NAME Devel::Local - Use Development Code in Place SYNOPSIS Devel::Local sets up your Perl development environment with the PERL5LIB and PATH variables that you want. This lets you write and test code in several interdependent repositories at once, without needing to install anything after changing it. It is similar to local::lib but easier to use, and simlar to ylib but more complete. There are several ways to use Devel::Local. In your Perl code you can do just that: use Devel::Local; Or when you run a Perl program you can do this: > perl -MDevel::Local To use it with many Perl programs: > export PERL5OPT='-MDevel::Local' > perl > perl To set up your environment with Devel::Local: > export PERL5LIB=`perl -MDevel::Local::PERL5LIB` > export PATH=`perl -MDevel::Local::PATH` The handiest way to use Devel::Local is to add this line to your .bashrc: source `which` Then you'll have the "devel-local" Bash function to set up your environment whenever you need to: > devel-local [optional-arguments] See USAGE below from more details. DESCRIPTION Sometimes when you are developing Perl software there can several Perl module code repositories involved. This module lets you specify which repositories you want to load Perl modules from, and formats them into a PERL5LIB environment variable format. Devel::Local takes a list of Perl module repositories that you specify in your current directory or your home directory. It adds the lib/ subdirectories to the current value of PERL5LIB, and it also adds the bin/ subdirectories to your PATH environment variable. You can use absolute paths, relative paths and even type-globs. In addition to keeping a list of paths in specially named files, you can name a specific list file or name specific paths containing lib and bin dirs. Devel::Local always converts the paths to absolute forms, so switching directories should not break the behavior. USAGE As was pointed out in the SYNOPSIS above, there are several ways to invoke Devel::Local. In each of those forms, you have several ways to indicate your paths of interest: "$HOME/.perl-devel-local" Create a file called "~/.perl-devel-local" that has lines like this: # Use the GitHub versions of these: . ~/src/yaml-libyaml-pm/ ~/src/catalyst-* "./devel-local" Create a file called "./devel-local" that looks like this: # Use the GitHub versions of these: . ../yaml-libyaml-pm/ ../catalyst-* $PERL_DEVEL_LOCAL You may also use any other config file path you wish, by setting the "PERL_DEVEL_LOCAL" environment variable. NOTE: Devel::Local will ignore all the lines in these config files after the first blank line. This way, you can put several groupings of devel libraries in one file. Just make sure that the grouping you want to use is at the top of the file. "Specify Config File" You can specify the config file directly: use Devel::Local /path/to/devel-local-conf or: > devel-local /path/to/devel-local-conf "List of Paths" You can list paths directly: use Devel::Local qw(. ../yaml-libyaml-pm/ ../catalyst-*); or: > devel-local . ../yaml-libyaml-pm/ ../catalyst-* XS AND "BLIB" You can use Devel::Local with modules that are not pure Perl. In other words, modules that get compiled before installing. If Devel::Local sees a ".xs" file anywhere in the dist, it will add "blib/" to the "PERL5LIB" after <lib/>. It is up to you to run "make" after changing your .xs code, so that the changes get added to your "blib/". DISPLAY $PATH AND $PERL5LIB Whenever you use the "devel-local" bash function, it will pretty print the values. If you just want to see the values listed without modifying them, do this: > devel-local ? TURNING "DEVEL::LOCAL" OFF Devel::Local puts a special delimiter, '|', in the PATH variables, so that it can later remove the things it added. You can trigger this by passing it a single argument of '!'. > devel::local # Add stuff to $PATH and $PERL5LIB > devel::local path/foo path/bar-* # Add more stuff > devel::local ! # Reset to original values SEE ALSO * File::Share * ylib * local::lib AUTHOR Ingy d��t Net <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011-2014. Ingy d��t Net. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <>