Dancer::Plugin::DBIC - DBIx::Class interface for Dancer applications

    version 0.1600

        use Dancer;
        use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';

        get '/users/:id' => sub {
            my $user = schema->resultset('User')->find(param 'id');
            template user_profile => {
                user => $user


    This plugin makes it very easy to create Dancer applications that
    interface with databases. It automatically exports the keyword "schema"
    which returns a DBIx::Class::Schema object. You just need to configure
    your database connection information. For performance, schema objects
    are cached in memory and are lazy loaded the first time they are

    Configuration can be done in your Dancer config file. This is a minimal
    example. It defines one database named "default":

              dsn: dbi:SQLite:dbname=some.db

    In this example, there are 2 databases configured named "default" and

              dsn: dbi:SQLite:dbname=some.db
              schema_class: My::Schema
              dsn:  dbi:mysql:foo
              schema_class: Foo::Schema
              user: bob
              pass: secret
                RaiseError: 1
                PrintError: 1

    Each database configured must have a dsn option. The dsn option should
    be the DBI driver connection string. All other options are optional.

    If you only have one schema configured, or one of them is named
    "default", you can call "schema" without an argument to get the only or
    "default" schema, respectively.

    If a schema_class option is not provided, then
    DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader will be used to dynamically load the schema
    based on the dsn value. This is for convenience only and should not be
    used in production. See "SCHEMA GENERATION" below for caveats.

    The schema_class option, should be a proper Perl package name that
    Dancer::Plugin::DBIC will use as a DBIx::Class::Schema class.
    Optionally, a database configuation may have user, pass, and options
    parameters as described in the documentation for "connect()" in DBI.

    You may also declare your connection information in the following format
    (which may look more familiar to DBIC users):

                - dbi:mysql:foo
                - bob
                - secret
                  RaiseError: 1
                  PrintError: 1

    This plugin provides just the keyword "schema" which returns a
    DBIx::Class::Schema object ready for you to use. If you have configured
    only one database, then you can call "schema" with no arguments:

        my $user = schema->resultset('User')->find('bob');

    If you have configured multiple databases, you can still call "schema"
    with no arguments if there is a database named "default" in the
    configuration. Otherwise, you must provide "schema()" with the name of
    the database:

        my $user = schema('foo')->resultset('User')->find('bob');

    There are two approaches for generating schema classes. You may generate
    your own DBIx::Class classes by hand and set the corresponding
    "schema_class" setting in your configuration as shown above. This is the
    recommended approach for performance and stability.

    It is also possible to have schema classes automatically generated via
    introspection (powered by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader) if you omit the
    "schema_class" configuration setting. However, this is highly
    discouraged for production environments. The "v7" naming scheme will be
    used for naming the auto generated classes. See "naming" in
    DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base for more information about naming.

    For generating your own schema classes, you can use the dbicdump command
    line tool provided by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader to help you. For
    example, if your app were named Foo, then you could run the following
    from the root of your project directory:

        dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib Foo::Schema dbi:SQLite:/path/to/foo.db

    For that example, your "schema_class" setting would be "Foo::Schema".

    *   Al Newkirk <>

    *   Naveed Massjouni <>

    *   Alexis Sukrieh <>

    *   Franck Cuny <>

    *   David Precious <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2010 by awncorp.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.