WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax, version 0.08 (alpha) Plugin for WWW::Scripter that provides the XMLHttpRequest object. RECENT CHANGES 0.08 ---- file: URLs now work when they contain %-escapes beyond the ASCII range. 0.07 ---- ��� send() now sets the Content-Length header for a POST request. Thanks to Erwan Mas for fixing this. ��� send(data) now actually sends the data when the Content-Type has been set explicitly with an encoding. Thanks to Erwan Mas for finding this. 0.06 ---- ��� perl 5.8.4 and lower are no longer supported. ��� LWP errors are now turned into NETWORK_ERRs. ��� Encoding detection has been improved. ��� The open method now dies if the name argument contains a colon. �����Names and passwords are now sent in UTF-8 encoding. �����The body of a request is now encoded in UTF-8 if it is text, or in whatever encoding is specified via setRequestHeader. ��� Document objects passed to send() are now serialised properly. �����send no longer has a return value. �����onreadystatechange is no longer triggered multiple times by send() for synchronous requests. �����The abort method now actually aborts when called from a readystate- change handler. ��� The abort method now switches the state to DONE and calls the readystatechange handlers before aborting if the send method is active. INSTALLATION The easiest way to install this module is to use the CPAN module or the cpan script: [sudo] perl -MCPAN -e "install WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax" [sudo] cpan WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax Or you can use the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test [sudo] make install PREREQUISITES This module requires: - perl 5.8.5 or higher - WWW::Scripter - WWW::Scripter::Plugin::JavaScript 0.002 or later - XML::DOM::Lite - constant::lexical - HTML::DOM 0.013 or later - Encode 2.09 or higher - LWP - URI DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for these modules with the perldoc command. perldoc WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax Or try using man (it's faster, in my experience): man WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright �� 2008-10 Father Chrysostomos This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl.