richter <richter@ecos.de> wrote the tied hash interface and
kickstarted the test suite.

Jochen Wiedeman <joe@ipsoft.de> contributed patches for bugs and
improved performance.

Randy Harmon <rjharmon@uptimecomputers.com> created storage independence
through subclassing, with useful comments, suggestions, and source code

  Bavo De Ridder <bavo@ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be>
  Jules Bean <jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk>
  Lincoln Stein <lstein@cshl.org>
Doug MacEachern wrote mod_perl.

Larry Wall wrote perl.

This README format is shamelessly stolen from Edmund Mergl 


Apache   by Apache Group    comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
mod_perl by Doug MacEachern modperl@apache.org