PPM/Repositories ============================= INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install NAME PPM::Repositories - a list of all *known* ppm package repositories SYNOPSIS use PPM::Repositories; # # Print out all *Active* repositories for perl 5.8.x # for my $rep ( keys %Repositories ) { next unless $Repositories{$rep}->{Active}; next unless grep { $_ == 5.8 } @{ $Repositories{$rep}->{PerlV} }; print $rep,$/, $Repositories{$rep}->{location},$/, $Repositories{$rep}->{Notes},$/, $/; # uncomment the following lines to automatically add them to your config # use PPM; # PPM::AddRepository( # "repository" => $rep, # "location" => $Repositories{$rep}->{location}, # "save" => 'yes'); } DESCRIPTION This is a list of all known ppm repositores (barring the activestate ones). Currently, most of them are Win32 specific, mainly because the *nix folks have CPAN/CPANPLUS as well as free compilers. An example entry in %Repositories looks like: datetime => { location => 'http://datetime.perl.org/download', Type => 'Webpage', Active => 1, Notes => 'Get your DateTime modules here', PerlV => [ 5.6, 5.8 ], PerlO => ['MSWin32'], }, The meaning of the key/value pairs should be obvious. Active is either 1, or 0, and it indicates whether or not that particular repository existed (you could reach it via the internet), and contained ppm packages, when this module was released. PerlO is the value of $^O. The value 'perl' is used to indicate pure-perl (meaning all OS'). $^O values for various operating systems: http://alma.ch/perl/perloses.htm http://crazyinsomniac.perlmonk.org/perl/misc/perloses.htm See the SYNOPSIS for example usage. See PPM for help with ppm. EXPORT %Repositories is exported by default. BUGS/ADDITIONS Please use https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=PPM-Repositories to report *bugs*/additions or send mail to <bug-PPM-Repositories@rt.cpan.org>. AUTHOR D. H. aka PodMaster LICENSE Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 by D.H. aka PodMaster. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you don't know what this means, visit http://perl.com/ or http://cpan.org/. SEE ALSO PPM, PPM::Make, CPANPLUS, CPAN.