DBIx::TempDB - Create a temporary database


      use Test::More;
      use DBIx::TempDB;
      use DBI;

      # provide credentials with environment variables
      plan skip_all => 'TEST_PG_DSN=postgresql://postgres@localhost' unless $ENV{TEST_PG_DSN};

      # create a temp database
      my $tmpdb = DBIx::TempDB->new($ENV{TEST_PG_DSN});

      # print complete url to db server with database name
      diag $tmpdb->url;

      # useful for reading in fixtures
      $tmpdb->execute("create table users (name text)");

      # connect to the temp database
      my $db = DBI->connect($tmpdb->dsn);

      # run tests...

      # database is cleaned up when test exit

    DBIx::TempDB is a module which allows you to create a temporary
    database, which only lives as long as your process is alive. This can be
    very convenient when you want to run tests in parallel, without messing
    up the state between tests.

    This module currently support PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite by installing
    the optional DBD::Pg, DBD::mysql and/or DBD::SQLite modules.

    Please create an issue <>
    or pull request for more backend support.

    Creating a database is easy, but making sure it gets clean up when your
    process exit is a totally different ball game. This means that
    DBIx::TempDB might fill up your server with random databases, unless you
    choose the right "drop strategy". Have a look at the "drop_from_child"
    parameter you can give to "new" and test the different values and select
    the one that works for you.

    Setting this variable will disable the core feature in this module: A
    unique database will be created, but it will not get dropped/deleted.

    This variable is set by "create_database" and contains the complete URL
    pointing to the temporary database.

    Note that calling "create_database" on different instances of
    DBIx::TempDB will overwrite "DBIX_TEMP_DB_URL".

      $self = $self->create_database;

    This method will create a temp database for the current process. Calling
    this method multiple times will simply do nothing. This method is
    normally automatically called by "new".

    The database name generate is defined by the "template" parameter passed
    to "new", but normalization will be done to make it work for the given

      ($dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs) = $self->dsn;
      ($dsn, $user, $pass, $attrs) = DBIx::TempDB->dsn($url);

    Will parse "url" or $url, and return a list of arguments suitable for
    "connect" in DBI.

    Note that this method cannot be called as an object method before
    "create_database" is called. You can on the other hand call it as a
    class method, with a URI::db or URL string as input.

      $self = $self->execute(@sql);

    This method will execute a list of @sql statements in the temporary SQL

      $self = $self->execute_file("relative/to/executable.sql");
      $self = $self->execute_file("/absolute/path/stmt.sql");

    This method will read the contents of a file and execute the SQL
    statements in the temporary server.

    This method is a thin wrapper around "execute".

      $self = DBIx::TempDB->new($url, %args);
      $self = DBIx::TempDB->new("mysql://");
      $self = DBIx::TempDB->new("postgresql://");
      $self = DBIx::TempDB->new("sqlite:");

    Creates a new object after checking the $url is valid. %args can be:

    *   auto_create

        "create_database" will be called automatically, unless "auto_create"
        is set to a false value.

    *   create_database_command

        Can be set to a custom create database command in the database. The
        default is "create database %d", where %d will be replaced by the
        generated database name.

        For even more control, you can set this to a code ref which will be
        called like this:


        The default is subject to change.

    *   drop_database_command

        Can be set to a custom drop database command in the database. The
        default is "drop database %d", where %d will be replaced by the
        generated database name.

        For even more control, you can set this to a code ref which will be
        called like this:


        The default is subject to change.

    *   drop_from_child

        Setting "drop_from_child" to a true value will create a child
        process which will remove the temporary database, when the main
        process ends. There are two possible values:

        "drop_from_child=1" (the default) will create a child process which
        monitor the DBIx::TempDB object with a pipe. This will then DROP the
        temp database if the object goes out of scope or if the process

        "drop_from_child=2" will create a child process detached from the
        parent, which monitor the parent with "kill(0, $parent)".

        The double fork code is based on a paste contributed by Easy Connect
        AS <>, Knut Arne Bj��rndal.

    *   template

        Customize the generated database name. Default template is
        "tmp_%U_%X_%H%i". Possible variables to expand are:

          %i = The number of tries if tries are higher than 0. Example: "_3"
          %H = Hostname
          %P = Process ID ($$)
          %T = Process start time ($^T)
          %U = UID of current user
          %X = Basename of executable

        The default is subject to change!

      $url = $self->url;

    Returns the input URL as URI::db compatible object. This URL will have
    the dbname part set to the database from "create_database", but not
    *until* after "create_database" is actually called.

    The URL returned can be passed directly to modules such as Mojo::Pg and

    Copyright (C) 2015, Jan Henning Thorsen

    This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.

    Jan Henning Thorsen - ""