NAME HTTP::AcceptLanguage - Accept-Language header parser and find available language HOW DO I USE THIS MODULE WITH WITH use HTTP::AcceptLanguage; my $lang = HTTP::AcceptLanguage->new($ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE})->match(qw/ en fr es ja zh-tw /); WITH raw PSGI use HTTP::AcceptLanguage; my $lang = HTTP::AcceptLanguage->new($env->{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE})->match(qw/ en fr es ja zh-tw /); WITH Plack::Request use HTTP::AcceptLanguage; my $lang = HTTP::AcceptLanguage->new($req->header('Accept-Language'))->match(qw/ en fr es ja zh-tw /); SYNOPSIS Good example of the input and output. # If language quality is the same then order by match method's input list my $accept_language = HTTP::AcceptLanguage->new('en;q=0.5, ja;q=0.1'); $accept_language->match(qw/ th da ja /); # -> ja $accept_language->match(qw/ en ja /); # -> en my $accept_language = HTTP::AcceptLanguage->new('en, da'); $accept_language->match(qw/ da en /); # -> da $accept_language->match(qw/ en da /); # -> en You can obtain the order of preference of the available languages ������������list of client my $accept_language = HTTP::AcceptLanguage->new('en, ja;q=0.3, da;q=1, *;q=0.29, ch-tw'); $accept_language->languages; # -> en, da, ch-tw, ja, * DESCRIPTION HTTP::AcceptLanguage is HTTP Accept-Language header parser And you can find available language by Accept-Language header. METHODS new($ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}) It to specify a string of Accept-Language header. match(@available_language) By your available language list, returns the most optimal language. If language quality is the same, the order of the input list takes precedence. languages Returns are arranged in order of quality language list parsed. AUTHOR Kazuhiro Osawa <yappo {at} shibuya {dot} pl> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013- Kazuhiro Osawa LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO RFC2616, I18N::AcceptLanguage